Formation of market values in the development of modern theatrical art

The current state of performing arts in Ukraine. The ability of Ukrainian culture to become a powerful stimulus for further political transformations in the Ukrainian society. Analysis of functional and institutional capabilities of Ukrainian theatre.

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Kryvyi Rih National University

Formation of market values in the development of modern theatrical art

Olha Orlova PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor,

Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Kryvyi Rih


The current state of Performing Arts in Ukraine shows two challenging trends that form the main contradiction of society spiritual development - a deepening spirituality of society and commercialization of art and cultural sphere. At the same time modern Ukrainian culture and theatre in particular, act as a significant factor further political transformations in Ukraine, because the theatre as a social institution, forming public opinion, which is a tool of influence on the political consciousness of the electorate. The modern theatrical art is need other important social functions - spiritual, educational, informative and more. Making of these functions determines the ability of Ukrainian culture despite its excessive commercialization, to become a powerful stimulus for further political transformations in the Ukrainian society.

In this article the analysis of functional and institutional capabilities of modern Ukrainian theatre as an important element of the cultural sphere shape market values in the social environment, overcoming the traditional dependence of the electorate from the manipulative influence of political groups. Striking evidence of the growing capacity of theatre in modern conditions is the activization and the impetuous development of new theatre trends on the basis of upholding the ideals of freedom and fairness. The development of modern theatrical currents determine the trends of theatre in the near future and the determination of the political process demonstrates the nature of the cultural interaction between the community members, aimed at upholding the ideals of democracy.

Reseived: words: theatre, spiritual production, market values, technology, theatrical process. performing art theatre culture


Орлова Ольга. Формування ринкових цінностей у розвитку сучасного театрального мистецтва. Формування ринкових цінностей - одна з інституційних функцій сучасного театрального мистецтва. У статті проаналізовано функції сучасного українського театру як важливого елемента системи духовного виробництва, інструменту формування цінностей суспільства з ринковою економікою. Яскраве свідчення зростаючого потенціалу театру в сучасних умовах - активізація та стрімкий розвиток нових тенденцій у театральному середовищі на основі відстоювання ідеалів свободи й справедливості. Такі тенденції визначатимуть логіку розвитку театру як соціального інституту в найближчому майбутньому.

Ключові слова: театр, духовне виробництво, ринкові цінності, технології, театральний процес.


Орлова Ольга. Формирование рыночных ценностей в развитии современного театрального искусства. В статье проводится социологический анализ функций современного украинского театра как важного элемента системы духовного производства общества. Формирование рыночных ценностей является одной из институциональных функций современного театрального искусства. Свидетельством возрастающего потенциала театра в современных условиях является активизация и стремительное развитие новых тенденций в театральной среде на основе отстаивания идеалов свободы и справедливости. Такие тенденции определяют логику развития театра как социального института в ближайшем будущем.

Ключевые слова: театр, духовное производство, рыночные ценности, технологии, театральный процесс.

Scientific Problem and the Relevance of the Study

The theater is one of the key social and cultural institutions; efficient operation is quite noticeable effect on the development of various spheres of modern society. Its peculiarity is that it acts Institute spiritual production, a source of immense spiritual and moral potential that concentrates various types of values.

In modern conditions of transformations the Ukrainian society important direction of the theater of their educational function is forming the human values. One element of such values system is the value orientations of modern market economic system and formed its type of man-entrepreneur. Among the important values of this system - economic freedom, justice, development and the desire to change, focus on their strengths and opportunities, the combination of market individualism with a high level of social responsibility etc.

This article discusses the specific intellectual production of the theater as a complex creative process of producing spiritual values of a democratic society with a market economy. This is due to the creation, preservation and transmission of cultural wealth market system. Perception and development of spiritual values is a spiritual consumption, which aims to meet the spiritual needs of people.

Analysis of Recent Research and Publications (Theoretical Foundations of Research Methodology and Empirical Characteristics of the Base)

Spiritual production as a phenomenon in public life meaningful and scientifically highlighted in the works of S. Bakhtin, J. Kolpakov, Alexander Zakharov, Orlova and others. Theatrical production devoted some spiritual work of I. Hoffman, L. Jonah, M. Mahidovych and others. Often spiritual production is seen not only as the production of spiritual values, but as a whole system of people from production, exchange, distribution and consumption of spiritual values. It produces ideas, beliefs, theories, images, norms, myths, legends, values, spirituality and more human, which is the spiritual wealth of society, culture and the individual.

Today, remain insufficiently studied features of spiritual production exercised theaters. Low attention is paid to the formation process and market values as the basis of material production in modern society.

Formulating Goals and Objectives of the Article. The article is a sociological analysis of the formation of values of a modern market economy in the production of theatrical product. Hence the main tasks that need to be addressed are:

- identify the features of spiritual production exercised theaters;

- clarify the mechanisms of regulation of value in technology theater as an institution of spiritual production;

- clarify the specific spiritual product (the content of the prevailing market values) as a result of this production.

The Main Material and Justification of the Study

Theatre as a social institution distinguished moral and aesthetic sense of spiritual production. It makes the quite arbitrary, abstract, sensual appearance. They are widely used images that affect not only the mind, but the subconscious of the viewer.

One cannot but agree with J. Kolpakovа, who believes that spiritual production seems complicated multilevel sociocultural phenomenon, the terms of which is the presence of spiritual needs and spiritual resources [3].

Theater spiritual production combines several levels. The first level is the creation of copyright theatrical productions. The second level includes directing or performing work. The third level - teaching activities, the subject of which is to train actors. Finally, the fourth level of creativity associated with the most creative game actors. Spiritual resources are structured according to these levels. Thus, the spiritual drama production had a multi many subjects' character.

In the process of spiritual production is consumption values his subjects, mobilizing their internal intrinsic creative power and spiritual production of the product through which viewers form their own spirituality. Thus, spiritual theater production is a complex chain of production acts and consumption. It is carried out by means of stage action that occurs in the game of actors in public, operating the diversity of values, among which the most important are the human values (life, death, peace, health, status, freedom, comfort, safety, etc.), civic values (patriotism, trust, democracy, tolerance, humanism and etc.), personal values (conscience, kindness, responsibility etc.), life purport values (ideals of life, meaning of life, personal and developmental etc.), moral values (dignity, humanity, justice, goodness, heroism and others.), traditional values (life, love, loyalty, faith in God, family, friendship, stability, etc.), liberal values (freedom, equality, self-realization, professionalism etc.), aesthetic values (harmony, perfection, sublime, tragic, comic, elegant, touching, charming, graceful, catharsis, beautiful and ugly, etc.).

A greater degree of influence in shaping theater turns traditional aesthetic, moral values common to all people, while it slightly generates civic, market and liberal values. Relatively values in science, there are three approaches: objective, the values - it is something formed by culture in the historical development (H. Rickert, V. Vildenband, N. Hartmann, E. Durkheim, V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, M. Lossky, V. Tuharinov); subjective, when values are the internal controls of the entity (Friedrich Nietzsche, Kant) and objective-subjective, where they are and external condition and results of operations of the entity (M. Weber, Camus, M. Kagan, Husserl, M. Scheler).

Applying this methodology to value the spiritual aspects of production, it can be noted that one and the same value in the spiritual production can be objective phenomenon which causes the value of transformation, both a subjective phenomenon that is experiencing subject, form, assigns and transmits and subjective-objective, as in the broadcast value generated rules of interaction.

Feature spiritual values aspect of production is that there are three kinds of values. The first group of values is the values of the art, its properties, quality, features that give it a socio-cultural value and significance. They reflect its uniqueness, novelty, excitement as the entire work and its components.

The second group of spiritual values is the values of transit transmitted viewer are the basis of creative project work from his actors-creators. Typically, these values reflect the momentous question of existence of society, nation, state, social community and the individual. Among them there are life purport values which are concentrated in the fate of the main characters of theatrical performances. In terms of these values virtually any piece of opera or ballet can be considered encrypted message transitive property audience which, however, is not always ready for their perception.

Successful transit value due largely to the fact that truth, goodness and beauty are characterized by a large attractive force to each other, there are forming a kind of golden triangle. To some extent it fair to note that the truth - the good and the beautiful, the good - the true and the beautiful, and the true beauty well.

The third group values form the instrumental values which are the means of communicating to the audience transitive property. This explains the spirit used in theater production values contrast effect when beauty resists deformity, physical injury combined with spiritual beauty; there are positive and negative characters. Transitive value typically does not exist in ideal conditions. It always goes through hard struggle. It recaptures its right to existence. Good always triumphs over evil, even if the main characters die its carrier.

Valuable transit allows for a fresh look at the governance spiritual theatrical production, which is also involving many structural and character. It includes not only the management of the theater as a whole and its individual shops including the principles of management, but also a thin line of spiritual management, including management of creative reputation and image, repertoire policy and management's value in transit.

Theater spiritual production, like any production, has a technological nature, operates special types of social technologies - spiritual techniques that focus on the implementation of the plan work in theater acting game and transfer it to the audience. The result of spiritual production is materialized spiritual product as being essential powers of man. Intellectual product should be distinguished from spiritual values. He can act spiritual benefits and services, performances, parties, concerts, speeches rooms that are filled with spiritual values.

According to Y. Kolpakova, the product is characterized by spiritual [3]:

- selectivity;

- specificity;

- not use for consumption;

- open nature;

- ambiguity;

- focus on playing various forms of social consciousness.

Intellectual and product value are the primary results of intellectual production. Secondary end and the results are the «fingerprints» values on personality's viewers. Studies show that spiritual values are transmitted to humans from spiritual sources and form its spiritual form, light, capacity and capital. However, there are under the guise spiritual values to understand the fullness of nature, spiritual, moral personality structure. The audience with developed spiritual form - is a natural need theater.

Regarding spiritual potential, then it refers to a set of spiritual possibilities that define individual selfrealization, some grounds sustainability of individual life projects. His main characteristic, without any doubt, is the creativity in the formation and replenishment which Opera House plays an important role.

Finally, the spiritual capital is the wealth of man, which is implemented in its socio-economic activities. According to A. Kuznetsova, a capital in the figurative sense is provided wealth deliberate, reflect the inner world of man [4, p. 143]. It involves conscious internal activities of individual accumulation of wealth and spiritual realization.

Formation theater values of the modern market economy are based on basic orientations market economy, which is economic liberalism, competition, the pursuit of profit. They affect the value orientation is ambiguous: on the one hand, awaken initiative, activity, energy, people expand opportunities for skills development and creative personality; on the other hand, it leads to such consequences as double standard, universal alienation, mental shifts, neuroses and more.

The values of the individual as if passed through the prism of the market and acquire the character of market values. Not only material but also spiritual life of society and the individual are based on the laws of market economy. Under these conditions, people often lose their higher values, the meaning of life. This leads to the formation of the existential (meaning life) vacuum. For automation housekeeping, on the one hand, and rising unemployment on the other, lead to an increase in free time, in accordance with the number of people who feel this vacuum, with all possible consequences. It is in view of these circumstances modern theater is able to generate such market value:

- the independence and autonomy of the individual;

- the initiation and individual responsibility;

- the personal success, active and hard work;

- the tolerance for people who are different from others;

- the respect for tradition and a healthy suspicion of power;

- the effectiveness and usefulness, the belief in progress;

- the respect for science and technology, desire to possess many different things etc.

Of course, enrichment goals and market value, based on it, necessary, but behind them there are always more fundamental values of spiritual development.

Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Research

One of the urgent and essential for modern Ukrainian society is the problem of market values influence the formation of man, its outlook. Because our society is going through a crucial historical phase - development of market relations. This phase is associated with a change in not only economic relations but also the entire system of social relations based on them. That changes the whole way of life that can not lead to a change in value orientations of people.

Spiritual production in the theater not only creates theatrical product filled with specific spiritual values, but also spiritual transformation is implemented in the individual viewer and formed his value orientations. The study of transformations in social science is an important direction detection theater role in the system of social institutions.

Источники и литература

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