First assemblies and collections of military memorabilia on the Ukrainian territory
History of formation of the first collections and collections of military paraphernalia on the territory of Ukraine. The process of transforming private collections into museums. Development of the emergence of military museology in the Ukrainian lands.
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Дата добавления | 27.07.2021 |
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Department of Military Training of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
First assemblies and collections of military memorabilia on the Ukrainian territory
Mashtalir V.V.,
Ph.D, Associate Professor
Based on the research results, the author describes the history of formation of the first assemblies and collections of military memorabilia on the territory of Ukraine. With the account of the study material, the article discloses the process of transforming private collections into museums. It traces the development of the appearance of military museum affairs on the Ukrainian lands was traced.
Key words: military memorabilia, collection of weapons, private collection.
Перші збірки та колекції військової атрибутики на території України
Машталір В.В.,
кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри військової підготовки Національного університету біоресурсів та природокористування України (м. Київ),
На підставі проведеного дослідження автором викладено історію формування на території України перших збірок та колекцій військової атрибутики. На основі вивченого матеріалу розкрито процес перетворення приватних збірок та колекцій в музеї. Простежено розвиток зародження військового музейництва на українських землях.
Ключові слова: військова атрибутика, колекція зброї, військові реліквії
Main part
collection of military paraphernalia museum
Problem Statement. In the times of primitive society, with the advent of property and social inequality, the first collections of personal and trophy weapons owned by the leaders of the tribes. These should be considered as the embryos of future collections. With the development of society and the accumulation of wealth, these collections are greatly expanded and grow into separate collections. Collecting is becoming more focused, and the collections themselves are replenished with skillfully crafted and precious weapon materials.
On the territory of Ukraine, these processes date back to the IX century, when collecting in the Kievan Rus became widespread. Various values were collected not only by the princes, but also by the boyars, the warriors, the clergy. Peculiar repository museums were the temples of Kievan Rus - the centers of contemporary culture and education. The temples preserved valuable documents, valuable gifts, and best art works - icons, precious weapons, gold and silverware, and the like. For example, according to the Tale of Past Years, in the Tithing Church (the temple of the X century) - the victorious banners, weapons, and the dress of the first princes were kept [1, S. 23].
Thus, in this period the objects of collecting were not only values and artistic works, but also things related to the military past and military leaders, which strengthened the military power of Kievan Rus.
The Purpose of the Article. The author, on the basis of available information, seeks to give an integral and systematic vision of the first collections of military memorabilia in Ukraine. In order to achieve the goal of the article, the author will reveal the peculiarity of the ancient practice of collecting military relics and organizing the collection of combat trophies.
Key Findings. Kievan Rus significantly strengthened its power with the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Igorevich (years of reign 957-972), one of the prominent statesmen and commanders of that period. It was with Svyatoslav I that the first official mention was made of the collection and storage of valuable weapons. In the chronicles it was said that Sviatoslav treated with disdain various magnificent gifts of the Greeks, but highly valued gifts of «swords and other weapons» [2, p. 30]. It was from the X century that the process of collecting various weapons, clothing and military life, relics of combat campaigns became a constant spread and the background of military traditions of Ukrainians.
At that time, weapons together with military ammunition were equated with elements of the contemporary culture and included in collections, which were kept together with valuable documents and the best artistic works. Such collections were in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, built in the Yaroslav the Wise times in the XI century. In the cathedral, the first Rus library was created which appeared prior to many well-known Western European bookshops. In addition to books and military paraphernalia, in the St. Sophia Cathedral there were valuable collections of icons, church utensils, rugs and other things. In times of calamity (wars, hostile invasions), these collections were lost, and we know about them only from short memoirs in the chronicles. Large collections of values, including military ones, were also in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, in the temples of Chernihiv and other cities of Kyiv Rus [3, pp. 271-273].
The Kleinods (regalia) of the Cossack state were: regimental flags, hundreds of badges, staffs of hetman; military musical instruments - kettledrums. The symbols of the power of the Cossack starshynas were the maces of hetmans, flanged maces of colonels, reeds of military judges, ink tanks of scribes, and others. Kleinod belonged only to a certain person from the Za - porizhzhya starshyna (seniors). The mace was given to
13 the Koshevyi, he held it in his right hand during the military councils. So the Ukrainian proverb appeared: «The head needs the mace». The flag, or the standard, was given to all the troops, but was worn by her ensign; the staff - was given to Koshovyi, but was worn by «bunchuznyi» that held him during a campaign over the head of an ataman to give a sign to the Cossacks as their leader was leading them into a battle; military seal was given to a military judge; a kurin (of a unit) or palan - kova (of an area) stamp was given to the unit's ataman or palankovy colonel; a digger or a rod - to the colonel, who carried it in his belt, and sometimes handed it to a traveler traveling through the Zaporozhian steppes for his complete safety on the road; kettledrums - for all the military, but in particular, for «dovbysh» or «polytav - rnyk»; badges - for all thirty-eight Zapoorizkyy kurins, but the person in charge was a military gunman. These kleinods, with the exception of sticks that went with kettledrums and military guns, were stored in the Cossacks' Pokrovsky Church, or in the military treasury. They were handed over only by a special order of the ataman to the general or separate council. Sticks to the kettledrums were always kept in the kurin of the military dovbysh, and all the guns - in the artillery arsenal, or gun storage room, under the care of a special starshyna («pushkar») [4].
According to the tradition that existed at that time, when the person ruling the throne on the Russian throne, the Zaporozhian Army swore to the monarch for loyalty. The emperor then gave the Cossacks new kleinods. [5, p. 8]. This was the case during the coronation of Catherine II, who entered the throne of 1762. For some reason, she did not like the candidacy of the cadre of ataman Peter Kalnyshevsky, and she ordered him to be replaced by Gregory Lantuch. So, according to the royal decree of July 21, 1763, the ataman Gregory Lantuch in Moscow was given military kleinods: a mace, a banner, a staff, a seal, a feather, kettledrums, four badges and a reed that he had to bring to Glukhov and get it from the hands of Hetman Kirill Rozumovsky [6, S. 48].
Large collections of Cossack weapons, paintings, handwritten books, chronicles, icons, jewelry, historical documents were in the property of representatives of the Cossack starshyna. As an example, from the information available to the author, in 1896 in the tribal estate of Skoropadsky in Trostyanets (Poltava region) the main pride was the Museum of Cossack Glory. The unique collection of portraits of Hetman and Cossack starshyna, ancient weapons, utensils and furniture, rare books and manuscripts was collected by the grandfather of Pavlo Petrovich - Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky, to whom his friend Taras Shevchenko went to study documents [7, p. 38].
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the military past and its mythologization became the object of attention of the imperial authorities. The armed power and steadfastness of the autocracy had to be demonstrated at all times, especially on the national boundaries. Part of the ideological concepts of the state was the glorification of wars, victorious for the empire.
The Orthodox Church was also involved in this process. Usual events during the first half of the nineteenth century were worships devoted to the Battle of Poltava, the Franco-Russian War of 1812, and others. During their conduct, a respectful attitude towards the emperor, his family, the imperial army was formed as one of the foundations for the existence of autocracy. The temples were equipped with original museum exhibits, which were to remind believers of the victorious military past [8, p. 38]. For example, in 1814, in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv, flags of the Chernigov regiments which participated in the Franco-Russian War, were stationed. On June 25, 1829, during the visit to Kyiv, Nicholas I received a message about the capture of the Silistrian fortress by Russian troops. The next day the king ordered to take some of the captured enemy's flags to be taken to Kyiv and placed in the St. Sophia Cathedral [9, p. 167].
In 1847 the idea of a combination of the temple and the memorial was formulated by a special decree of Tsar Nicholas I [10, S. 46]. He reported that in all the regimental churches it was necessary to install bronze plaques bearing the names of the officers who served in the regiments and died in past wars. Subsequently, temples began to store memorable awards, documents and photographs of deceased officers and soldiers. Mu - seumization of the temple and its transformation into a pantheon became a prerequisite for the emergence of regimental museums. For military units that had a permanent location, the temples became one of the museum's premises, which contained a part of the exposition [8, p. 38].
Note that the concept of «assembly» and «collection» have key differences, which are based on the attitude of the person to the artefact. So, the collector always looks for and finds something that has long been forgotten, something that is considered lost, unexamined to him / her. That is, the collector is first and foremost a researcher. And the researcher should have a certain theme (direction). Everyone chooses it on their own, but it should be the main thing in one's work. The person who assembles, however, is indifferent to the very subject of assembling, for him or her the most important is the value and quantity. For the collector, of primary importance is the understanding of what he/she collects, knowledge of the issue and those related to it at the expert level. Not every person who assembles something is able to become a collector, and quantity does not grow into quality here. Unlike collecting, which is characterized by the desire to systematize the accumulated material, among the objects of assembling is the widest range of objects of material culture and natural history, created by man and nature throughout the world history [11].
One of the striking examples is the collection of princes of Ostrozky in the Dubno castle, which we know from the «Register of treasures of the castle of the princes of Ostrozky in Dubno, compiled in 1616». This document was found by Prince Josef Tadeusz Lubo - mirski in the nineteenth century and published in France with his own foreword and commentary. In 1900, the «Register» was re-published in Poland. Based on it, one can see a picture of the interests of the princes Ostrozky. The description mentions pictures of mostly European artists, icons, weapons, jewels, and much more. The same collections were owned by the princes of Zaslavsky, Zbarazki, Czartoryski, Vyshnevetsky and by many other powerful Ukrainian dynastic families [11].
In aristocratic circles it was considered a good tone to collect weapons, antique utensils, household items, paintings, and the like. The collection of antiquities facilitated the formation of private collections inherited by descendants. Not the last place in the register of antiquities was taken by things derived from archaeological excavations, or occasional findings (firearms and cold weapons, ceramic products, ornaments, etc.).
In the city of Lviv in the early 1920s, based on the private collection of Henry Lyubomirsky, the Lubo - mirski Museum was created. It contained precious cold and firearms, royal letters, icons, paintings, coins, and more. The collection of weapons consisted of 600 exhibits. The collection was supplemented by various random archaeological finds [12, p. 2].
The Lubomirski Museum consisted of five departments, in which the exhibits were placed chronologically. The fourth department exhibited exclusively cold and firearms (sabers, yatagans, collections of muskets and pistols) from the private collection of the Lyubo - mirsky family [13, p. 11]. In 1826 and 1828 the museum was filled with interesting archaeological exhibits. The first of these was a unique finding of a warrior's armament set, which was discovered in 1826 during the laying of the Kolomyia-Kamianka Velyka road. Another finding that had a remarkable museum value was the large double-edged bronze ritual knife that came from a mound near Galich and became a museum's property in 1828 [14, pp. 407-428].
After the defeat of the uprising of 1863, the Lyu - bomirsky people began to receive personal arms of the participants of the uprising. In 1863 the collection was transferred to Ossolineum, a scientific institution in Lviv, and became part of the newly established Museum of the Lyubomyrsky Princes [15, p. 43-54]. The collection was partially exhibited at an exhibition for public viewing opened in 1870. According to the museum guidebook, starting in 1909, the main collection of weapons was located in the Zbrojownia hall [16, p. 54]. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the Lub - chirskii Museum received a chain mail (inv. No. 458), found along the river Styr in Volyn [16, p. 71], donated by Edmund Livskywhich; it is currently held on the record of the Lviv Historical Museum.
Note that at the end of September 1939, after the arrival of the Moscow troops in Lviv, the Museum of Lyubomyrsky received a large number of ancient weapons due to the prohibition of keeping arms by private individuals. At the same time, as a deposit, the museum received a part of the collections of the famous Tarnovsky The Tarnovsky families were Ukrainian landlords, owners of large land holdings in the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kiev family from Dzikova (now - in the city of provinces in the XVIII - early XX centuries. They were descendants from the Cossack starshyna. Vasyl Vasilievich
Tarnobedzhe in Poland) - a sword and Hetman Tar - novsky's mace.
It can be assumed that a significant part of the modern collection of swords of the X-XV century (23 items), which today are stored in the stock group «Weapons» of the Lviv Historical Museum, mainly originates from the collection of Lyubomyrsky. Of these, two belong to the X-XII century, six to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and the rest to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The valuable exhibits of the «Zbrojowni» were the weapons of excavation of the local ethnographer B. Shanyavsky in Plisnesk. Also in the burial mounds on Vasyl Tolochka's field in 1874 was found the oldest of the sabres known in the Gali - cian-Volhynian lands [17, p. 23-27].
In the collection of the museum named after the princes Lubomirski was also a cast bronze mace in the form of a flattened bullet dating from the 11th-12th centuries (now - in the stock group «Weapons» of the Lviv Historical Museum). A similar bronze mace acquired in 1909 from the Lviv antique collector Hameides by the Yan III Museum [18, pp. 13-19]. The King Yan III Museum (Lviv) was located in the stone building «kamian - ytsia»(Older) [June 14 (26), 1810-November 04 (16), 1866] was acquainted with M. V. Gogol, T. H. Shevchenko. His son - Vasily Vasilievich (Junior) [1837 - July 13 (25),1899] (now Rynok Square, 6), which in the second half of the seventeenth century belonged to King Jan III Sobieski, and at the beginning of the twentieth century was owned by the princes Lubomirski, who in 1908 left it to the city [19, pp. 3-19].
Oleksandr Cholovskyexchanged letters with T. H. Shevchenko. Such well-known figures as M. T. Vovchok, I. Y. Repin, M. M. Ge, and other representatives of Ukrainian and Russian culture visited the estate of Tarnovsky in Kachanivtsi. Grigory Stepanovich, who presented the King Jan III Museum with 150 samples of weapons and military armor of different times became the driving force for the museum's collecting activity [17, pp. 23-27].
Significant collections of weapons contained private assemblies/collections: of Vladislav Lozynsky (apart from weapons, one could see the equipment of a rider and a horse of the XVI-VIII centuries) as well as of professor V. Lukashevich (residing on Krashevsky Street, 1/5) [20, p. 530]
Subsequently, the collection of the museum was quickly replenished at the expense of purchases from private individuals, as well as gifts and donations of patrons, citizens and organizations of Lviv. In particular, in December 1911, 15 samples of the old weapons of the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries and 33 samples of weapons of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries were procured. And in 1914, the museum was replenished with monuments from the collection of Vladislav Lozynsky, a famous historian of Lviv and art critic who bequeathed his collections (including weapons) to Lviv [17, pp. 23-27].
In 1915, the famous collector Boleslaw Ozhekhovich[1788 - November 8 (20),1853]. Uncle of Vasil Vasilyevich Senior was acquainted with M. V. Gogol, M. I. Glinka, S. S. Gulak-Artemovsky, M. O. Maksymovych and other figures of science and culture. His estates in Kachanivka in 1843 as well as in the village of Potik in 1845 were visited by T. H. Shevchenko (now belonging to Myroniv district, Kyiv region). In the story entitled "Musician", Taras Shevchenko embodied the character as a land and serf-owner Arnovskii. As of now, a silver commemorative coin of 10 hryvnias denominated in circulation on February 10, 2010 and issued by the National Bank of Ukraine has been dedicated to this outstanding Ukrainian Cossack starshyna family. transferred his collections to the Museum, among which was a collection of weapons [21, pp. 3-13]. Prior to the beginning of the First World War, B. Ozhekhovych's collection was in the estate of the Ozhehovichi in the village of Kalniki, Mostyskogo povitu (region). During the onset of Russian troops in 1915, the Ozhekhovichi estate was in Przemysl in the area of hostilities. Great efforts to save the Ozhekhovichi collection were made by the Director of the Archives and National Museum named after King Jana III Alexander Cholovsky, who delivered the collection to Lviv. In 1919 Boleslaw Ozhehovich signed an agreement with the city authorities on the transfer of his collection to the city's municipality2 The stone building was built at the expense of the Greek merchant Konstantin Kornyakta in 1580, as evidenced by an inscription over the door on Bljayarskaya Street. The [22, p. 120]. At the request of the donator, Alexander Cholovsky [17, pp. 23-27] was to take direct oversight and leadership over the collection.
The collection was so large in number and important in value that was exhibited separately, with a special status [18, p. 13-19]. Under one of the terms of the agreement between Boleslav Ozhekhovich and the Lviv city administration the entire collection should forever be kept and exhibited as a single and indivisible, and be called the «Collection of Boleslaw Ozhehovich» [17, pp. 23-27]. In addition, to monitor the proper implementation of the terms of the agreement between Boleslaw Ozhekhovich and the municipality of Lviv, a special curator was appointed, which consisted of five members. And the donator himself preserved the right to participate in the discussions of the board of curators and the right to vote on its decisions [17, pp. 23-27].
At the time of the transfer, the collection contained 998 items of antiquities, among which - 454 weapon construction of this building was carried out under the direction of Lviv architect Peter Barbon.
However, Boleslav Ozhehovich continued to replenish the collection until the end of his life [22, p. 120]. Boleslav Ozhehovich's collection included various samples of cold weapons and firearms of various periods, places of manufacture and purposes. Consequently, this collection of weapons clearly demonstrates the skills of the armorers of many epochs and peoples [22, p. 121-122].
To date, most of the samples of ancient weapons derived from the collection of Boleslaw Ozhekhovich are stored and exhibited at the Lviv Historical Museum and in its branch - the Arsenal Museum. Among the cold weapons there are swords here (the fifteenth-century side sword made by the armorers of the city of Passau in Bavaria; the large two-handed flamberg sword made in Italy at the end of the XV - the beginning of the XVI century), sables, court swords (court swords of the XVI and XVII centuries), broad swords, battle axes, hand axes, knives and kindjals (kindgals from Iran of the XVIII century, kindjals from Eastern India from the XVIII century, kindjal from Indonesia of XVIII century), helmets, chain armor, plate armor, spears, crossbows, etc. also firearms - pistols (revolver of the Mari - ette system; pistol by Johan Andreas I Kuchenreiter; a pair of duel pistols by F. Hristian Schilling), rifles, guns [22, pages 119-126].
Zaporizhzhya Cossack antiquities were in the private collection of Alexander Nikolaevich Pole Oleksandr Mykolayovich Pole (08/20/1832 - 07/26/1890)
- Ukrainian researcher-archaeologist of Ukrainian-German. Being the descendant of Hetman P. Polubotko on the maternal line, O.M. Pole paid special attention to the collection of Cossack relics, remnants of Cossack history. Cossack weaponry items, clothes, outfit, kleinods, pipes, a variety of utensils were of utmost importance among other memorabilia and exhibits in his museum. In 1887 his collection served as a foundation for developing a private archaeological museum in Ekaterinoslav (in Dnipropetrovsk, in 1926; now - the City of Dnipro). Most of the collection of O.M. Pole was a collection of subjects related to the history of the Zaporozhian Sich. Some of them were inherited from their ancestors, who belonged to the famous Cossack noble families (Pole - tiky, Polubotki, Savychi, Malami). Most of the objects of Zaporozhye antiquity O.M. Pole found during archaeological excavations or acquired by purchasing them. The area of finds can be outlined within the bounds of Ekaterinoslav and Kiev provinces: villages of Volosko, Divka, Zvonetsk, cities of Kaniv, Ekateri - noslav, villages of Ihren, Kapulivka, Mikhailovna, Mishourin Rig, cities of Nikopol, Novomoskovsk, villages of Perevalochna, Stari Kodaky, Old Kiev, Khortytsia island. Not for the sake of his own benefit or landlord's whim, O.M. Pole was creating a collection of antiquities. Characteristic feature of the archaeological studies of A.M. Pole was that he was not going to use the found artefacts only for his own use. During his lifetime, he sent several exhibits to the Hermitage Museum and the Museum of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities. In 1905, the Regional Museum (now Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum) opened in Ekaterinoslav, with an integral part of it being the collection of Cossack antiquities and military memorabilia of Cossack history. A significant part of the exhibits of the History Department of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in the Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum (Hall Two) is a military memorabilia from the collection of O.M. Pole.
Consequently, the first private assemblies and collections of military artifacts and memorabilia, in the vast majority, occupied an honorable place in museums named after the owners of private assemblies and collections.
Conclusions. Considering the history of the first assemblies and collections of military memorabilia in Ukraine, it has been established that their existence gave an important impetus to the creation of new museum institutions, as well as helped to accumulate, preserve and exhibit a large number of artefacts and memorabilia of the military-historical past to the general public. The period from the second half of the XIX century to the beginning of the XX century was marked by active museum construction works primarily due to the active engagement of public figures, ethnographers, philanthropists and museologists.
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реферат [11,8 K], добавлен 19.12.2012Russian Icons - A Short History. Schools of Icons. Kiev school, Novgorod school, Moscow school, Pskov school. Russian Icons Restoration and Conservation. The icon Restoration Process. Increased complexity in compositions and theological symbolism.
реферат [3,4 M], добавлен 03.11.2014St. Valentine's Day is the traditional day on which lovers. The day's associations with romantic love. History of Valentine's Day. The influential Gnostic teacher Valentinius: versions of these legends. Valentine's Day in USA and other cultures.
реферат [11,2 K], добавлен 31.01.2010The "dark" Middle Ages were followed by a time known in art and literature as the Renaissance. The word "renaissance" means "rebirth" in French and was used to denote a phase in the cultural development of Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries.
реферат [13,3 K], добавлен 05.07.2007The concept of "intercultural dialogue". The problem of preserving the integrity nations and their cultural identity. formation of such a form of life, as cultural pluralism, which is an adaptation to a foreign culture without abandoning their own.
статья [108,6 K], добавлен 12.11.2012Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Тhe climate and landscape of the country. Formation of language and contemporary trends, religious trends. Household and national traditions. Gender Roles in Japan.
курсовая работа [48,1 K], добавлен 08.04.2015Seven wonders of Ukraine: National Dendrological park "Sofiivka", Kievo-Pechers’ka Lavra. Ancient Greek town Khersones Tavriisky (Chersonesos) - the city founded by Greek colonists, more than two or a half thousand years ago in south-western Crimea.
презентация [888,1 K], добавлен 12.05.2011Film "The Humorous Phases of Funny Faces". Creation of characters. Sculptures Base and Woody with the coordinate grid, ready to numbering. Process of animation. Advantages of some programs. Staff from a cartoon film. The imagination and a good software.
презентация [317,6 K], добавлен 07.03.2012Sumer as one of the oldest centers of civilization, situated between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Historical evidence of contact with aliens. Persuasion Sumerians of death as a natural transition into eternity. The history of invention of cuneiform.
презентация [920,5 K], добавлен 29.12.2011Louvre - the biggest and most famous art museum, built in 1190 by King Philippe Auguste as a fortress against the Vikings. The history of the Louvre, the description of the exhibits: paintings, sculptures and artifacts collected over the five centuries.
презентация [714,8 K], добавлен 16.09.2012Customs and traditions, national and religious holidays, the development of art and architecture in Turkey. Description of the relationship of Turks to the family, women, marriage, birth and burial. Characteristics of the custom of Sunnet - circumcision.
реферат [28,1 K], добавлен 21.01.2012History of creation. The two-act ballet "the Nutcracker" was ordered to Tchaikovsky by the Directorate of the Imperial theatres in early 1891. Step 1. Picture 1. Overture. The decoration and lighting of the Christmas tree. The Appearance Of Drosselmeyer.
презентация [3,4 M], добавлен 04.12.2016