National libraries: typology, main functions and modern directions of development

Like any social institution, libraries, as well as other institutions, have evolved and developed in the course of historical development under the influence of various factors. The function national library, the level of its activity and the versatility.

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Baku State University

National libraries: typology, main functions and modern directions of development

Mammadov Aliyusif

Senior Lecturer, Department of Bibliography,

Ismayilov Nadir

Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department of Bibliography,


Like any social institution, libraries, as well as other social institutions, have evolved and developed in the course of historical development under the influence of various factors. In the course of this development, under the influence of a variety of needs and tasks, there was also a differentiation of libraries. and various types of libraries arose. The analysis of these varieties, their ordering, the creation of a logically thought-out, scientifically based typology and classification is an important issue in modern library research. During the historical development of library science, various typological schemes of library varieties were developed and proposed. That is why the typology of libraries is one of significant issues of modern library sciences. one of the typological units of today's library typology is national libraries. The presence of a national library, the level of its activity and the versatility of this activity is an important measure of the development of library activities in a particular country. These issues became the main reason for devoting a particular article on the problem of library typology, the place and importance of national libraries in this typology, the emergence and development of national libraries, the functions of national libraries, the phenomenon of the emergence of several national libraries in one country.

The article also touches upon the discussion of the issue of national libraries by the world organization, the Conference of Directors of National Libraries. The issues of typology and functions included bibliographic functions of libraries in the scientific literature are considered, attention is also paid to the issue of expanding the activities of national libraries. At the end of the article, the main conclusions are given, as well as is submitted a list of references.

Keywords: library, typology, classification. national library, social functions, bibliographic function

national librarie versatility

Національні бібліотеки: типологія, основні функції та сучасні

напрями розвитку

Маммадов Аліюсіф, Ісмайлов Надір

Бакинський державний університет (Баку, Азербайджан)


Як будь-який соціальний інститут, бібліотеки, як і інші соціальні інститути, еволюціонували і розвивалися в процесі історичного розвитку під впливом різноманітних чинників. У ході цього розвитку під впливом різноманітності потреб і завдань відбувалася і диференціація бібліотек. і виникли різні типи бібліотек. Аналіз цих різновидів, їх упорядкування, створення логічно продуманої, науково обґрунтованої типології та класифікації є актуальною проблемою сучасного бібліотекознавства. Протягом історичного розвитку бібліотекознавства були розроблені та запропоновані різноманітні типологічні схеми бібліотечних різновидів. Тому типологія бібліотек є одним із важливих питань сучасного бібліотекознавства. однією з типологічних одиниць сучасної бібліотечної типології є національні бібліотеки. Наявність національної бібліотеки, рівень її діяльності та багатогранність цієї діяльності є важливим показником розвитку бібліотечної діяльності в конкретній країні. Ці питання стали основною причиною присвятити окрему статтю проблемі бібліотечної типології, місцю та значенню національних бібліотек у цій типології, виникненню та розвитку національних бібліотек, функціям національних бібліотек, феномену появи кількох бібліотек. національних бібліотек однієї країни.

У статті також йдеться про обговорення питання національних бібліотек світовою організацією Конференцією директорів національних бібліотек. Розглянуто питання типології та функцій бібліографічних функцій бібліотек у науковій літературі, приділено увагу питанню розширення діяльності національних бібліотек. У кінці статті наводяться основні висновки, а також подано список використаної літератури.

Ключові слова: бібліотека, типологія, класифікація. національна бібліотека, соціальні функції, бібліографічна функція


Over its thousand-year history, mankind has created many social institutions, one of which is the library. The library, being an important part of the system of documentary communications, performs a number of special social functions - it forms and ensures the safety of various documentary collections, consisting of documents of various types and purposes, forms bibliographic resources, and provides various services intended for a variety of user groups in different geographical areas. Like any social institution, libraries, as well as other social institutions, have evolved and developed in the course of historical development under the influence of various factors. In the course of this development, under the influence of a variety of needs and tasks, there was also a differentiation of libraries and various types of libraries arose. One of these types are national libraries. Therefore, if it poses the question fundamentally, the problem of the essence of national libraries relates to such a direction of library science as the typology and classification of libraries. At different times and different researchers expressed various opinions regarding the structure of library typology, about the place and importance of national libraries in this typology, about the importance of national libraries for society. Another interesting issue concerning national libraries is the main directions of their activity.

Although there are some differences in the activities of national libraries in different countries, in all national libraries the bibliographic direction of activity is given great importance. Therefore, this issue requires careful consideration.

Constant change, the evolution of the social environment in which libraries exist, various challenges of the modern world pose ever more complex tasks for libraries. In such a situation, national libraries should unite their efforts and develop a coordinated development strategy. A great merit in this belongs to such international organizations as IFLA and CENL. Therefore, attention should be paid to the activities of these organizations and especially. to those areas that are associated with the bibliographic activities of national libraries. The article attempts to clarify these issues.

Analysis of previous publications

The issue of the emergence and development of national libraries, the problem of library typology and the place of national libraries in this typology, the classification of libraries, the problem of expanding the functions of national libraries and some other related issues are discussed in detail in a number of books and publications of library scientists on the pages of scientific periodicals. in the published materials of such library organizations, as IFLA and the Conference of European National Librarians also considered issues related to the activities and functions of national libraries.

For example, German library researchers J. Seefeldt and L. Sire in their article entitled "Doors to the past and the future - libraries in Germany" considered the typological scheme of modern libraries taking into account the library realities of this country and the place of this typology of national libraries.

For example, speaking about the typology of libraries, N.S. Kartashov and VV Skvortsov are distinguished as separate types of national libraries, universal libraries, special libraries and many of their subtypesю the same authors analyzed in detail the goals and objectives of modern national libraries, attaching particular importance to the bibliographic activities of these libraries.

Joan de Beer, former Acting Director of the State Library in Pretoria, one of the Iwo national libraries of South Africa and her colleague Francois Hendrikz in a joint article, they analyzed the activities of 17 national libraries of different countries, paying special attention to the bibliographic direction of the activities of these libraries. Other researcher Bas Savenije in his article, which deals with the current problems of national libraries, draws attention to their activities as a national bibliographic agency usually an integral part of the national library.

Other library specialist from the National Library of Romania Elena Triziman in her article dedicated to the activities of this library emphasizes bibliographic direction of activity of library-compiling National Bibliography of Romania (as National Bibliographic Agency) with its known series (books, albums, maps; serial publications; musical scores, records, cassettes; doctors' theses; papers in periodicals.

British specialist, Mauricy Line, who worked for a long time at the British Library and other libraries in the UK, was the president of the British Library Association in his article drew attention to the social functions of libraries, noting the constant evolution of these functions.

The issue of the evolution of national libraries, their functions and changes in these functions, as well as the importance of the bibliographic functions of this type of library, are also discussed in detail in various official documents, in the proceedings of IFLA and CENL

Consideration of the problem It became generally accepted that every country should have a national bibliographic agency, usually an integral part of the national library. First of all, it is necessary to consider the issue of the emergence of national libraries, which is closely related to the problem of library typology. Library research confirms that the first libraries, which subsequently received the status of national libraries, arose much earlier than the term “national library” arose. Referring to the definition provided in IFLA documents, a national library is the library responsible for acquiring and maintaining copies of all relevant documents published in the country in which the library is located. It is also indicated that the definition of "national library" allows for the existence of several national library in the country. (Definitions of Library Types).

For the first time this term began to be used during the Great French bourgeois revolution (1789). As you know, starting from the 14th century, there was a royal library in France. In 1368, Charles V placed his collection of books in a specially equipped room in the Louvre Palace. And ten years later, the fund of this library already consisted of more than 900 volumes. This began a tradition that all the kings of France at that time sought to preserve. On December 28, 1537, King Francis I passed a legal deposit decree requiring printers and booksellers to deposit for the Royal Library at the Chateau de Blois any printed book offered for sale in the kingdom. The Royal Library replenished its funds under other rulers of the country. After the overthrow of the monarchy, by decree of the Revolutionary Government in 1789, the Royal Library became the National Library of France and access was opened to all citizens of the country. (Histoire de la Bibliotheque).

The fact that this library under the king served only a limited circle of users and the revolution opened its doors to all citizens of the country confirms that the library acquired the quality of a national library only under republican rule, when all citizens began to have equal rights, and this, the first national library, can be called precisely this library. Another important issue concerning national libraries is the definition of the stages of their development. For example, library specialists of our time, in particular I. I. Tyulina, speaking about the stages of the formation of national libraries, distinguishes three stages of their development.

The first stage in the development of national libraries on a traditional basis covers the period from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. At this stage, national libraries collected, protected, enriched their funds separately from other libraries in the country, kept a bibliographic record of the country's printed products and organized reader services. It was during this period that the national library began to be considered one of the signs of national identity and the formation of national culture.

The second stage in the development of national libraries can be considered a transitional period. During this period, spanning the first half of the twentieth century, many countries in Asia and Africa created their own states and then began to create national libraries. At this stage, there was a clear identification of the public role of national libraries with the expansion of cooperation with other libraries of the country, accompanied by more active public use of their documentary funds.

The third, modern stage in the development of national libraries, the researcher considers the most intensive period of their development. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the intensification of customer service, the leadership of library activities in the country and the closer integration of the activities of the country's libraries into the world library activity have become characteristic features of the activities of national libraries. (Tyulina, 2007, p. 708.).

As can be seen from the above, the stages of development of national libraries are primarily manifested in the change and development of their public libraries. But one cannot agree with her opinion about the inclusion of their predecessors that existed in the Middle Ages as national libraries. In our opinion, they were only the predecessors of these libraries.

Returning to the issue of library typology, it should be noted that the creation of a typology of some variety of objects is a cognitive process in which the synthesis of the general and the special is carried out, the similarities and differences of the objects under consideration are determined. In the world library thought in different historical periods, there were different views on the typology of libraries.

For example, the above mentioned German library researchers, based on the German experience of library construction, distinguish the following typology of libraries:

Libraries of national importance (national library, other libraries of national importance, central specialized libraries);

Land and other regional libraries;

Libraries of higher educational institutions (including libraries of universities, libraries of higher specialized schools and other universities);

Special and specialized libraries;

Public libraries (including community public libraries and church public libraries);

Special types of public libraries (including libraries for children and youth, school libraries and other libraries). (Seefeldt, & Syre, 2007, p. 27-48). But this typological scheme cannot be called final, and therefore, the library community often discusses this issue and various approaches to typology are proposed.

As you know, in the world library science, Soviet library science attached special importance to the issues of library typology. Library scientists such as M.A. Potapov, I.M. Frumin, N.S. Kartashov, V.V. Skvortsov,

M. I. Akilina, E. T. Seliverstova, A. V. Grishin, A. M. Ushakova, N. I. Tyulina and others developed this issue in detail in their works.

For example, speaking about the typology of libraries,

N. S. Kartashov and V.V. Skvortsov are distinguished as separate types of national libraries, universal libraries, special libraries and many of their subtypes. At the same time, the authors note that due to the constant development of society, there are constant changes in various branches of human activity, which invariably affects the librarianship. Therefore, under the influence of various factors, the typology of libraries develops and changes (1997, p. 44-89.)

In the modern period, the most common is the typology proposed by IFLA and UNESCO. According to the typology of these organizations, set out in the document "Definitions of typologies of libraries", definitions are given for the following types of modern libraries:

National libraries;

Libraries of higher educational institutions;

Public libraries;

Community libraries.

School libraries;

Other libraries. (Definitions of Library Types).

But even this typological scheme cannot be called

final, and therefore, the library community often discusses this issue and offers various approaches to typology.

As noted above, another key issue when discussing the activities of libraries as a social institution and, in particular, national libraries, is their social functions.

In Western library science, the main functions of libraries include information, cultural and recreational functions.

As you know, in the world library science, Soviet library science attached special importance to the issues of social functions of libraries. For example, the above- mentioned researchers, Nikolai S. Kartashov, Vladimir V Skvortsov, developed this issue in detail in their works. They, along with the above three functions, singled out such social functions of libraries as educational, organization of mass reading, and hedeonic function (1997, p.6-10).

The prominent librarian Y. Stolyarov also paid close attention to the social functions of libraries and analyzed in detail their functions, including the functions of national libraries. (2003, p. 23-27).

It should be noted that the question of what to include in the functions of national libraries has been at the center of the attention of library practitioners and researchers for more than a century, and different opinions have been expressed on this issue.

For example, a British specialist, Mauricy Line, who worked for a long time at the British Library and other libraries in the UK, was the president of the British Library Association, noted that these libraries initially had the goal of creating not only a collection of national publications, but also publications from all over the world. In the 19th century, developing countries saw national libraries as visible symbols of statehood, holding printed monuments of their past history and collecting materials for the future. (Line, 1999, p.154-157).

But over time, society began to set new tasks for national libraries, and gradually the list of the main functions of these libraries began to expand.

In a number of other articles devoted to the problem of the emergence and social significance of national libraries, attention is paid to such basic functions of modern national libraries as the comprehensive acquisition and storage of all the country's publishing products and products of other countries dedicated to this nation and published in the language of this country, as well as maintaining national record-registration, repertoire bibliography, the function of which consists of compiling complete and analytical bibliographic records, reflecting all completed publishing products and the reflection of these bibliographic records in the printed bodies of national bibliographies. It is in these areas that the vast majority of national libraries have worked for a long time. However, from the middle of the twentieth century, under the influence of social needs, a new trend began to appear, which was to create more suitable conditions for the use of library collections by society, to ensure that these funds were accessible to all citizens, to expand the contingent of users who benefited from libraries. Scientific research and discussions of the main functions of national libraries in the world library continue to this day. The main reason for the division of opinions is the difficulty of bringing the differences in the functioning of national libraries around the world onto a single theoretical basis. But over the past half century, the problem of debate and discussion among the world's library experts has intensified. Particularly effective and fruitful conditions for the exchange of views arise at conferences, symposiums and seminars at the global and regional levels. Where problems of national libraries are discussed. Among them, the Symposium of Directors of European National Libraries (Austria, Vienna, 1958) should be especially noted. At this event, for the first time, a collective study and analysis of the phenomenon of national libraries began. As another important event, the meeting of directors of national libraries (Switzerland, Lausanne, 1976) should be mentioned. This meeting defined the role of national libraries in national and international information systems. The tradition of collective consideration of the problems of national libraries is continued by such international organizations as IFLA, the Conference of Directors of National Librarians, etc. And in 1987, European national libraries united within a single organization called The Conference of European National Librarians (The Conference of European National Librarians). Now this organization includes 46 national libraries from 45 European countries. The purpose of the organization is to promote the national libraries of Europe, strengthening their special role in preserving the cultural heritage of the continent and making it accessible to all. The mission of the organization is to advance the cause of the national libraries of Europe by making them work together.

In these events and in other activities of directors of national libraries, in the policy documents adopted by them, for example, participants and experts of the European strategic plans for European national libraries drew attention to a number of common features and functions of national libraries, which take into account modern challenges facing national libraries. This is, first of all, the formation of an exhaustive, most complete fund of national publishing products, the organization of the preservation of this fund, an exhaustive bibliographic reflection of both the already formed fund and the flow of publishing products, that is, the formation of national retrospective and current bibliographic sources, the publication of national bibliographic accounting and registration manuals, the formation of a national electronic catalog, the preparation of strategic plans for the development of library activities in the country, the organization of international cooperation in the field of library, bibliographic and informatics. (CENL_ Strategic_Plan). Speaking about the new functions of national libraries, it is important to mention the creation of collective group catalogs of national libraries, the organization of interlibrary subscriptions throughout the country and the expansion of interlibrary cooperation around the world (primarily national libraries in other countries).

Another, relatively new function of national libraries is their assistance to research work, which before them was carried out mainly by such special libraries as libraries of universities and research institutes, scientific and technical information bodies. For example, Torsten Reimer, director of the library of the University of Chicago in the British Library, speaking about this direction, notes that the British Library, taking into account the documentary and information needs of researchers in 2016, created a new department - Researcher Services, in order to provide new services to researchers and research organizations. This process is driven by the development of a service strategy for research purposes, the first in the library's history, and the renewal of its content strategy. (Reimer, 2018, p. 31)

In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the impact of the use of new information technologies, information processing, storage and transmission of information using telecommunications and information technologies in worldwide document management systems has had a strong impact on the activities of national libraries. Starting in the 1970s at the Library of Congress, the main national library of the United States, this process then became a fundamental turning point in the activities of national libraries in other countries of the world. Thus, their funds began to be filled with new media, measures were taken to maximize the use of these documents, to provide automation tools, software and new means of communication to manage library and bibliographic processes. The national libraries themselves have become a leading force in the implementation of these innovations and their application in the country, transferring and disseminating new experience. These innovations have intensified the closer integration of national libraries with foreign national libraries and other libraries, as well as the creation of both corporate primary documentary and bibliographic resources. The increase in the workload and tasks of national libraries and the increase in the number of document streams is causing them to outsource some of their functions to other libraries. These libraries serve consumers by building specialized collections for specific types of science or specialized areas (National Libraries ). National libraries are the type of library that has attracted the attention of the global library community for the last hundred years. It is no coincidence that one of the main sections of IFLA, which is the world's leading library organization, is called National Libraries. IFLA's documents, meetings and annual conference proceedings emphasize the vital importance of national libraries in the field of library work in our time, with emphasis on their functions.

The National Libraries Section liaises with the national libraries of the world, builds relationships at the international level and implements programs to improve their work. The Section is chaired by a Standing Committee of 20 experts determined each year by election. The Standing Committee periodically develops action plans that guide the activities of IFLA and these libraries in the coming period. The last such plan for 2019-2020 was adopted in 2019 (National Libraries Section Action Plan).

At the meetings of the Standing Committee and during the annual IFLA conferences held in August each year, representatives of many national libraries around the world participate, discussing current and future issues. Interesting and thorough discussions are held every year, new challenges are identified in a changing library environment IFLA and its National Libraries Section work closely with the Conference of Directors of National Libraries.

As we have already noted, national libraries occupy a special place in modern library typology. Since their origin is based on the general law of society's demand for documentary and bibliographic information on a global and local scale, every nation and every independent state creates its own library. Therefore, such libraries exist in most countries of the world. As of October 17, 2022, there are libraries with the status of a national library in 216 countries of the world. By the way, this list also includes the libraries of the national republics that are part of the Russian Federation.

Analysis of the list of national libraries reveals a new phenomenon in the types of libraries - differentiation within the type of national library and the emergence of new subtypes. Like any social institution, in the course of the historical process of development, national libraries also develop, and as a result of this, differentiation often occurs within this type and subtypes appear that have different functions. This is why several national libraries have sprung up in a number of countries. For example, Costa Rica, Hungary, Poland, Paraguay, Turkey and Serbia have 2, Italy, South Korea, the Russian Federation (federal level) have 3, Germany and the United States have 5 national libraries (List of national and state libraries).

The presence of several national libraries can be seen in the example of Germany. The main libraries of this country have gone through a difficult path of development. For example, the German Library founded in 1912 by the Exchange Association of the German Book Trade with the support of the city of Leipzig and the Kingdom of Saxony had the status of a national library. But after the division of Germany as a result of World War II, the Leipzig Library remained on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Germany, and in West Germany it was decided to establish a new national German library in Frankfurt am Main. And by the reunification of Germany in 1990, both libraries were merged into one. In 2006, the library was renamed the "German National Library" (DNB) by special law. It is simultaneously located in three cities in Germany - in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main, as well as in Berlin, where the German Music Archive, established in 1970, is located. It also functions as a national library for musical literature. (Seefeldt, & Syre, 2007, p. 27-48) Thus, in this country there are three libraries under one me.

In many countries of the world, the status of national libraries is spelled out in the relevant laws. Examples of libraries such as the US Library of Congress, the British Library, the Bibliotheque nationale de France and the Russian State Library exemplify many national libraries in terms of the richness of their collections, the breadth of their functions and the high level of service they provide.

Thus, considering the need to create national libraries around the world, the process of their formation and development, we see that national Libraries are currently an important cultural institution of the country in the documentary and communication sphere, the first institution that accumulates and protects national intellectual property, being a social institution that primarily provides information support to society. The creation of new means and technologies for recording, storing, transmitting, distributing and using information does not reduce the importance of national libraries for a country, nation, but, on the contrary, steadily increases them.


Summarizing the above mentioned, we can come to the following conclusions:

the emergence of national libraries was the result of the historical development of libraries in the process of their differentiation to better meet the documentary and information needs of society;

they also arose as a result of democratic processes in society, when palace libraries that existed, for example, in some countries, became national and became available to all citizens of the country;

An analysis of the classifications and typologies of libraries proposed by some organizations shows that for library science these issues are still the subject of discussion, however, in all the proposed schemes, national libraries are indisputably singled out as an independent type;

in the process of historical development, national libraries are also differentiated and new subtypes of it arise, for example, a subtype of national specialized libraries;

in the process of historical development, scientific and technological progress, the functions of national libraries are continuously expanding, which contributes to a more complete satisfaction of the documentary and information needs of users, the whole society.


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De Beer, J., & Hendrikz, F. (1995). National Libraries Around the World 1993-1994. A review of the literature, 5 (7), 3-35.

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Histoire de la Bibliotheque nationale de France. Retrieved from france

Kartashov, N. S., & Skvortsov, V V, (1997). General librarianship. In 2 parts. M.

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List of national and state libraries. Retrieved from

National Libraries Section Action Plan. Retrieved from 2020-now-available/

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  • Theatre in British history as an integral part of the cultural heritage. Stages of professional development of the theater from the first theater and the trivial to the most modern experimental projects. Famous people of British theater for centuries.

    курсовая работа [58,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2013

  • Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Тhe climate and landscape of the country. Formation of language and contemporary trends, religious trends. Household and national traditions. Gender Roles in Japan.

    курсовая работа [48,1 K], добавлен 08.04.2015

  • Seven wonders of Ukraine: National Dendrological park "Sofiivka", Kievo-Pechers’ka Lavra. Ancient Greek town Khersones Tavriisky (Chersonesos) - the city founded by Greek colonists, more than two or a half thousand years ago in south-western Crimea.

    презентация [888,1 K], добавлен 12.05.2011

  • The Hermitage is one of the greatest museums in the world. Put together throughout two centuries and a half, the Hermitage collections of works of art present the development of the world culture and art from the Stone Age to the 20th century.

    курсовая работа [16,9 K], добавлен 14.12.2004

  • The Brooklyn Bridge is a popular landmark in the New York City. The History and the Structure of the Brooklyn Bridge. The Bridge and American Culture. Ethnic and foreign responses to America, nationalism, memory, commemoration, popular culture.

    реферат [13,1 K], добавлен 09.07.2013

  • Short-story description of public holidays of Great Britain: Christmas, New Year, Easter, spring and summer Bank holidays. Conservative character of Britannic festive traditions. Tradition and organization of celebration of New Year and Christmas.

    реферат [21,1 K], добавлен 05.02.2011

  • Introduction to the history of the Steinway piano - an uncompromising standard of sound, beauty and investment value. History and development of the company Steinway & Sons. The study of competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses of the marketing company.

    презентация [565,2 K], добавлен 04.05.2012

  • Pre-cinema inventions. Descriptions of some visual devices which anticipated the appearance of motion-picture camera. The development of cinematography. The problem of genesis of the language of cinema. The ways of organizing theatrical performances.

    реферат [17,5 K], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • Short-story biography of American film actress Jennifer Aniston: parents, childhood, friends and beginning of career. The personal life of film star and development of its career is in Hollywood. Rewards of artist, as critic and public confession.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 26.10.2013

  • Sumer as one of the oldest centers of civilization, situated between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Historical evidence of contact with aliens. Persuasion Sumerians of death as a natural transition into eternity. The history of invention of cuneiform.

    презентация [920,5 K], добавлен 29.12.2011

  • Основные движения партнеров в блюзе. Специфика лирического и театрального стилей исполнения джазовых танцев. Характеристика основных элементов Cool, Modern и Weast-Coast. Изучение личных, групповых и командных соревнований по акробатическому рок-н-роллу.

    реферат [48,0 K], добавлен 17.01.2012

  • Hobby as regular classes man in his spare time, leisure activities depending on their interests, passions and Hobbies. The passion for reading books, collecting stamps. Passion for modern dancing, cooking and shopping. The cultivation of flowers.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 02.02.2015

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