Cultural practices and applied cultural studies: issues of their interconnection
The purposes is to analyze the main approaches to understand the essence, content and forms of modern cultural practices and to characterize the problems of their relationship with practical cultural studies. The interaction of cultural practices.
Рубрика | Культура и искусство |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.07.2018 |
Размер файла | 22,9 K |
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Размещено на
Kopiyevska Olha
PhD in Pedagogic studies, professor,
head of the Art-management and
event technologies chair, the National Academy
of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts
Purpose of Research. The purposes of the article are to analyse the main approaches to understand the essence, content and forms of modern cultural practices and to characterize the problems of their relationship with practical cultural studies. Methodology. The methodology of the research includes general scientific principles of systematization and generalization. The purpose of the article and its tasks determine the using of the following methods: the axiological method (to study the role and importance of applied cultural studies in cultural practices and to analyse the value component of human needs); the hermeneutic method (to systematize various modifications of the concepts of "cultural practice", "applied cultural studies") and the analytical method (to find out the conceptual foundations of the modern approaches to understanding the interaction between cultural practices and cultural studies. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize the existing theories of the interaction of cultural theories and cultural practices, their transformation and the prospects of their development. Conclusions. The interaction of cultural practices and applied cultural studies is theoretically substantiated and practically proved in the article. The author highlights that they influence on each other very much. In addition, the researcher underlines that this issue must be analysed by Ukrainian culturologists. The quality of cultural practices, their transformations depend on the professional skills of an employee or a manager of culture. The key factor is the active cooperation between the stakeholders who are interested in cultural development. In its cultural potential, cultural practice can change the territory, institutions of culture and the quality of cultural services.
Key words: cultural practices, applied cultural studies, cultural potential, cultural needs, creativity, cultural and artistic education.
Копієвська Ольга Рафаілівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри арт-менеджменту та івент-технологій Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Культурні практики і прикладна культурологія: проблеми взаємозв'язку
Мета публікації - дослідити зміст, форми прояву та охарактеризувати аспекти взаємозв'язку теорій щодо розуміння сутності сучасних культурних практик із практичними культурологічними дослідженнями. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на загальнонаукових принципах систематизації та узагальнення, а також таких дослідницьких підходах: аксіологічного - для дослідження вчення про ціннісну складову культурних потреб людини, їх використання у культурних практиках, систематизації їх інтерпретації у науковому дискурсі; герменевтичного - для систематизації різних модифікацій понять "культурна практика", "прикладна культурологія"; аналітичного - для виявлення концептуальних засад, на яких ґрунтуються сучасні підходи до розуміння досліджуваної взаємодії. Наукова новизна полягає у систематизації теорій щодо взаємодії культурологічних теорій і культурних практик, їх трансформації і перспективності розвитку. Висновки. Теоретично обґрунтовано і практично доведено взаємозумовленість культурних практик і практичної культурології, акцентовано увагу на необхідності їх вивчення українськими культурологами. Якість культурних практик, їх трансформація залежать від професійних компетентностей працівника, менеджера культури, від активної співпраці зацікавлених стейкхолдерів культурної розбудови. Культурна практика у своєму культуротворчому потенціалі здатна змінювати території, заклади культури, якість культурної послуги.
Ключові слова: культурні практики, прикладна культурологія, культуротворчий потенціал, культурні потреби, креативність, творчість, культурно-мистецька освіта.
Копиевская Ольга Рафаиловна, кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой арт-менеджмента и ивент-технологий Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств
Культурные практики и прикладная культурология: проблемы взаимосвязи
cultural practice study
Цель публикации - исследовать содержание, формы проявления и охарактеризовать аспекты взаимосвязи теорий относительно понимания сущности современных культурных практик с практическими культурологическими исследованиями. Методология исследования основывается на общенаучных принципах систематизации и обобщения, а также таких исследовательских подходах: аксиологического - для исследования учения о ценностной составляющей культурных потребностей человека, их использовании в культурных практиках, систематизации их интерпретации в научном дискурсе; герменевтического - для систематизации различных модификаций понятий "культурная практика", "прикладная культурология"; аналитического - для выявления концептуальных основ, на которых основываются современные подходы к пониманию исследуемого взаимодействия. Научная новизна заключается в систематизации теорий относительно взаимодействия культурологических теорий и культурных практик, их трансформации и перспективности развития. Выводы. Теоретически обосновано и практически доказано взаимообусловленность культурных практик и практической культурологии, акцентировано внимание на необходимости их изучения украинскими культурологами. Качество культурных практик, их трансформация зависят от профессиональных компетенций работника, менеджера культуры, от активного сотрудничества заинтересованных стейкхолдеров культурной развития. Культурная практика в своем культуротворческим потенциале способна менять территории, учреждения культуры, качество культурной услуги.
Ключевые слова: культурные практики, прикладная культурология, культуротворческий потенциал, культурные потребности, креативность, творчество, культурно-художественное образование.
Formulation of the problem. The modern stage of the historical development of Ukraine is marked by the destruction of the traditional foundations of cultural life, significant socio-value changes and transformations in the political and economic spheres. The present has actualized the problems of society's humanization, the revival of national spirituality as well as the issue of universal human beings, including the norms and principles, which are the basis of our future.
Both in Ukraine and in the world, the cultural processes of the recent decades are characterized by the informatization, internationalization of social life, which enhances intercultural interactions in all its manifestations. In the humanitarian discourse, these changes contribute the studying of the interaction between practical cultural studies and contemporary cultural practices. Such analysis allows us discovering new aspects of the process of culture.
The purposes of scientific research are to analyse the existing approaches to understand the essence, content and forms of modern cultural practices and to characterize the problems of their relationship with practical cultural studies.
The scientific tasks of the article are:
- to study theoretical principles of the understanding the essence of cultural practices;
- to highlight the theoretical and practical content of applied cultural studies;
- to find out the components of the interconnection between cultural practices and applied cultural
- outline the prospects of their relationship.
Analysis of Scientific Researches. The analysis of scientific works has shown that cultural practices are rarely the subject of the Ukrainian researches. This issue is characterized by certain variability. Thus, I. Petrova, O. Goncharova, O. Kravchenko, O. Buchkovskaya, V. Dyachuk, L. Polischuk, M. Chernets and others refer to cultural practices.
For example, the cultural and leisure component of cultural practices and its interdisciplinary nature are considered by Ukrainian scientists from the cultural, historical, psychological and pedagogical point of view. The researchers state that cultural and leisure activities as the basis of contemporary cultural practices reflect the peculiarities of social relations, the stratification of society, the development of its productive forces, ideology, beliefs and moral norms. The latter ones become crucial issues at the period of the conflict between the new social statuses and their cultural foundations [1, 5].
The works of the Ukrainian scientists, public persons, showmen have made a great impact in the research of modern cultural practices. They are Y. Bogutskyi, O. Butsenko, V. Vovkun, S. Volkov, O. Hrytsenko, S. Manda, I. Malimona, V. Sheiko, V. Chernets and others.
Main Part. The world experience of cultural development shows the intensive development of modern cultural practices and actualizes the issue of their practical interaction with cultural theories.
Western and domestic scientists, experts in economic theories define cultural practices as innovative forms of expression of cultural services, where the main product has a symbolic value. Moreover, the developed techniques allow us to demonstrate the contribution of this sector to economic development in figures and its social significance. In scientists' opinion, today we can see the so-called "time of culture", which helps us to analyse the role of cultural and creative practices in the economic development [2]. It is proved by the UNESCO researches. Referring to them, a number of recommendations have been developed for the assessment the cultural practices' contribution at the global, glocal and local levels.
The theoretical concept of David Parrish, a well-known researcher and practitioner of cultural management, concerns the studying and applying the relationship between creativity and business. In his work "T-shirts and Suits. Tips for Creative Business", David Parrish emphasizes that "creativity is not a poetry, whereas it is an ingenuity in the world of business, an ability to adapt ideas and methods to new circumstances in a variety of industries, sectors and cultures of different countries. Creativity is not a monopoly of the artist, it is wider, creativity is in us and around us" [3,9].
The researcher pays attention to the essential features of the combination of creativity and business, defines the conceptual difference among such concepts as "vision", "mission", "values", "success", "competence". In addition, he gives a number of examples of the implementation of creative ideas and analyses their effectiveness in modern cultural practices.
David Parrish's theoretical conception tries to show the formulas of creative business, based on creative ideas. We must study them, it allows the future specialist of the socio-cultural sphere to create their own business project, identify the strengths and weaknesses and obtain a certain result from its implementation.
The potential of cultural practices is undeniable. We can see it in the world experience of creating a unique face of local cultural zones, images of the city and countries. Cultural practices, as the main component of the formation of a cultural image, plays an important role in the urban culture of Ukrainian cities.
Today, the realities give us reason to state that many typical Ukrainian cities are characterized by a monotony of architectural structures, abandoned park areas, semi-destroyed basic cultural institutions, lack of quality infrastructure, etc. The question of restoring the attractive face of the city is on time. Unfortunately, local budgets are extremely limited.
World experience shows us that the cultural and creative practices that in the process of forming the cultural face of the city cultural and creative practices are emerging. The latter are the form that allows small cities to create their own unique appeal, both for residents of the city and for tourists.
Recently, a cultural and creative city has become the subject of the researches of many scientists, representatives and practitioners of various public institutions. Charles Landry, a world expert of the urban development, explains the problems of the modern city in his book "Creative City". In his opinion, the creativity is a way to the useful transformations of the city. Charles Landry emphasizes that "the essence of a creative city means that any settlement in any country in the world can conduct its business by its rich imagination and innovative ideas, whereas it needs the conditions, which allow people thinking, planning and acting creatively" [4, p. 1].
The basis of any creative city is creativity, which is the vital power of the city, its population in various manifestations from cultural and artistic activities to the formation of a cultural landscape, attractive architectonics. The effectiveness of the development of contemporary cultural practices depends on the interdependent combination of creativity and creation.
Many researches delimit creativity and creation and analyse their differences. So, "creation is seen as a process of creating a cultural, artistic product, whereas creativity is considered as the process of generating fundamentally new, previously unknown ideas. The first one models artistic images and embodies them in scenarios or objects; the second one is the ability to invent something new" [5]. However, both of them are important for the development of cultural practices. The process of their combining give us an opportunity to generate ideas for the development of Ukrainian cities, improve the activities of cultural institutions, increase the consumer value of cultural products.
Creation and creativity as the basis of cultural practice include individual production as well as common intellectual processes.
Jonah Lehrer, analyses creativity as a process that can not be seen as something secret or mysterious. In his opinion, creation does not belong only to artists, inventors and so on. Everyone has a creative impulse. We only have to create conditions for its expression [6, 21]. The statement of Jonah Lehrer allows us to say that creative activity is the characteristic of various social, age-related categories and has its significant power.
The active combination of creativity and history is one of the most important factors in the transformation of cultural practices. Their interdependence allows us to form an individual, unique cultural and tourist brand of a city.
So, we emphasize the importance of active participation of all interested stakeholders in the cultural life of the city, the role, significance, their personal responsibility the development of the cultural city strategy. It should include a number of cultural initiatives such as a competition among cultural, creative ideas of the city development; active interaction of executive authorities, local self-government with representatives of public initiatives; adoption of non-traditional power decisions; competitive approach to the employee (manager) of culture; analysing the practical experience of other cities and active cooperation (exchange) with ideas; participation in the EU grant programs, etc.
Thus, modern cultural practices are the key component of the city development, the functioning of cultural institutions, the high-quality cultural services.
Unfortunately, the domestic reality has a number of problems that make it impossible to transform Ukrainian cultural practices. The main one is the absence of cultural workers, who meet modern requirements of cultural studies. Naturally, the issue of the training the highly skilled professionals in the cultural sphere is crucial for Ukraine.
A modern manager of culture as any other specialist will be considered a competent professional if he or she has a high level of education, the necessary professional and business skills. In addition, he or she should understand the importance of activities, related to the satisfaction of the cultural needs.
The professional competencies of the manager of culture include the following knowledge: the theory and practice of socio-cultural activities; the conceptions of socio-cultural management; theoretical and practical principles of the functioning of culture, its institutions; technologies of the development of sociocultural and leisure programs, projects, events; creative business planning and design; methods and technologies to execute professional tasks.
The knowledge must be based on creative, innovative concepts that influence on the world economic space. By linking the sphere of culture with a certain production process (manufacturing of cultural goods, services, products), we show the formation of their consumer value and exclusivity, ensured by a creative approach.
The modern possibilities open new way to train a highly skilled specialist, who is capable of working in new economic conditions. Today, the representatives of cultural and artistic education should actively cooperate with various civil society and business institutions, which meet the requirements of the world cultural practices. The meaningful, constructive dialogue among all stakeholders, who are interested in cultural development, will create professional competence, based on worldwide practical experience.
In the context of our research, we want to tell about the educational initiatives, launched in Ukraine such as the publishing project "Library of the Creative Economy CHERNOZEM". Its mission is to develop knowledge of the principles of the functioning of the creative economy in the Ukrainian society, taking into account world experience. The project is aimed at economic changes as well as the formation of the active social cluster - a creative class that will significantly affect the social and political processes in the country. Its goal is to form the understanding of the creative economy as an economic and social phenomenon [7].
The European choice of Ukraine has actualized the reformation of the national higher education and cultural and artistic one, in particular. We should underline that the CIS countries have their own traditions of cultural and artistic education, which differ from the European one.
In Ukraine, the system of cultural and artistic education is aimed at: the preservation and development of the best traditions of the native educational culture; the overcoming the unification of education, caused by globalization processes; the intensification of scientific and educational cooperation with domestic and foreign colleagues; the priority of the creative personality rights, the insurance of the equality of national cultures and confessions. The significant step to the supporting of the cultural and artistic education was the Law of Ukraine "On Culture". It defines the cultural and artistic education as a special education in the field of culture and art. The law defines the development of the national cultural and artistic education as one of the main principles of the state cultural policy, which is aimed at the creating conditions for the individual development, the raising the cultural level, aesthetic education of citizens [8].
The purpose of the modern cultural and artistic education is training specialists, who are aimed at the provision of cultural rights and freedoms of citizens, the provision of quality, significant and socially useful cultural services. The last ones contribute to meeting the cultural needs of Ukrainians.
The highly skilled worker of XXI century should have theoretical knowledge, be able to use it in his practical work, make meaningful conclusions, analyse the problems of the industry and the best ways of their solutions. This professional competence is the basis of the modern science - Applied Cultural Studies.
In the opinion of M. A. Ariarsky, a founder of the Russian scientific school of Applied Cultural Studies, this science meets the requirements of social practice and explains theoretical knowledge of culture; mechanisms of socialization and inculturation to forecast, design, regulate and organise cultural processes; the development and implementation of technologies of the formation of a favourable cultural environment; satisfaction and further enrichment of spiritual interests and human needs; the development of its creative potential. The practical knowledge is Applied Cultural Studies, based on well-founded fundamental studies about the classification of cultural functions [9, 9].
Dividing applied cultural studies into two scientific areas, the researchers point out the problems of institutional socio-cultural interactions [10, 78-79].
Leading scientific schools support the idea that the applied level of cultural studies is focused on the using of fundamental knowledge about culture to forecast and regulate topical cultural processes; to develop the social technologies of the implementations of cultural experience and mechanisms to achieve a certain level of socio-cultural practice; to protect the national culture.
Applied cultural studies as a discipline plays a leading role in the process of training specialists in the field of culture and art such specialties as "Management of Socio-Cultural Sphere", "Information, Library and Archive Studies", "Museology, Monument Studies", "Stage Art", "Music Art", "Choreography", "Fine Art, Decorative Art, Restoration", "Design", "Audiovisual Art and Production".
The study of discipline will contribute to the creation of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing conditions for the implementation of spiritual, communicative, compensatory, creative, recreational potential of people, manifestation of their socio-cultural activity. The theoretical knowledge will allow them to put into the cultural practice of the aforementioned specialists.
The tasks of the discipline are to study of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of applied cultural studies; to identify the regularities, principles, means, methods and forms of creation, to assimilate cultural values; to obtain practically oriented knowledge about the patterns of formation and development of various subjects of culture (person, social, ethnic-cultural groups, regions, society) and to research the optimal mechanisms for regulating socio-cultural processes at the appropriate levels; to define norms, practices in the field of socio-cultural, cultural-educational, cultural-entertainment, recreational and entertainment, communicative-compensatory and informational culture; to acquire practical skills of analysis, etc.
Conclusions and Perspectives of Further Development. Summing up the above-mentioned information, we can make the following conclusions:
- the issue of the interdependence of cultural practices and applied cultural studies should be well- researched by Ukrainian cultural studies;
- the cultural and artistic education, the preparation of a cultural manager need a certain transformation, including the introduction of modern knowledge programs;
- the transformations of cultural practices depend on the active cooperation and constructive dialogue of all interested stakeholders in the national cultural life;
- the development of modern cultural practices is an important part of the functioning of the city cultural institutions and the consumption of high-quality cultural services;
- the cultural practices should be manifested in the different forms from architecture to innovative and creative thinking;
- the modern cultural practices are characterized the ability to generate new innovative and creative ideas and products.
The theoretical and practical potential of applied cultural studies, described in the article, allows us to show its decisive role in the interrelation with cultural practice. The latter combines the knowledge of the from humanitarian field, vocational orientation, which gives a future specialist an opportunity to imagine his professionally oriented role and place in ensuring the cultural needs of citizens in the modern market conditions.
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реферат [41,6 K], добавлен 09.11.2013The main types of stereotypes, their functions, leading to illustrate the differences in cultures and national symbols. The use of stereotypes of the main ways in which we simplify our social mir.Funktsiya transfer relatively reliable information.
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презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 16.02.2012Customs and traditions, national and religious holidays, the development of art and architecture in Turkey. Description of the relationship of Turks to the family, women, marriage, birth and burial. Characteristics of the custom of Sunnet - circumcision.
реферат [28,1 K], добавлен 21.01.2012Pre-cinema inventions. Descriptions of some visual devices which anticipated the appearance of motion-picture camera. The development of cinematography. The problem of genesis of the language of cinema. The ways of organizing theatrical performances.
реферат [17,5 K], добавлен 02.02.2015Основные движения партнеров в блюзе. Специфика лирического и театрального стилей исполнения джазовых танцев. Характеристика основных элементов Cool, Modern и Weast-Coast. Изучение личных, групповых и командных соревнований по акробатическому рок-н-роллу.
реферат [48,0 K], добавлен 17.01.2012Hobby as regular classes man in his spare time, leisure activities depending on their interests, passions and Hobbies. The passion for reading books, collecting stamps. Passion for modern dancing, cooking and shopping. The cultivation of flowers.
презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 02.02.2015Beliebte Musikgenres derzeit in Russland. Untrennbar aus den Genres der Rockmusik Subkultur: rocker, hippie, punk, metaller, goth, emo. Das Thema und die Inhalte der Lieder, ihre tiefe und philosophische Bedeutung. Russische Musik: Künstler, Gruppen.
презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 17.04.2016Painting, sculpture, architecture, graphics - the main kinds of arts. In painting use oil and water color paints, distemper, gouache. Easel, monumental, decorative painting. The book, poster, industrial drawing. Landscape architecture, town-planning.
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 27.04.2011Racism as an instrument of discrimination, as a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to cultural solutions: multicultural education and the promotion of ethnic identities. Addressing cultural inequalities through religion, literature, art and science.
реферат [33,9 K], добавлен 14.03.2013