Impact of Ukrainian cultural diplomacy on economic. Possible ways to implement French cases in Ukraine

The cultural aspect of the economic development of Ukraine and France. Study of the impact of cultural events and activities on economic stability, investment attraction, and setting efficient relationships with partners. Definition of the Francophonie.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Дата добавления 15.03.2023
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Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


Kateryna Ruslanivna Barbashyna

Postgraduate student at the Department

of the international relations


cultural relationship france partner

The article is devoted to the cultural aspect of the economic development of Ukraine and France. This work aims to study the impact of cultural events and activities on economic stability, investment attraction, and setting efficient relationships with partners. Mostly, attention is drawn to the definition of the Francophonie term, as one of the successful examples of intercultural cooperation with a great impact on the economy of France. The main goal is to emphasize actual events and actions in this field and suggest potential ways to develop a cultural policy for Ukraine, following the example of France. Because, in terms of current conditions, Ukrainian culture has opportunities to spread around the world. We need to establish possible ways of developing this sphere because it impacts positively on the Ukrainian economy and establishes the reliant authority of Ukraine in the international arena.

Keywords: culture, economy, diplomacy, Ukraine, France, Francophonie, international relations.


Вплив української культурної дипломатії на економіку. Можливі шляхи впровадження французьких кейсів в Україні.

Катерина Русланівна Барбашина Аспірантка кафедри міжнародних відносин, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

Стаття присвячена культурному аспекту економічного розвитку України та Франції. Ця робота спрямована на дослідження впливу культурних подій та заходів на економічну стабільність, залучення інвестицій та встановлення ефективних відносин з партнерами. Здебільшого звертається увага на визначення терміну франкофонії, як одного з успішних прикладів міжкультурної співпраці з великим впливом на економіку Франції. Головна мета - висвітлити актуальні події та дії у цій сфері та запропонувати потенційні шляхи розвитку культурної політики України за прикладом Франції.

Ключові слова: культура, економіка, дипломатія, Україна, Франція, франкофонія, міжнародні відносини.

Problem statement

In modern society culture is the most powerful way of communication between nations. In the era of informational supremacy in the global competition for the development of the country, the problem of creating, pushing, and managing the brand of the power state becomes an urgent one. The aspects of French culture are famous worldwide for their pervasiveness. This research is based on the phenomena of Francophonie and its positive example that the Ukraine can follow.

Publication analysis

Scientific analysis of cultural diplomacy and its features investigated in detail in papers of Ukrainian explorers Hrachevska, Lutsishina, and Milyan. Based on sources knowledge about the phenomena of Francophonie and its interaction with Ukraine, it was presented in international and Ukrainian government electronic resources and other mass media. Such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Department of education, culture, youth, and sports of Rakhiv city council, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, Destination, BBC, LSE. Interrelations between economy and culture are studied in Theoretical and applied aspects of the economic development of Nahornyak.

The aim of the study

In order to study the impact of cultural events on economical development, the following tasks were set: to describe the interdependence between economic and cultural fields; to suggest potential ways to develop a cultural policy for Ukraine, following the example of France; to define the meaning of La Francophonie; to emphasize actual events and actions in this field.

Presentation of the main material

One of the types of modern diplomacy is cultural diplomacy, which is an important area of public policy and promotes social, cultural, and economic development of the state, dissemination of information about the country through cultural and artistic events, cultural institutions, promotion of art, cultural heritage, etc. Cultural diplomacy forms a positive image of the state in the world and promotes the development and strengthening of interstate relations. The success of the state's cultural diplomacy at the international level and the protection of national interests depend on how effective it is.

The importance of the development of cultural diplomacy is that society plays a leading role together with the authorities, which develop interstate cooperation and create networks of communication between representatives of different cultural, educational, and artistic trends of different countries. Cultural diplomacy, first of all, promotes the formation of public opinion about a particular state, lays the foundation for further cooperation, promotes a positive attitude towards other peoples, and strengthens the economy by investment attraction and tourism [Lutsishina 2017].

First of all, we need to define Francophone. What is it? Anyone who speaks French (lives in a French-speaking country or just studies it) forms a Francophonie ecosystem where the most important value is the French language. A rather interesting phenomenon that covers 88 countries from all over the world, including Ukraine. It is an institutional mechanism dedicated to promoting French and implementing political, educational, economic, and cultural cooperation within the 88 states and governments of the International Organization of La Francophonie.

La Francophonie's main missions are: promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity, promoting peace, democracy and human rights, supporting education, training, higher education and research, developing economic cooperation for sustainable development. French pursues an active policy of developing Francophonie. Since March 20, 2018, following the presentation by the President of the French Republic of the Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of the French Language and Multilingualism in the World, France has paid special attention to the French language as a common basis for multilateral Francophonie institutions. Francophonie, a space for cooperation in education, politics and economics, provides valuable support in maintaining the status of the French language as an international language. France, which is witnessing the priority of this area of activity, is the largest donor to the IOF and Francophonie operators [Organisation international de La Francophonie 2019].

Since 2004, the Embassy of Ukraine in France has been operating a Cultural Information Center, which hosts artistic, informational, and cultural events on a regular basis. UkrainianFrench cooperation in the field of culture, education and science is based on the Intergovernmental Agreement on Cultural, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, signed on October 19, 1995. Institut Frangais in Ukraine has been operating in Kyiv since 1992 and was officially opened in 1994. It is the main link in the network, which includes four more regional centers established in Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa, Rivne and Zaporizhia. Every year, the Institut Frangais holds the French Spring art festival in Ukraine. 21 March 2018 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin and Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Lilia Grinevich declared the Year of the French language in Ukraine. It was part of the Week of French and Francophone presence in 15 ambassador countries, having the status of a member or associate member of the International Organization of La Francophonie (MOF). The main objectives of the project: increasing attractiveness and interest in French language and values; distribution updated image of French as modern and useful; supporting and promoting cooperation initiative; the development of openness to the outside world, mostly, by expanding cooperation with higher and secondary educational institutions of la Francophonie [Department of education, culture, youth, and sports of Rakhiv city council 2019].

Also, March 12-20 is the Francophonie Week in Ukraine, an international festival that brings together French-speaking fans of art and culture worldwide.

Very few things can better celebrate the long-awaited coming of spring than a grand festival, full of street performances, music concerts, cultural events, and, even, culinary delights. The 15th French Spring took place in 9 Ukrainian cities and start on March 31 in Kyiv with a spectacular performance.

French Spring is a yearly festival, which has covered various cities of Ukraine for more than 10 years. The festival is supported by Institut frangais d'Ukraine, Alliance frangaise and Embassy of France. It is aimed at popularizing French culture, from art and cinematography to music and gastronomy. The festival usually takes place from March 31 to April 30 in nine Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Berdychhiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Odesa, Rivne, and Kharkiv. The festival programme has a broad spectrum in effort to cater to almost everyone [Destination 2019].

The multidisciplinary festival WeekEnd a l'Est; the New Wave of Ukrainian Cinema Festival; Docudays; and the Biennial of Decorative and Applied Arts Rdvdlations at the Grand Palais can be considered notable events of public diplomacy over the past few years. The regular participation of Ukraine in the Salon du livre de Paris, in the programs of the Cannes Film Festival, Mifa Market in Annecy has become powerful media platforms to draw the attention of the international community to the problems of the war in Donbas - the temporary occupation of Crimea and Russian aggression against Ukraine.

More and more Ukrainian fashion stylists are taking part in Paris Fashion Week. Well-known stylists like L.Litkovskaya, A.Belinsky, A.Tan, and cluster Podillya Wedding Group held their shows and showrooms in the Cultural Information Center and the Embassy. The prestigious 80

Parisian concert hall A.Korto presented contemporary Ukrainian academic music with the opera “Iov” staged by V.Troitsky. There are tours of the cult Ukrainian bands Dakh Daughters and Dakha Brakha regularly. A separate area of cooperation is the introduction of Ukrainian-language audio guides in museums and tourist routes in France to spread the practice of using the Ukrainian language. The first such guide was launched in April 2021 at the Palace of Versailles [Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine 2018].

The history of Ukraine has always been strongly marked by its geographical location. It seems legitimate to present Ukraine as a border country of Europe, situated at the border of the Slavic-Cretian and Turkish-Muslim worlds on one side, Russian-Orthodox and Western Catholic on the other. In the world as it is, liberated and tormented, in the context of the globalization of the economy and the globalization of the offer of services, cultural productions and information, made possible and effective, thanks to the advance and at the crossroads of transport, computer and telecommunications technologies, what place will Ukraine occupy.

Nowadays, understanding that the learning of foreign languages contributes to communication between people, to the deepening of mutual understanding between citizens in Europe, to the protection and encouragement of linguistic and cultural plurality, the Ukrainian state has drawn up its national program for the teaching of modern languages. The realization of the new design opens up the prospects of strengthening the mobility of people, improving access to information [Norets 2017].

A successful international program aimed at cross-border communication is the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), founded in 2004, and today comprises 246 member cities. The program aims at global collaboration between cities that prioritize culture for promotion of sustainable development. Ukrainian cities, Lviv (2015) and Odesa (2019) have joined the initiative. This means that cities strategically develop a culture at the local, national, and international levels by conducting educational and professional events. “European Festival Association” (EFA) unites more than 100 festivals from 40 countries worldwide and it is focused on promoting festival culture and access to cultural products for the public. Since 2014, the association has been implementing the project titled “Europe for festivals, festivals for Europe” (EFFE), which goal is to showcase the best festival events. There are EFFE hubs in more than 30 member countries of the association that work for expanding the partner network, encourage national festivals and promote the EFFE Quality Award and the EFFE Prize. In 2019-2020, 24 festivals received Quality Awards, and the prize was awarded to five best festivals, including the Ukrainian “Gogol fest”.

Examples of international cooperation show focus on the future - going beyond borders, forming world-class values with an emphasis on local identity. These are the main principles of the friendly existence of communities of individual countries and the formation of a social environment. Culture chooses networking as an effective tool for strengthening its power also because it is usually “in the minority” - personnel, economic, and social. Through a combination of efforts, cultural communities can speak louder, influence the development of society, and ultimately form a new reality. Therefore, being a member of the network for a particular organization or artist means being aware of your strength and position “united we stand, divided we fall” [Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, 2021].

As globalization expands, the task of preserving and protecting one's national and civil identity becomes more acute and urgent for countries with developed cultures. In this sense, the cultural state - France - is a vivid and convincing example of a country that, thanks to a purposeful and well-thought-out state policy in the field of culture, for centuries firmly defended and continues to defend with varying success its “cultural uniqueness” [Ponomareva 2013].

The organization of the Francophonie plays an important role in the system of spreading French across borders. A decade since its foundation, it has evolved from a cultural association into an organization, as it pours into the international community. Into the fields of politics, economics, security, and information technology.

Ukraine has a strong opportunity to create “Ukrainophonie”. Today, Ukraine is taking some steps to support public and cultural diplomacy at the national level. Thus, the State Agency for the Promotion of Culture of Ukraine was established in 2009. The effectiveness of the internal and external activities of this structure remains quite controversial.

The importance of establishing Ukrainian institutes (Shevchenko institutes, Ukrainian cultural centers) in leading European countries has been under discussion for several years, but all these issues remain at project level.

The development of cultural dialogue between Ukraine and France can be considered exemplary. Back in 2004, a cultural and information center was established at the Embassy of Ukraine in France, which during this time managed to establish traditions of cooperation in the artistic, cultural and information spheres. Among its recent initiatives are the exhibition of children's paintings “My Peaceful Ukraine”, the exhibition “Culture and Conflict: Isolation in Exile”, the organization of concerts featuring Ukrainian masterpieces of vocal art (works by E.Stankevich, M.Skoryk, M.Kolessa). I.Karp, First Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine in France for Culture, is also actively involved in the promotion of Ukrainian culture. She believes that Ukraine is a country where modern culture flourishes and develops, and it is absolutely competitive [Yapkovits 2019].

The Ukrainian Institute, in accordance with the Strategy of the Ukrainian Institute for 2020-2024, carries out its program and project activities to achieve strategic goals: improving the understanding and recognizability of Ukraine among foreign audiences; ensuring a constant request for expert cooperation with Ukraine; strengthening the capacity of players of Ukrainian culture, education, science and civil society to international cooperation; strengthening Ukraine's involvement in current world cultural processes; expanding the field of use of the Ukrainian language in the world [Hrachevska 2016].

Also, based on the strategy, it can be concluded that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the process of constructing public diplomacy in general and cultural diplomacy in particular is trying to proceed from the principle, which can probably be described as “system, dialogue and synergy”.

In the context of globalization, the influence of civilizational and cultural factors on economic development is the source and determinant.

Culture as a category in the context of economic globalization can simultaneously serve as a basis for economic development, a criterion for its measurement and results. That is, culture shapes civilization, is a measure of civilization and develops civilization. Accordingly, within the framework of human civilization and each local civilization there are characteristic models, values, standards in public relations (in particular, in the fields of entrepreneurship, business organization, management, public administration).

Today, economical differences between countries are clearly visible. Although some countries have succeeded in economic growth and are considered rich, some countries remain the poorest. What is the basis of these differences? Economic growth and sustainable development are determined by economic, social and environmental factors, with economists focusing on the role and importance of economic determinants. However, there is a fourth factor - a culture whose influence is usually underestimated, accepting technical progress, the accumulation of factors of production, etc., as key and almost the only factors of economic growth. The impact of culture on economic development is significant and may even be one of the key factors determining economic growth. The fact is that if a society has healthy and strong cultural communities and nations, it has more opportunities to produce and enjoy competitive advantages at the international level [Nahornyak 2012].

For the appointment of the All-World Tourism Organisation, the brand of the country is the collection of emotional and rational manifestations. The success of branding a territory is directly connected to ensuring a stable and attractive image of the territory; receiving foreign investments; building up the government's potential; improving integration and cooperative links; broadcasting regional achievements and initiatives [Milyan 2015].

One of the most successful examples of Ukrainian cultural performances that attracted a lot of attention to Ukraine and following financial support was the win of Ukraine (Kalush Orchestra) on Eurovision.

Never before in the history of Eurovision have viewers so clearly chosen a winner. Yet, as the war continues to rage across Ukraine, the dominant narrative in the run-up to the contest was not only that Ukraine was the favourite to win, but that Ukraine had to win. This narrative, coupled with the unprecedented vote and the coverage of Kalush Orchestra across Europe, brought to mind a growing field in international relations: cultural diplomacy, impacted by cultural events and art.

Focusing on Ukraine, the 2022 Eurovision results reflect a broader phenomenon that has been visible since the start of the war. Public support for Ukraine is unparalleled in respect to any other recent crisis. In countries like the UK, shop windows have been transformed with blue and yellow, and the Ukrainian flag has been raised in front of schools, councils, and even the Scottish Parliament [Rogers 2022].

As a point of interest, Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra, the winners of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, have sold their Eurovision trophy at a charity auction for $900,000 and will use the money to buy three drones for the Ukrainian Armed Forces [Jackson 2022].

So, overall, taking part in international cultural events and contest is a great platform to spread Ukrainian culture and identity. Nowadays, we need to use all the possible ways of soft power.


Today, when Ukraine is the center of attention for the world mass media, when the events taking place in our country evoke both sympathy and admiration of the public and politicians, the image issues of our country as the main prerequisite for national security come to the fore. After all, in the international competitive world system, image issues often determine the country's place in the international system. Which provides additional investment in the economic system, the conclusion of profitable international agreements and treaties, the direction of tourist flows, and more. Intercultural cooperation between Ukraine and France aimed to promote the French language in education and art. Each year in Ukraine thematic events traditionally take place and support a global mission to establish a new level of international relations based on peace, cultural exchange, and education. I think Ukraine has many opportunities to follow the way of France and spread the Ukrainian language and mentality into the world. The next step for Ukraine is “Ukrainophonie”, a cultural direction that could have worldwide international recognition.

Moreover, the cultural development of the country has a great impact on the nation's economy. In order to receive positive and economic benefits in Ukraine, it is necessary to up the countries competitiveness, and achieve our desired branding. The main advantages that Ukraine recognizes in the development of a unique and positive brand of the country in the international environment: the adoption of international confidence and the recognition of investors; positive change in international ratings; increased international political infusion; growth in the export of goods and services with brands; increased commitment to tourism and investment; stimulating the establishment of strong international partnerships; the development of channels and improvement of the expansion of information about the possibilities of the country.

Бібліографічні посилання

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  • Pre-cinema inventions. Descriptions of some visual devices which anticipated the appearance of motion-picture camera. The development of cinematography. The problem of genesis of the language of cinema. The ways of organizing theatrical performances.

    реферат [17,5 K], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • Description of the Tower of London, the fortress in the historic centre of the city, on the north bank of the river Thames. Analyze the most high-ranking prisoners: kings of Scotland and France and members of their families, aristocrats and priests.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 16.02.2012

  • Hobby as regular classes man in his spare time, leisure activities depending on their interests, passions and Hobbies. The passion for reading books, collecting stamps. Passion for modern dancing, cooking and shopping. The cultivation of flowers.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • The main types of stereotypes, their functions, leading to illustrate the differences in cultures and national symbols. The use of stereotypes of the main ways in which we simplify our social mir.Funktsiya transfer relatively reliable information.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 06.12.2014

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