Styles in the interior design of Kyiv coworking centres

Coworking centres have permanent form of mini-offices for many companies actively developing in the domestic market. They represent particular types of interiors that include multifunctional spaces with work areas filled with technical accessories.

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Styles in the interior design of Kyiv coworking centres

Olga Shkolna,

DSc in Art Studies, Professor, Professor at the Department of Fine Arts Institute of Arts of Borys Grynchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Oleksii Dubovyi,

PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Design and Technology Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Liudmila Boiko,

PhD in Education,

Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Coworking centres have become common in Ukraine quite recently - since 2009. Still, today they are a permanent form of mini-offices for many companies actively developing in the domestic market. They represent particular types of interiors that include multifunctional spaces with work areas filled with technical accessories (computers, printers, scanners, and other office equipment), lounge areas for relaxation and rest, places for negotiations, platforms for lectures, discussions, master classes, studying certain educational modules and training sessions in the areas of design, advertising, marketing, management, programming, IT technologies for small companies and freelancers.

The features of individual areas of the environment inherent in such spaces (at the junction between the traditional office structure and the requirements for home spaces) determine certain peculiarity of their design, special requirements for arrangement, and stylistic prerogatives. But so far, this issue has not been the subject of a separate study, which confuses with the use of terms related to major European historical styles, special qualities of architecture and design (bionic structures and ergonomics), and styles common in the visual arts and industrial, graphic and fashion design. Therefore, on the example of several main coworking centres in Kyiv, the article attempts to summarise the results of the work of environmental designers on the design of such spaces, which today have become the basis for the implementation of other environmental projects with designated functionality, and analyse their components not only in style but also in key concepts of the working space: spatial planning solutions of the creative environment, zoning, lighting. coworking centre office

Key words: coworking centres, creative environment, Ukraine, style, spatial planning solution, the beginning of the 21st century.


доктор мистецтвознавства, професор, професор кафедри образотворчого мистецтва Інституту мистецтв Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка

(Київ, Україна)

Олексій ДУБОВИЙ,

кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент кафедри дизайну і технологій Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв

(Київ, Україна)

Людмила БОЙКО,

кандидат педагогічних наук, професор кафедри філософії та педагогіки Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв

(Київ, Україна)


Коворкінг-центри поширилися в Україні зовсім недавно - від 2009 р., але на сьогодні вони є сталою формою міні-офісів для низки компаній, що активно розвиваються на вітчизняному ринку. Вони являють собою специфічні різновиди інтер'єрів, котрі включають поліфункціональні простори із робочими зонами, наповненими технічним приладдям (комп'ютерами, принтерами, сканерами й іншою офісною технікою), лаунж-зонами для відновлення сил, релаксу та відпочинку, місцями для проведення перемовин, майданчиками для лекцій, дискусій, тренінгів, майстер-класів, вивчення певних освітніх модулів і проведення навчань з напрямків дизайну, реклами, маркетингу, менеджменту, програмування, айті-технологій для невеликих компаній та фрілансерів.

Притаманні таким просторам риси наповнення окремих зон середовища (на стику між традиційною офісною структурою та вимогами до домашніх просторів) диктують і певну специфіку їх оформлення, особливі вимоги до облаштування й стилістичні прерогативи. Але досі це питання не стало предметом окремого дослідження, через що у низці досліджень виникає плутанина із застосуванням термінів, пов'язаних із великими європейськими історичними стилями, особливими якостями архітектури й дизайну (біонічні структури й ергономіка) та стилями, поширеними в образотворчому мистецтві й промисловому, графічному і дизайні одягу. Тому, наразі варто на прикладі кількох основних коворкінг-центрів Києва й спробувати узагальнити результати роботи дизайнерів середовища по оформленню таких просторів, котрі на сьогодні стали базовими для виконання інших проєктів середовища з окресленою функціональністю, та проаналізувати їх складові не лише за стилістикою, а й за ключовими поняттями робочого простору: просторово-планувальними рішеннями креативного середовища, зональністю, освітленням.

Ключові слова: коворкінг-центри, креативне середовище, Україна, стиль, просторово-планувальне рішення, початок ХХІ століття.

Problem statement. Recently, new forms of filling the environment of architectural structures of various purposes (barber shops, quest rooms, anti-cafes, etc.) have become part of new multifunctional spaces where some business can be combined with elements of leisure, recreation, and in symbio- sis,provide pleasure to a person. One such synthetic example of a space that is sometimes difficult to clearly determine as strictly a space for work, creativity, or a home environment is modern coworking centres. Among the typical features of such mini-offices, it is worth noting such elements as home slippers for employees, common areas for tea and food, spaces for personal belongings as in capsule hostels (wardrobe, shelf, table, chair, etc.). In this sense, it is difficult to call it a purely business space. After all, its atmosphere can significantly differ from the usual understanding of office space, as well as the colour palette in certain areas, wall and floor decoration, the features of lighting, and, in fact, spatial planning solutions of the creative environment, especially in the days of various Covid-19 strains and remote business projects in connection with the latest military events of 2022.

Recent research and publications analysis.

Reflections on the design environment of domestic coworking centre in the scientific environment began relatively recently - only about five years ago. Thus, the publication of the authors V. Blahoi, V. Blaha, and

Tykhomyrova “Coworking in the Context of Business Tourism Development” published in the 16th issue of the journal Global and National Economic Problems in 2017, became significant in the context of understanding this issue. In the publication, the authors raised the issue of multifunctional synthetic environments with work and recreation areas in the Ukrainian modern economic and business spheres and considered the main aspects of the structure of such spaces (Blahoi, 2017: 119-121).

In the same period of time, K. Katrichenko considered the “concept of “universal design” as a means of shaping the design of the modern environment”. In the article published in the collection of materials of the 4th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference entitled “Traditions and the Latest Technologies in the Development of Contemporary Art”, held in Cherkasy on the 23d November 2017, the author raised the issue of arranging such an environment based on its functional versatility (Katrichenko, 2017: 21-23). She suggested that the design of coworking centres should be approached from the perspective of “universal design”, although this vision was not supported by all participants of creative spatial planning solutions for mini business centres.

Thus, in a number of publications by K. Pry- hodko, issued during 2020-2021, based on the thorough works of foreign scientists and domestic designers-practitioners such as I. Mariotti, C. Pacchi,S. Di Vita (Mariotti, 2017: 47-66) and J. Benedikt (Benedikt, 2019: 1-245) from Milan and Lisbon,N. Babina, K. Lemish and T. Cheremishina from Melitopol (Babina, 2019: 330-343), the development trends of modern coworking centres in Ukraine were considered in the context of the development of these spaces in the leading centres of Europe. In particular, in the context of applying the colour palette (Pry- hodko, K. The specifics 2021: 130-136), techniques related to ethnodesign (Pryhodko, K. Ethnodesign 2021: 408-411), current trends (Pryhodko, K. Current 2021: 84-86) in the field of environmental design and adaptation and redevelopment of interiors of historical buildings (Pryhodko, 2020: 113-115). At the same time, some of the aspects of the environmental design were considered in close connection with the issues of innovation and improvement of the infrastructure of enterprises of the hotel industry and business tourism in the field of coworking.

The purpose of the article is to determine the design features of the environment of coworking centres in Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century.

Main research material. Modern coworking centres appeared in Ukraine relatively recently - only in 2009, when the first of them, called “Status”, was created in Kyiv, primarily designed for a virtual office.

The essence of such a space is the comfortable placement of a business centre, which is rented according to the need - from hourly and daily to monthly. In fact, it is like a mobile hotel for communication, which has all the charms of the hotel, restaurant, and business tourism industry. In particular, underground or surface parking, security, convenient reception, appropriate repairs, with all the necessary sockets for a number of communications for one workplace (it significantly resembles a capsule-type hostel, designed for the private needs of one individual), office equipment and furniture, recreation area (sometimes with convenient locations for a short daytime nap), kitchen and private places for keeping personal belongings such as safes, separate cabinets for storing things for every need, etc. Wi-Fi, high-speed internet, and a creative community space with the ability to print business papers have become integral options for such an offer on the market.

Such coworking centres became particularly popular during the pandemic when there was no longer a need to maintain a large office, but having a room for negotiations, paper exchange, signing contracts on a flexible schedule + a comfortable, cosy workplace for one or two employees or a small team became a necessity dictated by time. In fact, this type of creative space most often unites freelancers, such as designers, coaches, IT specialists, etc., and contributes to the development of services for the technical intelligentsia, outsourcing (transfer of certain powers and functions of companies such as accounting, logistics, etc. to contractors).

Given the interest in such activities since the late 2000s, there was a need not only to organise such places of work and recreation for a number of users in newly built facilities but also to re-equip a number of territories for other purposes, some of which, in particular in America and some European countries, needed revitalisation (creative renewal).

The prototype of such solutions to urban space was the so-called “hackerspaces” - territories for communication of employees of similar areas of interest - the field of science, in particular in technical areas of knowledge, entrepreneurship, business, which began to emerge in the United States of America and Germany from the mid-1990s to hold discussions using the “brainstorming” method, etc. Some of these rooms were designed with an emphasis on the fashionable bionic structures, elements of unplastered masonry walls (low-tech), high-tech, (using furniture with metal and glass elements), taking into account ergonomics, zoning principles with the inclusion of ethno- design elements (some of them were created as hubs for the Jewish population, etc.) (Mygal, 2014: 1-225).

Gradually, there were certain features of planning spatial structuresin such options of environment solution (Radchenko, 2018: 442-443), which had their advantages and disadvantages of arranging workplaces (Snigur, 2017: 117-124) and allowed designers to creatively adapt the requirements for organising the space of office-type public buildings, and private areas of premises and leisure facilities. In fact, the idea of the development of this movement of interior design was based on the idea of the Bauhaus era about the “man-machine”, or in modern language “man-startup”.

In this regard, the first coworking centres in Kyiv demonstrated particular approaches in dealing with such spaces. Thus, the interiors of KyivWorking offices (Moskovska street) have become adapted for modern business models with elements of home comforts and vintage, the main design style of which can be called an eclectic loft.

So, next to the unrevitalised walls lay completely “home” rugs, as if selected from the interiors of middle-class apartments of the 1990s - 2000s, which complemented the colourful style “mosaic” of draperies like partitions, in the style of social-art with references to the previous era.

The business “eco-system” of the coworking centre was pleasantly complemented by a tennis table, individual areas were diversified with pallets, which, if necessary, could be used as homemade yoga mats, a creative children's area designed for clients who had no one to leave their children with.

A high-tech space in another Kyiv coworking centre “Holosiivskyi” includes table design elements in bright pop art visions that enliven a rather monotonous typical office environment with bright “puzzles”. High-tech elements are combined with low-tech in the popular Kyiv coworking centre “Hub 4.0”, located near metro station Shuliavska. The office has its own terrace, which is a nice addition to the lounge area.

In another typical business centre in the Pechersk district of Kyiv, there is a coworking space “Senator”, designed both stylistically with the use of elements of Victorian classics, and colouristically with the inclusion of a “noble” combination of purple-brown and azure-blue colours (Moskovska street).

Reflections of art deco and glamour are felt in the interior of the “Creative State of Arsenal” coworking centre with a combination of bright red armchairs with a carriage tie in the style of Jaime Hayon against the background of blue and lilac walls with white lightweight office furniture designs and black and white chessboard floors.

The interior of the Kyiv coworking centre “Plat- forma Leonardo” is designed in a contemporary style, where various affirmations on the walls, a modernised “eternal” portrait of Mona Lisa, an image of a dollar with a cute duckling in the style of Scrooge McDuck encourage Mafia games and meditative practices.

In general, it should be noted that these and other Kyiv coworking centres, as a rule, include zones designed in different styles, but united by one common idea on the principle of fusion.


Therefore, the design of the Ukrainian coworking centres (2009 - the 2020s) is based on the principles of multi-functionality of creative, business (working), and recreation space, which, according to these functions, is manifested in the special spatial planning structure of such interiors. In addition to an office centre with a variety of computer and other equipment, they usually include rooms for negotiations, training sessions, and discussions, a kitchen, a recreation area, a lounge area, and so on.

At the same time, each of them has appropriate colour and lighting solutions (stimulation of nerve zones and activation of mental efforts, neutral tasks, or, conversely, setting a comfortable light mode and decorating the space in a palette that promotes relaxation). A variety of tasks make it possible to creatively combine different styles of interior design: in the range from minimalism, low-tech, high-tech, contemporary, and glamour to fusion and ethnic styles such as Scandinavian, country, including vintage works, a combination of classic and art deco elements, pop art.


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Mariotti, I., Pacchi, C., Di and Vita, S. (2017). Coworking Spaces in Milan: Location Patterns and Urban Effects. Journal of Urban Technology yo. 24 (3), 47-66. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2017.1311556.

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  • Discovering your interior design style. Space planning: the step beyond interior decoration. Interior design feng shui. The use of color in interior design. Modern interior designers at work. The use of colored crystal balls for feng shui purposes.

    топик [15,7 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • The office as a place for work and creation of modern office. The cabinet of the head, general interior, the furniture. Decorating a home office space with technical equipment and efficient storage space. Location in the house where the office must be.

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  • The concept of advertising as a marketing tool to attract consumers and increase demand. Ways to achieve maximum effect of advertising in society. Technical aspect of the announcement: style, design, special effects and forms of distribution channels.

    реферат [16,1 K], добавлен 09.05.2011

  • Types and functions exchange. Conjuncture of exchange market in theory. The concept of the exchange. Types of Exchanges and Exchange operations. The concept of market conditions, goals, and methods of analysis. Stages of market research product markets.

    курсовая работа [43,3 K], добавлен 08.02.2014

  • The concept of special tools and equipment. Implementation of technical means in the work of the Interior. Organizational-methodical and tactical basics of using technology in law enforcement agencies. Methods of the active defense, personal protection.

    реферат [35,6 K], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • The concept of transnational companies. Finding ways to improve production efficiency. International money and capital markets. The difference between Eurodollar deposits and ordinary deposit in the United States. The budget in multinational companies.

    курсовая работа [34,2 K], добавлен 13.04.2013

  • Development of translation notion in linguistics. Types of translation. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical texts. The characteristic of the scientific, technical language. Analysis of terminology in scientific-technical style.

    курсовая работа [41,5 K], добавлен 26.10.2010

  • Study of possible types of the special advertising and its value on the example of the use different firms in the different areas of management. Determination of features of the special advertising depending on geography of business and market structure.

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  • Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. St. Sophia Cathedral. Mariyinsky Palace. Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent). Ukraine Kyiv Funicular. Horodetskyi Building. Volodymyr Cathedral. Khreschatyk - the main street in Ky

    реферат [7,3 K], добавлен 26.03.2007

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

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  • General information about Ukraine. Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This began a transition period to a market economy. Industry and agriculture. Economy of Ukraine. The Interesting places in Kyiv.

    реферат [18,0 K], добавлен 10.08.2008

  • Створення нового типу мініатюрного авто. Спектр ринкових брендів, пропонованих корпорацією British Motor Corporation. Численні нові версії класичного Mini на будь-який смак. Поява на ринку міні-фургону Minivan та Mini Pick-Up - найменшого пікапу.

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  • Different nations negotiate with different styles. Those styles are shaped by the nation’s culture, political system and place in the world. African Approaches to Negotiation. Japanese, European, Latin American, German and British styles of Negotiation.

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