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The article is devoted to the actual problem of training future choreographic art specialists in higher education institutions in the People's Republic of China, namely the disclosure of the practical aspect.
The purpose of this article is: to present the experience of practical training of future choreographic art specialists in the People's Republic of China. The article presents the legal framework that determines the further development of innovations in the era of artificial intelligence, 5G technology, "Internet + education", etc.
It is specified that choreographic art specialists are choreographic art teachers, choreographers, choreographers and dancers.
The qualities and abilities that must be mastered by modern teachers of choreographic art while studying at a higher education institution are revealed: acting talent, the ability to think critically, directorial abilities, the ability to learn and develop, good posture.
The article presents the main aspects of practical training of future choreographic art specialists in the People's Republic of China according to trends in the development of choreographic higher education: careful planning of the curriculum and creation of training courses; use of information, digital and media technologies in the learning process; cultivating the interest of future choreographic art specialists in the learning process; organization and involvement of applicants in active participation in research projects. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of types of research projects aimed at improving choreographic practice and their content (study of the history of traditional Chinese dance, study of the use of modern technologies in choreography, analysis of the influence of cultural factors on choreography, research of physiological and psychological aspects in choreography, social projects) .
The prospects of further scientific research, which consist in the implementation of the experience of practical training of future choreographic art specialists in the People's Republic of China in higher education institutions of Ukraine, are outlined.
Key words: choreographic art specialists, higher education, research projects, professional activity.
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