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Li Mengdie (China), Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russian Federation).
Galina V. Alekseeva, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russian Federation).
The article is devoted to Tibetan culture in modern oil painting. Discuss the features of Annotation: The article is devoted to Tibetan culture in modern oil painting. We have discuss the features of traditional oriental culture, reflected in modern Chinese oil paintings, as well as the current state of affairs in China and further development prospects in the studied area. The object of this article is the 1work of the most famous Tibetan artist Ai Xuan in China in the late XX - early XXI century. The article explores the approaches of researchers to creativity of the famous Chinese painting master Ai Xuan, who wrote Tibet. Tibetan paintings by Ai Xuan have always been the focus of collectors. Ai Xuan formed a specific market in the 1990s. After several hesitations, Ai Xuan's personal index reached a record high in 2011. Ai Xuan paintings at auctions have a value from 900 thousand dollars to 1 million 300 thousand dollars. The authors believe that Chinese traditional oil paintings greatly influence the trends in modern Chinese oil painting. The oriental flavor contained in Chinese oil painting is unique. The lyrical expressionism that Ai Xuan's works are saturated with is largely due to eastern emotionality. The lyrical landscapes of Ai Xuan, combined with portraiture, the features of snow transfer in Ai Xuan's paintings in accordance with the natural harmony of Tibetan nature, the ideas of nirvana in transmitting the psychology of Tibetan man in a portrait are considered. The authors analyze his unique lyrical style of painting. When depicting the image of lonely Tibetan girl, the composition one individual and one thing is used in his paintings as the language of painting. The uniqueness of the artist Ai Xuan's style in transmitting the national characters of Tibetans is achieved through a synthesis of the lyrical landscape with an emotional portrait.
Ai Xuan oil paintings is widely recognized and appreciated, which is determined by several provisions. One of them can be described as follows: the main style of Ai Xuan's paintings is a kind of lyrical landscapes, combined with portraiture. Style specificity conveys many shades of character and feelings. The main character in his painting is a little girl dressed in a Tibetan bathrobe. The loneliness of the hero on a snowy plateau is well described by the artist. The image of the girl echoes the quiet and desolate landscapes around her, as if every work hides a mysterious story that expects us to try to solve it. The second position reflects the special purity of the linear and airy perspective, light and shadow, proportionality, overall composition, color, and relief of the image, which the artist is not quite traditional, since the girl in the portrait does not at all pose to the master, she is absorbed in her thoughts, and all components of the landscape are subordinate to them.
The study showed that studying Chinese oil painting dedicated to Tibet is an important task that needs attention. The authors sought to reveal the uniqueness of the artist Ai Xuan's style in conveying the national characters of Tibetans through a synthesis of the lyrical landscape with an emotional portrait. The authors believe that the development of oil painting in China is a dynamic process, and the work of Chinese artists about Tibet is one of its brightest lines. And the artist Ai Xuan is one of the most important representatives of this line of development of Chinese fine art.
Keywords: fine arts; artist Ai Xuan; genre; lyric; Tibet.
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