Розробка ресурсозберігаючої технології шоколадних виробів та розширення їх асортименту

Основна характеристика оптимальних параметрів дії вихрового млину. Особливість шоколадних виробів функціонального призначення на базі зародків пшениці, інуліномісткого порошку та фруктози. Аналіз розробки безвідходної технології переробки какао-бобів.

Рубрика Кулинария и продукты питания
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 05.08.2014
Размер файла 62,5 K

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The thesis is devoted to development of energysaving technology of chocolate products (glaze, cocoa-drinks) with wide assortment based on the chocolate semi-finished products, which were produced in the vortical mill (VM). The optimal parameters of VM and proportion of raw materials with different kinds of semi-finished products have been established. The ability of cocoa shell processing in VM for semi-finished product was established. Basing on this wasteless technology processing of cocoa beans has been developed. Chocolate products with functional purpose with the use of wheat sprout, inulincontaining powder, fructose have been developed. Organoleptic, physical-chemical, microbiological, sorbtion and desorbtion processes, that have been taking place during storage of glaze and cocoa-drinks, were studied. The technology of antidiabetic glaze with fructose has been developed and the possibility to decrease in production by 3 % of fat consumption for it has been explained. The recipes, manufacturing specifications, technical conditions have been developed and approved. New technology of cocoa glazes and cocoa drinks has been approbated in production.

Key words: vortical mill, degree of crushing, fructose, cocoa shell, wheat sprout, glaze, inulincontaining powder, cocoa-drink.

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