Research of safety and quality parameters of the mechanically separated poultry meat
Review of safety and quality indicators of mechanically separated poultry meat. Determination of physicochemical parameters, in particular the mass fraction of bone inclusions, calcium, and total phosphorus. Microbiological criteria of food safety.
Рубрика | Кулинария и продукты питания |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 89,0 K |
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Research of safety and quality parameters of the mechanically separated poultry meat
Liubov Voitsekhivska1, PhD, Technics, Head of the Department
of Technology of Meat Products
Larysa Borsoliuk 1, Researcher,
Serhii Verbytskyi1, PhD, Technics, Deputy Head of the Department of Informational Support, Standardization and Metrology
Yurii Okhrimenko1, Chief Specialist institute of Food Resources of NAAS, Kyiv, Ukraine
The initial stage in the production of poultry products is cutting of carcasses into parts, the separation of meat from the breast and legs, the deboning of low-value raw materials by the separation of muscle and bone tissue. Mechanical deboning of meat and bone residues is performed in order to obtain valuable protein-containing raw materials - mechanically deboned meat, in particular, mechanically separated poultry meat. Relevance of the topic - Introduction of advanced technologies in the domestic poultry processing industry. The subject of research is the parameters of safety and quality of mechanically separated poultry meat. The purpose of the work is to study the safety and quality parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat, to determine the most acceptable physical and chemical parameters, including the content of bone inclusions, calcium and total phosphorus. Research methods. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat: mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction offat, mass fraction of protein, as well as microbiological parameters was carried out according to standard methods. Statistical processing of the results obtained was carried out on the basis of calculating the arithmetic mean values and the mean square error. Research results Under the action of the separation pressure, bone tissue is destroyed, and the smallest particles necessarily enter the meat mass as a result. The number and size of bone inclusions are regulated by normative documents and, accordingly, affect the quality and safety of mechanically separated poultry meat and products made from it. The greater the separation pressure, and hence the yield, the greater the total mass fraction offat in mechanically separated poultry meat at the outlet is obtained, the decrease in the fat content and the degree of grinding brings its quality parameters closer to the characteristics of manually deboned and then minced meat. The most acceptable values of physical and chemical parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat have been determined: mass fraction of protein - 14%, mass fraction of fat - 12%, mass fraction of moisture - 73%; safety indicators: mass fraction of bone inclusions - 0.3%, mass fraction of calcium - 0.07%, mass fraction of total phosphorus - 0.25%. In terms of microbiological parameters, mechanically separated poultry meat met the requirements of “Microbiological criteria for establishing safety parameters of food products”.
Keywords: poultry meat, deboning, mechanically deboned poultry meat, mechanically separated poultry meat, bone inclusions
Войцехівська Л.І1., к.т.н., завідувач відділу технології м 'ясних продуктів
Борсолюк Л.М1., науковий співробітник
Вербицький С.Б.1, к.т.н., заст. зав. відділу інформаційного забезпечення,стандартизації та метрології
Охріменко Ю.І.1, головний фахівець
Институт продовольчих ресурсів НААН, м. Київ, Україна
Початковою стадією виробництва продуктів із м'яса птиці є розділення тушок на частини, виділення кускового м'яса з грудки та ніг, обвалювання малоцінної сировини сепаруванням м'язової та кісткової тканини. Механічне обвалення м'ясо-кісткових залишків виконують з метою отримання цінної білкової сировини - м'яса механічної сепарації, зокрема м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого. Актуальність теми. Впровадження передових технологій в вітчизняній птахопереробній галузі. Предмет досліджень - показники безпечності та якості м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого. Мета роботи - дослідження показників безпечності та якості м 'яса птиці механічно відокремленого, визначання найбільш прийнятних фізико-хімічних показників, зокрема масової частки кісткових включень, кальцію, та загального фосфору. Методи досліджень. Визначання фізико-хімічних показників м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого: масової частки вологи, масової частки жиру, масової частки білка, а також мікробіологічних показників виконували згідно зі стандартними методами. Статистичне оброблення отриманих результатів виконували на основі підрахунку середньоарифметичних значень і середньої квадратичної похибки. Результати досліджень Під дією тиску сепарації відбувається руйнування кісткової тканини, внаслідок чого найдрібніші частинки неодмінно потрапляють у м'ясну масу. Кількість і розміри кісткових включень регламентується нормативними документами і, відповідно, впливають на якість та безпечність м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого та продуктів, вироблених з нього. Чим більший тиск сепарації, а отже і вихід, тим отримується більша загальна масова частка жиру у м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого на виході, зменшення вмісту жиру і ступеня подрібнення наближає показники його якості до характеристик фаршу ручного обвалювання. Визначено найбільш прийнятні значення фізико-хімічних показників м'яса птиці механічно відокремленого: масова частка білка - 14%, масова частка жиру - 12%, масова частка вологи - 73%; показників безпечності: масова частка кісткових включень - 0,3%, масова частка кальцію - 0,07%, масова частка загального фосфору - 0,25%. За мікробіологічними показниками м'ясо птиці механічно відокремлене відповідало вимогам «Мікробіологічних критеріїв для встановлення показників безпечності харчових продуктів»
Ключові слова: м'ясо птиці, обвалювання, м'ясо птиці механічного обвалювання, м'ясо птиці механічно відокремлене, кісткові включення
Formulation of the problem
mechanically separated poultry meat quality
Proteins of animal origin are an important element of a healthy diet - of special categories, both children and the elderly people, as well as other consumers [1-3]. Both world and national experience proves that the fastest and most acceptable from an economic point of view to provide the population with protein products of animal origin is the production of poultry meat and various foods from it - now 75% of raw materials used by Ukrainian meat processing enterprises are poultry meats [4].
According to [5], the production of poultry meat all over the world is growing every year, and the consumption of this is also growing, especially in the form of parts of carcasses and products of deep processing. It is known that the initial stage in the manufacturing of poultry meat products is the division of carcasses into parts, the separation of meat pieces from the breast and legs, the deboning of low-value raw materials by the separation of muscle and bone tissue. Mechanical separation of meat and bone residues is performed in order to obtain a valuable protein-containing raw material - mechanically separated meat, in particular, mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM), according to its physical and chemical properties, similar to minced poultry meat, separated from bones by hand. However, MDPM is distinguished by a high content of bone tissue, bone marrow, connective tissue and fat [6-8]. According to the EU regulations [9], the requirements for mechanical separation of meat obtained using methods that do not change the structure of meat and bone, and methods that change the specified structure and, thus, significantly increase the calcium content in comparison with hand-deboned meat, significantly differ. The nature of this difference can be determined only through scientific research [10-13]. According to the norms in force in Ukraine [14], all meat of mechanical separation is called “meat separated by mechanical means”. If the said separation is made without changing the structure of the tissues, such a mass is called “mechanically separated meat” (MSM), if the technical means did not allow such a change in the structure to be avoided, the mass is called “mechanically deboned meat”.
The deboning of meat is one of the most important stages of poultry processing, during which the skin, tendons, ligaments and muscles are separated from the poultry carcass using special hand tools and the mechanical equipment. Despite the fact that it is possible to carry out the separation of meat by hand, it is the mechanical separation process that allows preserving the maximum amount of vitamins in the minced meat (especially vitamins of groups C and B). The problem of effective separation of meat and bone raw materials entails a number of technological issues that certainly arise in production. Numerous studies, confirmed in practice, have revealed an inversely proportional dependence of the quality parameters of MSM on the output of finished products. The quality of separated poultry meat is most influenced by the amount of muscle tissue containing a large amount of protein. An increase in yield causes undesirable changes in the quality of mechanically deboned meat due to a violation of the ratio of its components, in particular connective tissue, bone tissue and bone marrow.
MSM is obtained by mechanical separation of flesh tissue from bones from eviscerated poultry carcasses or their parts, in which the calcium content is insignificantly higher than that for the minced meat (but not more than 0.07%). Accordingly, from MSM it is possible to produce semi-finished products intended for consumption with preheating, instead, MDPM can only be used for the production of meat products that undergo heat treatment. The MSM is not subject to the norms of regulatory documents that restrict or prohibit the use of mechanical deboned meat in sausages and other products of the minced meat [15].
Modern equipment for producing MSM is represented by separating devices with a sufficiently high pressure (up to 6 MPa - for belt separators, up to 12 MPa - for screw separators), which causes the destruction of bone tissue and the release of bone marrow, which leads to a change in the chemical composition of meat. Despite this, poultry meat, after mechanical separation, has the properties typical for conventional comminuted meats. Based on this, the study of technological modes of operation of equipment for the mechanical separation of poultry meat and their impact on safety and quality parameters is of scientific and practical interest. In general, the use of mechanical deboning of poultry carcasses and their parts makes it possible to increase the yield of raw meat by (20-25)% in comparison with manual deboning [16]. On the other hand, it is very important for manufacturers of meat products to know the properties and composition of the mass obtained by mechanical deboning, since otherwise it is impossible to achieve a stable quality of products with its use [17].
The subject of research - safety and quality parameters of the mechanically deboned poultry meat.
The purpose of the study - research of safety and quality parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat, determination of the most relevant physical and chemical parametares, in particular the content of bone inclusions, calcium and total phosphorus.
Materials and methods
To solve this problem, experimental studies were carried out. To carry out the work, experimental industrial samples of mechanically separated poultry meat produced in industrial conditions by Khodorovsky Meat Processing Plant LLC and Vladimir- Volynskaya Poultry Factory PJSC were used as the object of research.
The determination of the MSM parameters was carried out using the following methods:
- determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to DSTU ISO 1442:2005 [18];
- determination of the mass fraction of fat - according to DSTU 8380:2015 [19];
- determination of the mass fraction of protein - according to DSTU ISO 937:2005 [20];
- determination of microbiological indicators - according to DSTU EN 12824:2004 [21]; DSTU ISO 4833:2006 [22]; DSTU ISO 16649-2:2014 [23]; GOST 702.2.5-93 [24].
Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out on the basis of calculating the arithmetic mean values and the mean square error.
The results of the study
In the industrial conditions of Khodorovsky Meat Processing Plant LLC and Vladimir- Volynskaya Poultry Factory PJSC experimental / industrial samples of mechanically separated poultry meat were made. Production of mechanically separated poultry meat was carried out on belt press separators of the BAADER type and on screw press separators of the LIMA type.
Analyzing the data of our own research and relying on the experience of producers and scientists working in the field of mechanical separation of meat and bone raw materials, we can highlight the main thing - the pressure of separation and its impact on the quality and safety of MSM.
Under the action of the separation pressure, bone tissue is destroyed, as a result of which the smallest particles necessarily get into the meat mass. The number and size of bone inclusions are regulated by regulations and, accordingly, affect the quality and safety of MSM and products made from it.
To ensure the development of high-quality and alimentary safe MSM, it is recommended to adjust the equipment to the norms of MSM yield and bone residue (Table 1).
Table 1Recommended rates of MMV output and bone residue
Raw materials |
Yield, % of raw materials |
Bone residue |
2 category |
Chickens, broilers: 73.0 |
26.8 |
lean |
64.0 |
35,8 |
2 category |
Hens: 68.0 |
31.8 |
lean |
66.0 |
38.5 |
Carcasses, necks (without skin), wings: |
hens, chickens, broilers, turkeys |
60.0 |
39.8 |
The adjustment of the equipment for an increased meat yield of the mechanical separation of the cartridge carcass of poultry and its individual parts leads to an increased content of bone marrow and bone inclusions in the raw material, which in turn causes a significant deterioration in the quality of this type of raw material and products from it.
Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on 08/06/2013 No. 694 "On the adoption of hygienic requirements for poultry meat and certain parameters of its quality" [14] regulates some safety and quality parameters, in particular the calcium content, the mass fraction of which in MSM should not exceed 0.07%.
The obtained research data confirm the relationship between individual parameters - the mass fraction of calcium and bone inclusions and their dependence on technological factors (yield, separation pressure). According to the research data, a diagram is built, shown in Figure 1, which shows the dependence of the main quality and safety parameters of MSM samples manufactured in different conditions (different yield values).
Fig. 1. Dependence of safety and quality parameters of MSM upon the yield of the processed mass
One of the most significant factors affecting the difference in quality parameters of the MSM in comparison with hand-deboned minced meat is a noticeable increase in the fat content, which is achieved by the ingestion of additional lipids from the bone marrow, subcutaneous adipose tissue, skin and abdominal fat into the separated meat.
The higher the separation pressure, and hence the yield, the greater the total mass fraction of fat in the MSM at the outlet. Reducing the fat content and the degree of mincing brings the quality characteristics of the MSM closer to the characteristics of hand-deboned minced meat.
This can be achieved by using raw materials with a lower fat content for the production of MSM and by reducing the processing pressure together with the speed of grinding the raw materials. Usually, such measures reduce the yield of the product for production, but significantly improve its quality.
Taking into account and analyzing the data of studies of samples produced at different enterprises, the most acceptable values of physical, chemical and safety parameters of the mechanically separated poultry meat were determined, these being shown in Table 2.
Table 2Physical, chemical and safety parameters of the mechanically separated poultry meat
Unit of measurement |
Parameter |
Limit |
Norm |
Determination method |
Massfraction, % |
Moisture |
max. |
73 |
DSTU ISO 1442:2005 [18] |
Protein |
min. |
14 |
DSTU ISO 937:2005 [20] |
Fat |
max. |
12 |
DSTU 8380:2015 [19] |
Calcium |
max. |
0.07 |
Phosphorus |
max. |
0.25 |
Bone inclusions, overall content |
max. |
0.3 |
Mass fraction of overall mass of bone inclusions, % mg / 100g % of iodine |
< 500 pm |
min. |
98 |
> 500 pm, < 750 pm |
max. |
2 |
TU U 10.1 - 00419880 - 153:2020 [25] |
Content of volatile fatty acids |
max. |
8 |
Peroxide value |
max. |
0.25 |
mg КОН/g of fat °С |
Acid value of fat |
max. |
3 |
Mass temperature at the outlet of a separator |
max. |
8 |
The values of the microbiological parameters of MSM (QMAFAnM, number of the bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli, pathogenic microorganisms, in particular bacteria of the genus Salmonella) comply with the requirements of “Microbiological criteria for establishing safety parameters of food products” [26]. The values of the microbiological parameters are given Table 3.
Table 3Microbiological parameters of the mechanically separated poultry meat
Parameter |
Norm |
Determination method |
The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM), CFU in 1.0 g, not exceeding |
from 5Л05 to 5-106 |
DSTU ISO 4833:2006 [22] |
Bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli, in 1.0 g |
not allowed |
DSTU ISO 16649-2:2014 [23] |
Pathogenic microorganisms, in particular bacteria of the genus Salmonella, in 25 g |
not allowed |
DSTU EN 12824:2004 [21] |
L. Monocytogenes, in 25 g |
not allowed |
GOST 702.2.5-93 [24] |
Safety and quality parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat have been studied. The most acceptable values of physical and chemical parameters have been determined: mass fraction of protein - 14 %, mass fraction of fat - 12 %, mass fraction of moisture - 73%; safety indicators: mass fraction of bone inclusions - 0.3 %, mass fraction of calcium - 0.07 %, mass fraction of total phosphorus - 0.25%.
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26. Nakaz pro zatverdzhennia Mikrobiolohichnykh kryteriiv dlia vstanovlenniia pokaznykiv bezpechnosti kharchovykh produktiv [Order on the adoption of Microbiological criteria for establishing safety parameters of food products] 19 July 2012 № 548 / Ministry of Health of Ukraine. - Registered in Ministry of Justice on 3 August 2012 № 1321/21633. Available at: [In Ukrainian].
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курсовая работа [25,4 K], добавлен 21.12.2006Mathematical model of the grinding grating bending process under the action of a meat product load parabolically decreasing along the radius. Determination of the deflection of a knife blade under the action of a parabolic load of the food medium.
статья [1,3 M], добавлен 20.10.2022The principles of personal safety in the application of physical restraint. Improving the practice of physical restraint in the activities of the tax police to enhance personal safety. Legal protection of the tax police in applying physical effects.
курсовая работа [0 b], добавлен 08.10.2012The major structural elements of economic safety of a national economy branches. The structural analysis of economic activity. Share of wages in ВВП, of productivity of Russia and western countries. The essence of the economic taxes and their purpose.
статья [166,3 K], добавлен 12.04.2012Safety and attitudes toward law enforcement in persistence. Basic approaches to ensure the safety of law enforcement personnel in the development of independent Ukraine. Ways and methods of improvement of system of training of policemen in Ukraine.
реферат [33,0 K], добавлен 02.10.2012Non-reference image quality measures. Blur as an important factor in its perception. Determination of the intensity of each segment. Research design, data collecting, image markup. Linear regression with known target variable. Comparing feature weights.
дипломная работа [934,5 K], добавлен 23.12.2015Technical and economic characteristics of medical institutions. Development of an automation project. Justification of the methods of calculating cost-effectiveness. General information about health and organization safety. Providing electrical safety.
дипломная работа [3,7 M], добавлен 14.05.2014Scale of the market, its size, total annual sales volume. National policy in the sphere of meat market regulation. Annual sales volume (in natural units and in terms of value). Corporate clients service arrangements. Marketing strategy of the project.
топик [30,0 K], добавлен 24.02.2010Skeletal system: protection of internal organs, movement in union with muscles, storage of minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and lipids. Axial, appendicular skeleton. Surface anatomy of the bone. Structure/function of joints, muscle and ligament attachments.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 10.03.2013Суть, цели, задачи Total Quality Management. Принцип фактической обоснованности решений. Цепочка взаимосвязанных процессов, характерная для принятия решения. История формирования и развития философии TQM, его отражение в пунктах стандарта ISO 9001-2011.
курсовая работа [548,2 K], добавлен 10.12.2013The essence of administrative suspension and grounds of their application by the police. Administrative practice of using special means of administrative termination for the protection of public order. Features of special funds for special operations.
курсовая работа [23,6 K], добавлен 08.10.2012Negative consequences proceeding in real sector of economy. Social stratification in a society. Estimation of efficiency of economic safety. The parity of the manufacturers of commodity production. Main problems of the size of pension of common people.
статья [15,4 K], добавлен 12.04.2012Определение всеобщего управления качеством. Основные положения концепции Total Quality Management (TQM). Определение коэффициента весомости показателей качества экспертным методом. Расчёт затрат и экономического эффекта от повышения качества продукции.
контрольная работа [54,4 K], добавлен 14.04.2013The concept of brand capital. Total branded product name for the whole company. Nestle as the largest producer of food in the world. Characteristics of technical and economic indicators. Nestle company’s brands. SWOT-analysis and Nestle in Ukraine.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 17.02.2012The modern picture of quality of goods. Role of goods in satisfaction of necessities on the basis of theory of Maslou. The conception of the society of consumption. The separate service of technical control, independent of production of Henry Ford.
реферат [205,3 K], добавлен 23.10.2010