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Popova Anastasiya Viktorovna, Sr Instructor, Chinese Language Department, Foreign Language Institute, Moscow City University

Lopatkina Tatyana Sergeevna, Sr Instructor, Chinese Language Department, Foreign Language Institute, Moscow City University

Traditional games are an integral part of Chinese culture. Many Chinese researchers have shown interest in studying this phenomenon. The article discusses the peculiarities of the approach of Chinese scientists to the definition of the phenomenon of Chinese traditional game. In the PRC, traditional name for games yuoxi mean folk games, as well as gambling, which are widespread in the life of the people. Since there are 56 nationalities who inhabit China, a large variety of different games developed there. Hence the classifications of traditional games vary in the number of types and principles of gaming activity. In the process of studying the classifications of games made by various Chinese scientists, the authors of the article distinguish approximately five main types of games (including games that children play): role-playing games, outdoor games, intellectual games, games for the company and gambling (or games of chance).

The article analyzes the ways of the games' emergence associated with the religious beliefs of the ancient Chinese, magic rituals, physical labor and military affairs. A game is not just a physical act, a complex activity combining the development of physical and intellectual skills and abilities. But also, a way of forming the national identity. Therefore, the importance of sociocultural practices for the formation of ethnic identity cannot be overestimated. The authors analyze the relationship of game activity and learning, character and moral character enrichment, beneficiation of such aspects of spiritual and material culture as literature, art, sports, dancing, drama, circus arts.

Keywords: Chinese culture, game, traditional games, classification of games, the origin of games, roleplaying game, yard game, intellectual game, gambling.

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