Influence of the parameters of hydrogen nitrogen nitrogen in a glow discharge on tribological and physico

Modern and effective methods of hardening metals. Nitriding in a glow discharge in ammonia or in an anhydrous medium. Tribological and physicochemical properties of hardened surfaces obtained by nitriding with autonomous and interconnected BATR modes.

Рубрика Химия
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Дата добавления 22.05.2022
Размер файла 785,0 K

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Fig. 2 Diffraction patterns and microsections of 40X steel samples: a - nitriding according to mode 7; b - according to mode 5; c - according to mode 9

Table 3

Thickness of nitride hN, diffusion layers h and surface microhardness HV0.1

№ regime










hN micron










h, micron




















Nitriding according to mode 9 corresponds to the case when w << Wkp, i.e. the specific power of the discharge is much less than the required one and the glow discharge does not occur and, accordingly, h = hN = 0 (Fig. 2, c). We have similar cases when nitriding in modes 6, 3 and partly 5, which have low wear resistance.

Thus, it has been established that under conditions of dry friction for surfaces of steel 40Kh nitrided at high energy values, the wear rate and the running-in period decrease (Fig. 1), the latter refutes the statement of K. Keller [13] that the energy characteristics of BATR do not have a significant influence on the results of nitriding. On the contrary, the above BATR results allow one to draw completely obvious conclusions about the significant effect of voltage and current density on the physicochemical and tribological properties of nitrided layers. In addition, there is a certain limit of energy parameters below which (modes 9, 6, 3) carrying out BATR processes does not make sense at all, since it leads to negative results, and this despite the fact that the values of operating characteristics (temperature, composition of the gas mixture, its pressure, etc.) nitriding time) remain unchanged. Thus, the set of traditionally fixed operating parameters of the BATR cannot unambiguously characterize the conditions of the nitriding process and be the main one for predicting its results. This fact is confirmed by the fact that at similar values of the operating parameters, the change of the suspension led to completely different results of nitriding, which is explained by the change in the energy characteristics of the BATR process (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Dependences of the specific power of the discharge w on the pressure of the gas mixture at interdependent BATR modes: I - modes 1*, 4* and 7*; II - also when changing the shape of the suspension (modes 1**, 4** and 7**)

In addition to comparing the physicochemical and tribological properties of nitrided balls of steel 40Kh at BATR with interdependent and autonomous energy modes of processes, the purpose of the work was also to check the effect of the specific power of the glow discharge w, which in [5] was called the plasma energy density (PEP) and where it is stated, that the dependence of the pressure of the gas mixture on the specific power of the discharge has an extreme character: i.e. the pressure of the gas mixture, which corresponds to the maximum w, ensures the production of a nitrided sphere of the greatest depth [5]. However, studies [3] and the results of our experiments (Fig. 3) do not confirm the existence of such an extreme dependence.

Changing the shape of the suspension led to a change in the values of w (curves I and II in Fig. 3), and in the second case, we have significantly lower energy costs for the nitriding process. However, this is not the main advantage of nitriding, but the main factor is the physicochemical properties of the hardened layers, which provide the specified performance characteristics of the hardened surfaces of parts. So, in works [6, 7, 11, 12] doubts are expressed about the legitimacy of the use of specific power as the only energy criterion due to the possibility of arbitrary combination of its values with different values of voltage and current density at a constant pressure of the gas mixture. The studies given by us have shown that it is more expedient to assess the changes in voltage and current density. The specific power of the discharge can only serve as an estimate of the transition from a "dark" to a glow or to an electric arc discharge.

The study of current-voltage characteristics of BATR with interdependent (without heating) parameters showed their significant difference when changing the shape and size of the suspension (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4 Current-voltage characteristics of the BATR process at autonomous (interdependent) saturation modes (I and II are different forms of suspensions)

So the change of the suspension led to a shift of the current-voltage characteristic of the process to the left: a decrease in voltage values led to an increase in the current density with a simultaneous decrease in w (Fig. 3). At the same time, the operating parameters (pressure, temperature, mixture composition and nitriding time), as indicated above, remained unchanged. An increase in the mixture pressure also leads to a decrease in voltage with a simultaneous increase in the current density (Fig. 4). Since the increase in the value of the absolute value of the current is much less in comparison with the absolute value of the voltage (Table 1), the result is a decrease in the value of the specific power of the energy flow W (Fig. 3).

According to [3, 5], at a constant composition of the gas mixture in the pressure range of 100 - 120 Pa, a minimum of the active power of the discharge is observed. In our experiments, this dependence is not traced (Fig. 3). Obviously, due to the fixation of not the active power of the energy flow acting on the metal surface and determined by the speed of electrons, but the electric power (W = Uj), which is 35 % - 300 % [3], may be less active.

According to the energy theory, the following main subprocesses occur during BATR: the formation of nitrides, sputtering of the surface, and diffusion of nitrogen into the depth of the metal [3]. The energy conditions for the main subprocesses are significantly different. Thus, the formation of nitrides occurs at low energies and, on the contrary, the surface sputtering process is activated at high voltage values. The higher the current density, the more intensively the diffusion of nitrogen sputtered on the surface occurs deep into the metal with the formation of nitride and diffusion layers [3, 6, 11]. Each of the above processes is primarily implemented in those cases that are energetically most favorable under the given conditions [3]. In our studies, with a constant composition of the gas mixture and its pressure for each batch of samples of a series of experiments, the nitriding time, the main factors influencing the results of BATR are the current-voltage characteristics of the process. In fig. 5 illustrates the results of the dependence of the depths of diffusion h and nitride balls hN on the values of voltage U and current density j under interdependent nitriding modes.

With an increase in the mixture pressure (points 1*, 4* and 7*), the voltage U automatically decreases and the depth of the diffusion layer h decreases (Fig. 5, a) With a changed shape of the suspension (points 1**, 4 ** and 7**) on the contrary, with increasing pressure the values of h increase (Fig. 5, a, curve II). However, at the same time, at a pressure p = 106.4 Pa (points 4** and 4*) there is a minimum of the depth of diffusion h and nitride layers hN (Fig. 3, a; curve II and curve I in Fig. 5, b). On the contrary, with an increase in the mixture pressure (1* / 1**, 4* / 4**, 7* / 7**), the depth of the nitride zone hN increases and, accordingly, the stress decreases (Fig. 5, b). The sharp difference between curves I and II, as well as the presence of minima on curves I and II at points 4* and 4** (Fig. 5, a, b; curve II) indicates the dependence of the BATR processes on the shape, configuration of the suspension, and placement on it. parts, the presence of sharp edges, grooves, holes and the like on the parts. The list of factors that influence the results of BATR is given in [6] and includes 13 items. The presence of a minimum on the curve I (point 4* in Fig. 3, b), in addition to the listed factors, can be justified by a minimum of active (consumed) power at a pressure of p = 106.4 Pa [3, 6].

Fig. 5 Dependences of the depths of the diffusion sphere h (a) and the nitride zone (b) on the voltage value U; also (c, d) on the value of the current density j (I and II are different forms of suspensions) with the interdependent characteristics of the BATR

With an increase in the pressure of the gas mixture, the current density j increases and the value of h decreases (curve I in Fig. 5, c). At the same time, the depth of the nitride zone hN increases (curve I in Fig. 5, d). Here, too, at a pressure of p = 106.4 Pa, we have a minimum point (point 4*, curve I in Fig. 5, d).

Fig. 6 Dependence of the specific power w on the pressure of the gas mixture p at BATR with autonomous saturation modes (curve I - nitriding at U = 515B = const and curve II - nitriding at j = 7.2A / m2 = const)

With a change in the shape of the suspension, j increases with increasing pressure, and also increases, according to the dependences close to a straight line, h and hN (straight lines II in Fig. 5, c and d), which once again indicates the particular importance of taking into account the influence of additional factors on BATR results when designing a suspension, taking into account its shape and surface area, placing parts on the suspension, the presence of grooves, sharp edges on parts, etc.

In autonomous modes of BATR with increasing pressure at U = 515 V = const (points 3, 5 and 8 in Fig. 6), the specific discharge power increases, and at j = 7.2A / m2 = const (points 2, 5 and 9 in Fig. 6) decreases.

The results of X-ray structural analysis also indicate that the structure and phase composition of steel 40Kh depend on the energy characteristics of the discharge. The energy conditions for the main subprocesses (formation of nitrides, surface sputtering, and nitrogen diffusion), as mentioned above, differ significantly.

Consideration of the current-voltage characteristics shows (Fig. 7) that with increasing pressure р1, р2, р3, the values of U and j increase. The indicated dependencies are straightforward. However, in all cases, the values of U and j for modes with interdependent parameters are higher than for stand-alone modes. In this case, with an increase in pressure, the voltage decreases, however, to ensure a glow discharge in the chamber, the value of the specific current density j rises automatically (points 1*, 4* and 7* in Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Dependences of current-voltage characteristics of BATR on the pressure of the gas mixture

In the autonomous mode of the BATR, with decreasing pressure p, the values of U and j decrease, and at p = 159.6 Pa (point 9 in Fig. 8, a and b) h = hN = 0. At a pressure p = 106.4 Pa U = 515 V, and j = 7.2 A/m2 and, accordingly, we obtain the maximum value of hN (Fig. 8, b; point 5).

Fig. 8 Dependences of the depth of the diffusion layer h (a) and the nitride layer hN (b) on the voltage at j = 7.2 A / m2 = const; also c and d on the current density j at U = 515B = const

In the case of a fixed value U = 515 V, with an increase in pressure and current density j, the values of h and hN increase, practically along a straight-line relationship (Fig. 8, c and d). In this case, at p = 53.2 Pa and j = 3.2 A/m2, there is no nitride layer at all, hN = 0 (point 3 in Fig. 8, d). The latter is explained by the low value of w = 1.65 kW/m2 and, as a consequence, the absence of a glow discharge.

The ratio of the intensity of the main subprocesses determines the structure and phase composition of the nitrided layers. Depending on the flow combination of energy parameters, the formation of the nitrided layer can occur in different directions. The intensity of the formation of one or another phase can be different not only in magnitude, but also behind the sign, since the previously formed phase can disappear. Thus, the nitride phase hN, due to further diffusion of nitrogen into the depth of the metal, disappears and a zone of internal nitriding is formed - a nitrogenous solid solution Me [N] (mode 9, a and b), or the nitride layer consists of a small amount of the (Fe4N) phase (mode 3 on Fig. 2, c and d).

According to the results of X-ray structural analysis, at the maximum values of the energy parameters (all modes with interdependent parameters 1*/1**, 4*/4**, 7*/7**, mode 8 and partly 5 with autonomous saturation parameters), a nitrided layer is formed, which consists of (Fe2N), (Fe4N) and (Me [N]) - phases (Fig. 2, mode 7). A decrease in voltage and current density leads to an increase in the phase fraction in the nitride zone of the nitrided layer and, accordingly, to a decrease in the phase (Fig. 2, modes 7, 8). At minimum values of the energy characteristics, a nitride layer does not form on the surface and it consists only of a phase (Fig. 2, mode 9).

Thus, it has been established that under conditions of dry friction for the surfaces of 40Kh steel nitrided at high energy indicators, the wear rate and the running-in period decrease (Fig. 1, b), the latter refutes the statement of K. Keller [13] that the energy characteristics of BATR do not have significant influence on the results of nitriding. On the contrary, the above BATR results allow one to draw completely obvious conclusions about the significant effect of voltage and current density on the physicochemical and tribological properties of nitrided layers. In addition, there is a certain limit of energy parameters below which (modes 9, 6, 3) carrying out BATR processes does not make sense at all, since it leads to negative results, and this despite the fact that the values of operating characteristics (temperature, composition of the gas mixture, its pressure, etc.) nitriding time) remain unchanged. Thus, the set of traditionally fixed operating parameters of the BATR cannot unambiguously characterize the conditions of the nitriding process and be the main one for predicting its results. This fact is also confirmed by the fact that at similar values of the operating parameters, the change of the suspension led to completely different results of nitriding, which is explained by the change in the energy characteristics of the BATR process (Fig. 3... 8).


1. The complex of traditionally fixed values of operating parameters (temperature, composition of the gas mixture, pressure and saturation time) without taking into account energy characteristics (voltage, current density and specific discharge power) significantly reduces the technological capabilities of BATR to achieve the necessary physicochemical properties of metal surfaces specified by conditions exploitation. Taking into account the energy characteristics of BATR, a significant reduction in the energy consumption of the nitriding process is achieved.


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