Використання наночастинок металів та неметалів у птахівництві

Аналіз кумуляції наночастинок мікроелементів в організмі, їх впливу на метаболізм, редокс-процеси та продуктивність птиці. Токсичність форм і джерел розглянутих елементів. Їх взаємовплив на біодоступність, антагонізм та швидкість виведення з організму.

Рубрика Биология и естествознание
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Дата добавления 10.10.2022
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62. Mohammadi V., Ghazanfari S., Mohammadi-Sangcheshmeh A., Nazaran M.H. Comparative effects of zinc-nano complexes, zinc-sulphate and zinc-methionine on performance in broiler chickens. British poultry science. 2015. Vol. 56(4). P. 486-493.

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64. Effects of dietary nano-selenium on tissue selenium deposition, antioxidant status and immune functions in layer chicks / Mohapatra P., et al. Int J Pharmacol. 2014. Vol. 10(3). P. 160-167.

65. Effect of silver nanoparticles on the immune, redox, and lipid status of chicken blood / Ognik K., et al. Czech Journal of Animal Science. 2016. Vol. 61(10). P. 450-461.

66. Ognik K., St^pniowska A., Cholewinska E., Kozlowski K. The effect of administration of copper nanoparticles to chickens in drinking water on estimated intestinal absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium. Poultry science. 2016. Vol. 95(9). P. 2045-2051.

67. Olgun O., Yildiz A.Ц. Effects of dietary supplementation of inorganic, organic or nano zinc forms on performance, eggshell quality, and bone characteristics in laying hens. Annals of Animal Science. 2017. Vol. 17(2). P. 463-476.

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70. Pandav P.V. Puranik P.R. Trials on metal enriched Spirulina platensis supplementation on poultry growth. Glob J Bio-Science Technol. 2015. Vol. 4. P. 128-134.

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73. Investigating the effect of in ovo injection of silver nanoparticles on fat uptake and development in broiler and layer hatchlings / Pineda L., et al. Journal of Nanotechnology. 2012.

74. Effect of nanoparticles of silver and gold on metabolic rate and development of broiler and layer embryos / Pineda L., et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 2012. Vol. 161(3). P. 315-319.

75. Synthesis and application of nano minerals in livestock industry / Rajendran D., et al. Animal Nutrition and Reproductive Physiology (Recent Concepts). Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi. 2013. P. 517-530.

76. Ramiah S.K., Awad E.A., Mookiah S., Idrus Z. Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth performance and concentrations of malondialdehyde, zinc in tissues, and corticosterone in broiler chickens under heat stress conditions. Poultry science. 2019. P. 1-11.

77. Ravikumar S., Gokulakrishnan R. The inhibitory effect of metal oxide nanoparticles against poultry pathogens. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research. 2012. Vol. 4(2). P. 157-159.

78. Sagar P.D., Mandal A.B., Akbar N., Dinani O.P. Effect of different levels and sources of zinc on growth performance and immunity of broiler chicken during summer. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2018. Vol. 7(5). P. 459-471.

79. Saini K., Tomar S.K., Sangwan V., Bhushan B. Evaluation of lactobacilli from human sources for uptake and accumulation of selenium. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 2014. Vol. 160. P. 433-436.

80. Saki A.A., Abbasinezhad M., Rafati A.A. Iron nanoparticles and methionine hydroxy analogue chelate in ovo feeding of broiler chickens. International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2014. Vol. 10(3). P. 187-196.

81. Nutritional evaluation of Selenium-methionine nanocomposite as a novel dietary supplement for laying hens / Salah- Eldin T.A., et al. J. Anim. Health Prod. 2015. Vol. 3(3). P. 64-72.

82. Saleh A.A. Effect of dietary mixture of Aspergillus probiotic and selenium nano-particles on growth, nutrient digestibilities, selected blood parameters and muscle fatty acid profile in broiler chickens. Anim Sci Pap Rep. 2014. Vol. 32. P. 65-79.

83. Sanjay S.S. Safe nano is green nano. In Green Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanoparticles. 2019. P. 27-36. Elsevier.

84. Sardar M., Mazumder J.A. Biomolecules Assisted Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles. In Environmental Nanotechnology. 2019. P. 1-23. Springer, Cham.

85. Selenium nanoparticles for stress-resilient fish and livestock / Sarkar B., et al. Nanoscale research letters. 2015. Vol. 10(1). 371 p.

86. Influence of hydrocolloidal silver nanoparticles on gastrointestinal microflora and morphology of enterocytes of quails / Sawosz E., et al. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 2007. Vol. 61(6). P. 444-451.

87. Nano-nutrition of chicken embryos. The effect of silver nanoparticles and ATP on expression of chosen genes involved in myogenesis / Sawosz F., et al. Archives of animal nutrition. 2013. Vol. 67(5). P. 347-355.

88. Selim N.A., Amira M., Khosht A.R., El-Hakim A.A. Effect of sources and inclusion levels of zinc in broiler diets containing different vegetable oils during summer season conditions on meat quality. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2014. Vol. 13(11). P. 619-626.

89. Effect of inclusion inorganic, organic or nano selenium forms in broiler diets on: 2-Physiological, immunological and toxicity statuses of broiler chicks / Selim N.A., et al. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2015. Vol. 14(3). 144 p.

90. Senthil Kumaran C.K., Sugapriya S., Manivannan N., Chandar Shekar B. Effect on the growth performance of broiler chickens by selenium nanoparticles supplementation. Nano Vision. 2015. Vol. 5(4-6). P. 161-168.

91. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Premna integrifolia (L.) rich in polyphenols and evaluation of their antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity / Singh C., et al. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2019. P. 1-13.

92. Surai P.F., Kochish I.I., Velichko O.A. Nano-Se Assimilation and Action in Poultry and Other Monogastric Animals: Is Gut Microbiota an Answer? Nanoscale research letters. 2017. Vol. 12(1). 612 p.

93. Nano zinc, an alternative to conventional zinc as animal feed supplement: A review / Swain P.S., et al. Animal Nutrition. 2(3). 2016. P. 134-141.

94. Thill A., Zeyons O., Spalla O., Chauvat F., Rose J., Auffan M., Flank A.M. Cytotoxicity of CeO2 nanoparticles for Escherichia coli. Physico-chemical insight of the cytotoxicity mechanism. Environmental science & technology. 2006. Vol. 40(19). P. 6151-6156.

95. Effects of nano-zinc oxide on antioxidant function in broilers / Tian L., et al. Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition. 2009. Vol. 21(4). P. 534-539.

96. Effects of nanosize zinc oxide on zinc retention, eggshell quality, immune response and serum parameters of aged laying hens / Tsai Y.H., et al. Animal feed science and technology. 2016. Vol. 213. P. 99-107.

97. Tsekhmistrenko O., Tsekhmistrenko S. Lipid peroxidation in the quails kidney under Cadmium load and Sel-Plex influence. Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва: Зб. наук. праць. 2015. Vol. 1 (116). P. 203207.

98. Biomimetic and antioxidant activity of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide / Tsekhmistrenko O.S., et al. World of Medicine and Biology. 2018. Vol. 14(63). P. 196-201.

99. Enzyme-like activity of nanomaterials / Tsekhmistrenko S.I., et al. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. 2018. Vol. 9(3). P. 469-476.

100. The Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant Mechanisms of the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE Signaling Pathway in Chronic Diseases / Tu W., et al. Aging and disease. 2019. Vol. 10(3). 637p.

101. Usama T.M. Silver nanoparticles in poultry production. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research. 2012. Vol. 2 (4). P. 303-306.

102. Influence of silver nanoparticles on growth and health of broiler chickens after infection with Campylobacter jejuni / Vadalasetty K.P., et al. BMC veterinary research. 2018. Vol. 14(1). P. 1-11.

103. Effects of copper-loaded chitosan nanoparticles on growth and immunity in broilers / Wang C., et al. Poultry science. 2011. Vol. 90(10). P. 2223-2228.

104. Wang M.Q., Xu Z.R. Effect of supplemental lanthanum on the growth performance of pigs. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences. 2003. Vol. 16(9). P. 1360-1363.

105. Wu J., Zhang Z., Yan J. An initial study on effect of adding rare earth element on productivity of egg laying breeder hens. NingXia Science and Technology of Farming and Forestry. 1994. Vol. 4. P. 36-38.

106. Biogenic nanoselenium particles activate Nrf2-ARE pathway by phosphorylating p38, ERK1/2, and AKT on IPEC- J2 cells / Xiao X., et al. Journal of cellular physiology. 2019. Vol. 234(7). P. 11227-11234.

107. Biogenic synthesis of novel functionalized selenium nanoparticles by Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 and its protective effects on intestinal barrier dysfunction caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 / Xu C., et al. Frontiers in microbiology. 2018. Vol. 9. 1129 p.

108. Tang H., Liu J.H., Wang H., Liu Y. Evaluation of the adjuvant effect of silver nanoparticles both in vitro and in vivo / Xu Y., et al. Toxicology letters. 2013. Vol. 219(1). P. 42-48.

109. Effects of dietary zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth performance and antioxidative status in broilers / Zhao C.Y., et al. Biological trace element research. 2014. Vol. 160(3). P. 361-367.

110. Zhou X., Wang Y. Influence of dietary nano elemental selenium on growth performance, tissue selenium distribution, meat quality, and glutathione peroxidase activity in Guangxi Yellow chicken. Poultry Science. 2011. Vol. 90(3). P. 680-686.

111. Particokinetics and extrapulmonary translocation of intratracheally instilled ferric oxide nanoparticles in rats and the potential health risk assessment / Zhu M.T., et al. Toxicological Sciences. 2008. Vol. 107(2). P. 342-351.


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