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Russian Culture in Chinese Scholars' Research
Sun Yan, Senior Lecturer, Heilongjiang Institute of Foreign Languages (ul. Shidanaylu 1, Development Zone Li Min, Harbin, 150025 China)
This article deals with the research of Russian culture by Chinese scholars. The research can be divided into two directions. The first direction is to clarify the characteristics of Russian culture through the analysis of Russian history, geography, language, etc. The second direction is to study the influence of Russian culture on Northeast China culture.
The article elaborates on the research views of some Chinese scholars. The main features of Russian culture are as follows: middlty and compatibility with both eastern and western cultural characteristics; bipolarity; a strong sense of religion, kindness, honesty, and the spirit of endurance of country's system, etc. Russian culture has a great impact on Chinese culture, especially on Northeast China. This article can strengthen the understanding of Russian culture. Russian culture has the unique value in the world heritage, it is a part of the cross-cultural process, which has played an important role in interaction with other cultures.
Keywords: specificity russian culture, study of Chinese scholars, influence, culture of Northeast China.
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