Marketing and PR communications in the context of promoting theatre institution

Presentation of practical recommendations for the design and implementation of a marketing and PR communications strategy for the Corypheiv Theater. Methods of attracting new theatergoers and popularizing theater activities in Ukrainian society.

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Department of Humanities, Culture and Arts

Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Marketing and PR communications in the context of promoting theatre institution

Vasylenko Daria, Senior Lecturer,

Skryl' Polina, Undergraduate Student

Titova Valeria, Undergraduate Student

The purpose of the work is to create a marketing and PR development strategy for the Coryphaei Theatre. Research methodology. To solve the research task, general scientific methods have been used: analysis, generalisation, description, and comparative-comparative (study of the theoretical foundations of the research). Besides, the authors have applied specifically scientific methods: structural, systemic, method of included observation, survey (questionnaire), and situational analysis (writing the practical part of the study). The scientific novelty consists in the presentation of practical recommendations for the construction and implementation of a marketing and PR communications strategy for the «Coryphaei Theatre» to attract new viewers and popularise the theatre's activities in society. Cultural and leisure activities are perceived as the process of creating conditions for the individual's motivational choice of subject activity, which is determined by his / her needs and interests. With the development of market relations, cultural and leisure activities closely approached marketing technologies, which are based on the problem of finding and meeting the needs of individual citizens or public groups. The issue of improving the system of promoting theatrical services in the form of marketing and PR communications, which allows focusing the available limited resources of organisations on the main strategic directions of conquering target market segments under conditions of increased competition, is gaining special relevance. At the same time, the task of promoting a theatrical product comes to the fore, which is currently one of the most promising types of business activity for theatre institutions that want to stay on the socio-cultural market. Conclusions. We have analysed the market of theatrical services provided by the «Coryphaei Theatre» and the conditions of the competitive environment in the Kropyvnytskyi city, considered pricing in the theatre sector, developed a system for implementing marketing and PR in the work of the theatre, and developed recommendations for the theatre's advertising and PR policy.

Key words ^theatre, marketing, communication, PR, socio-cultural sphere, leisure, performances.

Василенко Дар'я Павлівна, старша викладачка кафедри гуманітарних наук, культури і мистецтва Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського;

Скриль Поліна Валеріївна, студентка Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського;

Тітова Валерія Данилівна, студентка Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського

Маркетингові і PR-комунікації в контексті просування театральної установи

marketing communications theater

Мета роботи - сформувати стратегію маркетингового і PR-розвитку «Театру Корифеїв» у місті Кропивницький. Методологія. Щоб вирішити завдання дослідження, було використано загальнонаукові методи: аналіз, узагальнення, опис, порівняльно-порівняльний (вивчення теоретичних засад дослідження); конкретнонаукові: структурний, системний, метод включеного спостереження, опитування (анкетування), ситуаційного аналізу (написання практичної частини дослідження). Наукова новизна полягає в представленні практичних рекомендацій щодо конструювання і реалізації стратегії маркетингових і PR-комунікацій для «Театру Корифеїв» для залучення нових глядачів і популяризації діяльності театру в суспільстві. Культурно-дозвіллєва діяльність сприймається як процес створення умов мотиваційного вибору особистістю предметної діяльності, що визначається її потребами та інтересами. З розвитком ринкових відносин культурно-дозвіллєва діяльність впритул наблизилася до маркетингових технологій, основу яких становить проблема пошуку та задоволення потреб окремих громадян чи громадських груп. Особливої актуальності набувають питання вдосконалення системи просування театральних послуг у вигляді маркетингових і PR-комунікацій, що дає змогу зосередити наявні обмежені ресурси організацій на основних стратегічних напрямах завоювання цільових сегментів ринку за умов посилення конкуренції. При цьому на перший план виходить завдання просування театрального продукту, що на сьогодні є одним з найбільш перспективних видів ділової активності для закладів театральної сфери, які прагнуть залишитися на соціокультурному ринку. Висновки. Проаналізовано ринок театральних послуг, які надає «Театр Корифеїв» та умови конкурентного середовища, досліджено ціноутворення в театральній сфері, розроблено систему впровадження маркетингу і PR в роботу театру та надано рекомендації щодо рекламної і PR-політики театру.

Ключові слова: театр, маркетинг, комунікація, PR, соціокультурна сфера, дозвілля, вистави.


Relevance of the research topic. Cultural and leisure activities are perceived as the process of creating conditions for the individual's motivational choice of subject activity, which is determined by his / her needs and interests. With the development of market relations, cultural and leisure activities closely approached marketing technologies, which are based on the problem of finding and meeting the needs of individual citizens or public groups. At the current stage of development of the socio-cultural field, cultural institutions in general, and theatres in particular, found themselves in fundamentally new conditions. The decrease in the level of state funding, the instability of sponsorship, the unpredictability of audience behaviour, in particular due to the development of the commercial leisure sector, caused a whole set of problems. However, it is precisely the challenge of this new reality, which is reshaping the relationship between art and the public, that has given marketing and PR in the field of culture such an important meaning. There was a need for a conscious application of a marketing approach for the promotion of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, in particular theatres. The change in the socio-cultural needs of visitors, the mismatch of demand and supply in the market of socio-cultural services determine the need to introduce marketing and PR tools into the process of managing cultural institutions to ensure the quality formation, development and satisfaction of the socio-cultural needs of people and society, which ultimately contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of users.

Analysis of research and publications

Scientific research in the context of marketing strategies was carried out by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including A. R. Andreasen [1], V. Zotov [3], K. Sriramesh [10; 11], L. Keller [5], P. Kotler, G. Armstrong [8], B. McCarthy [9]. Scientific substantiation of the problem of management of institutions from socio-cultural sector, and the construction of their marketing strategies are devoted to scientific works: T. Borysova [2], L. Edwards [4], J. D. Colombo [7], C. Webster [14], A. Wales [12], Ch. Watkins [13].

During the research, a number of unsolved questions regarding the use of marketing and PR technologies in the socio-cultural sphere and in particular the theatre industry were outlined. Questions that require a definition of the concept of marketing communication implementation in the activity of modern Ukrainian theatre remain discursive.

The purpose of the research is to form a marketing and PR development strategy for the «Coryphaei Theatre».Presenting of the basic material. The basis of any commercial activity is attracting customers, establishing long-term relations between them and the theatre. Each theatre operates in a competitive environment. The interests of various groups (departments) within the organisation were taken into account during the development of recommendations regarding the marketing activities of the «Coryphaei Theatre». For the concept of development of marketing and PR communications in the theatre, the concept of 7P was taken as a basis, we will consider its components in more detail [6].

1. Product. The product is the repertoire of the theatre. Performances performed on the stage of the «Coryphaei Theatre» have various genres: comedy, musical comedy, musical, documentary performance, romantic ballad, musical drama, rock opera, apocrypha, etc. Currently, the theatre's repertoire includes 25 performances, among them: «I'm Going for You», «Eternal Law of the Motherhood», «Natalka Poltavka», «On the Field of Blood», «Napoleon and the Corsican», «We are the people of Kropyvnytskyi», «Naimichka», «Sorochyn Fair» and others.

Within this criterion, a sociological survey was conducted to assess the demand for the theatrical product. A total of 77 respondents were interviewed, who were asked one question: how often do they visit the theatre. The survey was conducted in the Kropyvnytskyi city in November-December 2021. According to the results of the research, 52% of respondents do not visit the theatre at all, 30% - once every six months, 9% - once a quarter, 9% - once a month. Among those who visit the theatre more than once every six months, the number of women exceeds the number of men three times (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Results of the survey on topic «How often do you visit the theatre?»

People aged from 20 to 30 and from 40 to 65 years old usually visit the theatre more often. In general, theatre has a positive colour in the imagination of people, they associate it with actors, performances, stage, art and leisure time.

2. Place or channel of distribution. The distribution channels of performances are such values as the popularity of actors engaged in performances; the professionalism of the director- producer; location of the theatre. According to this criterion, the “Coryphaei Theatre” has a good historical heritage and a favorable location in a historical building, where the first professional theatre was organised on October 27, 1882 under the leadership of M. Kropyvnytskyi. The actors of the theatre are mainly known only to the audience of the theatre, although there are 5 honored artists of Ukraine among them.

3. Price. Currently, in the field of theatrical art, the supply exceeds the demand, the audience's interest in the theatre as a form of leisure is decreasing. One of the main problems in pricing in the field of art is determining the market value of the product, i.e. the very idea. The market deals with scenic works, whose artistic value and commercial value cannot be directly correlated [6, 57]. Accordingly, the price policy in the theatre and entertainment market is based mainly on its regulatory mechanisms of art, than on the needs and tastes of the consumer. Therefore, the theatre management should develop a pricing strategy based on the costs, demand and pricing policies of competitors. The price for the type of services of the «Coryphaei Theatre» is the average in Ukraine for regional academic theatres is UAH 100-300.

4. Promotion. Today, the theatre has several channels of information dissemination. The first one is the regular viewers, who spread information about the theatre themselves and through their acquaintances. The second one is the Facebook social networks, the number of followers is 108. Most likely these are real supporters of the theatre plus its employees. The Instagram has only 1 subscriber, which is why it cannot be considered a resource that can really help in promoting the theatre's activities. The website is https://teatr-, we consider it the most consumer-oriented, as it contains the most information about the theatre's activities and has real information about the theatre (since September 2022, the site has been inactive). Another source of information about the theatre is posters on free sites on the Internet, such as «Kontrmarka».

People. There are 57 actors in the main troupe of the «Coryphaei Theatre». Each theatre actor undergoes continuous training in the following areas: acting skills and stage language, musical art. In addition, one of the creators of the play is certainly a playwright. «Coryphaei Theatre» works mainly with academic drama. In addition, in the theatre field, every spectator, who comes to a theatre performance, is an intermediary in shaping the perception of theatre services among their acquaintances and strangers, leaving publicly available feedback both in personal conversations and on websites and social networks. 6. Process. This criterion includes the process of buying tickets for the performance of the «Coryphaei Theatre», we note that it is quite simple. Tickets can be purchased at the theatre's box office, through the theatre's website, or other online platforms, that offer tickets for performances of the «Coryphaei Theatre» (,,, etc.). Almost complete achievement of the desired potential audience can be attributed to the marketing victories of the «Corypheiv Theatre». A theatregoer is a person between the ages of 28 and 65, with average and above-average incomes and a higher education. It is obvious, that the shortcomings of the results of the current marketing system can be called: a) «Coryphaei Theatre» website is not working; b) lack of a mobile application for booking tickets to the «Coryphaei Theatre»;

c) poorly developed social networks of the theatre, which have a small number of subscribers, which makes it impossible to promote the theatre's activities through social networks at the current stage; d) lack of constant sponsors; e) lack of outdoor advertising, implementation of advertising strategy only with the help of the site and local media (which is ineffective, as they have low viewing ratings). The correction of precisely these disadvantages formed the basis of the development of recommendations for improving the marketing and PR activities of the «Coryphaei Theatre».

The effectiveness of marketing management means such an organisation of the information collection system, conducting market research, organisation of advertising sales operations and service, which would ensure the maximum results (profit, sales volume, market share, etc.) at minimum costs [5]. Marketing structures can be considered flexible only if they are able to change their organisational forms when the strategy of the «Coryphaei Theatre»changes. In Table 1, the goal of the marketing service is formulated depending on the problem that has arisen(table 1).

Table 1

The goals of the marketing service of the «Coryphaei Theatre»


Goals of the theatrefs marketing and PR service

Positioning of the theatre as a highly professional organisation.

Generate positioning.

Weak response to consumer needs.

Systematic research of the consumer needs.

Weak work with the external advertising.

Generate an advertising campaign.

Weak development of accounts in social networks.

Start working with SMM-promotion of theatre accounts in the social networks Facebook and Instagram.

The marketing service of the «Coryphaei Theatre» should consist of at least three elements: the head of the marketing service; marketing forecasting and planning bureau; bureau of advertising and PR. The head of the marketing service reports directly to the director of the theatre. He coordinates and is responsible for the work of the whole service in general. The number of marketing service is three people [13]. The forecasting bureau is engaged in the study of the sales market and demand, and also implements such aspects as collection and analysis of information; research of the market situation; study of demand and development of demand forecasts; determining the competitiveness of theatre services; study of the consumer properties of theatre services and consumer requirements for them. The Bureau of Advertising and PR performs the task of determining the most effective directions of advertising, taking into account the characteristics of products and market conditions; organises the necessary types of advertising to build trust and respect for the theatre; implements effective methods of conducting advertising and PR campaigns, taking into account the characteristics of advertising products, as well as the characteristics of the market; develops and submits for approval plans for conducting advertising and PR events; organises advertising and PR materials for online platforms, television, radio, press, in the form of articles (including photo materials), videos, etc.; studying and analysing the organisation of advertising and PR in similar theatres, as well as developing proposals for using their experience; draws up cost estimates for advertising and PR events, monitors their compliance.

A theatrical product - a performance - is usually sold through the sale of tickets through the box office. That is, the material equivalent of the right to attend a theatre performance is a paper ticket. However, taking into account the digitisation of our society, it is necessary to organise the sale of tickets through a mobile application and online platforms, links to which will be posted on the website and in the accounts of the «Coryphaei Theatre» in social networks.

The problem of finding partners in the issue of ticket distribution can be solved through agreements with bookstores, cafes, creative workshops and studios that are interested in the barter sale of tickets. For example, a theatre advertises a bookstore or organises a reading of a new work in exchange for ticket sales.

One of the most popular types of ticket sales is the distributor system. It has proven itself well and has been used for a long time, not only by theatres, but also by other organisations working in the field of arts. The usual share of distributors is up to 50%. The distributor can receive up to 35% of the price of the tickets sold by them. This could become a very effective innovation in the ticket distribution system, since the percentage of the distributor usually does not exceed 25% [10].

Obviously, when generating the theatre positioning strategy, it is necessary to take into account the aspect that the theatre is a company in the field of services, namely entertainment. Thus, in the mind of the consumer, the theatre competes with other types of entertainment. Simply put, the consumer chooses how to spend their leisure time. Moreover, here theatres no longer compete with each other, but with other types of intellectual entertainment, primarily with cinema. Therefore, in the positioning of the theatre, attention should be focused on why the audience should choose the theatre.

The correct positioning of only one theatre indirectly affects the entire theatrical sphere. Positioning tools can be various platforms, such as own resources (site, pages of social networks) and various mass media. We consider it necessary to increase the number of articles, videos, mentions in the mass media and other sources of information. The actors of the «Coryphaei Theatre» need to position themselves as public figures, bearing in mind that their persona is part of the theatre's image positioning.

Actors and management of the theatre have to participate in various TV programs and shows. It would be good for actors to become employees of television and radio, and thus, by popularising themselves, increase the popularity of the theatre and strengthen its image. Another type of «penetration» on TV and radio is the creation of special theatre sections in programs. Another advertising tool for the theatre can be the holding of free performances or theatrical meetings, within which parts of the performances will be demonstrated. This form can increase recognition and expand the range of viewers.

Another possible direction of theatre popularisation is fundraising, collecting voluntary donations, in monetary or other form, usually for non-profit purposes: scientific research, charity projects, etc. [12]. Such a system provides for the presence of a development department or at least one manager in the theatre, who will deal exclusively with attracting additional funds. In addition, the theatre fundraising system can include a board of trustees, a club of friends of the theatre, a charity fund supporting the theatre, etc. Such an approach will help the theatre to establish the necessary contacts with representatives of authorities, with commercial firms, mass media, etc.

The scientific novelty consists in the presentation of practical recommendations for the construction and implementation of a marketing and PR communications strategy for the «Coryphaei Theatre» to attract new viewers and popularise the theatre's activities in society.


We have analysed the market of theatrical services provided by the «Coryphaei Theatre» and the conditions of the competitive environment in the Kropyvnytskyi city, considered pricing in the theatre sector, developed a system for implementing marketing and PR in the work of the theatre, and developed recommendations for the theatre's advertising and PR policy. Therefore, the theatre can exist as an organisation to which well- known marketing tools can be applied, such as:

a) creation of a marketing and PR department in the structure of the theatre;

b) creation of the online ticket sales system through the website, social networks, partners, network of distributors, mobile application;

c) the use of branding technologies by creating a department within the structure of the theatre (or setting aside a special position) that will deal with attracting constant sponsors;

d) to develop and implement a system of positioning (philosophy) of the theatre;

e) increase the recognition of the theatre due to the expansion of information distribution channels;

f) develop and implement a planned advertising and PR policy using Internet platforms, especially accounts in the social networks, as well as using traditional channels of information dissemination.

These measures will allow the «Coryphaei Theatre» to reach a new competitive level in the theatre sphere of Ukraine.


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2. Borysova, T. (2014). Prerequisites and directions of marketing of the non-commercial sphere of culture and leisure of Ukraine. Halytskyi ekonomichnyi visnyk, 45, 2, 154-164 [in Ukrainian].

3. Edwards, L. (2012). Exploring the Role of Public Relations as a Cultural Intermediary Occupation. SAGE journals, 1-17. DOI: ttps://П77/17499 75512445428 [in English].

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7. Colombo, J. D. (2000). The Marketing of Philanthropy and the Charitable Contributions Deduction. U Illinois Law & Economics Research Paper, 00-11, 1^3 [in English].

8. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2018). Prindples of Marketing. London [in English].

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13. Watkins, Ch. (2009). Marketing and PR for Cultural Programs. Retrieved from: https://programming [in English].

14. Webster, C. (1995). Marketing culture and marketing effectiveness in service firms. Journal of Services Marketing, 2, 2, 6-21 [in English].

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  • Event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events. Red Bull GmbH: facts and history. Efficacy of event marketing in the company.

    реферат [36,6 K], добавлен 18.03.2015

  • Strategy and major stages of project’s fruition. Production of Korean cuisine dishes. Analysis of the industry sector, of produce’s market, of business rivals. Marketing plan, volume of sales, personnel and company management. Cost of the project.

    курсовая работа [724,1 K], добавлен 17.02.2013

  • The collection and analysis of information with a view of improving the business marketing activities. Qualitative & Quantitative Research. Interviews, Desk Research, Test Trial. Search Engines. Group interviews and focus groups, Secondary research.

    реферат [12,5 K], добавлен 17.02.2013

  • An essence of marketing in the industry of hospitality. The role, place of hospitality in the sphere of services. The modern tendencies of development of the world industry of hospitality. The marketing concept, franchising, development of a new product.

    курсовая работа [57,8 K], добавлен 19.06.2011

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