Innovative potential of modern cultural strategies: Ukrainian context

Identification of the innovative potential of culture in modern conditions and its implementation ways through cultural strategies and creative industries, both in the universal and in the Ukrainian context. Deconstruction of the concept of "culture".

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Дата добавления 27.05.2022
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3. A cultural strategy is necessary for both identification and self-identification of the cultural whole, for the creation of the elements of culture as a system, and the establishment of links between these elements. The structure of culture as a system forms its framework and makes it possible to solve intercultural problems. The main principles of building a cultural strategy are refusal to incorporate - concerning the cultural sphere and the economic sphere; refusal from setting specific tasks in the field of culture - a cultural strategy should be aimed at creating a space for the realization of the cultural, creative potential of both an individual and a nation through economic, technological, social instruments; leveling the totality of dominant cultural practices to the opposition and alternative cultural industries.

4. The cultural policies innovation potential is represented by the various State activities: in the economy, creative industries not only generate real income but also provide jobs through self-employment. In the political sphere - the construction of a polyphonic space for the interaction of different cultures within the state; the expansion of cultural space through identification at different levels - world, European and at the level of a single state; creating a space for national unity through the promotion of cultural and intercultural practices.

5. The process of digitalization, including in the cultural sphere, has influenced the networking nature of the cultural strategy, enhancing its innovative potential by limiting the power narrative, creating a multiplicity of ties and flows of interaction, information transparency in decision-making, implementation of cultural projects and the customization of cultural products.

6. A comparative analysis of cultural strategies and policies in Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine identified problems in the cultural sphere management of Ukraine. The gap between cultural strategy, cultural policy, cultural and creative industries, both in theory and practice, has been identified; vertical dominance in the discussion and formulation of cultural strategy and cultural policy; insufficient attention to the economic potential of the cultural sector. We believe that these problems have arisen as a result of irrelevant approaches and understanding of culture in general and cultural strategy in particular. To overcome the current situation, we consider it appropriate to refer to the experience of European countries and to place it in the specific Ukrainian context.

The scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is presented by a new approach to the structure of culture, which includes not institutions of different ranks, but two main elements: creators and consumers of the cultural product, which in the process of both creation and consumption intersect, initiating the constitution of a single cultural space. It is through this approach to the concept and phenomenon that we can identify the innovative potential of both culture itself and cultural strategies in today's realities. A properly formulated cultural strategy of Ukraine and its implementation through cultural policy and the development of creative industries in difficult political, economic, and cultural conditions can serve both to consolidate society and to solve economic problems.

The significance of the study. The practical significance of the results is the creation of a new modern approach to the content of culture, presentation of the innovative potential of culture and cultural strategy, innovative opportunities of creative industries. In addition, a comparative analysis of cultural strategies and cultural policies revealed both problems in Ukraine's cultural policy and ways of addressing them.

Prospects for further research. The prospects for further research on this topic are seen in the mechanisms' development for the analysis of the cultural system and the specific cultural strategies formation, both nationally and regionally, and their implementation into the real cultural space.


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