Increasing the level of capitalization in the domestic banking business in the context of economic instability

The main approaches to formulating the concept of "capitalization" and the comprehensive, systemic, functional, integrated, and strategic perspectives. Assessing the sufficiency of a bank's capital. Analysis of economic indicators of capital adequacy.

Рубрика Банковское, биржевое дело и страхование
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Дата добавления 19.09.2024
Размер файла 48,2 K

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Pas` Ya.I., Sidiki O.S.


capital capitalization economic bank

The article explores the main approaches to formulating the concept of "capitalization" and summarizes the comprehensive, systemic, functional, integrated, and strategic perspectives. It provides indicators for assessing the sufficiency of a bank's capital, allowing an evaluation of the overall efficiency of the banking system in Ukraine. An analysis of economic indicators of capital adequacy from 2015 to 2023 has been conducted, highlighting the sustained development of the financial environment. However, it emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring and effective risk management in the banking business to ensure the stability of the banking sector amid dynamic market conditions. The directions for increasing the level of capitalization in the domestic banking business are outlined, including stimulating the growth of regulatory capital indicators, monitoring and supporting capital sufficiency norms, evaluating key factors influencing the decrease in the sufficiency of core capital, engaging international organizations, and responding to changes in the economic environment and legislation.

Keywords: banking system, banking business, capitalization, market environment, adequacy of bank capital, return on bank capital.


Дослідження питання капіталізації банківського бізнесу та банківської системи в цілому набуває особливої актуальності в умовах посиленого впливу глобалізаційних процесів. Фінансові кризи зумовлюють необхідність удосконалення управління якістю капіталу та його підтримки на належному рівні для покриття непередбачених витрат. У статті висвітлено наукові підходи до формулювання поняття «капіталізація» й узагальнено комплексний, системний, функціональний, комплексний і стратегічний. Наведено показники для визначення адекватності капіталу банків, які дають змогу оцінити загальну ефективність банківської системи України. Проведено аналіз економічних показників достатності капіталу вітчизняних банків впродовж 20152023 рр. та визначено сталий розвиток фінансового середовища, проте потребує подальшого моніторингу та ефективного управління ризиками банківського бізнесу для забезпечення стабільності банківського сектору в умовах динамічного фінансового ринку. З метою стабілізації і ефективного функціонування банківського бізнесу сформовано низку заходів з метою підвищення його капіталізації шляхом встановлення нормативів розміру й достатності регулятивного капіталу, а також окремих його складових. Окреслено напрями підвищення рівня капіталізації вітчизняного банківського бізнесу, зокрема: стимулювання зростання показників регулятивного капіталу (запровадження посилених заходів в діяльність банків щодо запровадження додаткових капітальних вкладень і кращого розуміння управління ризиками); моніторинг та підтримка стандартів достатності капіталу (дотримання стандартів на належному рівні й встановлення механізмів виявлення і вирішення проблем, які можуть виникнути в цьому контексті); оцінка основних факторів, що впливають на зниження нормативу достатності капіталу (детальний аналіз чинників, що впливають на зниження цього нормативу, формування стратегії підвищення нормативних показників); залучення міжнародних організацій (розширення співпраці з іноземними компаніями та банками для впровадження передового світового досвіду у вітчизняну практику); реагування на зміни в економічному середовищі й законодавстві (готовність адаптуватися до змін ринкового і законодавчого середовища).

Ключові слова: банківська система, банківський бізнес, капіталізація, ринкове середовище, адекватність банківського капіталу, прибутковість банківського капіталу.


The recovery of the country's social and economic development in the conditions of recession and a state of war depends on the outcomes of the domestic banking sector's activities. This is attributed to the effective fulfillment of the specific function of banks - financial intermediaries that facilitate the movement of monetary resources between different sectors of the economy, thereby covering their needs for funds, which is an essential requirement for expanded reproduction. The corresponding role necessitates the need for banks to increase their own capital volumes. One of the key factors in the development of the national economy is the stability of the banking system. The reliability of a bank, its resource potential, and financial stability in the face of economic instability are determined by the attraction and maintenance of a sufficient amount of own capital. The issue of capitalization of the banking business and the banking system as a whole becomes particularly relevant under the intensified influence of globalization processes. Financial crises, which periodically recur, necessitate a sharp focus on improving the strategy for capital quality management and its maintenance at an adequate level to cover unforeseen expenses. The future prospects of the banking business depend on its capitalization, as insufficient levels restrain the proper development of both individual banks and the banking sector as a whole. Therefore, ensuring an adequate level of capitalization becomes especially crucial in today's conditions, serving as a guarantee for the stability of the Ukrainian economy.

Fundamental research on this issue has been conducted by Western scholars, including F. Allen, A. Berger, A. Marshall, P. Rose, J. F. Sinkey, and others. Theoretical aspects of banking system capitalization and the development of its methodological foundations have been dedicated to the work of domestic scientists: M. Alexeyenko, Z. Vasilychenko, O. Vasyurenko, O. Dziubliuk, M. Moroz, R. Tyrkalo, and others. Questions related to international standards for the sufficiency of capital in the banking business have been addressed in the works of researchers such as O. Vovchak, O. Voloshko, V. Mishchenko, V. Kovalenko, O. Prykhodko, and others. However, the majority of scientific research in this direction is oriented towards clarifying the economic essence of banking capital, its formation, and management specifics. Considering the significant achievements of both foreign and domestic scholars, a thorough analysis is needed to explore the role of own capital in shaping an adequate level of capitalization in the domestic banking business.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the economic essence and the current state of the level of capitalization in the banking business, analyze key indicators of own capital sufficiency for banks, and assess their alignment with the pace of national economic development. Additionally, the article aims to outline directions for increasing capitalization volumes to ensure competitiveness in the face of market instability.


The specificity of banks' activities as primary intermediaries in the financial market, mobilizing temporarily available funds among legal entities and individuals, results in the relatively small share of own capital in the aggregate capital of the banking system. It is worth emphasizing that the functional significance of own capital is multifaceted, as it shapes the financial possibilities of its creation, ensures solvency, enhances the level of trust from the population, guarantees the security of funds for creditors and clients, potentially creating a favorable environment for increasing temporarily available funds in the banking sector. This, in turn, transforms idle capital into financial resources for the national economy.

The study of the problems related to increasing the level of capitalization in the domestic banking business amidst economic instability introduces new challenges and prospects for the national economy. It is crucial to analyze the scientific and theoretical approaches to understanding the category "capitalization," as outlined in Table 1.

Table 1

Scientific Approaches to Formulating the Concept of "Capitalization"


The essence of the approach

Hladkyh D. [3, p. 329]

method of distribution, use of profit, according to which all or part of the profit is directed to the development of the bank, and not paid to the owners

Kovalenko V. [5, p. 103]

a set of actions aimed at a real increase in the amount of the bank's capital by reinvesting the profit received, attracting cash and their equivalents from the outside, as well as through concentration and consolidation

Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activity" [12]

the residual value of the bank's assets after deducting all its liabilities

Mishchenko V. [6, p. 4]

bank's own capital and its sufficiency to cover possible risks

Momot T. [7, p. 201]

conversion of income into value; capital structure of the enterprise; determination of a separate item of expenses by the increase in capital assets, and not by the expenses of the reporting period

Onyschenko O., Manzhos S. [11, p. 45]

transformation of income into capital

Vasylchenko Z. [2, p. 5]

an indicator of the bank's ability to further develop and strengthen its resource base

Zavhorodnii A., Vozniuk G., Smovzhenko T. [4, p. 430]

the process of forming fictitious capital by issuing shares, bonds, mortgage bonds and other securities

Source: Formulated by the authors based on the analysis of scientific literature

According to current legislation, the capitalization of a bank is the residual value of the bank's assets after deducting all its liabilities [12]. However, in scientific literature [2, p. 3], "capitalization" is often considered as equity or the bank's own capital and its sufficiency to cover potential risks. In the Financial Dictionary, the term is defined as the process of forming fictitious capital through the issuance of stocks, bonds, debentures, mortgage banknotes, and other securities [4, p. 241]. Another perspective is presented by T. Momot, who defines "capitalization" as the transformation of income into value; the structure of the enterprise's capital; the determination of a specific expense item by the increase in capital assets, rather than expenses of the reporting period [7, p. 107].

The domestic scholar V. Kovalenko in his work, emphasizes that capitalization is a complex of actions aimed at the actual increase in the bank's capital by reinvesting the earned profit, attracting monetary funds and their equivalents from external sources, as well as through concentration and consolidation [5, p. 124].

Given the relevance of the researched issue in today's context and having analyzed various interpretations of the essence of the concept "capitalization," we can summarize the main approaches to its definition, including:

comprehensive: defines it as a system of interconnected and interdependent elements or actions aimed at achieving specific goals or solving problems;

systemic approach: emphasizes the interaction of components forming an integral structure, where changes in one element can impact the entire system;

functional: considers the object as a set of functions it performs and defines efficiency based on the accomplishment of set tasks;

integrated: oriented towards the integration of different aspects into a unified system to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in activities;

strategic approach: involves the development of long-term strategies and plans to achieve goals.

In modern conditions of operation, the issue of capitalization is often identified with the size of statutory capital compared to regulatory capital. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that capitalization involves ensuring adequate capital adequacy relative to the size of their assets, taking into account potential risks. In the context of financial instability and limited prospects for attracting additional resources, the level of capital adequacy becomes a crucial indicator of the financial stability of the domestic banking business. There is a significant number of economic indicators that determine the level of capital adequacy in the banking sector. Some of them are established by the National Bank of Ukraine, while others characterize the overall efficiency of the banking system (Table 2).

Table 2

The main indicators of determining the adequacy of bank capital

Macroeconomic indicators

Investment in assets


The ratio of a bank's total capital to its assets, which demonstrates the ability to cover risks and maintain sustainability

Investment in risky assets


The ratio of capital to bank assets taking into account risks, where risky assets are taken into account for a more accurate assessment of performance

Capital investment in the loan portfolio (САР/loan


The percentage of capital that is spent on the loan portfolio and is key to the bank's operations

Microeconomic indicators

Capital adequacy ratio

(Capital Adequacy RatioCAR)

The ratio between the bank's capital and its risky assets, established by regulators to ensure financial stability

Liquidity indicator

(Liquidity Coverage Ratio


Determines how quickly the bank can adapt to crisis situations by comparing liquid assets with payment needs.

Capital Stress Testing

Simulation of different scenarios and stress testing to determine how the bank reacts to dynamic changes in the financial environment

Equity Ratio

Determines the percentage of the bank's equity relative to all its financial obligations

Source: formed by the authors based on [9]

Overall, the growth of capital in the banking business is a system-forming indicator, the magnitude of which, in the case of a stable banking system, influences all other economic norms, reflecting the relationship of bank capital to GDP. Let's analyze the main indicators of bank capital adequacy during 2015-2023 (Table 3).

Table 3

Indicators of bank capital return during 2015-2023












GDP, mln. grn.










Bank capital, mln. grn










The ratio of bank capital to GDP, %










Assets, mln. grn










The ratio of bank capital to assets, %










Obligations of

banks, mln. grn










The ratio of bank capital to bank liabilities, %










Funds of business entities, mln. grn.










The ratio of bank capital to the funds of economic

entities, %










Contributions of individuals, mln. grn.










The ratio of bank capital to deposits of individuals, %










Income, mln. grn.










The ratio of bank capital to income, %










Costs, mln. grn.










The ratio of bank capital to expenses, %










Source: compiled by the authors based on official data of the National Bank of Ukraine. URL:

The data in Table 3 indicate that during the investigated period, particularly in 2015-2017, there was steady economic growth, reflected in the increase of key indicators of the banking sector. In the years 20182021, Ukraine's economy demonstrated consistent GDP growth, reaching its highest value in 2020 - 3818,456 million UAH, accompanied by positive dynamics in the development of the national economy. During this time, the banking system actively responded to external challenges, and the capital of banks continued to grow. Economic indicators of bank capital also showed continuous growth; however, its ratio to GDP increased until 2021 but decreased in 2022 with the onset of Russian aggression on Ukrainian territory. This indicates the necessity for effective risk and reserve management in the face of challenges and threats. In 2015-2017, there was consistent economic growth, reflected in the improvement of key indicators in the banking sector.

The ratio of bank capital to GDP increased from 13.2% in 2015 to 22.7% in 2017, indicating a significant contribution of banks to the development of the national economy. Total assets of banks also increased, although the growth rate slightly slowed down. Consequently, the indicator of bank liabilities remained stable, and the ratio of bank capital practically did not change. The increase in funds from businesses and deposits from individuals indicates a high level of trust in the domestic banking business. Bank revenues also increased; however, the ratio to bank capital decreased already in 2017. The growth in bank expenses, especially in 2016, led to an increase in the ratio of expenses to bank capital.

As demonstrated during the period of 2018-2020, the banking business in Ukraine continued to undergo significant changes, reflected in its key indicators that portray financial stability and impact on the economy. The growth of GDP reached 3818,456 mln. gm., in 2020, indicating a sustained positive trend in the national economy. Bank capital increased to 212,577 million UAH, highlighting the financial stability of the banking sector. The ratio of bank capital to GDP also increased, reaching 36.5% in 2020, indicating an increased contribution of the domestic banking business to the country's economy. Bank assets were growing, but the ratio of bank capital to assets slowed its growth compared to previous years. The ratio of bank capital to deposits from individuals increased, reaching 45.6% in 2020. The decrease in the ratio of bank capital to income and the increase in the ratio to expenses in the same year indicate the impact of a series of economic difficulties associated with global economic instability and the consequences of internal factors (crisis, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic). Such dynamic changes in the indicators of the banking sector underscore the importance of analyzing and understanding the impact of various factors on the financial stability and efficiency of banks in the financial market under conditions of unpredictability and economic challenges.

In the conditions of financial instability in the market environment, particularly during 2021-2023, the banking business continued to adapt to changes in the economy driven by various external and internal factors. It was essential not only to consider economic challenges but also to adapt to new operating conditions. In 2021, GDP reached 4363,582 million UAH, showing an increase compared to 2020, but a decrease in 2022-2023 reflects challenging economic conditions associated with the beginning of the RussoUkrainian war. Bank capital in 2021 reached 244,081 million UAH, but its decrease was observed in 20222023. The ratio of bank capital to GDP was 41.1% in 2021, decreasing in 2022-2023. Bank assets grew from 1,979,298 mln. gm., 2021 to 2748,813 mln. gm. The ratio of bank capital to assets increased, indicating a high level of liquidity and financial stability. Bank liabilities also increased, but the ratio of bank capital slowed its growth, pointing to a decrease in the risk level. Interaction with businesses and individuals proved to be high, reflected in the increase in the ratio of bank capital to funds of businesses and deposits from individuals. This analysis indicates a steady development of the financial environment, but it requires continuous monitoring and effective risk management of the banking business to ensure the stability of the banking sector in dynamic market conditions.

With the aim of ensuring stability and effective functioning of the banking business, the National Bank of Ukraine implements a series of measures to increase its capitalization by establishing norms for the size and adequacy of regulatory capital and its individual components. The dynamics of these norms during the period from 2015 to 2023 are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Dynamics of economic standards of bank capital adequacy values during 2015-2023

Economic regulations











Regulatory capital, mln.

gm, Н1

99 30

13 852

11 2 15

12 1 74

15 230

18 188

21 330

210 40

269 88

Norm of

sufficiency (adequacy) of regulatory capital (not

<10%), Н2










Norm of

adequacy of fixed capital (not < 7%), Н3










Source: compiled by the authors based on official data of the National Bank of Ukraine: URL:

The variable nature of the development of the national economy is primarily associated with an increased level of risk and inflation, which, in aggregate, increases the nominal value of banks' assets and liabilities while simultaneously reducing the real value of capital. This necessitates the implementation of measures to increase the level of capitalization in the domestic banking business in the context of an unstable market environment.

Analysis of the dynamics of economic normative values of bank capital adequacy during 2015-2023 reveals several key trends. Specifically, regulatory capital indicates stable growth for the majority of the study period, with the exception of 2019 when a noticeable increase of 23% was observed.

Considering that the growth rates of regulatory capital decreased in 2020-2023, indicating a somewhat slowed development of the banking sector. Adequacy indicators of Tier 1 capital (Н3) show more significant fluctuations. From 2015 to 2016, there was a sharp decline, which could be attributed to changes in the development strategy of domestic banks or sudden market transformations. The main factors influencing the dynamics of the analyzed norms are the economic condition of the financial market, changes in legislation and regulation, and international trends in the development of the banking business. Understanding the impact of these factors is crucial for forecasting the further development of the banking system and adapting to a series of economic transformations of external and internal nature in the financial market. Key aspects of bank capital adequacy during 2015-2023 include stable growth of regulatory capital (observing stable growth from 2015-2018, but slowing down from 2019 onward); the adequacy norm of regulatory capital (demonstrating an increase, especially in 2020, indicating efforts by banks to enhance their financial stability); the adequacy norm of Tier 1 capital (indicating fluctuations and a tendency to decrease, requiring increased attention and additional measures to ensure compliance with standards).

Considering the conducted research, it is deemed appropriate to highlight important directions for increasing the capitalization level of the domestic banking business, including: Stimulating the growth of regulatory capital indicators: Implementing enhanced measures for additional capital investments by banks and improving risk management understanding; Monitoring and supporting capital adequacy norms: maintaining norms at an appropriate level and establishing mechanisms for identifying and addressing problems that may arise in this context; evaluation of key factors influencing the decrease in the adequacy norm of capital: Conducting a continuous, detailed analysis of factors that could negatively impact the decrease of this norm, and forming strategies to increase normative indicators; nvolving international organizations: strengthening collaboration with foreign companies and banks to implement best global practices and incorporate them into domestic practices; responding to changes in the economic environment and legislation: Being prepared to adapt to changes in the market and legislative environment


The conducted analysis indicates that the level of capital in the banking system of Ukraine is sufficient to ensure stable functioning and further development of the banking business. This allows covering the risks of banking activities and enables the expansion of the range of goods and services for enterprises and the population, determining the high cost of conducting banking business. Overall, increasing the level of capitalization of banks will ensure dynamic and effective functioning in the financial market, promoting the growth of competitive potential in meeting the economic needs for financial resources. At the current stage of economic development, it is necessary to attract additional equity capital through the issuance of shares, contributions from owners, and the involvement of strategic investors in the activities of banks. Among the important factors are improving the quality of capital, ensuring its sufficiency to cover potential losses, as well as optimizing the structure.


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3. Hladkykh D. (2021) Key problems of capitalization of the banking system of Ukraine and directions of its growth. Business Inform. No. 5. P. 327-333.

4. Zahorodniy A. Financial dictionary / A. Zavhorodniy, G. Vozniuk, T. Smovzhenko. 3rd ed., ed. and additional K.: Znannia, 2000. 587 p.

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6. Mishchenko V. (2008) Problems of capitalization and consolidation of the banking system of Ukraine. Bulletin of the National Bank of Ukraine. 2008. No. 10. P. 2-7.

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  • Краткая финансово-экономическая характеристика деятельности ОАО "Optima Bank", адекватность капитала. Процедура учета и организация документооборота расчетно-кассовых операций. Коэффициенты эффективности использования обязательств коммерческого банка.

    отчет по практике [42,3 K], добавлен 29.01.2015

  • Понятие и классификация услуг. Направления развития банковских услуг, связанных с обслуживанием специфических потребностей приоритетных клиентов. Приемы сбора и анализа информации при работе с VIP-клиентами. Перспективы развития Private Banking в России.

    курсовая работа [1,0 M], добавлен 12.04.2016

  • Рoль вклaдoв клиентoв в фoрмирoвaние реcурcнoй бaзы бaнкa. Клaccификaция бaнкoвcкиx депoзитoв. Xaрaктериcтика АО "Kaspi Bank", анализ его финaнcoвo-xoзяйcтвенной деятельнocти. Aнaлиз депoзитнoгo пoртфеля бaнкa, его прoблемы и перcпективы развития.

    дипломная работа [289,2 K], добавлен 21.05.2012

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