The anatomy of orator's speech in holistic terms

Substantiates the methodological and practical needs for an approach to the anatomy of orator's speech from a position of holism. Main aspects of the holistic method. Special inquiry into each component of speech in the context of the holistic approach.

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Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

The anatomy of orator's speech in holistic terms

N. P. Osypova, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Обґрунтовується методологічна й практична необхідність підходу до анатомії промови з позиції холізму, для розуміння цього висхідним методологічним принципом аналізу є положення про те, що єдність і співвідношення цілого і його складових являють основу їх буття. Виявлено основні аспекти холістичного підходу - пріоритет цілісності, еволюційний аспект, емерджентність. Сформульовано висновок про необхідність спеціального дослідження кожної складової промови під кутом зору холізму.

Ключові слова: анатомія промови, слово, холізм, екзистенційна мета промови, органічність структури промови.

Н. Ф. Осипова, доктор философских наук, профессор, Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого, г. Харьков


Обосновывается методологическая и практическая необходимость подхода к речи (выступлению оратора) с позиции холизма, для понимания чего исходным методологическим принципом является положение о том, что единство и соотношение целого и его частей представляют основу их бытия. Выявлены основные аспекты холистического подхода - приоритет целостности, эмерджентность. Сформулирован вывод о необходимости специального исследования каждой составляющей части речи под углом зрения холизма. промова холізм емерджентність

Ключевые слова: анатомия речи, слово, холизм, экзистенциальная цель речи, органичность, структура речи.

N. P. Osypova, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv


The article substantiates the methodological and practical needs for an approach to the anatomy of orator's speech from a position of holism. The study proceeds from the following methodological principle: unity and interrelation of the whole and its component parts constitute the basis for their existence. Main aspects of the holistic method have been identified. The author comes to the conclusion about the need for a special inquiry into each component of speech in the context of the holistic approach.

Key words: anatomy of orator's speech, word, holism, existential purpose of speech, organic structure of speech. orator's holism speech

Since the days of antiquity the ability to deliver a speech was one of the essential requirements for an educated person. Another matter is that the level of this skill is often insufficient. Said Cicero: "We are born poets, we become orators." The process of becoming an orator as well as improving flourishing of one's skills are impossible without understanding that speech exists by its own laws and accordingly to them has an organic structure (anatomy) that has an adequate impact on life aspirations of individuals. Hence the problem of integrity (holism) of the structure and impact of the speech is crucial.

The current state of culture and civilization emphasizes in a new way the importance of integrity in an approach to any phenomena of culture and social life. Very important is the point that the character of a person can be revealed by applying a holistic, integrated approach to them, because it "determines the cultural level of the person and closest to his interests in global survival" [8, 4]. Accordingly, the ability to see during the speech the situation in its integrity and interrelation of its constituents is fundamental. The specific nature of speech as a cultural phenomenon determines the necessity of a holism approach to the anatomy of speech.

The aim of the article is to justify the view on speech and its anatomy as an integral organic phenomenon of culture; to reveal the content of holism and its laws concerning the anatomy of speech; to identify interrelations of organic constituents of speech anatomy as a condition of its existence and efficiency.

The sources used in this article allow us to determine the key role of the speaker's personality in the context of speech structure [7] and to consider the speech as a phenomenon influencing the cultural vitality of society [4, 23].

Of particular interest are methodological sources describing the worldview foundations of a holistic approach to cultural phenomena (V. Sheyko). Researchers explore the impact on the audience [2; 7;] the aspects of holism that can be applied to the study of speech as a holistic phenomenon of culture [3; 5; 6]. However, some problems have not been sufficiently studied yet, such as: orator's speech as a phenomenon of life; functional organic interrelation of anatomy components of speech; the place of holism in understanding of these problems.

The fundamental principle of any scientific research is solving the problem of interrelation between the whole and parts as a beginning of all further phenomena and their changes. In this case orator's speech, as a form of cultural life, should be explored as the unity of the whole and the components.

Any existence of the whole appears in the fact that it is independent. But independence, in its specific form, is inherent to component parts, too. Thus, there is a dual interdependence in general frames of the whole: one that reflects the nature and place of the whole, and one that ensures the existence of the parts of the whole. The fundamental existential feature of the whole and the components is that they can exist only on the condition of interpenetration and unity. This dialectic existence of an the whole turns it into implemented existence, i.e. where the whole and thecomponents do not exist separately and there is only their combined permeated existence [1, 618].

In our opinion, the key conclusion from these provisions is that interdependence of the whole and the components have a systemic nature. In contrast to the systems having constant influence, speech as part of the "society-communication-culture" scheme always has its own specific opposition as an interpretation of the requirements of highly mobile forms of connection with reality. Thus, the connection of parts in the whole is nonlinear and and can be explained by the principle of synergistic holism. According to this principle, the whole is no more and no less than the totality of its components, it is more qualitative; the whole modifies these components, thus affecting their interactions [3, 152].

Defining the research methodology relating to the anatomy of speech in holistic terms, it should be considered the fundamental fact that modern society is informative.

It is generally accepted that the transfer of information is the universal purpose of any speech. But it should be taken into consideration that information is an extremely complex and fundamental phenomenon, that is why using only the above approach is not enough. According to modern concepts, information is not just a message, but it is also the transfer of direct or potential impact from the sender (transmitter information) to the addressee (receiver of information) [9, 20]. Therefore, we will speak of orator's speech as an information phenomenon.

According to Paul Soper, the speaker should feel the presence of people with their needs and concerns, otherwise he cannot produce a genuine speech; the speaker is always the first person as a whole, in all its manifold qualities as a person [8, 7-8].

There are certain requirements for the provision of spiritual and cognitive leadership of the speaker. The main of them are: cooperation, active leadership, focus on the future, responsibility, high effectiveness [4, 155-174].

All aspects concerning the integrity of the speaker and the interaction with the audience and its results are based on the organic character of this interaction, i.e. the concept based on the category of "existence." Therefore, it is worth considering this category in details.

The term "anatomy" is derived from biology that studies the body structure of living beings. The concept has gained a scientific status in other areas such as "Anatomy of society", "Anatomy of Evil", "Anatomy of Fear" and so on. The term “anatomy of speech” refers to such a construction thanks to which it acquires the ability to act through organically connected and interpenetrating levels of influence that provides vital flexibility and integrity with complete self-sufficient emergent effect.

The driving force of the anatomy of the speech is its purpose. The goal and the need to achieve it change the interelation of structural units of anatomy and modify their functions. The aspects of organic communication requirements include the following key points [16, 29]:

on the similarity basis of ideological ratings, biographies, interests, aspirations, the speaker and the listeners form a live entitys;

ensure the reliability of factual information from the standpoint of the audience, prevent the ignorance of critical remarks;

identify contradictions in the approaches of the speaker and the audience to the subject in general or particular aspects, whereby the contradiction should not take signs of confrontation;

the speaker should demonstrate the ways of obtaining expert data.

Studying speech anatomy from the perspective of modern holistic approach it is necessary to consider a holographic aspect of integrity, the essence of which is that every part of the unity contains all information relative to the whole [5, 61]. As for the speech, it means that each its structural link contains full information on the whole in a "folded" form that provides an opportunity to respond to any new state of any other link in accordance with the requirements of the the whole. In this case, a fundamental peculiarity of speech is that the "unfolding" of such information is done by the speaker, but only in the framework of the whole.

The final problem of the holistic integrity of speech is its real carrier. The answer to it lies in the socio-cultural nature of language. According to Spengler, the origin of language is equivalent to the emergence of tools [9, 472-473]. Thus, we can assume that the real carrier of the unity of speech is the word that fulfills the following functions: a) meaningful; b) combining; c) imaginative; d) existential. Speech is actually structured according to these functions. Thus, anatomy of speech is an organic construction of speech through which information is transmitted through multilevel penetration of clearly selected logical, didactic, linguistic, technical and intonation techniques.

The first element in the anatomy of speech is the thesis (main idea of the speech) and arguments (statements that confirm or refute the thesis).

Both the thesis and arguments are nothing but information that is transmitted only in the form of specific compositional techniques.

All information is contained in words. That means that any compositional device, being a thesis or an argument is a set of words in some way linked into a sentence, which is a certain linguistic, stylistic device (form).

Information (being a thesis or argument or a specific compositional technique) is transmitted through the speaker's voice. It is clear that in this case, the information, i.e. each word, is intoned in a certain way and speech exists as a set of intonation techniques incorporating gestures, facial expressions, and meaningful gestures. There is no oral presentation without beyond intonational techniques.

The process of mastering the techniques of speech anatomy from the standpoint of its unity is long and difficult. First, you should know their content and final objective, and the ways of creating specific forms; second, you should know the ways able to respond to unforeseen circumstances, third, know the principles of selecting and using them. These knowledge has synthetic nature,they draw from provided by logic, didactics, linguistics, stage speech, psychology, rhetoric and cultural studies.

The holistic aspect of anatomy of speech is important because: a) construction of the speech can be considered not as a mechanical combination of elements that can be manipulated and rearranged but as a natural phenomenon with its own laws; b) provides understanding that as the existence and viability of an organism depend on each organ as well as there are no minor parts in the construction of speech to be neglected; c) the anatomy of speech implies a functional aspect that makes it possible to analyze it on an objective basis, taking into account the situation around the speech.

Thus, the orator's speech of is the subject and process able, through its own ideas and actions, justify the existence of objects of these representations, that is a special form of public cultural life, so all its laws have an organic nature. Therefore, the anatomy itself and its effectiveness can be properly understood and described by laws relating to holism: the priority of the whole in the anatomy of speech; the emergence of influence not only of the speech in general, but of its separate parts as well; the ability to evolve substantially and structurally depending on the audience and its reaction to the speech.


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