Бібліотечно-інформаційна підтримка підприємницької діяльності досвід Британської бібліотеки і перспективи для України

Досвід Британської Бібліотеки з організації сервісу, орієнтованого на підтримку малого та середнього бізнесу. Розширення адвокаційних можливостей бібліотек України, обґрунтування їх інформаційно-комунікаційного потенціалу для влади і бізнес-структур.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Дата добавления 23.01.2023
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

11. Kulytskyi S.P. (2017). Stvorennia bibliotechnoho informatsiino-analitychnoho produktu z ekonomichnoi tematyky v umovakh poshyrennia internet-tekhnolohii v Ukraini [Creation of a library information and analytical product on economic issues in the context of the spread of Internet technologies in Ukraine]. Naukovi Pratsi Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V.I. Vernadskoho, 46, 225-239. [In Ukrainian].

12. Palahuta S. (2017). Osoblyvosti informatsiinoho zabezpechennia upravlinnia pidpryiemstv i orhanizatsii [Features of information support of management of enterprises and organizations]. Global and National Problems of Economy, 16, 418-421. [In Ukrainian].

13. Pestretsova O. (2017). Bibliotechno-informatsiine obsluhovuvannia pravovymy resursamy (dosvid vitchyznianykh bibliotek) [Library and information service with legal resources (experience of domestic libraries)]. Naukovi Pratsi Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V I. Vernadskoho, 46, 240-259. [In Ukrainian].

14. Prysiazhna L. (2013). Bibliotechno-informatsiini produkty yak skladova informatsiinoi infrastruktury ekonomichnoi sfery Ukrainy [Library and information products as a component of the information infrastructure of the economic sphere of Ukraine]. Naukovi Pratsi Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V.I. Vernadskoho, 36, 469-481. [In Ukrainian].

15. Prysiazhna L.V. (2002). Vykorystannia periodychnoi presy dlia pidhotovky informatsiino-analitychnykh ohliadiv z ekonomichnoi tematyky [The use of periodicals for the preparation of information and analytical reviews on economic issues]. Naukovi Pratsi Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V.I. Vernadskoho, 8, 110-114. [In Ukrainian].

16. Prysiazhna L. (2009). Spetsyfika vykorystannia materialiv ekonomichnoi presy v konteksti vyvchennia mekhanizmiv zabezpechennia stabilnoho ekonomichnoho rozvytku [The specifics of the use of materials of the economic press in the context of studying the mechanisms of ensuring stable economic development]. Naukovi Pratsi Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V.I. Vernadskoho, 25, 279-284. [In Ukrainian].

17. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2012, March 22). Pro rozvytok ta derzhavnu pidtrymku maloho i serednoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini [On the development and state support of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine]: the Law of Ukraine. (№ 4618-VI). Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy, 3, 23. [In Ukrainian].

18. Publichna biblioteka imeni Lesi Ukrainky. (2020, October 21). Proiekt «Biznes-start» [Business Start Project]. [In Ukrainian].

19. Princh. (n.d.). 11 services that libraries can provide to help local businesses and entrepreneurs. [In English].

20. British Library (n.d.). About the Business & IP Centre. [In English].

21. Allinson G., Bagherli L., Williams A., Robertson J., Houston M., Ridley-Castle T. (2019). Economic Impact Evaluation of the British Library Business & IP Centre National Network. [In English].

22. Allinson G., Robertson J., Williams A., Barlow C. (2020). Innovating for Growth Phase 2 (2016-19) Interim Evaluation (2020) Final Report October 2020. British Library. [In English].

23. Badger E. (2013). Why Libraries Should Be the Next Great Start-Up Incubators. An old idea reinvented for the 21st century. Bloobberg CityLab. [In English].

24. Boyes B. (2017). Libraries as innovation incubators. RealKM. [In English].

25. Bugrov V., Sitnicki M.W., Serbin O. (2021). Strategic management of creative industries: A case study of university information institutions. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 453-467. [In English].

26. Colegrove P.T. (2017). Makerspaces in Libraries: Technology as Catalyst for Better Learning, Better Teaching. Ingenieria Solidana, 13 (21), 19-26. [In English].

27. Collins B. (2012). How Public Libraries Are a Boon to Small Business Information resources are especially valuable to entrepreneurs in tough times. American Libraries. [In English].

28. British Library. (2019). Democratising Entrepreneurship: libraries as engines of economic growth. A three-year economic impact analysis, January 2016 - December 2018. [In English].

29. Evans M. (2021). KCC joins forces with British Library to roll out small business support. Media Hub. [In English].

30. Foth M. (2015). Australia needs an innovation “skunkworks”. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://cutt.ly/kWoFbXP [In English].

31. British Library. (n.d.). Innovating for Growth Scale-ups. [In English].

32. British Library. (n.d.). Innovating for Growth: Start-ups. [In English].

33. Janicki M. (2020). Open to Change: Libraries Pivot to Serve Small Businesses. Public Libraries Online. A Publication of the Public Library Association. [In English].

34. Martin C. (2015). Who says libraries are dying? They are evolving into spaces for innovation. The Conversation. [In English].

35. British Library. (n.d.). Start-ups in London Libraries. [In English].

36. Yershova O. (2018). Information support for enterprise business process development management. Management, 1 (27), 100-110 [In English].

37. Zabel D., Gonzalez A.T., Kwong V., Strange J., Yen J. (2009). A Guide to Excellent Creative Business Libraries and Business Centers. Reference and User Services Quarterly, 48 (3), 232-238. [In English].

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