Expressive-emotional function of sound repetitions in the Ukrainian Bible translations of the XXth century

Analysis of the Ukrainian-language context of the Bible in the translation of Ohienko and Khomenko. Repetition of the same vowel and consonant sounds in the context of the perception of the Holy Scriptures. Sound repetitions as elements of image creation.

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Expressive-emotional function of sound repetitions in the Ukrainian Bible translations of the XXth century

Lobachova Iryna Mykolaivna - Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph.D.), Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education, SHEI «Donbas State Pedagogical University»

The paper deals with the Ukrainian contexts of the Bible translated by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko where the same vowel and consonant sounds are repeated. These sound repetitions convey the expressive-emotional function that is important for the perception of the Holy Scriptures by the Ukrainian readers. It is found out that such stylistic means are widely used by translators as a basis for creating imagery. Repetitive complexes of consonants and vowels in biblical contexts contribute to the creation and expansion of the semantic image. The different number of repeated vowels and consonants in the relevant biblical contexts of both translators helps to change the expressive-emotional function of the whole utterance.

Keywords: alliteration, artistic imagery, assonance, expressive-emotional function, sound repetitions, Ukrainian Bible (Holy Writ) translations.

Лобанова І. М. Експресивно-емоційна функція звукових повторів в українських перекладах Біблії ХХ століття

У статті проаналізовано українськомовні контексти Біблії в перекладі І. Огієнка та І. Хоменка, у яких наявне повторення однакових голосних і приголосних звуків, що виражають експресивно-емоційну функцію, яка важлива для сприйняття Святого Письма українським читачем. З'ясовано, що такі звукові повтори широко використано перекладачами як елементи створення образності. Повторювані комплекси приголосних і голосних у біблійних контекстах сприяють створенню і розширенню смислового образу.

Визначено, що індивідуально-авторський підхід у виборі лексичного матеріалу впливає на звуковий та смисловий аспекти висловлювання з огляду на мету, яку намагалися досягти перекладачі Біблії.

Використання повторів голосних звуків у біблійних контекстах надає співучості та милозвучності строфі, а також підсилює певний смисловий аспект синтаксичного цілого.

Повторення голосних в одній строфі може змінюватися залежно від авторського бачення зображуваної дійсності, яке розкривається в індивідуальному наборі лексичних одиниць і в певній структурі речень. Різна кількість повторюваних голосних звуків у відповідних біблійних контекстах обох перекладачів сприяє зміні експресивно-емоційного навантаження всього висловлювання.

З'ясовано, що використання повторів приголосних звуків у біблійних контекстах сприяє створенню єдиного образу могутності та незламності; духовної сили й центрального стрижня, навколо якого здійснюються всі духовні та фізичні дії; передає достовірність і здійсненність зазначеного факту в біблійному контексті, його важливість і значущість для долі українського народу тощо. Визначено, що перекладачі використовували такі повтори як для посилення створюваного смислового образу, так і для виділення змістовного аспекту висловлювання завдяки експресивно-емоційному акценту в строфі для впливу на українського читача.

Ключові слова: алітерація, асонанс, експресивно-емоційна функція, звукові повтори, українські переклади Біблії, художня образність.


bible ukrainian-language sound repetitions

Today, the highest national priority of Ukraine is the preservation of the country's territorial borders and, first of all, the protection of its citizens, ensuring the stable spiritual and economic development of every Ukrainian. Consolidation of the Ukrainian people through the word of God will certainly lead to unity and its invincibility. Now, more than ever, the Ukrainian people have an urgent need for God's word in their native language within Russian aggression. It should be noted that the problem of the functioning of the Ukrainian language in the religious sphere is relevant for modern Ukraine, because the Ukrainian people have a completely natural right to spiritual self-expression in their native language. The Bible in the national language is of great importance for strengthening and affirming the internal and external positions of Ukrainians for uniting into a single, strong and independent nation.

The translation of the Holy Writ became a significant stage both in the assimilation of this monument of Christian culture on the territory of Ukraine during the 20th century, and also in the history of the formation and development of the confessional style of the Ukrainian literary language. The history of the Bible translations into the Ukrainian language is difficult and multifaceted. A significant contribution to the development of this issue was made by P. Morachevskyi, P. Kulish, I. Puliui, I. Ne- chui-Levytskyi, I. Ohiienko, I. Khomenko and others, whose activities still require thorough analysis.

The language of the Bible translations by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko deserves special attention. The scientific value of I. Ohiienko's translation is both in the fact that it was made in perfect Ukrainian, and also in the fact that it is the first translation from the ancient Hebrew and Greek originals. The Bible translation of I. Khomenko became an important event both in the history of the development of the Ukrainian literary language and in the history of the Bible translations. According to critics, it was

distinguished by a perfect and refined artistic and poetic style, and, moreover, based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts. In general, both translations demonstrate the peculiarity of the authors' ability to select the necessary words, phrases and phraseological units, artistic tropes and stylistic figures, the ability to convey the depth of the biblical content.

I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko used the same arsenal of language tools, made the translation adhering to scientific methodology, because the text of the Bible is immanent and any “reinterpretation” of it automatically leads to a complete distortion of the biblical mapping of the world (Лобанова, 2015: 96).

I. Ohiienko set two goals for his translation: to convey the meaning of the original as accurately as possible, taking into account the content accuracy of polysemous words and to ensure the translation into a melodious modern language (the language of T. Shevchenko). Taking into account the philosophical and philological education, the translator's perfect knowledge of the original languages, lots of linguists believe that the Bible translated by I. Ohiienko is the classic, the best and the most popular one among other Ukrainian versions (Сбітнєва, 2009: 220). Translating the Bible I. Khomenko was also concerned about the melodiousness of the language and the exact presentation of the text, so the language of his translation is characterized by the Ukrainian picturesqueness, the existence of new lexical word formations, caressing words, etc. Therefore, the language of the Holy Writ translations by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko is of particular interest, because translators approached to this matter individually, developed their own criteria for the selection of linguistic means, stylistic figures, grammatical structure of the text, etc.

Ukrainian poetic texts of the Holy Writ are marked by emotionality, because they express religious feelings: hope, despair, wailing, crying, suffering, love for God, etc. Various stylistic techniques such as comparisons, hyperboles, metaphors, oxymorons, epithets, synecdoches, alliteration, assonance, etc. are used in biblical texts to convey the entire range of human experiences. The main purpose of artistic tropes in the Bible is to give a moral instruction, influence on the emotional state of a person, help in understanding the main idea of biblical texts, revealing the essence of God and his actions. The problem of analyzing biblical texts and religious speech has repeatedly come into the focus of lots of scientists. In recent decades, Ukrainian texts of the Bible have attracted attention of many linguists and cultural experts. O. Dzera (Дзера, 2014), M. Zhukaliuk, D. Stepovyk (Жукалюк, & Степовик, 2003), T. Moroz (Мороз, 2016), and V. Nimchuk (Німчук, 2008) studied the historical aspect of Ukrainian translations of the Holy Writ. H. Burdina (Бурдіна, 2000), O. Kuzmich (Кузьміч, 2003),

I. Lobachova (Лобачова, 2015), P. Matskiv (Мацьків, 2006), I. Sbitnieva (Сбітнєва, 2009), and L. Shevchenko (Шевченко, 2001) studied the vocabulary of Ukrainian translations of the Holy Writ. T. Kots (Коць, 2007), O. Petryshyna (Петришина, 2010), and V. Yaryhina (Яригіна, 2006) analyzed the artistic and poetic means of the Bible texts and the confessional style of the Ukrainian language.

The relevance of the scientific research is determined by the need to study the Ukrainian translations of the Bible of the 20th century to define the expressive-emotional function of sound repetitions to influence the Ukrainian reader. The purpose of the paper is to investigate conveying the expressive-emotional function of sound repetitions (assonance and alliteration) in biblical texts of the New Testament translated by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko. The objectives of the paper: 1) to analyze biblical contexts in which the same vowel and consonant sounds are repeated and to define their expressive-emotional function; 2) to find out how the individual author's approach in the selection of lexical material affects the sound and semantic aspects of the utterance.

Research Methods

Research methods are determined by the outlined purpose and objectives. The descriptive method allows to progress from one's own observations to generalizations and conclusions. The method of comparative analysis contributes to the determination of an individual author's approach in the selection of lexical material to convey the expressive-emotional function of a biblical stanza.

The Main Material

Expressive-emotional function of assonance in the Ukrainian Bible texts by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko. In the 20th century translators of the Holy Writ in the Ukrainian language took into account the emotional direction of the biblical texts and subordinated the language of their translations to the requirements of the biblical highly poetic language. That is why translators resort to sound repetitions such as assonance and alliteration for the sake of melodious tone, creation of poetic imagery and better perception of the Bible texts.

Assonance is «a phonostylistic technique consisting in consonance or repetition of the same or acoustically similar vowel sounds» (Мацько, Сидоренко, & Мацько, 2005: 433). Due to assonance, the biblical text is characterized by the tunefulness and melodiousness of the stanzas, as well as the strengthening and consolidation of a certain semantic aspect in one sentence:

1. In the Gospel of Matthew (Mt. 1: 1-17), when enumerating the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the saturation of the biblical text by [a] is observed (in general, the letter a is the first in the alphabet and always indicates the beginning, the initial position of something), which emphasizes on the importance and primacy of the individuals in the creation of the Great One: Авраам породив Ісака, а Ісак породив Якова, а Яків породив Юду й братів його. Юда ж породив Фареса та Зару від Тамари. Фарес же породив Есрома, а Есром породив Арама. А Арам породив Амінадава, Амінадав же породив Наассона, а Наассон породив Салмона (Мт. 1: 2-4) (Огієнко, 2003) and Авраам був батьком Ісаака, Ісаак - Якова, Яків - Юди і братів його. Юда був батьком Фареса та Зари від Тамари. Фарес був батьком Есрома, Есром - Арама, Арам - Амінадава, Амінадав - Наасона, Наасон - Салмона (Мт. 1: 2-4) (Хоменко, 1994). In the relevant biblical contexts, the number of repetitions of the vowel [a] (43 times) remains unchanged, despite the excellent construction of sentences and lexical composition, that affects the semantic aspect of the expressed thought. Thus, in I. Ohiienko's translation we can observe the use of polysyndeton - the frequent repetition of the conjunction a - that gives the expression clarity, logic and emotional isolation of each of its parts (Пономарів, 2000: 241); and in the context of I. Khomenko (where there is an unconjugated statement, which contributes to the brevity of speech and gives it expressiveness and rapidity), the specified quantity of [a] is balanced by the word “батько” and the proper name “Ісаак” with two letters a.

2. The dominant position of the vowel [a] and [o] in the Gospel of Matthew (Mt. 8: 5-13), where the recovery of the centurion's servant is depicted, may indicate the strengthening of the created image of “the person's headship and power”: Бо й я - людина підвладна, і вояків під собою я маю; і одному кажу: піди - то йде він, а тому: прийди - і приходить, або рабові своєму: зроби те - і він зробить (Мт. 8: 9) (Огієнко, 2003)

and Бо і я теж підвладний чоловік, маю вояків під собою, і кажу цьому: Іди, - і йде, а тому: Ходи, - і приходить; і слузі моєму: Зроби це, - і він робить (Мт. 8: 9) (Хоменко, 1994). Such vivid semantic content of the context is most noticeable in the translation of I. Ohiienko (this is facilitated both by [a] and [o] and also by the intonation accent of the sentence - the use of dashes). In the relevant context of I. Khomenko less expressiveness and neutrality of the problem can be observed.

3. In the biblical context, in which Jesus rebukes the unbelievers (Mt. 11: 16-24), the repetition of the vowel [a] contributes to conveying the rebuke and liveliness of events: ...Ми вам грали, а ви не танцювали, ми співали вам жалібно, та не плакали ви...” (Мт. 11:17) (Огієнко, 2003) and ...Ми вам на сопілці грали, та ви не танцювали; ми жалобної вам співали, та ви не били себе в груди (Мт. 11: 17) (Хоменко, 1994). In the comparative contexts, translators resort to various methods of creating artistic imagery. Thus, I. Ohiienko pursued the goal of creating a highly spiritual, melodious biblical text for singing and reading in the church, so it is not by chance that in his translation we observe a rich use of the sound [a]. Whereas in the translation by I. Khomenko, more attention is focused on the semantics of the syntactic structure: та не плакали ви (Огієнко, 2003) - та ви не били себе в груди (Хоменко, 1994).

4. Due to the frequent use of the vowel [a], the image of natural phenomena and environmental unrest, which can lead to unpredictable consequences, is reinforced. For example, the context from the Gospel of Matthew (8: 23-27) about the calming of the storm at the sea: І ось буря велика зірвалась на морі, аж човен зачав заливатися хвилями. А він спав... (Мт. 8: 24) (Огієнко, 2003) and Аж ось зірвалася на морі така велика буря, що хвилі заливали човен. Він же спав (Мт. 8: 24) (Хоменко, 1994). To depict the growth of the natural phenomena - a heavy downpour and a storm (Mt. 7: 25) - translators resort to a combination of vowels [a] and [и], cf.: І линула злива, і розлилися річки, і буря знялася... (Мт. 7: 25) (Огієнко, 2003) and Полила злива, потоки розлились, подули вітри... (Мт. 7: 25) (Хоменко, 1994).

According to the individual author's approach in the selection of lexical material, the phonetic-acoustic background of the biblical context also changes. Thus, I. Ohiienko tends to repeat the vowels [a] and [и], and I. Khomenko in the relevant context tends to [и], that, in our opinion, changes its emotional content (the syntactic structure of the sentence also

contributes to the conjunction “i” in I. Ohiienko's translation). The analysis shows a sharp gradation of the expressive mood with highlighting each of the components of the statement (by I. Ohiienko) to gradually flowing events (by I. Khomenko).

In addition to sound [a], the vowel [o] performs the function of melodiousness, strengthening the created auditory and visual images. Due to sound [o], the following semantic nuances of the biblical context are conveyed:

5. The repetition of the vowel [o] in combination with [у] gives the context a melodious tone and conveys the unshakable opinion about the testimony of God and the Word on Earth (Jn. 1: 1-18): Споконвіку було Слово, а Слово в Бога було, і Бог було Слово. Воно в Бога було споконвіку” (Ів. 1: 1-2) (Огієнко, 2003) and Споконвіку було Слово, і з Богом було Слово, і Слово було - Бог. З Богом було воно споконвіку (Йоан 1: 1-2) (Хоменко, 1994).

Therefore, the repetition of the vowel sounds in one stanza can vary depending on the author's vision of the depicted reality, that is manifested in an individual set of lexical units and in a certain sentence structure. In addition, the frequency of the repetition of the vowel sounds is influenced by the goal pursued by the translators of the Holy Writ. In the relevant biblical contexts, the variation in the number of repeated vowel sounds and their replacement by others leads to a change in the emotional design of the utterance.

Expressive-emotional function of alliteration in the Ukrainian Bible texts by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko. Alliteration is «a stylistic technique of repeating consonant sounds that are identical or similar in terms of acoustic and articulatory characteristics in order to create a sound image or back- ground» (Мацько, Сидоренко, & Мацько, 2005: 432). In addition to the outlined purpose, the combination of the same or close consonants leads to the creation of certain semantic nuances, strengthening the imagery and expressiveness of the language. The semantic function of alliteration as a rhyming material ensures the development of poetic thought and promotes the selection of words with a logical emphasis (Пономарів, 2000: 144).

1. In the Gospel of John (5: 25-30), that tells about the future resurrection of those dead who will hear the voice of the God's Son, the repetition of the consonants [т] and [с] contributes to the creation of a single image of “strength, power, indomitability and vitality” in the whole world, cf.: 320

Бо як має Отець життя Сам у Собі, так і Синові дав життя мати в Самому Собі (Ів. 5: 26) (Огієнко, 2003) and Бо як Отець має життя у собі, так і Синові дав, щоб мав життя у собі (Йоан 5: 26) (Хоменко, 1994).

2. The combination of consonants [с], [ч], [т], [ш] and [ц] in one stanza (Jn. 8: 18) conveys the image of “самость”, that is understood as the central core around which all spiritual and physical actions perform, and confidence in the existence of a person who has become the dominant of this “самость”: Я Сам свідчу про Себе Самого, і свідчить про Мене Отець, що послав Він Мене (Ів. 8: 18) (Огієнко, 2003) and Я свідчу про себе самого, - а й Отець, який послав мене, про мене свідчить (Йоан 8: 18) (Хоменко, 1994). In the comparative contexts the different intensity of opinion expression is recorded. Thus, I. Ohiienko due to the repetition of the word “сам” and at the same time the consonants [с] and [ч] (Я Сам свідчу про Себе Самого) achieves a greater emotional expressiveness of the biblical context than I. Khomenko who has a certain neutrality of expression, cf.: Я свідчу про себе самого.

3. In the Epistle to the Hebrews (12: 19), a combination of sibilant [c] and sonorous [в] in combination with vowels [o] and [у] is observed in one stanza. It contributes to the creation of the image of the “sound of a voice”, cf.: І до сурмового звуку, і до голосу слів, що його ті, хто чув, просили, щоб більше не мовилось слово до них (Огієнко, 2003) and Ні до гомону сурми, ані до якогось голосу слів, від якого ті, що його чули, випрошувалися, щоб до них і слова більш не говорити” (Хоменко, 1994). The presence of a different lexical set of units in the relevant biblical contexts does not affect the creation of the indicated auditory image.

4. In the Gospel of John (5: 37-47), in which the testimony of the Father about the Son is presented, we trace the combination of consonants [п], [р] and [й І і] in one stanza, that conveys the reliability, feasibility and future of the mentioned fact in the biblical context: Я прийшов у Ймення Свого Отця, та Мене не приймаєте ви. Коли ж прийде інший у ймення своє, того приймете ви (Ів. 5: 43) (Огієнко, 2003) and В ім'я Отця мого прийшов я, а ви не приймаєте мене. Прийшов би інший у вашому імені, ви б такого прийняли (Йоан 5: 43) (Хоменко, 1994).

5. In the Acts of the Holy Apostles, which tells about Paul's journey to Miletus in order to preach to the Ephesian presbyters, there is a repetition of consonant combinations [вш], [вл], [зв], [дн], [дт], [др], [пл], [пр], [пн], [ст], [тр], which supports a close connection between the components of the statement and conveys associability with the flow of events, their reliability and significance for Ukrainian people: І, відплинувши звідти, ми назавтра пристали навпроти Хіосу, а другого дня припливли до Самосу, наступного ж ми прибули до Мілету (Дії 20: 15) (Огієнко, 2003) and На другий день ми відпливли звідти і, попливши проти Хіосу, причалили до Самосу, а далі, наступного дня прибули в Мілет (Діяння 20: 15) (Хоменко, 1994).


Sound repetitions such as alliteration and assonance as elements of creating imagery are widely used in the Ukrainian translations of the Bible by I. Ohiienko and I. Khomenko. Repetitive complexes of consonants and vowels create an auditory impression of common parts and seem to expand and enlarge the image. Assonance in biblical contexts gives tunefulness and melodiousness of the stanzas, as well as the consolidation of a certain semantic aspect in one sentence. Therefore, the repetition of vowels in one stanza may vary depending on the author's vision of the depicted reality, which is revealed in an individual set of lexical units and in a certain sentence structure. In addition, the frequency of the repetition of vowel sounds is influenced by the goal that the translators of the Bible tried to achieve. In relevant biblical contexts, the variation in the number of repeated vowel sounds and their replacement by others contributed to the change in the expressive-emotional space of the utterance.

Alliteration in biblical contexts creates certain semantic nuances, strengthens the imagery and expressiveness of the language. The repetition of consonant sounds contributes to the creation of a single image of “strength, power, indomitability and vitality” throughout the world; conveys the image of the “selfness”, that we understand as the central core around which all spiritual and physical actions perform, and confidence in the existence of the person who has become the dominant of this “selfness”; conveys the reliability, feasibility and future of the specified fact in the biblical context; associativity with the flow of events, their reliability and significance for Ukrainian people, etc. Therefore, translators use the technique of alliteration both to strengthen the created sound image and also to highlight the meaningful aspect of the statement with the expressive-emotional accent of the stanza for the Ukrainian reader.


bible ukrainian-language sound repetitions

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1. Bibliia abo knyhy Sviatoho Pysma Staroho y Novoho Zapovitu iz movy davnoievrei- skoi y hretskoi na ukrainsku doslivno nanovo perekladena (2003) / pereklad prof. Ivana Ohiienka [The Bible or the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments from the ancient Hebrew and Greek languages into Ukrainian literally; retranslated by I. Ohiien- ko]. Kyiv: Ukr. Bibl. Tov-vo [in Ukrainian].

2. Burdina, H. (2000). Vplyv Biblii ta konfesi- inoho styliu na zbahachennia ukrainskoi leksyky y frazeolohii [The influence of the Bible and confessional style on the enrichment of Ukrainian vocabulary and phraseology]. Khr- ystyianstvo y ukrainska mova. Materialy nauk. konf. - Christianity and the Ukrainian language. Materials of scientific conference (рр. 259-265). Lviv: Vyd-vo Lviv. bohosl. аkademii [in Ukrainian].

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4. Zhukaliuk, M., & Stepovyk, D. (2003). Korotka is- toriia perekladiv Biblii ukrainskoiu movoiu [A brief history of translations of the Bible into the Ukrainian language]. Kyiv: Ukr. Bibl. Tov-vo [in Ukrainian].

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8. Matskiv, P. V. (2006). Ukrainski pereklady Biblii: semasiolohichnyi as- pekt [Ukrainian translations of the Bible: semasiological aspect]. Visn. Sum. derzh. un-tu. Seriia «Filolohichni nauky» - Bulletin of Sumy State University. Series «Philological Sciences», 11 (95), 168-172 [in Ukrainian].

9. Matsko, L. I., Sydorenko, O. M., & Matsko O. M. (2005). Stylistyka ukrainskoi movy [Stylistics of the Ukrainian language]. Kyiv: Akademi- ia [in Ukrainian].

10. Moroz, Т. V. (2016). Pershyi povnyi pereklad Biblii ukrainskoiu movoiu: istoriia stvorennia ta vydannia [The first complete translation of the Bible into the Ukrainian language: the history of creation and publication]. Naukovi pratsi. Filolohiia. Movoznavstvo - Scientific works. Philology. Linguistics, 278 (266), 82-87 [in Ukrainian].

11. Nimchuk, V. (2008). Nainovishi pereklady Biblii ukrainskoiu movoiu: interviu z patri- arkhom Kyivskym i vsiiei Ukrainy-Rusy Filaretom (Denysenkom) [The latest translations of the Bible into Ukrainian: an interview with Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) of Kyiv and All Ukraine-Rus]. Ukrainska mova - Ukrainian language, 4, 73-82 [in Ukrainian].

12. Petry- shyna, О. (2010). Stanovlennia relihiinoho styliu ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy: linhvistych- ni dyskusii [Formation of the religious style of the Ukrainian literary language: linguistic discussions]. Ukrainska mova u XXI stolitti: tradytsii i novatorstvo. Tezy dopov. Vseukr. lin- hv. forumu molodykh uchenykh - The Ukrainian language in the 21st century: traditions and innovation. Abstracts of reports of the All-Ukrainian Linguistic Forum of Young Scientists (pp. 105-107). Kyiv: IATs «Speis-Inform» [in Ukrainian].

13. Ponomariv, O. D. (2000). Stylistyka suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy [Stylistics of the modern Ukrainian language]. Terno- pil: Navchalna knyha - Bohdan [in Ukrainian].

14. Sbitnieva, І. М. (2009). Svoieridnist leksychnoho skladu konfesiinoho styliu [The peculiarity of the lexical composition of the confessional style]. Kultura narodov Prichernomoriya - Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region, 2 (168), 219-221 [in Ukrainian].

15. Sviate Pysmo Staroho ta Novoho Zavitu (pov- nyi pereklad, zdiisnenyi za oryhinalnymy yevreiskymy, aramiiskymy ta hretskymy tekstamy) (1994) / pereklad Ivana Khomenka [The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (a complete translation based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts)]. Kyiv: Ukr. Bibl. Tov-vo [in Ukrainian].

16. Shevchenko, L. (2001). Semantychna transformatsi- ia sliv u tekstakh Novoho Zapovitu [Semantic transformation of words in the texts of the New Testament]. Movoznavstvo - Linguistics, 3, 70-75 [in Ukrainian].

17. Yaryhina, V. V. (2006). Do problemy vyokremlennia relihiinoho styliu suchasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy [To the problem of distinguishing the religious style of the modern Ukrainian literary language]. Linhvistychni doslidzhennia - Linguistic researches, 19, 63-67 [in Ukrainian].

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