The unique life path and creative activity of Ukrainian documentary director O.M. Shopin

An analysis of the life and creative path of the Ukrainian director of documentary films O.M. Shopin. Study of little-known pages of the history of Ukrainian cinema and its figures, which were left out of the attention of various domestic art critic.

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Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

The unique life path and creative activity of Ukrainian documentary director O.M. Shopin

Bezruchko Oleksandr

Dr.Sc. (Doctor of Science) in Arts, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Direction of television chair,



director cinema art shopin

The purpose of work is to study and analyze the life and creative path of the Ukrainian documental film director Oleksiy Mykhailovych Shopin.

Research methodology consists in application of methods of personology, theory of personality and historical-biographic method. The marked methodological approaches allow collecting and investigating unknown and not popular facts from the life and creative activity of a film director Shopin.

The scientific novelty of work is predefined by the necessity of study of not popular pages of history of Ukrainian cinema and its figures, which for one reason or another remained out of eyeshot of home art critics.

Conclusions. Summerizing the above it can be noted that the scientific tasks have been fulfilled: the life and creative path of the Ukrainian director of documental films O.M. Shopin was investigated; his studies at the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory were mentioned; the reasons for leaving the Film director's Laboratory were analyzed; the situation with the pre-war and post-war life of O.M. Shopin and his return to the cinema was described; his creative activity in Ukrainian cinema as the documentary director at the Kyiv Film Studio of documental films "Ukrkinokhronika" was restored.

Keywords: Oleksiy Shopin, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, cinema, Film director's Laboratory in Kyiv Film Factory, creative activity.


Безручко Олександр Вікторович, доктор мистецтвознавства, доцент, професор кафедри режисури телебачення Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв

Унікальний життєвий шлях і творча діяльність українського режисера документальних фільмів

О.М. Шопіна

Мета роботи. Дослідити та проаналізувати життєвий і творчий шлях українського режисера документальних фільмів Олексія Михайловича Шопіна.

Методологія дослідження полягає в застосування методів персонології, теорії особистості та історико-біографічного методу. Зазначені методологічні підходи дозволяють зібрати та дослідити невідомі та маловідомі факти із життя і творчої діяльності кінорежисера О. Шопіна.

Наукова новизна роботи зумовлена потребую вивчення маловідомих сторінок історії українського кінематографа та його діячів, які з тих чи інших причин залишилися поза увагою вітчизняних мистецтвознавців.

Висновки. Підсумовуючи вищеви-кладене, можна зазначити, що поставлені наукові завдання виконані: досліджено життєвий і творчий шлях українського режисера документального фільму О.М. Шопіна; згадано про його навчання в режисерській лабораторії Олександра Петровича Довженка на Київській кінофабриці; проаналізовано причини залишення режисерської лабораторії О.П. Довженка на Київській кінофабриці; описано ситуацію із довоєнними і післявоєнним життям О.М. Шопіна та поверненням до кінематографу; реконструйовано його творчу діяльність в українському кінематографі в якості режисера документальних фільмів на Київській кіностудії документальних фільмів "Укркінохроніка".

Ключові слова: Олексій Шопін, Олександр Довженко, кінематограф, режисерська лабораторія на Київській кінофабриці, творча діяльність.


Безручко Александр Викторович, доктор искусствоведения, доцент, профессор кафедры режиссуры телевидения Киевского национального университета культуры и искусств

Уникальный жизненный путь и творческая деятельность украинского режиссера документальных фильмов А. М. Шопина

Цель работы. Исследовать и проанализировать жизненный и творческий путь украинского режиссера документальных фильмов Алексея Михайловича Шопина.

Методология исследования заключается в применение методов персонологии, теории личности и историко-биографического метода. Отмеченные методологические подходы позволяют собрать и исследовать неизвестные и малоизвестные факты из жизни и творческой деятельности кинорежиссера А. Шопина.

Научная новизна работы предопределена потребностью изучения малоизвестных страниц истории украинского кинематографа и его деятелей, которые по тем или другим причинам остались вне поля зрения отечественных искусствоведов.

Выводы. Подытоживая вышеизложенное, можно отметить, что поставлены научные задания выполнены: исследован жизненный и творческий путь украинского режиссера документального фильма А.М. Шопина; упомянуто о его учебе в режиссерской лаборатории Александра Петровича Довженко на Киевской кинофабрике; проанализированы причины оставления режиссерской лаборатории А.П. Довженко на Киевской кинофабрике; описана ситуация с довоенными и послевоенной жизнью А.М. Шопина и возвращением в кинематограф; реконструирована его творческая деятельность в украинском кинематографе в качестве режиссера документальных фильмов на Киевской киностудии документальных фильмов "Укркинохроника".

Ключевые слова: Алексей Шопин, Александр Довженко, кинематограф, режиссерская лаборатория на Киевской кинофабрике, творческая деятельность.

Problem formulation. This actual investigation of this topic was caused by the demand to learn more about some not very well known pages of Ukrainian cinematography and its personalities, who were left out of view of national historians of Art. Among them, there is a student of O.P. Dovzhenko, Ukrainian film director of documental films Oleksiy Mykhailovych Shopin (1911-2005).

Analysis of recent research and publications. Despite the mention of O. Shopin in the publications of L. Goseiko [6], S. Trymbach [16], and O. Bezruchko [2], we can admit that Oleksiy Mykhailovych Shopin actually remained beyond vision of Ukrainian cinema researchers.

The scientific tasks of this article are to investigate the life and creative path of the Ukrainian director of documental films Oleksii Shopin, to remember his studies at the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory, to analyze the reasons for leaving the Film director's Laboratory, to describe the situation with pre-war and post-war life of O.M. Shopin and his return to the cinematography and to reconstruct his creative activity in Ukrainian cinematography as the documentary director at the Kyiv Film Studio of documental films "Ukrkinokhronika".

Research methodology consists in application of methods of personology, theory of personality and historical-biographic method. The marked methodological approaches allow collecting and investigating unknown and not popular facts from life and creative activity of a film director Shopin.

The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the life and creative path of the most unknown director-laboratorian of the Film director's Laboratory (workshop) of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory, the Ukrainian director of documental films Oleksiy M. Shopin.

Summary. The most unknown director-laboratorian of Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory was the Ukrainian documentary director Oleksiy Mykhailovych Shopin (March 8, 1911, Nyzhnya Slobidka village of Korochan district, Kursk region, Russia, - January 10, 2005, Borova village, Fastov district, Kyiv region, Ukraine).

Oleksiy Shopin became a student of Film director's Laboratory (workshop) of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory in 1935. This fact proves the evidence discovered by the author in the archival document, in which in August 1936 during his speech at the Kyiv Film Factory Oleksandr Dovzhenko said: "I accepted such people as: < ...> Shopin (Oleksiy Mykhailovych)" [8, 5-6].

The director-laboratorian O. Shopin received a rather good salary for that time - 157 rubles, 70 kopecks [14, 102], and like other young film directors, was in line for housing, built by the Kiev Film Factory for its employees on Gorky Street.

The main task of the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory was not only to obtain knowledge, but also the writing of screenplays after which the directors-laboratorians could shoot films. Therefore, thanks to O. Dovzhenko his students O. Shopin, M. Sasim and others who listened to the Kyiv State Institute of Cinematography course would have been able to obtain real diplomas of a film director, by means of which they could work in the Ukrainian cinema not as assistants, but as film directors.

But Dovzhenko's plans and hopes of Shopin were ruined by the "Trotskyist purge" of 1936, after which on September 29, 1936, Oleksiy Shopin, Theodosius Ferents and Mykola Sasim were dismissed "from the staff of the laboratory of the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory as the people who, due to their past activities and by their true ideology are enemies" [1, 173]. The newspaper of the Kyiv Film Factory published some accusatory articles like "More vigilance!" ("In the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory and in the cinema group "Shchors" a Trotskyist group of Sasim, Ferents and Shopin was found" [3]); "Clear the Film director's Laboratory from the Trotskyist elements" ("For more than a year many people had been selected and checked for the studio stuff. Dozens of people were tested and at last the top ten were picked out. And among these top ten there were the three apparent Trotskyist elements - Sasim, Ferents, Shopin" [13]).

At the meeting devoted to the "Trotskyist exile" at the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory the master tried to protect his students: "Now I answer my comrades ... how in the Dovzhenko's Film director's Laboratory the people, who were "Trotskysts", like Sasim, Shopin, Ferentz, Shepeliev were studying" [8, 4]. The "vigilant public" demanded from the teacher to expel the students, including O. Shopin: "We know and appreciate the high commitment given by the film-director a comrade Dovzhenko, who is teaching young people preparing a new staff. But we must help Dovzhenko to clear the Film director's Laboratory from the Trotskyists" [13].

The reduction of Dovzhenko pupils went under the guise of reorganization: "Now the group is finally reviewing its composition. For example, the number of assistants is reduced. We need a self-sufficient group that works normally, without unnecessary, disabled people" [4]. The tragedy of the situation was that it was the master, who was forced to exclude from the lines of the Film director's Laboratory the students caught up with the "Trotskyists": "Comrade Dovzhenko reviewed the composition of the Film director's Laboratory and reduced the number of its members in order to put the workshop on production rails" [5].

After the exclusion from the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory, and later after the exclusion from Kyiv Film Factory, Shopin disappeared: he was no longer mentioned not only as a Trotskyist, but was not mentioned in any newspapers and reports at all. For example, in the "Statement of the Party Investigator on the Trotskyist Domination and the impurity of the Apparatus of the Kinosystem of Kyiv" [10], on February 1, 1937, the party-leader mentioned Sasim, Ferents, and instead of the name of Shopin, used the neutral "and others".

After several appeals to the Branch State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine an answer was received that there was no case of Shopin in the Security Service of Ukraine. However, such a development did not mean that Oleksiy Shopin could not be arrested, because in the same archive, there was no information on the case of "Trotskyist" by Oleksandr Gavronskyi, and after the search it was found that his case was in the Russian Federation. Therefore, for a long time, the most likely version was that Shopin could be arrested outside Ukraine, and therefore his case was stored in the relevant Russian archives. However, after years of searching it was possible to find out about the fate of this director-laboratorian. Accused of "Trotskyism" O. Shopin, in order to avoid arrest, in early 1937 was forced to leave secretly the Kyiv Film Factory, Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory, O.P. Dovzhenko, to pass on foot the half of Ukraine and to hide for almost a quarter of the century. Before the war Shopin worked as a teacher in a small village of Pischana Kosa (Sedovo) on the Azov Sea, near the Russian Federation. Probably, it was O. Dovzhenko who recommended to do so, who himself was temporarily forced to hide from the Ukrainian branch of Secret Service of Soviet Union (so-called NKVD, later KGB) in Russia in the summer of 1932.

In his December lecture to students of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography in 1932, and then in the interview to the union newspaper "Cinema" O. Dovzhenko recommended to young film directors to gain cinematic experience in real life: "Let them go as sailors to the Arctic. Let them dig gold in Aldan, harvest furs, guard the borders, sow rye, wheat in collective farmers, and eradicate locust from airplanes in Tajikistan.

Pass with scientific expeditions the Far Eastern taiga, fish in the Amur, study tanks. Let them collect all the human movements of a new socialist person at their paths. It will help later" [7].

The same kind of advice Dovzhenko gave to the director-laboratorians including Oleksiy Shopin, whom Oleksandr Dovzhenko sent to collect stories in various regions of Ukraine. However, in this case, Shopin was forced to run away. No wonder that he changed his name and it helped him; at least in one of the documents of 1939 he was recorded not as Oleksiy, but like Oleksandr.

The fate played with Oleksiy Shopin not once: during the Second World War he stayed in the temporarily occupied territory where "on May 20, 1942 he was taken into the labor camp in Germany, where he worked in agriculture" [9].

Military wanderings of O. Shopin need a separate story - his repeated attempts to run away to the Motherland for which a recalcitrant worker from Ukraine in 1943 was sent to a concentration camp in Frankfurt. Oleksiy Shopin described in details his arrest and his war hardships in 1942, though only several pages of his memories were left after his death: "It was in 1943 at the concentration camp in Frankfurt. The workers were serving their sentence in the camp: Russians, Frenchmen, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Balkans, Italians... for escaping to the Motherland, disobedience to the Germans or the owner, by singing national songs, by refusing to enter into abusive work... The regime in the camp was extremely cruel..." [17].

After the liberation by the Americans on April 14, 1945 Shopin did not stay in the West but returned to his homeland. Oleksiy Shopin was not sent to Soviet camps, because the relevant authorities "didn't have any information which proved that O.M. Shopin did anything against the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War" [9]. Although it was an exception to the rules because many innocent Soviet people who survived in German Nazi camps and came back home were forced to "redeem their guilt" in the Soviet camps.

On September 1, 1945 Oleksiy Shopin was enrolled in one of the military units as a freelance engineer-sanitary technician, and nineteen days later he was transferred to the position of the head of the fuel group and the head of the warehouse. Then Shopin worked as a supply agent and a construction technician. Only in 1948, Shopin and his wife, whom he met in Germany, returned to Ukraine. However, he did not go to Kyiv, but to a small railway village Vysok, near Kharkiv.

In this village Oleksiy Shopin worked as the head of the drama group, head of the cultural club, even a manager and a regular electrician. It should be noted that all this time Shopin did not leave hope to contact his teacher O. Dovzhenko. However, Dovzhenko did not receive letters from the Shopin. Most likely, they were destroyed by Y. Solntseva. The reasons for such an assumption is the letter of Mishurin to Shopin, in which he was asked to hand over the letters of Dovzhenko to Solntseva for publication: "If you have any letters to O. Dovzhenko you must find them. They will all be published. Please do not delay it and as soon as you find the materials send them to me by parcel. We will make the photocopies of them" [12].

Oleksiy Shopin sent the original letters of Dovzhenko to Julia Solntseva. Having worked out all available Ukrainian and Russian archives no letters from O. Dovzhenko to O. Shopin, as well as letters of O. Shopin to O. Dovzhenko were found. Y. Solntseva destroyed them as many other archival and epistolary heritage of Dovzhenko, which for her point of view did not fit into the image of "a true Soviet artist".

Only after Stalin's death Oleksiy Shopin dared to move to Kyiv and meet with Oleksiy Mishurin and other friends with whom he studied at the film director's faculty of Kyiv State Institute of Cinematography and worked at the the Kyiv Film Factory. Thanks to their help, O. Shopin began to work first on the Kyiv Film Studio of Feature Films named after Oleksandr Dovzhenko, and later in the Kyiv Film Studio of Documental Films "Ukrkinokhroinka". In order to make up for lost time, Oleksiy Shopin worked as an assistant director, independently studied lectures on film editing, wrote and after three years began to make movies on his own.

In the creative work of Oleksiy Shopin there are eight documentaries: "Kharkiv Zoo Veterinary Institute" (1961), "The Hectare of Native Land" (1962), "Extra feed reserves" (1963), "For the complex mechanization of peas processing" (1963), "Bean is a profitable culture" (1964), "Only half a percent" (1965), "The way Tatarbunartsi live" (1966), "Collective farm service point" (1971).

O.M. Shopin worked at the Kyiv Film Studio of Documetaries "Ukrkinokhronika" from January 1, 1959 to June 15, 1971 after which he retired and for more than thirty years until his death in January 2005 he lived in the village of Borova, in Fastov district of Kyiv region.


Summerizing the above it can be noted that the scientific tasks have been fulfilled: the life and creative path of the Ukrainian director of documental films O.M. Shopin was investigated; his studies at the Film director's Laboratory of Oleksandr Dovzhenko in Kyiv Film Factory were mentioned; the reasons for leaving the Film director's Laboratory were analyzed; the situation with the pre-war and post-war life of O.M. Shopin and his return to the cinema was described; his creative activity in Ukrainian cinema as a documentary director at the Kyiv Film Studio of documental films "Ukrkinokhronika" was restored.

Nevertheless, the perspectives of scientific research remain large since Oleksiy Mykhailovych Shopin's studies the film director's faculty of Kyiv State Institute of Cinematography remain little-studied.


1. Архівно-слідча справа "В.Й. Зорін, О.Т. Ніколаєнко, Т.М. Ференц, М.С. Сасім" // Центральний держ. архів громадських об'єднань України. - Ф. 263: Колекція позасуд. справ реабілітованих. 1919-1953. ? Оп. 1. - Спр. 58835.

2. Безручко О. Шопін Олексій // Безручко О. В. Архівна спадщина Олександра Довженка : монографія /

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3. Більше пильності! // За більшовицький фільм. - 1936. - 28 серп.

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5. Галицький В. Два роки обіцянок. Ще про долю молодих кінорежисерів / В. Галицький, В. Довбищенко // Комсомолець України. ? 1937. ? 14 верес.

6. Ґосейко Л. Історія українського кінематографа, 1896-1995 / Л. Ґосейко ; [пер. з фр.: С. Довганюк, Л. Ґо- сейко]. - Київ : Кіпо-Коло, 2005. -461 с. : іл.

7. Довженко А. Большому искусству - большие люди / А. Довженко // Кино. ? 1933. ? 22 авг.

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9. Довідка Управління СБУ по Донецькій обл. від 26 квіт. 1994 р. // Приват. архів Н. О. Головешко.

10. Доповідні записки, довідки, інформації Управління в галузі мистецтва при РНК УРСР з профсоюзними організаціями, працівниками мистецтва з питань підготовки кінофільмів, постановки вистав, будівництва театрів, клубів, організації вистав, присвоювання почесних звань, про гастрольні поїздки. Справки, інформації про роботу Радіокомітету УРСР // Центральний держ. архів громадських об'єднань України. - Ф. 1: Центральний комітет компартії України. ? Оп. 20: Документи відділів ЦК КП(б)У. - Спр. 7099. - Арк. 8-14.

11. Коваленко М. М. Син зачарованої Десни: спогади і от. / М. М. Коваленко, О. О. Мішурін. - Київ : Рад. письменник, 1984. - 271 с.

12. Мішурін О. Лист Олексію Шопіну, 1 груд. 1957 р., м. Київ / Олексій Мішурін // Приват. архів Н.О. Головешко.

13. Очистити режстудію від троцькістких недобитків : [ред. ст.] // За більшовицький фільм. - 1936. - 28 серп.

14. Протоколи засідань інвентаризаційної комісії, акти, відомості по інвентаризації обладнання та мат. цінностей Київської кінофабрики з 26 жовт. 1935 року по 1 січ. 1936 року // Центральний держ. архів-музей літератури і мистецтв України. ? Ф. 670: Національна кіностудія художніх фільмів ім. О. П. Довженка. ? Оп. 1. ? Спр. 10.

15. Розпорядження по Учб. комбінату "Українфільм" від 28 верес. 1932 р. // Центральний держ. архів вищих органів влади та управління України. - Ф. 1238: Держ. український трест кінопромисловості "Українфільм" Держ. всесоюзного кінофотооб'єднання "Союзкіно". ? Оп. 1. - Спр. 312: Доповідні записки і відомості Київської кінофабрики про охорону праці, техніку безпеки, штати, ліміти по праці; навч. плани і розпорядження учб. комбінату тресту "Українфільм"; договори Київського кіноінституту з Шосткінською фабрикою кіноплівки про підготовку кадрів. - Арк. 282.

16. Тримбач С. Олександр Довженко: загибель богів: ідентифікація автора в національному часо-просторі / С. Тримбач. - Вінниця : ГЛОБУС-ПРЕС, 2007. - 800 с.

17. Шопін О. М. Спогади про перебування в німецькому концтаборі / О. М. Шопін // Приват. архів Н.О. Головешко.

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  • James Cameron is famous canadian film director, screenwriter, producer, and researcher of the underwater world. James Cameron's filmography includes five financial records. Interesting Facts of life and work of film director. History of the personal life.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 21.10.2014

  • Alexander Murashko - one of the most prominent Ukrainian artists of the late XIX - early XX century. He was the first rector of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts in Kiev. His most famous works of art "Portrait of a girl in a red hat" and "Peasant Family".

    биография [13,3 K], добавлен 17.01.2011

  • The value of art in one's life, his role in understanding the characteristics of culture. The skill and ability of the artist to combine shapes and colors in a harmonious whole. Create an artist of her unique style of painting, different from the others.

    презентация [2,3 M], добавлен 20.10.2013

  • Short-story biography of American film actress Jennifer Aniston: parents, childhood, friends and beginning of career. The personal life of film star and development of its career is in Hollywood. Rewards of artist, as critic and public confession.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 26.10.2013

  • The most beautiful and interesting sights of old towns of Ukraine: Kiev (St. Sophia and St. Vladimir Cathedrals, Golden Gates, Museum of Ukrainian Art), Odessa (Pushkin Museum), Lviv (Pharmaceutical Museum, Museum of Ethnography and Crafts, Opera House).

    презентация [16,7 M], добавлен 15.02.2014

  • The history of the emergence of Hollywood in the central region of Los Angeles, USA. Education on this territory of the first film studios and film industry. "Walk of Fame" and especially its creation. The use of science for the production of films.

    презентация [6,5 M], добавлен 18.12.2014

  • Pre-cinema inventions. Descriptions of some visual devices which anticipated the appearance of motion-picture camera. The development of cinematography. The problem of genesis of the language of cinema. The ways of organizing theatrical performances.

    реферат [17,5 K], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • John Christopher Depp - an American film actor, director, musician, screenwriter and producer. The three-time nominee for "Oscar", winner of the "Golden Globe". Actor filmography and roles, the most successful commercial projects with his participation.

    презентация [4,4 M], добавлен 27.01.2014

  • Introduction to the history of the Steinway piano - an uncompromising standard of sound, beauty and investment value. History and development of the company Steinway & Sons. The study of competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses of the marketing company.

    презентация [565,2 K], добавлен 04.05.2012

  • The concept of "intercultural dialogue". The problem of preserving the integrity nations and their cultural identity. formation of such a form of life, as cultural pluralism, which is an adaptation to a foreign culture without abandoning their own.

    статья [108,6 K], добавлен 12.11.2012

  • The development of painting in the USA. The First American Revolution and the young republic. Landscape, history and marine painting. American Museum of Natural History. National Gallery of Art. Leslie Lohman Gay Art Foundation, the Philips Collection.

    курсовая работа [74,6 K], добавлен 12.02.2014

  • American artist - Andrew Wyeth was born in 1917 in Chides-ford. By 1945 the personal realistic style of the artist was generated. The basic theme of his jobs was landscapes and village life. The most known and famous product of Wyeth - "Kristin's world".

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 18.06.2010

  • St. Valentine's Day is the traditional day on which lovers. The day's associations with romantic love. History of Valentine's Day. The influential Gnostic teacher Valentinius: versions of these legends. Valentine's Day in USA and other cultures.

    реферат [11,2 K], добавлен 31.01.2010

  • Theatre in British history as an integral part of the cultural heritage. Stages of professional development of the theater from the first theater and the trivial to the most modern experimental projects. Famous people of British theater for centuries.

    курсовая работа [58,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2013

  • Johnny Depp - is an American actor, producer, musician. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actor. Depp rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, becoming a teen idol. Popular films with Depp.

    презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 02.10.2012

  • Tarantino is an emblem of postmodernism late XX c. Childhood and youth actor's, career, worldwide popularity. Key stylistic components of Tarantino movies. Quentin Tarantino's movies as a game in the sense of the word, which is understood by children.

    эссе [14,7 K], добавлен 11.02.2014

  • Оказание услуг в сфере аттракции для людей со всеми уровнями достатка. Использование улучшенной технологии 3D. Прайс-лист услуг кинотеатра "Sensation". Основные отличия комплекса. Общие затраты на открытие кинотеатра. Анализ рисков и страхование.

    бизнес-план [36,9 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • The Louvre in Paris as the most unique museum complex, one of the largest in the world. Creating a glass pyramid. Masterpieces of world art. Location in the museum's greatest collections of paintings and masterpieces, sculptures of different epochs.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 10.03.2015

  • Theatre art is very actual. The oldest Siberia theatre. Tobolsk theatre in years of Great Domestic war. Drama theatre in post-war time. Tobolsk stage in 60-70th years. The Artists. The jubilee years of theatre. Siberia theatre is 300 years old.

    реферат [1,0 M], добавлен 09.02.2009

  • The study brief biography and works of the great artist Isaac Levitan. The most famous artwork is gorgeous landscape. A photographic image of the famous master of nature, landscapes of Russian nature, drawings, watercolors and book illustrations.

    презентация [789,2 K], добавлен 13.03.2015

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