Процесійні ікони Західної України XVI-XІX століть

Дослідження ґенези українських процесійних ікон, етапи їх розвитку в історико-культурному контексті. Характеристика іконографічних сцен літургійного призначення. Типологія церковного мистецтва і богослужіння. Використання методу графічної реконструкції.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 06.07.2014
Размер файла 38,1 K

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Candidates Thesis for an Art-History Degree; specialization 17.00.05 -- Fine Arts. -- Lviv Academy of Arts, Lviv, 2003.

The thesis investigates the Western Ukrainian procession icon of the 17-19 centuries as an original and insufficientlu explored phenomenon in Ukrainian art/ On the basis of complex analysis the origin of this typological group and the most ancient Ukrainian icons has been determined. An attempt has been made to review the social and cultural context of the procession icons usage in the 17-18 centuries as well as changes in the role they plain in the temples' interior. The typological classification of been made. Much attention has been pained to the main iconographic plots and the most typical ones have been analysed taking into account specific character of the back-iconostasis portrays. The accent has been made on the artistic peculiarities of procession icons such as art specifics, reflection of the historic art styles and tendencies of the decorative framing character and shape.

Key word: procession icon, typological group, imaging system, iconography, stylistics, interpretation, decor, decorative framing.

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