Creative achievements of Emmanuil Mysko on modern online platforms

Illumination on online resources as exemplified by E. Mysko, the sculptor, were considered. The main spheres, covered by online information sources regarding well-known artistic personalities and the importance for formation of complete vision of artist.

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Creative achievements of Emmanuil Mysko on modern online platforms

Yurii Novachynskyi

PhD student,

Lviv national academy of arts


Юрій Новачинський. Творчий доробок Еммануїла Миська на сучасних онлайн ресурсах.

Висвітлення доробку митців на онлайн ресурсах сьогодні виступає не лише як форма збереження біографічних даних митця, але й спосіб формування уявлення про особистісні якості, педагогічні методики тощо. Формування мистецтвознавцями цілісного образу історичної значущості фігури та його внеску у розвиток мистецтва вийшло за межі вузькоспеціалізованих друкованих видань з невеликим колом читачів і все активніше використовує онлайн інструменти для своєї діяльності. Серед різноманітних віртуальних платформ, енциклопедичні видання мають найбільший рівень довіри до інформації, адже публікація лише верифікованих фактів є підґрунтям їх існування. Основним сайтом, що найчастіше стає онлайн-джерелом компіляції є вільна енциклопедія «Вікіпедія», що може бути редагованою будь-яким авторизованим користувачем і на якій представлені лише українськомовна та російськомовна версії сторінки Еммануїла Миська. Обмеженість репрезентації чи згадок творів митця підкреслює необхідність оцифрування існуючих друкованих матеріалів що не лише сприятиме можливості дистанційної роботи з науковими та публіцистичними текстами, але і може слугувати додатковим джерелом отримання прибутку для онлайн платформ. Щодо кількісного представлення візуальних матеріалів робіт скульптора, слід відзначити, що найбільш повно відображені скульптурні портрети Еммануїла Петровича на платформі «ArtLvivOnline». На офіційній веб-сторінці Львівської національної академії мистецтв знаходимо різноманітні згадки про митця, а саме: згадки у біографічних даних діючого викладацького складу, що вказують скульптора як свого вчителя фаху, однак у розділі «Про академію» не знаходимо інформації про ретроспективу ректорів академії та заслуги тодішнього ректора у реорганізації інституту прикладного і декоративного мистецтва в академію. Згадки про скульптора є в розділах кафедр монументально-декоративної скульптури та реставрації творів мистецтва. Однак найбільш важливим є можливість відслідкувати дипломні роботи, що були створені під керівництвом Еммануїла Петровича на кафедрі монументально-декоративної скульптури ЛНАМ. Публіцистичні матеріали у формі інтерв'ю, рефлексій чи спогадів на популярних платформах є важливими з огляду на широке коло читачів засобів масової інформації, наповненням українського медійного простору якісними аналітичними матеріалами. Активне використання соціальних мереж спричинило і створення на них меморіальних сторінок, що сьогодні окрім інформаційних чи комунікаційних, виконують ще й функцію збереження пам'яті про видатних особистостей.

Ключові слова: творчість Еммануїла Миська, творчий доробок, онлайн ресурси, спеціалізовані сайти.


Yurii Novachynskyi. Creative achievements of Emmanuil Mysko on modern online platforms

The peculiarities of artists' work illumination on online resources as exemplified by Emmanuil Mysko, the sculptor, were considered. The main spheres, covered by online information sources regarding well-known artistic personalities and the importance for formation of complete vision of artist's personal qualities, his methods of teaching, life and public policies and more, were emphasized. The specifics of publicistic texts in mass media, the variety of the content consisting not only of memoirs or interviews of the artist's relatives, but which are also supplemented by videos, teleconferences, etc., were analysed. The accent was put on encyclopaedic publications as information sources consisting of verified data only. The outstanding artistic personality of the sculptor Emmanuil Mysko was viewed from the point of the diversity of information presented on different online platforms. Visual data, reference formats, and quotations connected with the artist's creative work and life as content sources that actualize the importance of the sculptor's creativity and serve as modern forms of collective commemoration as well, have been analysed.

Keywords: Emmanuil Mysko art, creative work, online resources, specialized sites.

The illumination of artists' work on online resources today represents not just a form of artist's biographic data storage, but also as a means of visioning of his personal qualities, pedagogical methods and so on. The age range of Internet active users has been increased instantly, and, nowadays, not only a growing generation makes an information search in global net mostly. Depending on their main function, online platforms make it possible to add biographic data with artist's interesting quotations, his colleagues, students or friends' memories of him. Art historians' formation of full image of historical significance of the figure and his contribution to the art development has been beyond the reach of highly specialized publications with a small number of readers. And they use online tools for their activities more often. Among various virtual platforms, encyclopaedic publications have the highest level of trust in information sources, since the publication of verified facts only is the basis for their existence. Thus, the given information is often used on other platforms without proper reference to the source. It is easy to track the frequency of references using free versions of antiplagiarism sites or simply through search engines. The site that is the most often source of compilation is Wikipedia free encycloapedia, which can be not only edited by any authorized user, but, unfortunately, is becoming the source for many students' research works. The replacement of standard abstractings by preparation of their own articles for a site or their translations from foreign languages is a fascinating initiative of education institutions. This promote the development of student academic integrity and their understanding of the significance of quality compilation of verified information sources for the preparation of materials. The information about Emmanuil Mysko on Wikipedia site is given in Ukrainian and Russian variants only. The version in the state language is being permanently added and corrected, but absence of its page in English is a lack that needs to be filled. Among other encyclopaedic publications, where there is the information about E. Mysko, "Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine" [4] available in online version of 2014 should be mentioned. M. Horyn's article edited in 2018 has a brief biographic description and the list of the selected information concerning the artist's works. The visual series is presented with only two illustrations of the works T. Shevchenko's Monument (1964) in the village of Ivane-Puste of Borshchiv district of Ternopil region and the bust of Olena Kulchytska of 1960. The limited representation or references to the artist's works underlines the necessity to digitize existing printed materials and, first of all, a bibliographic index containing complete list of E. Mysko's works, which was published in 1996 in Lviv National Academy of Arts (compiler: leading bibliographer of the Research Library of LNAA N. Mits; editor-in-chief: Candidate of philosophical sciences S. Cherepanova). Digitizing of existing references and creation of digital libraries will facilitate remote work with scientific and publicistic texts, as well as be able to serve as an additional source of income for libraries through their provision of paid services of digitizing of materials or remote access to them. Regarding quantitative presentation of visual works of the sculptor, it should be noticed that portrait sculptures of Emmanuil Petrovych on "ArtLvivOnline” platform [17] are most widely represented. Founded in 2014, the project is the most famous regional site for today combining the overview of local events and telling about historical process of the formation of the city artistic environment through famous figures in a reference format. [17].

When referencing the name of the sculptor of Emmanuil Mysko, three institutions are mentioned first of all such as Lviv National Academy of Arts, which got the status of academy during E. Mysko's rectorship, Pidbuzh Specialized Boarding Art School of I-III levels "Emmanuil Mysko Small Academy of Arts”, the idea of which was belong to Emmanuil Petrovych, and the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, the Academician and founder of which he was. Pidbuzh Specialized Boarding Art School of I-III levels "Emmanuil Mysko Small Academy of Arts” [12] named after the artist contains the information about the history of formation; the idea of which belonged to Emmanuil Petrovych. It should be remarked that the school official website uses a wrong logotype of the school. The inscription of "Emmanuil Mysko Small Academy of Arts” has a rude mistake in the sculptor's surname in Ukrainian; it is indicated as ”Е. Миска” (a letter is missing). On other resources, the school uses a right logotype with a correct indication.

The website of the NAAU [11] contains not only the artist's biography in the section "Never to be forgotten”, dedicated to the academicians who have been already died. The absence of visual materials here is partially offset by the images available in electronic library "The Culture of Ukraine" [3], a link to which is placed on the website of the National Academy.

On official website of Lviv National Academy of Arts [7], headed by Emmanuil Petrovych in 1988-2000, there are different mentions about the artist, namely: the mentions in bibliographic data of the current teaching staff indicating the sculptor as its teacher of specialty, but in "Academy" section there is no mention about the retrospective of the Academy rectors no mention about the merit of the then rector in reorganization of the Institute of Applied and Decorative Art into the Academy. The official website need to have a separate section containing the overview of events and personalities, which influenced the development of higher education institution. The mentions about the sculptor are in the sections of the Faculties of Monumental and Decorative Sculpture and Fine Arts and Restoration. However, the most important is the possibility to track the theses that were created under the management of Emmanuil Petrovych at the Faculty of Monumental and Decorative Sculpture of LNAA. When creating an updated web page of the Academy within the frame of numerous discussions of the site structure, the information that should be presented here and the search for a uniform presentation format, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Restoration and Professor I. Shumskyi proposed to cover information about the Academy graduates, who are the best representation of the significance of the education institution in the higher education system in Ukraine and the tool of confirmation of this unique institution reputation that during its long history taught the students, who further became famous in Ukrainian art space as well as far beyond. However, there was no opportunity to organize a centralized collection of information regarding the graduates at the moment of the web page launching. And then the attention was given to the catalogue of LNAA Museum that is the result of many years work of the unit and contains the information about all graduates of LNAA. As of today, the lists of the graduates of separate units of LNAA containing the information with an indication of a thesis theme and its supervisor are published on the web page. The publication is important in view of the possibility of information public verification (there is an opportunity to apply to LNAA Museum for correction of negligible mistakes that may have arisen) and the research of achievements of previous generations captivating for a new generation. The first mention of Emmanuil Petrovych's students engaged on degree theses is the thesis Monument to the victims of NKVD repressions in track Salina of Staryi Sambir district performed in 1992 by Volodymyr Chumak (at the Department of Architectural and Decorative Plastics then). Among other students' theses are Sculptural Composition ”The Holy Intercession” by Ihor Zhyrulyk, The Prince Danylo Halytskyi Monument at the High Castle in Lviv by Volodymyr Marko, The Andrey Sheptysky Monument in Lviv (the Church of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God, Lychakivska Str.) (1993) by Volodymyr Popovych, Project of The Heroes of Kruty Monument at Pasichna Street in

Lviv by Andrii Datsko, Project of The Fighters for the Freedom of Ukraine Monument at Vitovskoho Street in Lviv (1999) by Yurii Yemets [7].

It is necessary to individually single out the publication materials about the life and creative work of Emmanuil Mysko, which are available in the global network as follows: the article of Mariia Liudkevych The uniqueness and generosity of talent published on July 10, 2009 on the site of Slovo Prosvity [8]; We remember. Dignified Emmanuil Mysko on website (the author is indicated under a nickname of mankurt) dated April 23, 2010 [9]; First is a sketch, first is a caricature... or 'frivolous' messages of Emmanuil Mysko written by Roksoliana Mysko-Pasichnyk on May 21, 2018 [10]; Mariana Shevelova's article Emmanuil Mysko - ultimate master of portrait sculpture dated May 21, 2019 on Ukrayinskyy Interes platform [15]. Over time, such publications disappear from the network at all or partially (for example, on Zaxid. net platform, the publication of 2010 is available without images from Emmanuil Mysko album published by ”Braty Syrotynski and K” publishing company, Lviv, 1999 [9], and publications from the site of High Castle newspaper under the name Emmanuil Mysko - Artist. Citizen and Emmanuil Mysko's Workshop [2] as of May, 2019 are already unavailable. Though, similar interviews, reflections or memoirs on popular platforms are important to consider: a wide audience of mass media, filling the Ukrainian media space not with templates and copies of pre-release texts without editing, but with qualitative analytics of the creative and life path.

The active use of social networks also led to the creation of memorial pages on them. Nowadays, in addition to information or communication functions, these platforms are increasingly performing the commemoration function regarding the prominent personalities. The actualization of the artist's creativity, his quotations or mentions on him on social networks serves as a catalyst for the appeals of the current generation to the achievements or postulates that have been proclaimed and are relevant up to now. These memorial pages are becoming interesting to the professional community and contribute to build relationships not only between generations of artists or connoisseurs, but also to promote information about famous people to a wider audience. Memorial pages are usually edited by the representatives of an artist's family or his researchers. In the first case, it often leads to the desacralisation of an artist's personality, it focuses not only on works performed in his lifetime, but also on the memories of loved ones or quoting of him among his relatives. As an example, there are memories of Hordii Starukh (Emmanuil Petrovych's grandson) on the page devoted to the life and creativity of E. Mysko on the facebook. On March 12, 2016 (16 years after the artist's death), on the page Emmanuil Mysko/EMMaHyin MncbKo (access mode: artworks/) [18] the memories of his grandson were published: 'Do you see a portrait near me? This is my grandfather - Emmanuil Mysko. Here's his sculpture workshop, where I work all the time. As he was alive, he had taught me to tie a hook onto a line properly and not to eat melons with seeds, because they will sprout, and I will have a round belly like his. And I believed sincerely in this until I began to study biology. He was gone 16 years ago. But he didn't stop teaching me and giving a course for life up to now. That is why I started to study to be a sculptor. And there his spirit always accompanied me. To tell you the truth, it didn't always help me. I remember that once a teacher cried at me: 'Do you think you are Mysko and you are allowed doing everything?!' Of course, I didn't think like that, and I had another surname. But now I think that he (that teacher) was right a little. I am not allowed doing everything, but I realized that I can do everything. Or I will be able to. Or, at least, I'll try to be able to. As my grandfather did. And one more thing - my grandfather let me know that you could never be good for all people...' [18]. Such memories not only emphasize the continuity of generations, but also highlight the pedagogical function, making them closer and more understandable to young people. After all, thanks to social networks, we are able to interact daily with a various professional content published on the network. In addition to the artists' memories or reflections, or those ones about them, this is also an overview of artistic events, different visual materials, flash mobs for 'filling social networks with art', which due to the information illumination algorithms are shown only to the target audience interested in the content, and it is defined on the basis of activity analysis and is demonstrated to a definite audience only. Occasional demonstrations

to other audiences are more likely to be exceptions.

The video content about Emmanuil Mysko is presented on with three main materials, among which the most watched is the record of the program "Maliovyd” of Lviv state television going out from 1995 till 2000. The author, screenwriter and head of this television program was Doctor of Art History, Honoured Art Worker, Dean of the Faculty of History and Theory of Arts of LNAA Rostyslav Shmahalo. [16]. The documentary film, published on the account of the Faculty of History and Theory of Arts of Lviv National Academy of Arts in 2012, contains unique interviews with the artist and references to him. Another profile on the resource containing the videos with references to the sculptor E. Mysko is an account of "Photos of Old Lviv” and a video record of the interview of Roksoliana Mysko- Pasichnyk, the daughter of Emmanuil Petrovych, with a Ukrainian writer and public figure Roman Ivanovych Ivanychuk: (access mode: https://www. The feature of the video is the interview presented in its original form, without editing or proofs. Among the last materials is the video record of the morning program on April 13, 2018 on the channel UA: Lviv Public Broadcasting, which contains the record of Lviv- Uzhhorod teleconference holding at the International Scientific and Practical Conference Emmanuil Mysko - an artist, pedagogue and founder of art education” (access mode: watch?v=Xe-v80HQ8vI), where the following persons were present as: Mrs. Violetta Pavlivna Mysko, the sculptor's wife, his daughter Roksoliana Mysko- Pasichnyk, prorector for Research of LNAA Mr. Roman Yatsiv, the rector of Transcarpathian Academy of Arts Mr. Ivan Nebesnyk. A small number of views of above mentioned materials should be noted, which are not just ignored by the wide public, but hardly viewed by the professional public. The use of such (partly 'retro' today) materials in an educational process by art historians as well as sculptures are those simple forms of information delivery to the young generation. The combination of visual series of the works, unique shots from his workshop and uncut memoirs of the artists and relatives of the sculpture composes the material that convey to us not just the personal features and peculiarities of his creativity, but also bring us closer to the epoch, in which E. Mysko created. creative achievements mysko

Highly specialized resources do not always contain the information about famous Ukrainian artists also. In particular, Ukrainian Art Library platform (access mode: that positions itself as the 'most comprehensive' information source in Internet of Ukrainian art history [1] does not even contain bibliographic data about Emmanuil Mysko, and references to him are limited with two episodes in artist's biographies (among the list of the books of the art historian Roman Yatsiv, there is a mention about the album published in 2009 at Kyiv publishing company "Krynytsia” under the name Sculptor Emmanuil Mysko: The Light of Destiny and in the episode of biographic data of Valentyn Borysenko 'In collaboration with E. Mysko, V. Odrekhivskyi and Y. Chaika, Borysenko performed the first Ivan Franko Monument in the USSR in 1964' [1]. At the same time, Ukrainian Art Library is of great importance because of the free online access to diverse information about publications concerning the research of Ukrainian art, and growing attendance of the platform proves its actuality and necessity. The platform activities are performed through the function of a book and souvenir 'shop', list of paid services provided by the library and financial contributions of the benefactors. Formed in 2014, the site has a great collection of information about artists, online books and magazines about art as of today and should be supplemented with the information about E. Mysko.

Online resources about famous artistic personalities cover not only the presentation of biographic data or illumination of creative work of the artist, but are of great importance for formation of comprehensive view of personal features of the artist, his methods of teaching, life and public policies. Mass media diversifies constantly the represented content consisting of memoirs or interviews of the artist's relatives, as well as being supplemented with videos, teleconferences and more. Their study by the art historians and usage during an educational process are potential sources of information, and also serve for diversification of educational materials. Encyclopaedic publication remain the most authoritative in terms of the data verification, but they are increasingly supplemented with publicistic insertions regarding artist's lives. An outstanding artistic person, sculptor Emmanuil Mysko is an example of diversity of the information presented on different online platforms. Visual data, format of references and quotes connecting with the artist's creativity and life are the content sources that actualize the significance of the sculptor's creative work as well as serve as modern forms of collective commemoration.


1. Biblioteka ukrainskoho mystetstva [Site of Library of Ukrainian Art]. Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]

2. Emmanuil Mysko. Vikipediia - vilna entsyklopediia. [Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. Emmanuil Mysko]. Retrieved from: wiki/Mysko_Emmanuil_Petrovych

3. Elektronna biblioteka «Kultura Ukrainy» [Site of Electronic Library “Culture of Ukraine”] Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]

4. Entsyklopediia suchasnoi Ukrainy [Site of Electronic Library Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine]. Retrieved from: php?id=65381 [In Ukrainian]

5. Cherepanova, S. (Eds.) (1996). Emmanuil Mysko. Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk [Emmanuil Mysko. Bibliographic index]. Lviv: Kameniar [In Ukrainian]

6. Kudlyk, R., & Mysko R. (2001). Dar sertsia i rozumu (rozmova z E. Myskom naperedodni yuvileiu) [Gift of heart and mind (Conversation with E. Mysko on the eve of his anniversary)]. Dzvin, 5-6, p. 124-126 [In Ukrainian]

7. Lvivska natsionalna akademiia mystetstv: ofitsiinyi sait [Site of Lviv National Academy of Arts]. Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]

8. Liudkevych, M. (2009) «Unikalnist i shchedrist talantu». Slovo Prosvity [Site of «Word of Enlightenment». «The Uniqueness and Generosity of Talent»]. Retrieved from: http://slovoprosvity. org/2009/07/10/2345-old/ [In Ukrainian]

9. «My pamiataiemo. Hidnyi Emmanuil Mysko» [«We remember. Worthy Emmanuil Mysko»]. (2010). ZaxidNet. Retrieved from: https://zaxid. net/mi_pamyatayemo_gidniy_emmanuyil_misko_ n1101203 [In Ukrainian]

10. Mysko-Pasichnyk, R. «Spochatku nacherk, spochatku sharzh... abo “lehkovazhni” svidchennia Emmanuila Myska». Fotohrafii Staroho Lvova [Site of Photos of Old Lviv. "First an outline, first a cartoon ... or ” frivolous "testimonies of Emmanuil Mysko”]. Retrieved from: spochatku-nacherk-spochatku-sharzh-abo- lehkovazhni-svidchennya-emmanujila-myska-vi deo/?fbclid=IwAR0vY5EBYQe1ikBFTxXMYVym7 E7hOCV-1nyxOYIBTlchgEQ5W_iDQ7NShRw [In Ukrainian]

11. Natsionalna akademiia mystetstv Ukrainy: ofitsiinyi sait [Site of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine]. Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]

12. Pidbuzka spetsializovana shkola-internat mystetskoho profiliu I-III st. «Mala akademiia mystetstv imeni E. Myska»: ofitsiinyi sait [Site of Podbuzka specialized boarding school of art profile I-III centuries. «The Small Academy of Arts named after E. Mysko»]. Retrieved from: https://art-mam. [In Ukrainian]

13. Yatsiv, R. (2009). Skulptor Emmanuil Mysko: svitlo doli: (albom) [Sculptor Emmanuil Mysko: the light of fate: album]. Kyiv: Krynytsia [In Ukrainian]

14. Fedoruk, O. (1985). Khudozhnie myslennia i mystetska yakist [Artistic thinking and artistic quality]. Obrazotvorche mystetstvo - Fine art, 4, pp. 6-10. Retrieved from: html?id=10179 [In Ukrainian]

15. Sheveleva, M. Emmanuil Mysko - neperevershenyi maister skulpturnoho portreta [Emmanuil Mysko

- is an unsurpassed master of sculpture portrait]. Ukrainskyi interes. Retrieved from: https://uain. press/culture/emmanuyil-mysko-neperevershenyj- majster-skulpturnogo-portreta-1036949 [In Ukrainian]

16. Shmahalo, R. Emmanuil Mysko. «Ia znaiu, shcho robliu». Videozapys prohramy «Malovyd. [«Emmanuil Mysko. «I know what I'm doing»]. 'Malovyd'. [Video podcast] Retrieved from: https:// [In Ukrainian]

17. Emmanuil Mysko. ArtLvivOnline [Site of ArtLvivOnline]. Retrieved from: IwAR17FyCoilHzdPN8TB_tfM6Ip34QTTi- MU1inBqejFwTVrijRY8wsrCkf9E [In Ukrainian]

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  • Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Тhe climate and landscape of the country. Formation of language and contemporary trends, religious trends. Household and national traditions. Gender Roles in Japan.

    курсовая работа [48,1 K], добавлен 08.04.2015

  • Основные движения партнеров в блюзе. Специфика лирического и театрального стилей исполнения джазовых танцев. Характеристика основных элементов Cool, Modern и Weast-Coast. Изучение личных, групповых и командных соревнований по акробатическому рок-н-роллу.

    реферат [48,0 K], добавлен 17.01.2012

  • Hobby as regular classes man in his spare time, leisure activities depending on their interests, passions and Hobbies. The passion for reading books, collecting stamps. Passion for modern dancing, cooking and shopping. The cultivation of flowers.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • Beliebte Musikgenres derzeit in Russland. Untrennbar aus den Genres der Rockmusik Subkultur: rocker, hippie, punk, metaller, goth, emo. Das Thema und die Inhalte der Lieder, ihre tiefe und philosophische Bedeutung. Russische Musik: Künstler, Gruppen.

    презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 17.04.2016

  • Periods of art in Great Britain. Earliest art and medieval, 16th-19th Centuries. Vorticism, pop art, stuckism. Percy Wyndham Lewis, Paul Nash, Billy Childish as famous modern painters. A British comic as a periodical published in the United Kingdom.

    курсовая работа [3,3 M], добавлен 02.06.2013

  • Painting, sculpture, architecture, graphics - the main kinds of arts. In painting use oil and water color paints, distemper, gouache. Easel, monumental, decorative painting. The book, poster, industrial drawing. Landscape architecture, town-planning.

    презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 27.04.2011

  • Theatre in British history as an integral part of the cultural heritage. Stages of professional development of the theater from the first theater and the trivial to the most modern experimental projects. Famous people of British theater for centuries.

    курсовая работа [58,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2013

  • History of the online payment systems. Payment service providers. Online bill payments and bank transefrs. Pros and cons for using online payment systems. Card Holder Based On Biometrics. Theft in online payment system. Online banking services, risk.

    реферат [37,2 K], добавлен 26.05.2014

  • Программа online обучения как программа, основанная на изучении материалов и взаимодействии студента с преподавателем посредством сети Интернет. Особенности процесса проектирования изделия. Виртуальный университет и виртуальное рабочее место одновременно.

    реферат [12,1 M], добавлен 26.03.2011

  • Разработка приложения "Plex Online" для контроля online-мониторинга производственного процесса, продаж, остатков товара и прочим функционалом. Разработка и тестирование программных модулей. Оптимизация работы базы данных путем кэширования данных.

    дипломная работа [1,8 M], добавлен 06.06.2016

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