The genesis of the military museums and the analysis of their functional purpose on the scales formation museums in Ukraine

The rise of military museums as an example of the study of the process of formation, functioning and contribution to museum business by military museums formed in the territory of Ukraine. The influence of party and state leadership on military museums.

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Main Department of Personnel of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The genesis of the military museums and the analysis of their functional purpose on the scales formation museums in Ukraine

Vadym Mashtalir

Problem statement. During the whole period of its existence, mankind has sought to search and storage of material objects expressed the uniqueness and originality of that or another culture. Already at the dawn of its development people began to collect and transmit to posterity the most significant and precious artefacts that were the basis for the continuity of traditions of his people. To ensure the preservation, the identity of these items and their display were created special premises, which later received the name of museums. A special place among them began to take military museums as the keepers of “material” military practice.

The origin of the military museums in Ukraine comes at the beginning of the 20th century, although the collection and storage marks military victory, martial trophies is known already during the Cossack times. At the Zaporozhian Sich Cossack regalia were kept in the Church of St. Mary. During the election of the Cossack chieftain took them out of the military council.

Military museum for regular armed forces were of great importance to increase their military traditions. This is due to the fact that in addition to professional military skills of the soldier should have high morale and a serious motivation to participate in combat (operations). The experience of world military history shows the exceptional importance of this factor for the successful conduct of military actions (operations). One of the most important components of the formation of the morale of officers and soldiers is their education on the traditions of a military unit, the kind and type of forces, and the armed forces in general.

The material embodiment of the martial traditions are relics of military units: flags, weapons, uniforms, trophies, etc. And stores these shrines is the military museum or military educational institutions. The study of military traditions was impossible without the knowledge of the history and fighting the way military unit. Information on the history and fighting the way military concentrated in museums military units.

The change of the military organization of the State after the administrative and political divisions in Ukraine led to the increase, and some preemptive cases and loss (destruction) original exhibits, battle relics and military traditions. The above strongly associated with complex and lengthy process of development and the establishment of military museums in Ukraine.

Analysis of research. The problem of the history of the military museums in Ukraine found the coverage of various themes and genre publications. The basic array of works devoted to separate the issues and aspects of the history of military museums, or the activities of individual military-historical museum.

Of the earliest articles are historiographical character, it should be noted the article of P.O. Bobrovskiy Bobrovsky P O. History of the regiments of the Russian Army // Russian invalid, 1901, No. 84. and M. Sokolovskiy, S. Gulevich Sokolovsky M, Gulevich S. Regimental history in its gradual development // Military- historical collection. 1912. N 1. p. 15-44.. However, these works are devoted to the development of the genre of regimental historical literature in the XVIII - 1st half of the XIX century and indirectly reveal the formation of the military museum on the territory of Ukraine within indicated period. Statistics on the number of regimental seals were saved stories and sights are contained in the preface to bibliographic guide compound of A.I. Grigorovich Grigorovich A. I. List of stories and memos of troops. St. Petersburg, 1913.. About quite difficult to traverse Ukrainian roots presented in handbook of military units, while there are listed.

Considerable interest also as “Russian disabled”, “Scout”, “Journal of the Imperial Russian Navy historical society” and others. In the Chronicles of regularly published detailed reports about the celebrations in parts of troops about their anniversaries, jubilees battlefields, regimental seals were saved holidays and other holidays regimental scale. In these same editions published various documents - orders, circulars, etc. Partially documents on the topic of research published in the full collection of laws of the Russian Empire. This is the highest orders to change the seniority date and regimental seals were saved holidays parts army, of regiment ordering regalia, honorable titles, about need for each regiment have its own regimental museum, on the skid has soldiers and officers to the list regiments, etc. Khokhlov Ilya Vladimirovich. Historical traditions of the Grenadier and infantry regiments of the Russian Army: experience of studying and preservation (1874-1918): Dis. ... Candidate yes Sciences: 07.00.02. Veliky Novgorod, 2006. 258 pp.

In the same military periodicals published several articles devoted to the museums of particular regiments that are description Museum of Apsheronsky Regiment // Scout. 1903. N 655, p. 441.' Regimental Museum // Russian disabled. 1901. No. 234. Regiment Museum of Tambov Infantry Regiment // Russian invalid. 1901. N 240. Suvorovets Regimental Museum of the Fah, the Nagoryans // Russian invalid. 1913. N 94.'89. In them, as a rule, describes the history of the museum, listed the initiators of this event, are some of the interesting exhibits. A detailed description of the museum of the 115th infantry regiment of Wyzemskiy is found in the work of B.B. Gillebrandt Gillebrandt B.F. A guide to the museum of the 115th Infantry Vyazma Regiment. Riga, 1913.. There is you can find information about the composition of the collections and the museum's military structure and ways of exhibiting items. “The browse items of military Antiquities” of M. A. Marx Marx N. Review of items of military antiquity. Division I. Museums of troops. Issue I.M., 1912. is a single attempt at the moment the discription for regimental museums of Russian army with the presentation of short history and content collection each museum. However, it included descriptions of only eleven museums created in the regements - participants of the Patriotic War of 1812, including the six regiments of the Army Corps - the 11th grenadier of Fanagoriysk, 13th Infantry of Bilozersk, 39th infantry of Tomsk, 65th Infantry of Moscow, 104th Infantry of Ustug and 118th infantry of Shuysk. Furthermore, in the introduction, the author suggested his scheme of systematization of the material in the regiment museum Khokhlov Ilya Vladimirovich. Historical traditions ... 258 pp.. And again, in these publications are not paid attention to the Ukrainian aspect of military museums, though, on the territory of Ukraine are formed and deploy units which had Ukrainian origin, regiments of the Russian Empire, which consisted of their own military museums and staffed with predominantly Ukrainians.

The most notable scientific work, which is dedicated to the history of military units museums is scientific work Spiridonova T.M. Spiridonova T.P. Museums of troops in pre-revolutionary Russia (Formation and historical and cultural significance). Dis, ... Ph. D. in history. M., 2005. The article describe in detail the question of formation and development, the organization and functioning of the museums of military units of the Russian army in the XIX-beginning of XX century. Provides a timeline of their development, are the time and the circumstances of the establishment of the first regimental museum. However, this research is built mainly on materials museums of regiments Leib-guard Preobrazhensky, Leib-guards Semenovsky guards, Leib-guards Finland.

Soviet researchers of the topic almost not paid attention. You can name a few works in which violate any aspects related to the study of military museums. It is, above all, the work of a great specialist in the history of the museum development of the USSR Razgon A.M. Essay on the history of military museums in Russia (1861-1917) // Questions of the history of museum affairs in the USSR. Proceedings of the Research Institute of Museology. Yield 7. M., 1962. p. 118-203., which was then in the form of a separate chapter in his doctoral dissertation.

In 2007, a short inscription of the development of military museums in Ukraine made a doctor of historical sciences V.V. Karpov in the introduction to his book “Museology in the armed forces of Ukraine (1996-2006)” Karpov V.V. Museum Affairs ... 96 p..

The above indicates that the generalized complex scientific work concerning the development of military museums in Ukraine has not ukrainian historiography.

The purpose of the article - the lighting conditions the birth process of military trophies keepers, their subsequent functional purpose as museums of military units extending their gains and further development of military museums, that were the Ukrainian land from Cossack times to modern operating in Ukraine military museums.

Summary of basic material. Military museums first performed the utilitarian function - they served only the storage location and show how local and trophy weapons. It should be noted that this term appeared only in the XX century.

It identified military museum as institution culture, in the subordination of the military departments, which carry out acquisition, registration, storage, study and popularization of historical items associated with the development of the armed forces Andrey Kuznetsov. Domestic military museums and their role in the life of society / Kuznetsov Andrey // Power. 2018. - p. 76-79.. In this way, the organs of military administration and state authorities sought to demonstrate their military power and success in ensuring the safety of the State. It is appropriate to recall the established in the 16th century “Weapon House” in the Moscow Kremlin, which served as a prototype of the first military museum and exhibit, which were presented to the Livonian weapon brought to Moscow after the capture of Livonia by the troops of Ivan Grozny in a 1558 Complete collection of Russian chronicles: In 38 t. SPb., 1913, vol. 13, p. 330..

In the XVIII century the military museums have begun to acquire the status of specific socio-cultural institutions, that was the consequence of a major transformation of the military organization, performed by Peter I. In this period, State authorities gives military museums a significant role in addressing the national goal is strengthening military power formed by the Russian Empire. A large museum complex, which was supposed to collect and store artillery, models and drawings of ships, flag and awards, have become centers of education love of military history, respect to the martial traditions of the army and navy. Created stores in Petropavlovsk's fortress in 1703, and modeling cam in 1709, which later were converted in accordance with the military historical museum of artillery, engineers and Signal Corps and the Central Naval museum is the oldest museums of the Russian Federation Andrey Kuznetsov. Domestic military museums ... p. 76-79..

Thus, the utilitarian function of the military museums, which consisted in collecting and storing objects of military history, added the educational function that has kept its relevance to the present day.

The rapid development of military science in the second half of the 19th century contributed to the emergence of other important functions of the military museums. It was to promote military-technical knowledge, which, according to the creators, was supposed to be built on the basis of the museum's specifics. Example, the Artillery Museum was supposed to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in the field artillery. Naval museum - in the field of Marine science, Surgery is the field of medicine.

On the eve of the events that took place in October 1917 year, military museum network of the Russian Empire numbered 15 military museums and about 280 museums of military units and military educational institutions.

The first regimental museums, as well as officer's library were created by cash officers and fellow soldiers. Their further development required an appropriate legal base. In the order to the military agency № 279 dated September 15, 1884 year on putting into effect the regulations on commissioned meeting in some parts of the forces not specifically mentioned on the regimental museums Panchenko A.M. Regimental museums of the Russian army: from officer libraries to museum libraries / A.M.Panchenko // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Culturology and Art Studies. 2014. N 2 (14). p. 93-104..

On the pages of military press was broad discussion about installation of regimental museums. The authors of the publications - B.V. Adamovych Adamovich B.V. Regimental museums // Russian invalid. 1900. N 255. and A.E. fon-Ozarovskij Ozarovsky fon A.E. More about regimental museums and archives // Russian invalid. 1901. N 231., S.V. Tomilin Tomilin S.V. Collecting regimental antiquities // Russian invalid. 1901. N 272. A.I. Grigorovich Grigorovich A.I. A manual for the compilation of regimental stories and the arrangement of museums. St. Petersburg, 1906. 156 p. and others, shared experience of organization of regimental museums, raise issues and proposed solutions, gave out manuals with recommendations on arrangement of museums.

Until the beginning of XX century in military meetings most of the military units of the Russian army officers in close cooperation with libraries, acted regiment museums, served as the most important means for educating youth on a glorious martial traditions of the older generations.

Imperial Russian Military History Society Military Historical Societies // Military Encyclopedia. St. Petersburg, 1911. vol. 6. p. 512. and its Moscow, Kiev, Odessa and Finland branches united people directly working in the field of military history or contributed to the expansion of military-historical knowledge and the organization of archival affairs. Assistance in the creation of regimental museums was provided by the special department of the society “The section of regimental and shipyard stories”. In addition, the company contributed to the conservation, restoration and construction of military monuments, the production of military- archaeological excavations and trips to battlefields. In accordance with the Charter of the Society, its field offices helped historians in writing military history works, creating reference bureaus, museums of military antiquity, libraries, publishing military history works, and so on.

Subsequently, the necessity of holding a congress of representatives of regimental museums for the development of uniform normative documents, exchange of experience of museum work appeared. On the initiative of the Moscow Department of the Imperial Russian Military History Society in the Moscow Military District on 20 April 1913 the first congress of heads of regimental museums took place.

At the “museum” congress representatives from almost all museums of military units and military educational institutions in the number of 53 people arrived. The work of the Congress was organized in 7 sections. As a result of the work of the congress, the Regulations on military museums and historical commissions, which collect materials for the history of the military unit, were adopted. The Regulation added the structure of the museum, that is, the description of the group (divisions), of which should consist of regimental museums. Group IX was called “Library”.

It was asked to include: “1. Stories of the sovereigns. 2. The resume of the chefs. 3. Chronicles, Stories and Sights of the military unit. 4. The same, only other military units. 5. Officers work of the military unit. 6. Printed patronizing of the regiment. 7. Collections of regimental, company and other military unit of the song. 8 Statutes and Regulations. 9. Cutting from newspapers and magazines. 10. Catalogs and description of museums and libraries” Congress of the custodians of the regimental museums of the troops of the Moscow Military District. St. Petersburg, 1913. p. 21..

Thus, by the beginning of the XX century, almost all military units had their own museums, which were under the watchful eye of their leaders and were the key to the moral strength of the troops. Museums have become an integral part of the regiments and one of the military traditions of the army. The archival materials stored in officer libraries provided great help in their creation.

Officers who had a high level of education and culture were not professional museum workers, in real life turned out to be excellent “museum workers”. They were led by officers-librarians or custodians of museums. Officer's libraries and regimental museums became the first step from which the writing of regimental stories began. A visit to the military units of the Russian emperors, the highest figures, the military ministers, the entry into service of young officers and lower ranks, as a rule, began with visiting museums.

And B.V. Adamovich was right when he made an admission record in his book: “Great Respected Constantine Adamovich from his companion to the establishment of the Military Historical Society. Believe us that we love the past of our regiments. B. Adamovich 5.VII.08 Kiev” Panchenko A.M. Regimental museums of the Russian army ... p. 93-104..

One of the main ideas of the research is the idea of the exceptional role of the commissioned Assembly in forming a Museum of military units. Not questioning this conclusion, we consider it necessary to elaborate on the historical and commemorative role of regimental churches. The last to the parts of the museums, and often after that, played the role of the memorial complexes in honor of events of regimental history, duplicating the functions of the regimental museums Khokhlov Ilya Vladimirovich. Historical traditions of the Grenadier and infantry regiments ... 258 pp..

The October revolution of 1917 was a turning point in the history of the military museums. Once in power the Bolsheviks significant country to build the world's first Socialist state. One of the priority tasks of the Government of the young Soviet

Republic has seen in its workers essence of events occurring, nurturing person on the principally new ideological installations. Among the means of achievement goals see rich collection, accumulated in the museums of Imperial Russia. museum military party leadership

Creating a new military museum network, the Soviet authorities wish to see her not only a means of patriotic and military-technical propaganda, as well as a powerful lever to ideological impact on the consciousness of the people. Given the impact of the proposed creation of the people sustained awareness regarding the benefits of Marxist-Leninist theory and socialism as its implementation in practice. For the purposes, in the 20-30 years of stateside military museums included the posts of Commissioners Collection of orders of the RVS of the Republic of 1921, part 1. M., 1922, vol. 9, p. 401.. Subsequently, the position that the activities of museums of the armed forces of the USSR is part of the ideological work of the CPSU in the army and the Navy, was in legal documents that regulate the activity of the military museum network. A solid ideological pressure from the party and Government to seriously impact on the content of all areas of the work of the military museums in the Soviet period.

Thus, in the period from 1918 to 1941 years passed the process of reorganizing military-museum network, the main purpose of which was to create such a structure, which would be able to effectively solve put before her party and State leadership tasks in the field of ideology, education and cultural provision. Simultaneous reform involved both elimination and the creation of new museums. Among the museums that have ceased to exist in the mentioned period, enter such famous museums, as the military-educational Museum, Intendantskij Museum, Suvorivskij Museum, military-historical Museum and others. Among the new and open museums include the Museum of the Red Army and Navy in Moscow, which became later the main military museum networks, Museum of military vehicles, military-economic Museum. Just on the eve of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 years in the USSR, there were 7 major military museums Andrey Kuznetsov. Domestic military museums ... p. 76-79..

One of the new socio-political functions of military museums in the period from 1941 to 1991 years became a feature of creating new military traditions. The Artillery Museum offered as perpetuating the feats of individual artillery reward their special award Board, which is attached to the table. The Central Naval Museum was the initiator of the tradition of visiting each crew based in the city of Leningrad battle ship before leaving to sea, the Cruiser Aurora, where personnel took part in tours of the ship and there gave oath of honor save and continue fighting traditions of the veterans of war and revolution.

In the Soviet period there was a significant quantitative growth of the military museums. As of December 1, 1991, the armed forces of the USSR, there were 42 military museums (including the Central museums, museums of types and services, museums military districts, museums groups of troops and Navy Museum), as well as about 700 museums (the rooms of military glory or history) military units. In public accounting and data storage in military museums were nearly 5 million historical objects, artifacts and monuments Scientific archive of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, description 8, case 2, sheet 51..

It should be noted that the function of the Soviet military museums to create new traditions had to complete denial of traditions, created a military museum network of the Russian Empire. On the contrary, with the old traditions were taken all the best that could contribute to the education of soldiers in the army and Navy, as well as the population of the country, and brought in modern conditions. You can talk about inheritance in the practice of creating and using tradition in the work of the military museums Andrey Kuznetsov. Domestic military museums ... p. 76-79..

The end of 80-s - beginning of 90-ies of the XX century were marked by the tumultuous process that took place in national history. They included a further rejection of communist ideology as dominant in society, the collapse of Soviet statehood, the disintegration of the Soviet State, the transition to market relations, democratization, the establishment in the post-Soviet space the new State formations. These processes are influenced of the military museums. In this period the tendency of weakening the ideological and educational functions of military museums, which was connected with the refusal of the State from the status of ideological “Guide” and the rethinking of events of the Soviet period. Military museums have been forced to go down to the ordinary conservators of historical relics and collections, which caused a drastic decrease in performance with the visitors.

In the 90-ies of the last century in terms of the ideological vacuum, the absence of clear approaches to the historical past and relevant State support sociopolitical role of the military museums has been reduced virtually to zero. It was in that museum guide with the goal of the elementary survival has been to give a portion of their exhibit space rented to private companies and organizations.

Modern Ukrainian authorities and military authorities need to revive the status of a military museum as an institution of ideological influence (which means, first of all, the involvement of people in the ideas of state patriotism) and the upbringing of the population in a spirit of respect for Ukrainian military history, the best traditions of its Armed Forces.

Today, the military museum network includes the national military-historical Museum of Ukraine with its six branches and 56 Museum, 25 of them museums and 31 rooms of military glory of military units.

In accordance with the Charter of the national military historical Museum of Ukraine, the main purpose of the planning objectives of the Museum is the formation of the high morale of the personnel of the armed forces and citizens of Ukraine, education in the sense of personal responsibility for protection of the fatherland to ensure national and international security.

The national military historical Museum of Ukraine as the main scientific- methodical Center among military museums (Museum formations) of the armed forces of Ukraine, organizes the work of gathering, processing and analysis of statistical indicators of Museum entities The Armed Forces of Ukraine. This allows to observe the dynamics of changes in the system of work of the military museums (museum formations) and coordinate their activities.

The National Military History Museum of Ukraine (NMHMU) has six branches, in particular: the Museum of Strategic Missile Forces (Pervomaysk); Volynsky Regional Museum of Ukrainian Army and Military Equipment (Lutsk); Museum “Heroes of the Dnieper” (Ivano-Frankivsk); Memorial complex “In Memory of Heroes of Kruty” (village Pamyatne, Borznyansky district, Chernihiv region); Museum of the Air Forces (Vinnitsa); Central Naval Museum of Ukraine (Odessa).

In connection with the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, a branch of the National Military History Museum of Ukraine - the Central Naval Museum of Ukraine was relocated to the city of Odessa.

As of the end of 2014, the total number of NMHMU museum funds and branches is: 104,504 units, of which 91,357 units of the fixed fund, 12,453 - the scientific support fund. The dynamics of the replenishment of the museum funds of NMHMU is presented in fig. 1.

Fig.1. The number of revenues to museum funds over the years.

The quantitative composition of museum funds in the branches of the NMHMU is:

The Museum of Strategic Missile Forces (Pervomaysk) is 38,099 units (36.46%).

The Central Naval Museum of Ukraine (Sevastopol) is 6949 units (6.65%). Museum “Heroes of the Dnieper” (Ivano-Frankivsk) - 4,699 units (4.50%). Museum of Air Forces (Vinnytsya) - 1633 units (1.56%).

Volynsky Regional Museum of the Ukrainian Army and Military Equipment (Lutsk) - 620 units (0,59%).

The memorial complex “In Memory of Heroes of Kruty” - 496 units (0.47%). The Central Naval Museum of Ukraine (Odessa) - 20 units (0.02%).

The NMHMU (Kiev) holds 49.75% of the total number of museum funds (see fig. 2).

Fig.2. Quantitative percentage of museum funds and its affiliates of NMHMU as of 01.01.2015

The military-organizational structures in its subordination include 25 museums and 31 rooms of military glory (history) of the military unit (see table), of which: The Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 25 museum formations, of which 13 are museums and 12 rooms of military glory (4776 items of the main fund, 5666 items of the scientific support fund).

Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 19 museum formations, among them 2 museums and 17 rooms of military glory (4175 items of the main fund, 1218 items of scientific support fund).

The Main Directorate of Communications and Information Systems of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has 2 museums (767 items of the main fund, 148 items of the scientific support fund).

The main department of moral and psychological support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 4 museums (8557 items of the main fund, 4218 objects of the scientific support fund).

Armor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 2 museums (93 items of the main fund, 152 items of the scientific support fund).

The Main Department of Operational Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 1 military battle room (40 items of fixed assets).

Zhytomyr military Institute named after S.P.Korolev - 1 museum (2 860 items of the main fund).

Museum of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - 1 museum.

Cabinet of History of the Main Military Medical Clinical Center - 1 cabinet of history (602 items of the main fund, 138 items of the scientific and support fund).

Table List of millitary museums military-organizational structures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The name of the museum, the rooms of the military (labor) glory

Total number of basic and research auxiliary funds as of 01.01.2015

Military Museums of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Museum of military glory military unit A0409



Museum of military glory military unit A3091



Museum of military glory military unit A2167



Museum of military glory military unit A1815



Museum of military glory military unit A1671



Museum of military glory military unit A1556



Museum of military glory military unit A2331



Museum of military glory military unit A3283



Museum of military glory military unit A4239



Museum of military glory military unit A0665



Museum of the History of the Military Academy (Odessa)

1 808


Museum of the National Academy of Land Forces named after hetman Petro Sagaidachny

2 850


Museum of Battle Glory of the Institute of Tank Troops of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”


The name of the museum, the rooms of the military (labor) glory

Total number of basic and research auxiliary funds as of 01.01.2015

Military Museums of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Museum of Kharkiv National Air Force University named after I.Kozhedub

1 023


Museum of military glory military unit А0704

1 747

Military Museums of the Main Directorate of Communication and Information Systems General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Museum of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information named after Heroes of the Krut



Museum of Signal Troops (Poltava)


Military Museums of the Main Directorate of Moral and Psychological Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


People's Museum of Military Glory named after. M.O.Shchorsa



Museum of Military Glory of the Gomel Guards Order of the Patriotic War and the 1 degree of aviation corp



Museum 58 Officers' House

4 950


Military History Museum 59 Officers' Houses

3 445

Military Museums Armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Museum of the military unit А2920



Museum of the military unit А1352


Military Museum of the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S. P. Korolev


People's Museum of Military Glory of Zhytomyr Military Institute named after SP Korolev

2 860

Museum of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine


Museum of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine


Rooms of Military Glory of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Room of military glory military unit А1735



Room of military glory military unit А0998



Room of military glory military unit А1769



Room of military glory military unit А1671


The name of the museum, the rooms of the military (labor) glory

Total number of basic and research auxiliary funds as of 01.01.2015


Room of military glory military unit А3817



Room of military glory military unit А0563



Room of military glory military unit А1546



Room of military glory military unit А1604



Room of military glory military unit А1405



Room of military glory military unit А0553



Room of military glory military unit А0508



Room of military glory military unit А2042


Rooms of military glory of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Room of military glory military unit А2656



Room of military glory military unit А1620



Room of military glory military unit А2800



Room of military glory military unit А2171



Room of military glory military unit А2183



Room of military glory military unit А4465



Room of military glory military unit А0800



Room of military glory military unit А1215



Room of military glory military unit А1356



Room of military glory military unit А1451



Room of military glory military unit А4608



Room of military glory military unit А2860



Room of military glory military unit А2673



Room of military glory military unit А4623



Room of military glory military unit А0780



Room of military glory military unit А4324



Room of military glory military unit А1880


The name of the museum, the rooms of the military (labor) glory

Total number of basic and research auxiliary funds as of 01.01.2015

Rooms of Military Glory Main Department of Operational Support The Armed Forces of Ukraine


Room of military glory military unit A3817


Cabinet of History of the Main Military Medical Clinical Center


1 Cabinet (history of military medicine)


Today, the teams of the mentioned museum formations are working hard to implement their functions in society.


Thus, Ukraine has formed its own military museum network with great historical past. Current military-historical Museum of Ukraine is a fact of the historical and cultural heritage of the martial traditions of the Ukrainian troops and became an important factor moral and psychological support of activity of troops (forces), raising the combat readiness of the personnel, solving humanitarian development in the armed forces of Ukraine.

Today, the military museums are centers of the courage and bravery of the Ukrainian soldiers, with worthy multipliers Ukrainian martial traditions. Together with the education and science that are related to the communications, military museums are carriers not only ideas about the military's past, but also the projection of the future of the national State.

So, immersion in a page not a fake military history - this is a kind of strengthening of the powerful foundations of Ukrainianity and the prerequisite for the extremely important social consolidation nowadays.


1. Karpov, V.V. (2007). Muzeina sprava u Zbroinykh Sylakh Ukrainy (1996-2006). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

2. Khokhlov, Yl.V. (2006). Ystorycheskye tradytsyy hrenaderskykh y pekhotnykh polkov russkoi armyy: opyt yzuchenyia y sokhranenyia (1874-1918 hh.): Dys. ... kand. yst. nauk: 07.00.02. Velykyi Novhorod. [in Russian].

3. Kuznetsov, A. (2018). Otechestvennye voennye muzey y ykh rol v zhyzny obshch- estva. Vlast, S. 76-79. [in Russian].

4. Panchenko, A.M. (2014). Polkovye muzey russkoi armyy: ot ofytserskykh byblyo- tek k byblyotekam muzeiv. Vestnyk Tomskoho hosudarstvennoho unyversyteta. Kultu- rolohyiay yskusstvovedenye. № 2 (14). S. 93-104. [in Russian].

5. Spyrydonova T.P. (2005). Muzey voiskovykh chastei v dorevoliutsyonnoi Rossyy (Stanovlenye y ystoryko-kulturnoe znachenye). Dys, ... kand. yst. nauk. M. [in Russian].

6. Vadym Mashtalir,

7. Ph.D. in History, Chief of Department - Deputy Head of Department of the Main Department of Personnel of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


The article presents an attempt to analyze the development of the historical and cultural role of military museums by consideration of their functional purpose in the society and space in the Museum field. Shows the development of the military museums on the example of the study of the process of formation, functioning and bring deposit in Museum dealing with military museums, formed on the territory of Ukraine.

The paper considers the historical prerequisites that influenced the birth of the Ukrainian Museum activity. Analyzed formations. individual museums, their materials and documents that covered work and activities on the improvement of the Museum's work of Ukrainian military-historical institutions. The influence of party and State leadership at the military museum in relation to the formation of them defined ideology, education and cultural provision.

The author considered one of the military traditions of the army of the Russian Empire for example in military units regimental seals were saved museums that initial origin had as officers of the library, and eventually became an integral part of every military unit. Revealed and analyzed the existing military-museum network in Ukraine. Presents a list of the existing Museum structures of military organizational structures of the armed forces of Ukraine with the characteristic of the basic and auxiliary funds.

Found that analysis of historical material from military museums shows considerable interest to researchers on military history and the theory of military museums in Ukraine, functioning military museum as the patriotic Institute, the account of his activities to the needs of the army andforming their own traditions of military units. Presents facts which confirm that in recent decades with the beginning of the publication of archival documents on banned or rigged pages of Ukrainian history, appeared the possibility of unbiased coverage of military events and processes in particular in military museums.

Keywords: weapons, exhibit, military museum, regimental Museum, officer's libraries, military traditions, and museology.

У статті представлена спроба аналізу розвитку історико-культурноїролі військових музеїв шляхом розгляду їх функціонального призначення в суспільстві та місця в музейній галузі. Показано розвиток військового музейництва на прикладі дослідження процесу становлення, функціонування та принесення вкладу у музейну справу військовими музеями, що утворювалися на території Україні.

Висвітлено історичні передумови, які впливали на зародження українських музейних утворень. Проаналізовано діяльність окремих музеїв, їх матеріали і документи, що висвітлювали роботу та заходи щодо поліпшення музейної роботи українських воєнно-історичних установ. Досліджено вплив партійним і державним керівництвом на військові музеї стосовно формування ними визначеної ідеології, виховання й культурного забезпечення відвідувачів.

Автором розглянута одна із військових традицій армії Російської імперії на прикладі існування у військових частинах полкових музеїв, які початкове походження мали як офіцерські бібліотеки, а з часом стали невід'ємною складовою кожної військової частини. Розкрито та проаналізовано існуючу військово-музейну мережу України. Представлено перелік діючих музейних утворень військово-організаційних структур Збройних Сил України з характеристикою основного та науково-допоміжного фондів.

Ключові слова: зброя, експонат, військовий музей, полковий музей, офіцерські бібліотеки, військові традиції, музейна справа.

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