Development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine according to the American experience
The priorities of the development of the physical education system in the United States in the context of the development of physical culture in Ukraine, the main factors of the development of the field of physical culture and sports in the United States.
Рубрика | Культура и искусство |
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Дата добавления | 19.03.2024 |
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Development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine according to the American experience
Leleka Vitalii Mykolayovych Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, V.O.Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolai,
The article reveals the priorities of the development of the physical education system in the United States in the context of the development of physical culture in Ukraine and characterizes the main factors of the development of the field of physical culture and sports in the United States. The purpose of the article is to use the experience of America. The American experience regarding the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine was analyzed according to the American experience. The modern structure of American sports includes four main areas: sports in educational institutions, recreational sports, amateur sports, and professional sports.
It is noted that the Federal Government of the United States of America, acting in the interests of its citizens, recognizes a person, his life and health as the highest social values of the state. A number of departments deal with problems related to improving health and quality of life based on daily physical activity in the administration of the President of the United States of America: the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition; Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Department of Health and Social Services; Center for medical assistance and medical services; Department of heart diseases and stroke prevention; Department of Adolescents and Health Care of Schoolchildren; Department of Public Health; Department of Public Health; Mother and Child Health Bureau; Department of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; Department of Health of National Minorities; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health; Office of the First Lady; Department of Health.
The interaction of the US state and society to create optimal conditions for each person to improve health, training, maintaining vitality at the place of residence, work, or in a sports center is revealed. The guiding principle of the activities of these public organizations is the motivation of people of any age to achieve and maintain a satisfactory physical form, health and well-being.
Keywords: educational institutions, education seekers, physical education, software and regulatory support, material and technical base.
Лелека Віталій Миколайович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри фізичної культури та спорту, Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського
Анотація. У статті розкрито пріоритети розвитку системи фізичного виховання США в контексті розвитку фізичної культури в Україні та охарактеризовано основні чинники розвитку сфери фізичної культури і спорту в США. Метою статті є використання досвіду Америки. Проаналізовано американський досвід щодо розвитку фізичної культури та спорту в Україні згідно американського досвіду. Сучасна структура американського спорту включає чотири основних напрямки:спорт у навчальних закладах, рекреаційний спорт, аматорський спорт, професійний спорт. educational institution culture sport
Зазначено, що Федеральний уряд Сполучених Штатів Америки, діючи в інтересах своїх громадян, визнає людину, її життя та здоров'я найвищими соціальними цінностями держави. З проблемами, пов'язаними із покращенням здоров'я і якості життя на основі щоденної фізичної активності в адміністрації президента Сполучених Штатів Америки займається ряд департаментів: Рада президента з питань фітнесу, спорту та харчування; Центр з контролю і профілактики захворювань; Департамент охорони здоров'я та соціальних служб; Центр медичної допомоги та медичного обслуговування; Відділ хвороб серця і профілактики інсульту; Відділ підлітків та охорони здоров'я школярів; Відділ громадського здоров'я; Відділ здоров'я населення; Бюро здоров'я матері і дитини; Управління з попередження захворювань і зміцнення здоров'я; Управління здоров'я національних меншин; Канцелярія помічника секретаря з охорони здоров'я; Управління першої леді; Управління охорони здоров'я.
Розкрито взаємодію держави та суспільства США для створення оптимальних умов кожній людини для зміцнення здоров'я, тренувань, підтримування життєвого тонусу за місцем проживання, роботи, або в спортивному центрі. Керівним принципом діяльності цих громадських організацій є мотивація людей будь-якого віку до досягнення та підтримки задовільної фізичної форми, здоров'я та самопочуття.
Ключові слова: громадські організації, здобувачі освіти, фізична культура, учасники освітнього процесу, законодавчі документи.
Formulation of the problem
Physical culture and sports in Ukraine are recognized as a sphere of functioning of civil society and social and humanitarian policy of the state. The social significance and priority of the above is declared in the laws of Ukraine and other normative documents. At the state level, physical culture and sports are being reformed, among the most significant achievements is the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports", which, according to experts, opens up wide opportunities for successful work on preserving the health of the nation through sports and physical activity culture, for the development of high-achieving sports and mass sports and increasing the authority of Ukraine as a sports state.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Innovative processes in the field of physical culture and sports, understanding the value of human health, recognition of the high social significance of physical education, popularization of physical culture and health activities and Olympic sports, formation of a positive attitude of the general public to physical culture and sports through recognition and honoring the achievements of teams or of individuals - all this, as experience confirms, leads to the need to expand the areas of activity and services provided by means of physical culture and, accordingly, requires significant changes in humanitarian state policy.
In the National strategy for healthy physical activity in Ukraine for the period until 2025 "Physical activity - a healthy lifestyle - a healthy nation" it is stated that the goal of the state is the formation of conditions in society for healthy physical activity and a healthy lifestyle for the formation of the health of citizens as of the highest social value in the state, which will contribute to the solution of humanitarian and socio-economic problems for the individual, society and the state. At the same time, the problems present in Ukraine are identified (the need to implement effective mechanisms for the prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases; increasing negative impact on human health due to a decrease in the volume and intensity of physical activity; low level of involvement of people in specially organized physical activity), etc., which require a more detailed justification and solution [1-4].
The purpose of the article is the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine according to the American experience.
Presenting main material
American society has come to the need for scientifically based regulation of minimum physical activity, which was legislated by the state. In recent years, the legislative power in the USA has been actively considering the issue of legislative regulation in the field of public health and physical education.
The set of actual tasks of the system of physical education and sports in Ukraine require the solution of the following tasks [4, 5]:
> formation of new approaches to the development of the physical culture of society, based on the existing socio-economic realities;
> implementation of effective forms, methods and means of physical culture and sports activities and types of sports taking into account local and regional characteristics, traditions, economic factors, working conditions and free time of the population;
> implementation of an effective system of physical education of the population with the aim of forming the traditions and culture of a healthy lifestyle;
> development of proposals for improving the legislation of Ukraine on physical culture and sports;
> introduction of new approaches that would ensure effective financing of the industry's needs;
> preserving the existing material and technical base, improving the conditions of its functioning, as well as directions for its further development;
> reforming the organizational foundations of the physical culture and sports movement;
> training of a new generation of personnel, increasing their professionalism;
> improvement of the system of sports of higher achievements, sports reserve, scientific-methodical and medical support;
> provision of state support for further improvement of physical culture and health, rehabilitation and sports activities among the disabled [4, 5].
Instead, ideal conditions have been created in the USA, every person can improve their health, train, and maintain a healthy lifestyle at home, at work, or in a sports center [1, 3].
The modern structure of American sports includes four main areas: sports in educational institutions, recreational sports, amateur sports, and professional sports.
Sports in educational institutions is the teaching of sports skills, tactics and knowledge within the framework of the official academic program. This usually refers to the concept of "physical activity" [2, 5].
Recreational sport is organized physical activity for the purpose of obtaining pleasure, the so-called mass sport [3, 4].
Amateur sports - orients people to competitions within the framework of various unions, associations, unions, such as, for example, the National Association of Student Sports (NKAA) [1, 3].
Professional sports is a commercial enterprise with an emphasis on entertainment. It is primarily represented by the activities of such organizations as the Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball League (NBL), and the National Hockey League (NHL) [3, 5].
The federal government of the United States of America, acting in the interests of its citizens, recognizes a person, his life and health as the highest social values of the state. A number of departments deal with problems related to improving health and quality of life based on daily physical activity in the administration of the President of the United States of America: the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition; Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Department of Health and Social Services; Center for medical assistance and medical services; Department of heart diseases and stroke prevention; Department of Adolescents and Health Care of Schoolchildren; Department of Public Health; Department of Public Health; Mother and Child Health Bureau; Department of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; Department of Health of National Minorities; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health; Office of the First Lady; Health Department [2, 3].
With the participation and support of these departments and offices, the following programs in the field of health preservation, physical activity, and sports have been developed and implemented in the USA at the moment (tab. 1).
Table 1
Programs for the development of physical culture and sports in the USA
P/p |
Organization name |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Physical Activity Guide lines for Americans |
2 |
Dietary Guidelines for Americans |
3 |
A Public Health Action Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke |
4 |
«Здорове суспільство» (Healthy Communities) |
5 |
Let's Move |
6 |
The Million Hearts Initiative |
7 |
National Initiative to Improve Adolescent Health |
8 |
National Prevention Strategy |
The determining role in the development of physical culture and sports is played by public organizations of health and physical culture and sports orientation (tab. 2).
Table 2
Public organizations of health and physical culture and sports orientation
P/p |
Organization name |
Characteristics of activity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
National Dance Association (NDA) |
advocates for healthy professional practices in dance education |
2 |
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (AAPAR) |
is a membership association of postsecondary faculty, students, teachers, fitness professionals, recreation instructors, and community leaders who promote lifelong physical activity, adaptive physical education, and recreational sports for people of all ages and abilities |
3 |
American Association for Health Education (AAHE) |
helps health professionals bring their own ideas about healthy lifestyles into education |
4 |
National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE) |
promotes professional practices in various sports and movement activities through research and dissemination of information; not only draws attention to the importance of quality, daily physical education programs for all school-aged children, but also provides information that can be used as a basis for expanding and improving existing state physical education programs in areas of need |
5 |
National Association for Girls and Women in Sports (NAGWS) |
provides guidelines and standards for women's athletic programs in colleges and schools and materials on equity to achieve equal funding, equal quality and respect for girls' and women's educational programs |
The guiding principle of the activities of these public organizations is the motivation of people of any age to achieve and maintain a satisfactory physical form, health and well-being.
There are no single mandatory physical education programs in US schools. Each teacher makes a program according to his own opinion. Its content may depend on the views of the physical culture teacher, on the attitude of the director or other high-ranking persons to this or that, on the attachment of schoolchildren to games, physical exercises, sports entertainment, etc. It is clear that with such chaos in physical education programs, the effectiveness of training is significantly reduced. This system of education is based on the reactionary ideology of John Dewey.
So, American teachers do not have a single opinion about the sequence of the origin of educational material. In some cases, they recommend planning the material so that it changes daily, in others it is recommended to go through it within a week (month, quarter). Other options for planning the educational process are offered. Such diversity has a negative effect on the physical education of students. It is no coincidence that rugby and football are the content of most physical education classes in many US schools. It should be emphasized that the methodology for compiling programs, which is recommended by a number of US textbooks, lacks any uniformity and is extremely contradictory.
Thus, the main factors of the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports in the USA have been characterized. The activities of: departments in the administration of the President of the United States of America related to improving health and quality of life based on daily physical activity are outlined; the main public organizations of health and physical culture and sports orientation; given legislative acts. The interaction of the US state and society to create optimal conditions for each person to improve health, training, maintaining vitality at the place of residence, work, or in a sports center is revealed.
Summarizing the above legislative documents, state programs and initiatives, we note that in the USA there is a combination of efforts of the legislative, executive authorities and public organizations to engage in health-improving physical activity and leading a healthy lifestyle and health formation. Through the joint efforts of these institutions, unique propaganda and law-making activities are carried out to improve the level of awareness, knowledge, accessibility, as well as the level of physical development and the state of health of the population. The U.S. government not only promotes a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, and sports, but also organizes and finances a wide variety of manifestations.
Further research is aimed at the study of state programs on health-improving physical activity.
1. Frank, K. A. (2002). Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success [Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success]. North Carolina State University, 47-55 [in English].
2. Fullan, R. (2000). Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group [Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group]. London and New York, 260 [in English].
3. Medynskyi, S. V. (2006). Perspektyvy zabezpechennia ta rozvytku fizychnoi kultury i sportu sered dorosloho naselennia Ukrainy [Prospects for the provision and development of physical culture and sports among the adult population of Ukraine]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu: nauk. monohr. Kharkiv: KhDADM, 4, 116-118 [in Ukraine].
4. Shkrebtii, Yu. M. (2004). Napriamy reformuvannia systemy fizychnoi kultury i sportu v Ukraini [Directions of reforming the system of physical culture and sports in Ukraine]. Aktualni problemy fizychnoi kultury i sportu, 4, 5-11 [in Ukraine].
1. Frank K. A. Ways in which intercollegiate athletics contribute to university success. North Carolina State University, 2002. Р. 47-55.
2. Fullan R., Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group. London and New York, 2000. 260 p.
3. Мединський С. В. Перспективи забезпечення та розвитку фізичної культури і спорту серед дорослого населення України. Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту: наук. моногр. Харків: ХДАДМ. 2006. № 4. С. 116-118.
4. Шкребтій Ю. М. Напрями реформування системи фізичної культури і спорту в Україні. Актуальні проблеми фізичної культури і спорту. 2004. № 4. С. 5-11.
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