Theoretical framework for study of sociocommunication space of culture

Revealation the theoretical framework of the study of the sociocommunication space of culture and its infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents. Sociocommunication space of culture during the mastering of information technologies.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.09.2020
Размер файла 48,6 K

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Размещено на


Dobrovolska Viktoriya, Doctor of Philosophy in Social

Communications, Associate Professor, Associate Professor

of the Department of Cultural Studies and Informational

Communications National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


sociocommunication space culture information

The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical framework of the study of the socio-communication space of culture and its constituents: infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based. Methodology of the study comprises the application of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, logical and statistical methods, study outcome visualization method. Application of analysis, synthesis, logical approach allowed to substantiate the socio-communication space of culture, as a system. Scientific novelty covers the sociocommunication space of culture during the mastering of information technologies in the performance review, as a constituent of the social communication system. The socio-communication area of culture is considered as a complex system having infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents, which contributes to any new information and ensures communication in vertical and horizontal slices. Conclusions. The socio-communication space of culture is a complicated system, which provides communication not only in the vertical and horizontal slices but also contributes to new information creation, has synergism quality, and is in a dynamic, sometimes even bifurcation, development. Relatively, the development process makes a significant impact on global and regional social operations, bears both amenities and substantial risks, without conscience of the inevitability of which, no further research studies are possible. The socio-communication space of culture has fundamental functions, infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents defined by contemporary and advanced capabilities of information technologies, by the need for document communication development. Complexity and multidimensionality of the socio-communication space ofculture cause the necessity for further development of the theoretical and methodological framework of study thereof. The study of a new space of culture is a reasonable need for public management that should be implemented using record management.

Key words: social communications, communication space, socio-communication space, infrastructural, content-related and subject-based constituents, field of culture.


Добровольська Вікторія Василівна, кандидат наук із соціальних комунікацій, доцент, доцент кафедри культурології та інформаційних комунікацій Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв


Мета статті розкрити теоретичні основи дослідження соціокомунікаційного простору культури та його складових: інфраструктурної, змістової та суб'єктної. Методологія дослідження полягає у використанні загальнонаукових методів: аналізу, синтезу, логічного і статистичного методів, методу візуалізації результатів дослідження. Наукова новизна роботи полягає у висвітленні соціокомунікаційного простору культури на етапі освоєння інформаційних технологій у функціональному зрізі як складової частини системи соціальних комунікацій. Розглянуто соціокомунікаційний простір культури як складну систему, яка має інфраструктурну, змістову і суб'єктну складову, сприяє створенню нової інформації та забезпечує її обмін у вертикальному і горизонтальному зрізах. Висновки. Соціокомунікаційний простір культури - це складна система, яка не лише забезпечує обмін інформацією у вертикальному і горизонтальному зрізах, а й сприяє створенню нової інформації, володіє властивістю синергії та перебуває в стані динамічного, подеколи, навіть, - біфуркаційного розвитку. Соціокомунікаційний простір культури має власні функції, інфраструктурну, змістову та суб'єктну складові, які визначаються сучасними і перспективними можливостями інформаційних технологій, необхідністю розвитку документноїкомунікації. Складність і багатоаспектність соціокомунікаційного простору культури зумовлює необхідність подальшого розроблення теоретико-методологічних засад його дослідження.

Ключові слова. Соціальні комунікації, комунікаційний простір, соціокомунікаційний простір, інфраструктурна, змістова, суб'єктна складова, галузь культури.


Добровольская Виктория Васильевна, кандидат наук по социальным коммуникациям, доцент, доцент кафедры культурологии и информационных коммуникаций Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств


Цель статьи раскрыть теоретические основы исследования социокомуникационного пространства культуры и его составляющих: инфраструктурной, содержательной и субъектной. Методология исследования заключается в использовании общенаучных методов: анализа, синтеза, логического и статистического методов, метода визуализации результатов исследования. Научная новизна работы заключается в освещении социокомуникационного пространства культуры на этапе освоения информационных технологий в функциональном срезе как составной части системы социальных коммуникаций. Рассмотрено социокомуникационное пространство культуры как систему, которая имеет инфраструктурную, содержательную и субъектную составляющую, способствует созданию новой информации и обеспечивает ее обмен в вертикальном и горизонтальном срезах. Выводы. Социокомуникационное пространство культуры - это сложная система, которая не только обеспечивает обмен информацией в вертикальном и горизонтальном срезах, но и способствует созданию новой информации, обладает свойством синергии и находится в состоянии динамического, иногда даже - бифуркационного развития. Социокомуникационное пространство культуры имеет собственные функции, инфраструктурную, содержательную и субъектную составляющие, которые определяются современными и перспективными возможностями информационных технологий, необходимостью развития документной коммуникации. Сложность и многоаспектность социокомуникационного пространства культуры вызывает необходимость дальнейшей разработки теоретико-методологических основ его исследования.

Ключевые слова. Социальные коммуникации, коммуникационное пространство, социокомуника- ционное пространство, инфраструктурная, содержательная, субъектная составляющая, отрасль культуры.

The main text

Applicability of the study subject. Among the range of research challenges being actively studied in modern record management, the study of the theory of social communications takes one of the prominent positions. In contemporary culture studies and the theory of social communications, culture performance concept expanded, which comprises perception of the culture production process, as intellectual production, the central performance of which includes establishment, keeping, and dissemination of intellectual values [10]. Proceeding from such a concept, it may be ascertained that in the cultural production process, a pronounced communication constituent exists, which serves a basis for the sociocommunication performance of culture.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical framework of the study of the socio-communication space of culture and its constituents: infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based.

Review of studies and publications. Papers of the lead researchers in the area of the theory of social communications are substantial for meeting the task defined, namely of V. M. Gorovyi, V. О. Ilganaieva, V. V Rizun, А. V Sokolov. General issues of the theory of social communications explicated during the period of extensive discussions in the papers of G. G. Pocheptsov, V. V. Rizun, О. М. Kholod, F. І. Sharkov, V О. Il- ganaieva, as well as in specific papers devoted to the issues of communication activity А. V. Sokolov, V О. Ilganaieva, G. М. Shvetsova-Vod- ka, V. М. Sheyk, N. М. Kushnarenko, and A. А. Solianyk, М. S. Slobodianyk, І. О. Davydova, N. Е. Kunanets, G. V. Shemaieva.

Primary material summary. Socio-communication features of modern society are extensively discussed by scientists concerned with the theoretical framework of social communications and communication relations in the area of culture implemented using document constituent of the public activity. Revealing the essence of social communications, V M. Gorovyi reasonably observes that the main trait of communication is «ensuring reproduction capability in its structure for resource required for the system existence and development,» and the communication alone is a «process of determined interchanges in complex systems and among similar systems that assures existence and development of such systems» [3, p. 22]. V V. Rizun means by the social communication system «... such system of social intercommunication, which comprises determined routes, ways, means, principles for contact establishment, based on professional technological activity focused on development, implementation, organization, improvement, modernization of relations within the public, which arose between different social institutes. Such communications are marked because contemplating intercommunication with socially defined groups of people» [9]. А. V. Sokolov notes that it is a sociocommunication one, and «all cultural institutions become central agencies for social communication» by reviewing the activity of management bodies and cultural institutions [10, p.45]. The researcher also specifies the capability of culture review in general, as a communication process [10, p.49]. Communication activity, fairly, is a basic one in the culture production process and culture development management. The formation of communication needs is genetically primary in such activity. They appear as a result of non-compliance with existing competence state management and knowledge, which it should obtain to resolve a new management challenge. I.e., such needs reflect information expectations from communication process between a communicator (a person is creating and (or) disseminating information), and a recipient, a person receiving the information required for a professional challenge performance. This gives grounds to affirm, which communication needs form a set of requirements that reflect the information needed for the resolution of particular production challenges.

In the opinion of F.I. Sharkov, the communication space is the area for information interchange through communications, space, where the communication process takes place [13, p. 180]. The scientist develops a modern sociocultural approach in communication studies from perspectives of interest for human personality, its mental, social needs, and the general pattern of science humanitarianization [13]. V. О. Ilganayeva proposes to consider the communication space within the limits of cosmosphere or media sphere, e., within the frame of scopes of purposeful activity of the Absolute and essences, which accept, inherit, transmit, interpret such activity and form their «tasks,» according to their conscience level [6, p. 261]. I. I. Manakova considers that information technologies, by acquiring a global nature, contribute to communication expansion and a uniform communication space formation, within which special laws, code of conduct and global perception to be established [8]. М. А. Vasylyk proposes to consider the communication space as a system of multiple communication ties arising between different communication agents, which may be ordinary humans, groups of people, social institutes. It is qualified by intensiveness and quantity of intercommunications among the intercommunication agents [2, p. 400].

О.P. Dubas attracts attention to definition «informational and communicative space,» reviews its essence, structure and proposes its determination. By term «informational and communicative space» the author means a form of existence for information systems, which ensures and inspires operative information interchanges among information producers and consumers, transmission of knowledge accumulated in informational resources, as well as their keeping in information infrastructure formed, array of communicators, recipients, notional messages, communication channels and communication means [5, p. 231]. V.О. Ilganaieva determines the space as a form of matter existence that qualifies its extension, structural properties, co-existence, and interrelation of elements in any matter systems. The space restrictions, in her opinion, relate to visions of social time and social space, which may exist irrespective of them [8, p. 261].

B. А. Baliuta considers the system «culture - space of culture - cultural space,» distinguishes the features of the formation of the cultural space, shows the difference between definitions «space of culture» and «cultural space,» as well as positions thereof against each other. The scientist reviews culture as a phenomenon in its ratio with the space of culture and cultural space. The researcher notes that «we mean the space of culture as a whole assembly of things happening in the cultural life of particular society, this is communicative space, which unites both physical (landscape, climate, etc.), and symbolic spaces, spirit (language, rules, customs, rites, etc.). The space of culture serves a depository and source of cultural, not biological human life. It has an inner structure that provides any cultural or natural fact with cognitive, value-based, and regulative sens- es» [1, p. 69].

Social transformations contribute to the affirmation of a new view when the very culture should play a significant strategic part in the delivery of information scope development. Therefore, the french researcher А. Molle sees as a cultural space only, in which cultural information operates and spreads. А. Molle considers perceiving the cultural space as a space of communication process as a transmission of knowledge from the space of collective culture to particular cultural area [14].

Nowadays, in open information systems, not only positive processes took place, but destructive processes as well. As O. P. Dubas considers, at present, a brand new informational and communicative space is established - a new decen- tered communication environment, which does not depend on ideology, religion, culture, nationality, and causes real human conduct. Such an information environment appears as a new form of culture, where communication becomes a specific way for human being existence. Therefore, the latter deserves a particular research study [4]. Studying value-based aspects of informational and communicative relations, the scientist reviewed destructive manifestations and principal directions for surpassing of manipulative informative and political technologies within the informational and communicative space, brought to light its role in the system of relationship between the public and government, uncovered the nature of information confrontation within interstate and domestic political relations, distinguished the means for formation of pattern, image and brand of a country within the context of ensuring its fundamentals for its national security in modern world, under conditions of globalization and Internet dominating, emphasized importance of establishment a new framework for international practice and formation of the national specifics of electronic democracy and electronic governing implementation.

V V Rizun reasonably specifies that the study of phenomena, processes, and functions of social communications should be performed based on the social communication approach. «The sense of this new approach for science, in its entirety, is a fixation, monitoring, description, review, and interpretation of data..., as far as the study subject made an effect on the society, which was technologically contemplated, and how the society responded to the subject of such impact» [9]. О. М. Kholod determines that social communications as «art concerned with organizationally regulated document system, their clusters, mass media means products and information technologies ensuring the realization of information processes and intentions in the direct participation of communication process participants» [11, p. 35]. Socio-communication aspects comprise the study of the impact of the socio-communication space of culture on management body activity and society's response to such implications primarily.

In the era of global information processes, different scientists consider different factors the constituents of social communications. So, V. O. Ilganaieva proposes to consider such communication factors as «engagement in a new being reality; arrangement of access to information and knowledge, formation of the informational society culture, the public, group and interpersonal relations and view of the world (extension of borders for public interrelation); orientation within information environments (free options for personal vector of paths of life); orientation within the an- throposphere culture space (access and navigation within knowledge universe); entrance to the space information channels (eniotechnology mastering); establishment of civilization and cultural unity; formation of fundamentals for society self-organization, based on social mindset. [7].

It is primarily for our study to emphasize approaches of О. М. Kholod, who attracted attention to the documentary aspect of social communications as «art concerned with organizationally regulated document system, their clusters, mass media means products and information technologies ensuring the realization of information processes and intentions in the direct participation of communication process participants» [11, p. 35]. Therefore, he classifies social communications (and, respectively, the documentary processes), as a system of manipulations (positive or negative effect on communication technologies (creation, forecast, adaptation, realization); strategies and models (social operation, social interchange, social relations); social figures (subjects and objects) [12]. Such communication approach is a model one and, generally, may be applied for the study of sociocommunication space of culture that requires substantiation of cognitive capacities of the approaches to perception, which are based on general philosophic categories for complex research of communication space of culture.

So, the theoretical basis is formed for the study of the socio-communication space of culture in Ukrainian record management.

In our opinion, the socio-communication space of culture is the complicated dynamic system, which performs not only the culture product accumulation and dissemination but also its production. It comprises three principal constituents: infrastructural, content-related, and subject- based. Systematicity is manifested, in particular, by a critical factor, namely synergy, i.e., acquisition of new qualities, properties, and functions, versus a simple set of subjects.

The primary place in the infrastructural constituent is taken by institutes, which implement communication processes (libraries, museums, record-keeping offices, exhibitions, theatres, cinemas, concert halls, etc.); mass media means to press, radio, television, video- and computer networks; hardware and communication channels ensuring communication process implementation. With no doubt, the dominant component of infrastructure in the last decades became the social environments of the Internet and virtual communities operating within them. Disregard or leveling of this phenomenon in the future will qualify the study in the area specified as incomplete or empirical in its sense. The specified «physical» subjects and institutes also should be considered in the light of virtual presence in the Internet social communities.

The content-related constituent comprises, in the first place, information and knowledge are necessary for effective operation, modern and perspective socio-communication space of culture. The principal definitive factor here is the «digital revolution» that happened in information delivery and keeping. It had an impact both on availability of the latter and on specific features of use thereof, and which is of no less importance, defined the elements for physical infrastructural subjects. Technically, all the changes are already made, namely systems of digital data universal addressing, effective and quality formats of digital data are developed and implemented, principles of practically unlimited data-keeping are applied. Here, it is worth to wait for further implementation of outcomes. A single controversial area, in our opinion, will remain the content delivery by augmented reality means, forms, and types of which are in active development, though the content-related constituent is almost ready for such challenges.

The subject-based constituent, as such, forms the synergic space effect, as a system comprising establishment, upgrading, validation, assessment of the subject activity content and content qualities. Feedback system «author-consumer» not just entered another level, but also acquired creativity features, in particular cases being transformed in system «author-consumer» (both in methods of Wikipedia formats) or «collective author» system (as in virtual communities of an original format).

An active author identification became an advantage of this process. Namely, it is a social perception of authority, competence, and history of co-authors (that substantially distinguishes a new system from the traditional folk arts and encourages the authors besides). The very this caused the information explosion of the last decade when the scope of reference and cognition information overcame all the previous knowledge resources of human beings. Complexity, non-obviousness, and controversy of subject encourages is a weak and dangerous side of the process specified. This derives into a critical risk system, even in a civilization scale (information war phenomena have such nature). The same nature (cultural, not a scientific one) is inherent in the immunization resistance movement, doubtful social movements to be implemented in new environments only.

Scientific novelty covers the socio-communication space of culture during the mastering of information technologies in the performance review, as a constituent of the social communication system. The socio-communication space of culture is considered as a complex system having infrastructural, content-related, and subject- based components, which contributes to any new information and ensures communication in vertical and horizontal slices.

Conclusions. The socio-communication space of culture is a complicated system, which provides communication not only in the vertical and horizontal slices but also contributes to new information creation, has synergism quality, and is in a dynamic, sometimes even bifurcation, development. Relatively, the development process makes a significant impact on global and regional social operations, bears both amenities and substantial risks, without conscience of the inevitability of which, no further research studies are possible. The socio-communication space of culture has fundamental functions, infrastructural, content-related, and subject-based constituents defined by contemporary and advanced capabilities of information technologies, by the need for document communication development. Complexity and multidimensionality of the sociocommunication space of culture cause the necessity for further development of the theoretical and methodological framework of study thereof.

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  • Основные понятия и мировоззрение готов. Становление "dark culture", "темной культуры", включающей в себя такие подвиды готов как Vampire, Fetish и другие. Аксессуары, символика, внешний вид панков. Развитие готической субкультуры в Европе и России.

    курсовая работа [34,9 K], добавлен 16.11.2014

  • Introduction to the history of the Steinway piano - an uncompromising standard of sound, beauty and investment value. History and development of the company Steinway & Sons. The study of competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses of the marketing company.

    презентация [565,2 K], добавлен 04.05.2012

  • The study brief biography and works of the great artist Isaac Levitan. The most famous artwork is gorgeous landscape. A photographic image of the famous master of nature, landscapes of Russian nature, drawings, watercolors and book illustrations.

    презентация [789,2 K], добавлен 13.03.2015

  • Description of subject of youth comedy is Eurotrip. Journey of American boy Scotty with friends to the girl-friend Mike to Germany. Acquaintance with soccer fans in London and trip to Paris. Description of culinary dishes the cafe of city Amsterdam.

    презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 19.01.2014

  • Laika - the first dog who has visited Space, outside an orbit of the Earth. The history of the dog Laika into space to launch and in orbit in popular culture. Record of a track about Laika. Release of cigarettes "Laika". Laika monument in Greece.

    презентация [999,8 K], добавлен 06.03.2011

  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014

  • Basic Assumptions, Values And Norms Drive Practices And Behaviors. Culture Operates At Various Levels - The Visible Artifacts To The Deeply Rooted And Unconscious. The Role of the Leader in Transmitting Culture. Corporate Culture and Local Culture.

    контрольная работа [26,7 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

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