Актуальні проблеми дослідження креативних індустрій (кінець XX - початок XXI ст): культурологічний вимір
Виявлення актуальних проблем дослідження креативних індустрій (кінець XX-початок XXI ст.) крізь призму культурологічного виміру. Огляд наукових досліджень, у яких виокремлено культурологічний вимір їх розвитку. Визначення поняття "креативні індустрії".
Рубрика | Культура и искусство |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 10.04.2023 |
Размер файла | 872,7 K |
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45. Costa P„ Magalhaes M., VasconceLos B., Sugahara G. On «Creative cities» governance models: A comparative approach. Service Industries Journal. 2008. № 28 (3). P. 393-413. DOI:l0.1080/02642060701856282 (дата звернення 1.11.2021).
46. David Hesmondhalgh. The Cultural Industries. London : Sage Publications. 2002.
47. David Throsby. Economics and Culture. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 2001. P. 110-133.
48. Gamham N. From cultural to creative industries. An analysis of the implications of the «creative industries» approach to arts and media policy making in the United Kingdom. URL: http://nknu.pbworks.eom/f/ FROM » CULTURAL+ TO+CREATIVE+Industries.pdf (дата звернення 1.11.2021).
49. Kathrin Mьller, Christian Rammer, and Johannes Trilby. The Role of Creative Industries in Industrial Innovation. URL: ftp://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp08109. pdf. (дата звернення: 2.11.2021).
50. Mapping the creative industries: a toolkit. Creative and cultural economy series. British Council. 2010. P. 61.
51. O'Connor J. Creative Industries: A new direction? Internationaljournal of cidturalpolicy. Vol. 15.4.2009. P. 387-404.
52. Skavronska I. The evolution of creative industries, Skhid, 2016. № 1(141),. P. 32-34.
53. UK Creative Industries Taskforce, Creative Industries Mapping Document. November 1998.
54. UN Creative economy report «Creative Economy Outlook: Trends in international trade in creative industries». 2019. URL: https://unctad.org/system/files/official-document/ditcted2018d3 en.pdf (дата звернення 1.11.2021).
55. UN Creative economy report «Creative economy: a feasible development opinion». 2010. URL: http://unctad.org/es/Docs/ditctab20103_en.pdf. (дата звернення 1.11.2021).
56. UNESCO Institute for Statistics. International Flows of Selected Cultural Goods and Services 1994-2003: Defining and Capturing the Flows of Global Cultural Trade, Montreal: U1S. P. 13-17.
Pletsan Khrystyna -- Associate Professor, PhD in Public Administration,
Associate Professor of the Research Institute, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts of Kyiv, Ukraine
The article reveals the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the formation and development of creative industries. An overview of scientific research is presented, in which the culturological dimension of the development of creative industries is singled out (end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century). The key definitions of the concept of «creative industries» are analyzed. The study of the formation and development of creative industries through the prism of historical, philosophical, economic, artistic, legal, social, public administration, information, psychological and cultural approaches is systematized. The culturological approach to the study of the formation and development of creative industries as an effective tool for modernizing the cultural environment is identified and focused. The main classification approaches to creative industries are systematized. The conceptual principles of the evolution of the formation of creative industries in Ukraine are highlighted and described. It is proved that creative industries contribute to the sustainable development of the socio-cultural environment of Ukraine.
Key words: ulture, creative industries, culturological approach, translation of cultural values, creative sectors, modern cultural process, sustainable development.
Pletsan Khrystyna - Associate Professor, PhD in Public Administration,
Associate Professor of the Research Institute, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts of Kyiv, Ukraine
The article reveals the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the formation and development of creative industries. An overview of scientific research is presented, in which the culturological dimension of the development of creative industries is singled out (end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century). The key definitions of the concept of «creative industries» are analyzed.
The study of the formation and development of creative industries through the prism of historical, philosophical, economic, artistic, legal, social, public administration, information, psychological and cultural approaches is systematized. The culturological approach to the study of the formation and development of creative industries as an effective tool for modernizing the cultural environment is identified and focused.
The main classification approaches to creative industries are systematized. The conceptual principles of the evolution of the formation of creative industries in Ukraine are highlighted and described. It is proved that creative industries contribute to the sustainable development of the socio-cultural environment of Ukraine.
The aim of this paper is to analyze current issues of research in creative industries (late twentieth - early twentieth century) through the prism of culturological dimension.
To achieve the goal of scientific research, the following tasks are identified: to identify and reveal a system of theoretical and methodological approaches to research of creative industries; to substantiate the conceptual foundations of the historical and cultural aspect of research on the formation and development of creative industries in Ukraine; identify and analyze the main classification approaches to creative industries; to prove that creative industries contribute to the sustainable development of the socio-cultural environment of Ukraine.
Research methodology. The research methodology involves the use of a set of research methods of general and special nature. In particular, the historical-analytical method for the collection and analysis of primary data; system analysis, to highlight the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of «creative industries» in the cultural dimension and systematization of research on the formation and development of creative industries through the prism of historical, philosophical, economic, artistic, legal, social, public administration, information, psychological and cultural approaches; content analysis of goals, prerequisites and objectives; method of logical generalization for theoretical substantiation of culturological approach to research of creative industries; fundamental method of cognition to identify the main sectors and types of creative industries; prognostic to summarize the results, understanding the importance and features of creative industries in Ukraine.
Results. The conceptual bases to the definition of the essence of creative industries are singled out and substantiated in the research. In historical retrospect, the Ukrainian practice of formation and development of creative industries is analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the dynamics of scientific research on the formation and development of creative industries is carried out by researchers in a wide scientific range. Namely, through the prism of historical, philosophical, economic, artistic, legal, social, public administration, information, psychological and cultural approaches. The main classification approaches to creative industries are described. The conceptual principles of the evolution of the formation of creative industries in Ukraine are highlighted and described. The best world experience of classification forms of creative industries and possibilities of adaptation to tendencies of formation of cultural and creative environment of Ukraine are analyzed.
The Ukrainian practice of formation and development of creative industries in historical retrospect is singled out and analyzed. It is proved that in the cultural dimension, creative industries provide collaboration of research. Emphasis is placed on the synergetic effect of cultural transformations of creative practices, ideas and approaches, which will promote the value of ecosystems of creative enterprises, implementation of innovative programs for modernization of creative industries, development and promotion of cultural products for cultural and creative development.
It is proved that the animated nature of creative industries contributes to the development of culture, economic growth, the formation of a positive image of the country and the involvement of international partners. At the same time, it provides modernization and innovation of creative sectors, the ability to adapt to the challenges of time and seek new sources of retransmission of culture. Thus contributing to the sustainable development of the socio-cultural environment of Ukraine.
Novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical and methodological systematization of the features of the study of the formation and development of creative industries in Ukraine, through the prism of culturological dimension. The culturological approach to the study of the formation and development of creative industries as an effective tool for modernizing the socio-cultural environment is revealed. The main classification approaches to the system understanding of the formation of creative industries are systematized.
Prospects for further research are the development and implementation of innovative programs for the modernization of creative industries that contribute to the sustainable development of cultural and creative environment.
Key words: culture, creative industries, culturological approach, translation of cultural values, creative sectors, modern cultural process, sustainable development.
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