Visualization and Virtualization of Art as New Dimension of Communicative Interaction and Social Management System

Familiarity with the features of visualization and virtualization of art. "Visual turn" in art as a specificity of civilized development of modern society. Characteristics of the social management system. The essence of the concept of "communication".

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Дата добавления 27.05.2022
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3. The heritage of society, which has lost its conventionality, was the awareness of relativity, non-existence of the image, which became the tool of selfexpression, profit, ideological control, and social management.

4. The determination of the elitist avant-garde on the game relation to self-sufficient imagery was extremely democratized and became widespread. The line between high and low art is gradually wearing away. Moreover, reality itself becomes a work of art.

5. Parallel to the improvement of technology, the consumer of a cultural product becomes the producer of content, changing social communication.

6. The number of cultural artifacts that surround contemporary man, convert the real and virtual space around them into a huge gallery of visual images, drawing together everyday life and art.

7. The huge cultural heritage leads to the infinite number of allusions, reminiscences, and self-quotations, which, in its turn, results in the conversion of art into a “spider” that itself weaves a web. Now art is the example and image for reality, not vice versa, as it was before, and a factor in social management.

8. Visualization of culture and its virtualization has both positive and negative consequences: on the one hand, it creates a picture of information chaos in people's minds, intellectual passivity, fragmentation, reproduction of perception, forming consumer and irresponsible attitude to copyright; on the other hand, visualizing activities make it possible to involve the masses of people in the cultural values, to develop their individual cultural needs, including creative ones.

9. As the “art of the object” visualization reaches the highest degree of influence in the practice of product placement, which occupies all spheres of our activity, forming both aesthetic taste and moral and ideological beliefs.

The scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is in the complex substantiation of the demand for a visual image in modern culture, systemic problem solution of breaking boundaries between culture and life (“happening”, “performance”, etc.), high and low in art, the manifestation of new image functions and cultural artifacts, that surround contemporary man, rethinking the cultural heritage, which through allusive and reminiscent images penetrates all spheres of our existence, forming amalgam aesthetic tastes and moral and ideological beliefs. Special attention has been paid to the practice of product placement and the connection between advertising and art, which, together with the above-mentioned surveying, helped to prove the thesis that visual art has actually turned into a system of social management.

The significance of the study. Comprehension of visual culture not only as a means of self-expression and communicative interaction but also as a management system makes it possible to use new approaches to create effective tools for improving the manageability of cultural and ideological processes in the society, especially in today's aggressive media environment.

Prospects for further research. Prospects for further research should be focused on the mechanisms' development used for the population visual literacy formation by means of studying psychological processes involved in visual perception, analysis of intellectual methods which enable interpreting, understanding visual information, and direct using visual images and messages.


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