Biological characteristic of the bream abramis brama l. In the Dnieper-bug mouth region

The study highlights the issue of the state of productive capabilities of the local bream herd of the Dnieper-Buzka estuary region. The initial data for the performance of work tasks are the results of field research carried out during 2014-2018.

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Biological characteristic of the bream abramis brama l. In the Dnieper-bug mouth region

Kornienko V.O. - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture,

Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

Olifirenko V.V. - Candidate of Veterinary Medicine,

Associate Professor at the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development named after Professor

Yu.V. Pilipenko,

Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

Rozhkov V.V. - Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University


The effective functioning and development of the fishing industry of Ukraine in the economic space is determined not only by quantitative indicators, but also by the peculiarities of the economic relations formed at the end of the past - the beginning of the present century. The basis of the raw material base of the fishing industry of Ukraine, including the Kherson region, at the end of the 20th century was formed mainly due to catches of fish and seafood and, to a lesser extent, the products of intensive fish farming. At the same time, the fisheries of the Kherson region over the past decade have seen a steady decline in production and processes of reducing its potential, including the aging of the technical base, increasing resource and financial imbalances, leading to a decline in production. The situation is exacerbated by the increasing anthropogenic pressure on aquatic ecosystems, which has caused a sharp decline in fish catches of major industrial categories, additionally a few rare species have disappeared from industrial statistics. Natural fish populations adequately respond to the situation through adaptive reactions in the form of changes in the nature of ichthyologic mass formation, age structure, in productive indicators of species.

These studies highlight the issue of the state of productive capabilities of the local stock of bream of the Dnieper-Bug estuary. The initial data for the tasks are the results of field research conducted in the waters of the Dnieper-Bug estuary in 2014-2018 in the framework of the investigations of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory "Prospects of Aquaculture" of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University. Abramis brama L. bream of different ages were selected as the object of research.

The analysis of the productive abilities of female bream showed a depressed state of the population within the water area, which was the place of research. Absolute individual fertility of female bream depending on age ranged from 86.62 to 288.69 thousand eggs, its minimum value was observedfor 4-year-old females with an average body length of 30.5 cm and a weight of 647.5 g, the maximum value for 11-year-old females with a length of body weight 48.9 cm and weight 2047.1 g. At the same time, for five years of observations, the fertility of female bream in some age groups decreased by 8.2-12.8%. On the other hand, in comparison with the past century, the value of the absolute individual fertility of female bream in all age groups has decreased by 6.1-28.2%. At the same time, a significant difference in the level of fertility was observed in both juvenile females and females of the oldest age, which clearly indicates the deterioration of the reproductive abilities of the population due to increased anthropogenic pressure on the bream population.

The research results significantly deepen the data on the current biological state of the industrial stock of bream of the Dnieper-Bug estuary.

Key words: Dnieper-Bug mouth region, bream, productivity indicators, fertility, catches, anthropogenic load.

Корнієнко В.О., Оліфіренко В.В., Рожков В.В. Біологічна характеристика ляща Abramis Brama l. у Дніпровсько-Бузькому гирлі

Ефективне функціонування і розвиток рибної галузі України в економічному просторі визначається не тільки кількісними показниками, але й особливостями сформованих економічних відносин у кінці минулого - на початку нинішнього століття. Основа сировинної бази рибної промисловості України, зокрема Херсонської області, у кінці ХХ століття формувалася переважно за рахунок уловів риби і морепродуктів і меншою мірою - продукції інтенсивного рибництва. Водночас у рибному господарстві Херсонської області за останнє десятиріччя спостерігається стійкий спад виробництва і відбуваються процеси зниження його потенціалу, зокрема старіння технічної бази; посилюються ресурсна і фінансова незбалансованість, що призводить до занепаду виробництва. Ситуація поглиблюється посиленням антропогенного навантаження на водні екосистеми, що спричинило різке падіння уловів риби основних промислових категорій, а рідкісні і нечисленні види взагалі зникли із промислової статистики. Природні популяції риб адекватно реагують на ситуацію через пристосувальні реакції у вигляді змін у характері формування іхтіомаси, у віковій структурі, продуктивних показниках видів.

У дослідженні висвітлено питання про стан продуктивних можливостей локального стада ляща Дніпровсько-Бузької гирлової області. Вихідними даними для виконання завдань роботи є результати польових досліджень, що здійснювалися протягом 2014-2018 рр. в акваторії Дніпровсько-Бузької гирлової області у межах теми Навчально-наукової лабораторії "Перспективи аквакультури" Херсонського державного аграрно-економічного університету. Об'єктом дослідження обрано різновікові особини ляща Abramis brama L.

Проведений аналіз продуктивних здібностей самиць ляща показав пригнічений стан популяції у межах акваторії, яка була місцем досліджень. Абсолютна індивідуальна плодючість самиць ляща залежно від віку коливалася в межах від 86,62 до 288,69 тис. ікринок, її мінімальне значення відмічено для 4-річних самиць за середньої довжини тіла 30,5 см і маси 647,5 г, максимальне значення - для 11-річних самиць за довжиною тіла 48,9 см і масою 2047,1 г. Водночас за п'ять років спостережень плодючість самиць ляща за окремими віковими групами зменшилася на 8,2-12,8%. Натомість порівняно з минулим століттям у сучасності величина абсолютної індивідуальної плодючості самиць ляща за всіма віковими групами зменшилася на 6,1-28,2%. Значні відмінності за величиною плодючості спостерігались як у молодших за віком самиць, так і самиць найстаршого віку, що яскраво вказує на погіршення репродуктивних здібностей стада внаслідок посилення антропогенного тиску на популяцію ляща.

Результати досліджень суттєво поглиблюють відомості про сучасний біологічний стан промислового стада ляща у Дніпровсько-Бузькій гирловій області. productive bream herd

Ключові слова: Дніпровсько-Бузька гирлова область, лящ, продуктивні показники, плодючість, улови, антропогенне навантаження.

Formulation of the problem. In the context of the economic crisis, intensive fish farming requires significant costs associated with high prices for artificial feed, fertilizers and energy. In addition, Ukraine has a large area of continental reservoirs, reaching more than 1 million hectares, much of which is currently used very carelessly for fisheries purposes. This is due to inefficient management, ignoring the achievements and recommendations of fisheries science, lack or insufficient amount of fish stocking material of valuable fish species for the formation of highly productive ichthyo-cenoses [1; 2; 3].

A particularly difficult situation is observed in large open and semi-closed waters - estuaries, large reservoirs, lakes. These hydroecosystems have an incredibly significant bioproductive potential, represented by producers and consumers of different trophic levels, and the formed industrial ichthyofauna [4, 5]. However, at the beginning of the XXI century, the situation changed dramatically for the worse. A sharp decrease in the stock of planting material of valuable industrial species against the background of virtually uncontrolled industrial fishing, low efficiency of fisheries and reclamation measures, caused a sharp decline in stocks of major industrial fish species within these waters [6; 7].

To improve the situation, it is necessary to conduct special research on the certification and grading of these waters, which will determine the bioproductive potential of reservoirs and identify ways to rationally use their fisheries in order to obtain a significant ammount of fish products. One of the research areas to be implemented is to study the potential of industrial fish species in terms of their ability to maintain their numbers at a high level. Taking into account the special importance in the formation of industrial fish products bream, which occupies the first positions in industrial statistics, our research was aimed at studying the biological parameters of the Lower Dnieper herd of this species of fish.

Analysis of recent research and publications. When studying the main biological indicators of an industrial herd, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its structure. The structure of the herd is specific to the species and its individual local groups, it is a species and population property that reflects the nature of the relationship of individual populations with the environment [8]. In recent years, industrial populations of natural and transformed waters of Ukraine are under increasing pressure of environmental factors of anthropogenic nature [2; 6; 10]. The negative impact of these factors causes a sharp reduction in the number of populations and individual local herds of almost all valuable industrial fish species, including the Dnieper bream. Populations respond adequately to the situation through adaptive responses in the form of changes in growth, fertility, etc. [8]. A number of authors have shown that changes in the dynamic and functional indicators of ichthyocenoses can serve as macrocharacteristics of aquatic ecosystems, and the assessment of the main factors of formation and operation of industrial fish stocks - the basis for forecasting and regulation of fisheries [11; 12].

There are also many publications on the effects of anthropogenic stress on certain biological indicators of the bream herd. It is shown that the influence of increasing industrial load, as the main anthropogenic factor, has a negative effect on the age structure of the Lower Dnieper bream [13]. The issues of changes in the sexual structure of bream [14], the nature of nutrition [15] and morphology of the species [16; 17] under the influence of anthropogenic factors are covered to a lesser extent.

Changes in the biological state of the Dnieper bream herd due to the deterioration of the ichthyopathological situation have been sufficiently considered. Thus, it was found that the muscles of bream infested with Lamblia intestinalis contain less protein, fat, ash, calcium and phosphorus and have lower caloric content compared to healthy fish [18; 19]. Infection of fish L. intestinalis leads to a decrease in body weight of fish (without internal organs), to the loss of the edible part of the body of fish. In addition, the quality of muscles deteriorates compared to healthy fish, they increase the amount of moisture, reduce dry matter content, amount of fat and calories [19; 20-22]. There are slight changes in the chemical composition of the muscles of bream infected with plero- cercoid L. intestinalis (water content, proteins, bicarbonates, lipids), compared with the high level of their energy reserves (such as triglycerides), which indicates the limited negative impact of L. intestinalis on physiological lentil loom.

Research methods. The research was guided by the principles of bioethics. The studies were carried out in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes ETS No. 123 and approved by the Science Council of the Kherson State agrarian and economic University. The initial data for the tasks are the results of their own field ichthyological research, which was carried out during 2014-2018 directly on water bodies in the research of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory "Prospects of Aquaculture" of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University. The object of the study were selected bream of different ages Abramis brama L., which belong to the local herd that lives within the waters of the Dnieper-Bug estuary. During the works, ichthyological samples were taken from catches of shuttered nets with an eye of 40-75 mm, livers with an eye of 30-40 mm, river seines.

The samples were subjected to processing, during which samples were taken for in-depth ichthyological analysis [23]. The sex of individuals was determined by the presence of secondary sexual characteristics, but for a more reliable analysis preferred the opening of the abdominal cavity. Absolute individual fertility was calculated by the weight method, and relative individual - as the ratio of absolute fertility to body weight of fish without viscera and body length [23].

Data are presented as mean values and standard error (x ± SE). Statistical analysis was performed by means of analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). A value of P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Analysis of the variance of the influence of technological and environmental factors on the growth of larvae was carried out using the.

The main task of this study is to assess the main biological parameters of the Lower Dnieper bream in modern conditions of increasing anthropogenic pressure on aquatic ecosystems.

Presenting main material. Reproductive capabilities of the species in these specific environmental conditions are one of the main factors determining the population size and the amount of replenishment of the industrial herd. Population reproduction is not disturbed at a certain intensity of fishing. This occurs when fishing eliminates the part of the herd to which the population is adapted (predation by predators, natural mortality).

In this case, the catch can be compensated by the regulatory mechanisms of the population, i.e. when the catch seems to be an element of the environment of the species. If the catch maintains a similar intensity and spawning and development conditions and the youth are not disturbed, the population can exist for many years. In populations of intensively caught commercial fish, the growth rate is higher and fertility is higher. However, in all fish populations with increasing fishing intensity, positive reactions are observed only to a certain extent. With a further increase in fishing intensity, the regulatory mechanisms of the population are disrupted, and it ceases to respond to further thinning of the herd, the main biological indicators deteriorate. In our studies, the productive properties of females of the Lower Dnieper herd of bream varied slightly over the years (Table 1).

Table 1

Absolute individual fertility of female bream of the Dnieper-Bug estuary


Age Groups







































































According to the years of observations, the absolute individual fertility of female bream ranged from 82.62 to 288.69 thousand eggs with a general tendency to deteriorate the productive capacity of the herd. During the five years of observations, the fertility of female bream in certain age groups decreased by 8.2-12.8%.

The minimum indicators of absolute individual fertility of female bream were characteristic of the 2017 sample. At the same time, in general, there was a significant decrease in the number of age groups in the spawning part of the herd from 7-8 in 2014-2016 to 5-6 in 2017-2018. On the other hand, in comparison with 1965 [94], in all age groups, the value of the absolute individual fertility of female bream has now decreased from 6.10-25.5 to 27.8-28.2%. At the same time, a significant difference in the amount of fertility was observed in both juvenile females and females of the oldest age, which clearly indicates the deterioration of the reproductive abilities of the herd due to increased anthropogenic pressure on the bream population.

Given the specifics of this work, in our opinion, special attention should be paid to the analysis of the dependence of such an important biological indicator as the reproductive capacity of offspring on the dynamics of linear - mass indicators of the studied population (Table 2).

Table 2

Dependence of fertility of female bream on length and body weight (x ± SE, n = 214)



Absolute individual fertility (AIF), thousand eggs

Relative individual fertility (RIF)



































In relation to body length, the fertility of bream females also gradually increased with age from 276.91±14.59 eggs mm in four-year-old females to 590.12±39.75 eggs/mm in the oldest females. In relation to the body weight of females, the fertility of female bream had slightly different characteristics. In the first years of puberty, the relative fertility of females of the bream herd gradually decreased from 133.86±10.14 eggs/g in four-year-old females to a minimum of 95.23±10.67 eggs/g in individuals aged six years. Subsequently, the relative fertility increased to the maximum values of 140.75±11.68 - 141.03±15.18 eggs/g in the oldest females.

During the analysis of biological indicators of the bream population of the Dnieper- Bug estuary region for the last decade, we have determined the size and age groups, which account for the main industrial load. These age groups were breams aged five to six years with a size of 32.9 - 34.9 cm (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Dynamics of relative fertility of female bream

At the same time, these age groups differed in the minimum values of relative fertility in 98.17 ± 11.51 and 95.23 ± 10.67 eggs / g, respectively.

Analyzing the data above, we can see that the absolute fertility of female bream is closely and positively correlated with the linear - mass characteristics, i.e. increases its ammount with the growth of the latter. The correlation coefficients range from 0.97-0.99.

Visually, the dynamics of changes in absolute individual fertility with body length is presented in Figure 2.

Thus, based on the results of the analysis of reproductive potentials of female bream in the Lower Dnieper population, we can assume the presence of a certain mathematically reliable relationship between the dynamics of absolute individual fertility and linear mass growth.

The determined regularities were used for detailed multifactor regression analysis, which resulted in obtaining a mathematical equation that combines by the method of least squares such pairs of features as absolute individual fertility (yAIF), linear dimensions (xl), body weight (xm) and characterizes the degree communication between them (1):

The regression coefficient was R2 = 0.99, which confirms the fact that there is a close relationship between the considered pairs of traits.

Fig. 2. Dependence of absolute individual fertility offemale bream on body weight

Conclusions and suggestions

The analysis of the dynamics of the absolute individual fertility of female bream showed a depressed state of the population within the water area, which was the place of research. Absolute individual fertility of female bream depending on age ranged from 86.62 to 288.69 thousand eggs, its minimum value was observed for 4-year-old females with an average body length of 30.5 cm and a weight of 647.5 g, the maximum value for 11-year-old females with a length of body weight 48.9 cm and weight 2047.1 g. Relative fertility in relation to the linear size of bream with age increases from 276.91±14.59 (in 4-year-olds) to 590.12±39.75 eggs / mm (in 11-year-olds), in relation to body weight of females - initially decreases from 133.86±10.14 (in 4- year-olds) to 95.23±10.67 eggs / g (in 6- year-olds), with a further increase to 141.03 ± 15.18 in 11- year-olds.


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