The House of S. Esenin

Organization in the village of Konstantinovo hut-reading room with an exhibition area dedicated to the work of the poet S.А. Esenin. The first literary exhibition on the terrace of the house. The contribution of the Esenin sisters in the museum device.

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Vladimir State University Vladimir, Russia

The House of S. Esenin

Arkanov A.

Дом-музей Сергея Есенина

Ryazan land poeticize genius S. A. Esenin remembers his illustrious countryman actively and thankfully. In his home in the village of Konstantinovo, State Museum SA Esenina cherishes the memory of the poet and takes a lot of fans of his talent. For many years, thousands of people of different ages and professions swim, come, come in Konstantinovo, to feel the spirit of Yesenin's poetry, worship the memory of a great artist. poet yesenin museum house

Esenin poetry breathes the smell of native fields. It is suffused with great love for the land where the poet was born, to the people from which he came.

Edge favorite. Heart dream

Mow the sun in the waters of the pubic,

I would like to get lost

The Green your stozvonnyh.

Alas, creativity SA Esenina at once appears to the reader as the works of the great poet. But that's the secret of his immortality. And the more true poet away from us as a living person, the closer and more fully appears to us as a brilliant master of ... ("Big is seen at a distance").

January 1, 1926 in the House of Herzen held an organizational meeting for the commemoration S.Yesenin. It was suggested, in particular, to establish a poet in his native village hut-reading room named after SA Esenina.

With the same proposal the Union of Soviet Writers addressed to the secretary of the Ryazan Regional Committee of the CPSU (B) comrade. AI Marfin. In a letter dated 04.12.1947 the year, classified as "Confidential", which is stored in the party archive Ryazan region, says: "Having considered the request of the mother of the late poet SA Esenina TF Yesenina the acquisition of state house Yesenin in Konstantinovo village, Rybnovskij district, Ryazan region to organize in it the museum, the Union of Soviet Writers' Union considers it possible to write to you with the following sentence: Ryazan regional committee of the CPSU (b) gives an indication of the appropriate local organizations to allocate funds for the purchase of home of TF Yesenina in order to organize in the village of Konstantinovo hut-reading room with corner-exhibition devoted to the work of the poet.

Patronage over this hut reading room, delivering literature and materials for the exhibition of the Soviet Writers Union undertakes. To service the reading rooms and exhibition organization CSP considers it possible to draw the sister of the late poet E. Yesenin, which has a corresponding agreement. " The letter signed by the Secretary General of the Union of Soviet writer Alexander Fadeyev.

The first literary Esenin exhibition on the terrace house L. Kashina was organized by a delegation of the All-Russian Union of Writers, headed by DD Benefit and VL Lvov-Rogachev, who arrived in Konstantinovo July 5, 1926. A general meeting. On the veranda of the former manor house - the Presidency, the members of which were all family Esenina writers' delegation representatives, village councils, provincial organizations. Above the heads of the red flag of deployed Russian Union of Writers, which was donated to the village Konstantinov (now it is kept in the collections of the State Museum SA Esenina). Moscow guests arranged in a small room Kashin house on the first floor of the exhibition brought back literature. 1000 books joined the village library

Since 1955, in the family home Yesenin, where she worked as a rural library was housed exhibition entitled "Life and Works Esenina"

When the promotion of creativity SA Esenina engaged in rural library, while the village was visited by many admirers of the poet. In the summer of 1964 in the house of the poet, but the museum it was not yet open and the accounting was conducted very irregularly, visited more than 10 thousand people. Many of them left their comments on the visit homeland Esenina. These were not just recording a frank declaration of love to the poet and the request to open a museum.

By decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to the memorable date, the 70th anniversary of SA Esenina to the home of the poet was opened Memorial Museum, where he lived with his parents and sisters. HouseMuseum of SA Yesenin was at first a branch of the Ryazan Regional Museum. In the hall of the memorial museum SAEsenin was posted literary exhibition dedicated to the life and works of S. Yesenin. It was based on the scientific development ekpozitsionnoy employee Pushkin House N. Homchuk. Various stands reflected in photographs, documents difficult life and career of the poet.

In a hall - Poet's Corner. At the window - a wooden bed with a blanket of motley rags. Close - chest, treasured books of favorite authors. On the rack beside the bed - fur coat mother whose son called shushunom. ("Do not go so often on the road in an old dilapidated shushune"). On the walls - family photos. It draws attention to the "certificate of merit": "Given this rural school student Constantine Ryazan district Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin for the very good progress and excellent conduct, rendered to them during the academic year 1908/9."

The house is still as it was during the life of the poet. This took care of his sisters, are carefully kept for years and books, and furniture and utensils. With them was recreated the atmosphere of life at the time when the poet came to his home and resigned gentle verses:

"Our upper room, though small, but clean. I am with you at your leisure ...

This evening my whole life sweet as a pleasant memory of the other. "

Sisters of the poet - unforgettable for us part of life Esenina. The role of these two women in the device of the museum is truly invaluable. They were given very valuable in number and detail information pertaining to the environment and everyday life Esenina. Anyone who loves S.Yesenin, bit by bit, like jewelry, collects, stores, everything that is connected with the name of a loved one, especially if it firsthand, from the spring of the facts. The first director of the museum VI Astakhov is constantly emphasized, as is the creation of the museum in a relatively short period of time was made possible by the generous support of hundreds and hundreds of different people. State Literary Museum gave a lot of valuable items - a rare portrait of the poet, first editions of his books, posters 20s. Employees directly involved in the development of specialized exhibit plans for the museum, including the long-term.

Bow to this area, to cultivate the famous Russian poet, began to come more and more in love with the poetry Esenina from different places of our country and from abroad. This situation has created great difficulties for workers in the service of the museum visitors.

It was decided to take a literary museum Esenina former manor house Kashin. Few away from the parental home is a two-story house with an attic. Noteworthy building that is almost the only remaining village in an old house. As it happens therefore visiting the mistress of the house - L. Kashin, which to some extent was the prototype A. Snegina in the poem of the same name. Since 1969, the Literary Museum is located there, where deployed an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the poet. In the halls - manuscripts S.Yesenin revealing his creative laboratory. Documents, books ... By the way it is traced a bright Russian singer.

The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1984, decided on the basis of existing literary-memorial museum in the village of Konstantinovo and places in the city to create a Savior Klepiki State Museum SA Esenina. Museum workers, architects, engineers, landscape architects, literary, foresters worked on its creation. March 7, 1984, our museum received the status of State Museum SA Esenina.

"Museum-Reserve. In these two words connected to the destiny of man, to glorify the Fatherland, and the fate of the place, which is inextricably linked with the life of this man, "- thought S. Geychenko. Love to the native land has always inspired Esenin, she gave him creative forces.

Currently, the Museum-Reserve SA Esenina - is the historical memorial complex of buildings, which include, in addition to the manor of parents, Church of Our Lady of Kazan, a chapel in honor of the Holy Spirit, Constantine Zemstvo school and the estate of the last landowner village LI Konstantinova Kashin, SpasKlepikovsky second-class school teacher at Holy Klepikovsky department of the museum.

Undoubtedly, the most important part of the museum complex is a unique nature that made the poet's "whole soul throw into words." On the high bank of the Oka River is the village of Konstantinovo. At the bottom - the river, followed by a stretch beautiful meadows. Only after visiting here, we see how closely related poetry SA Esenina to the native village.

Next to the house is Yesenins restored for the 100th anniversary of the birth Esenina wooden Zemstvo Elementary School, where he graduated with a certificate of merit Sergei. Established there exposition tells about the role of the Zemsky schools in education and the education of peasant children. In the memorial exhibits class slate tablet, which enjoyed Yesenin, photographs of his first teachers, textbooks.

The decoration of the village is the Kazan Church - architectural monument of the 18th century. It was baptized "the servant of God, named the son Sergei." Priest IJ Smirnov contributed enter 12-year-old Sergei in Christ-Klepikovsky school where open Front Museum.

Manor house L. Kashina in 1995 after restoration work has appeared in a new capacity as a museum of the poem "Anna Snegina" .Uyutnaya home furnishings, transports visitors into a time when there can be therefore. The exhibition can be seen interesting memorabilia, numerous photographs, donated to the museum's son LI Kashina YN Kashin.

In the literary museum presents unique exhibits: lifetime editions of the poet and his contemporaries, the book "Radunica" the first signed by the author, the table at which he worked SA Yesenin in the Caucasus, his death mask, personal belongings ...

The museum exhibition in the Holy Klepiki school, from which he graduated in 1912, Sergei, said, in particular, the high humanistic traditions of Russian teachers, the search for the spiritual journey of young people, about the formation of the creative personality of the poet.

Today, State Museum SA Esenina is one of the largest museum complexes in the country.

Manor Yesenins

At the center of the village opposite the church Konstantinova Our Lady of

Kazan is the manor Esenina. Here in 1871 the grandfather of the poet Nikita

Osipovich Yesenin built a house, where on September 21 (October 3 - New Style) 1895 was born Sergei Yesenin. Over time, the grandfather dilapidated house was demolished and in its place in 1909, was built a new, smaller size. It is associated with it Yesenin poetic image of the "golden log hut." In 1965, in this simple village house was a museum of the famous Russian poet. Over time, there was a whole range of Konstantinov - The State Museum SA Esenina. But his heart still remains "a low house" Esenina restored in 2000.

The exposition takes us home in the 20s, when being celebrated at all Russian poet Sergei Yesenin came to the family home to relax here tormented soul.

In the warm part of the house are spacious porch, where among peasant utensils and tools stand out hammer and polukosok Tatiana Feodorovna Yesenin the poet's mother.

It is necessary to enter the residential part of the house - it is impossible not to draw attention to a small kitchen with snow-white Russian oven and household items. On the table flaunts vedёrny "grandfather" samovar - witness the many tea parties in the family Esenina.

Opposite the kitchen - hallway with oven-was Dutch. On the wooden bed at the furnace overheated sleeping poet, when he came to the family home during the cold season.

The most spacious and bright room - closet. In the red corner - icons Tatyana Fyodorovna, her pectoral cross. On the wall next to the stove - family pictures, and of merit Sergei, he had received at the end of the County school. Just ticking "clock wooden" like waiting for the poet oak table with a kerosene lamp with a green shade, the light which often worked Yesenin.

Out of the room we are in the room the poet's mother. Here, her clothes and the famous coat - "shushun" in which Tatyana Fedorovna often go on the road and peering into the distance, waiting for his son.

Directly behind the house begins a garden where an abundance of growing cherries. In the depths of his hut, he took refuge outhouse (restored in 2003), in which, after a fire in 1922 were forced to huddle Esenina. Next - apple, miraculously survived the fire. Not far from the makeshift - the barn, which was built in 1913. In the summer arrivals so he turned to his bedroom and office. At the end of the estate - a restored barn (barn for drying sheaves).

In 1970, near the homestead Yesenin was a park, planted with trees, dear to the heart of the poet: birch, maple, lilac, linden, mountain ash ... 4 October 2007 in the park was a bronze monument by sculptor Sergei Yesenin AA Bichukova.

Manor Yesenins is never lonely: at any time of year, fans poetry SA Esenina aspire to see the land that gave the world the great poet.


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