Formation of business-communication relations between participants of creative projects in the sphere of culture
Tasks of business communication activities and criteria for the formation of the business communication component of specialists in the field of culture. The effectiveness of business communication under the conditions of the use of IT technologies.
Рубрика | Культура и искусство |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 41,7 K |
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Municipal Establishment of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» of the Transcarpathian Regional Council
AHII Yaroslav Yuriyovych - candidate
of economic sciences, associate professor,
APSHAY Maria Vasilievna - Candidate of Sciences in Social
Communications, associate professor
У статті здійснено спробу обґрунтування мети та завдань бізнес-комунікаційної діяльності у сфері культури, запропоновано критерії сформованості бізнес-комунікаційного компоненту фахівців у сфері культури. Доведено, що важливим критерієм сформованості бізнес-комунікацій є культура спілкування, що уважається складовою частиною культури людини загалом.
Ключові слова: комунікація, спілкування, комунікативна компетентність, бізнес-комунікація.
business communication culture technology
The article attempts to substantiate the purpose and tasks of business communication activities in the field of culture, and offers criteria for the formation of the business communication component of specialists in the field of culture. It has been proven that an important criterion for the formation of business communications is the culture of communication, which is considered an integral part of human culture in general.
It has been proven that business communication is a form of bilateral or multilateral communications in the field of business relations of subjects with the aim of more effective implementation of their strategic and tactical goals. The effectiveness of business communication increases under the conditions of the use of IT technologies, which makes it possible to more fully realize marketing opportunities and improve performance indicators. To increase the effectiveness of business communications, it is necessary to recruit creative personnel with a high level of knowledge of IT technologies, conduct webinars and seminars, and pay more attention to the marketing part.
The author clarified the meaning of the main concepts of the study, namely: «communication», «communication», «communicative competence», «business communication», defined the purpose and tasks of business communication activities in the field of culture. In addition, the criteria for the formation of the business communication component of specialists in the field of culture are proposed, in particular: correctness of speech, accuracy of speech, logic of speech, expediency of speech, expressiveness of speech, knowledge and ability to observe etiquette norms and rules of business speech. It has been proven that the criterion for the formation of business communications is the culture of communication, which is considered an integral part of human culture in general.
Keywords: communication, communication, communicative competence, business communication.
Formulation and substantiation of the relevance of the problem
In the global world, business communication is considered a means of intercultural communication and is of an international character. And if the European culture, which corresponds to the human and national values of each country and each nation, is close and understandable for us, then the communication of representatives of the cultural sphere of Ukraine, in particular: Artists, choreographers, writers, composers and performers and experts of other spheres of art with representatives of African, Arab, Asian cultures often raises a considerable number of questions. In this context, the formation of business-communication relations between participants of creative objects in the sphere of culture is urgent and timely.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Problems of business communication are objects of scientific investigation of well-known domestic and foreign researchers: D. Bella, P. Drucker, Edvinson, G. Zakharchyna, V. Kusherts, J. Sytnyk, Fedulova, A. Chukhno. Problems of forming innovative systems of business communications are investigated by Al Ahmed, G. Bortnik, M. El Emari, N. Kudenko, K. Shymchyk. Integrated aspects of innovative development of modern organizations on the basis of formation of administrative systems of object-subject interaction of knowledge carriers and participants of business communications, which form known-innovative prospects and promote the complex of intellectualization are investigated by K. Adams, M. Azhazha, M. Kenerli, A. Kendiukhov, Ye. Nili, O. Kuzmin, M. Likhtarski. The following scientists are paying little attention to business communications: I. Aloshina, C. Blek, Dzh. Bernet, A. Voichak, A. Dlihach, K. Keller, F. Kotler, V. Kravchenko, T. Levit, T. Lukianets, V. Mazurenko, A. Pavlenko, L. Persi, H. Pocheptsov, T. Prymak, I. Reshetnikov, Ye. Romat, J. Rossiter, D. Syzonov, A. Starostina. The development of the research of the above scientists is one of the prerequisites for the formation of a new paradigm of business communication in the sphere of culture, which allows to optimize organizational technologies and increase business efficiency. At the same time, further clarification of the problem of formation of business-communication relations between participants of creative objects in the sphere of culture is needed.
The purpose of the article is to justify the essence of the formation of business-communication relations between participants of creative objects in the sphere of culture.
An example of the main material of the research. The intricate content of terms «communication», «communicative competence», «business communication» is defined as a large number of different directions of human activity, for achievement of results of which the mind, wisdom and information is used. In the scientific environment «communication» is perceived as one of the necessary conditions of a person's life in the society and interpreted as a process of communication or transfer of information between people or groups of people with the help of certain symbols, in the form of oral and written messages. The necessary condition for communication to take place is the readiness and ability of one party to transmit information, and the other party to accept and accept it. V. Bebyk noted that «communication performs very important functions in public life, creating conditions for ensuring work not only information, but also public sphere. Without communication the functioning of the economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of society is impossible» [1, p. 38].
By means and types of communication can be divided into three groups: oral, written and visual. Besides, it is necessary to allocate external and internal communication. External communication is communication with the world outside the creative team, it is communication between the collective of like-minded people and the external environment. Internal communication is communication inside the team, relations between the members of the creative team, which influence the effectiveness of the activity and contribute to the success of the team.
In the organizational context, the concept of «communication» is seen as a process of communication of people: The exchange of ideas, opinions, intentions, feelings, information. The ability to communicate is conditioned by the ability to speak, listen, write and read skills, which in April is considered to be a kind of talent [3]. To put it mildly, communication contributes to the formation of communicability, which is considered a philosophical category and contributes to success in joint work. In this approach, communication is propensity, ability to communicate, establishing contacts and connections, and reaching mutual understanding.
«Communication» - as a social process is a means of transferring information from one person to another with the help of certain communication reserves. In turn, the process of communication is divided into verbal, non-verbal and written. By the character of the Communists it can be contact or remote, by the form of the existence of the languages communicate either in writing or in a verbal way, from the point of view of the interlocutors distinguish communication dialog or monologue, from the point of view of the situation of mutual relations between those who communicate, distinguish communication private or official.
The term «communicative competence» means a combination of knowledge about the norms and rules of natural communication - dialog, disputes, negotiations. Communicative competence is also interpreted as the ability to establish and maintain effective contacts with other people when knowledge, skills and skills are available for effective communication, which are formed in the course of training and as a result of practical experience of interaction with other people. In our opinion, communicative competence is the possession of a complex of communicative skills and skills, knowledge of cultural norms and limitations, knowledge of customs, traditions, etiquette in the sphere of communication. Besides, it is observance of decency and result of education according to national mentality.
As for the essence of the concept of «business communication», it is intergroup and interpersonal communications, the specificity, structure and functions of which are conditioned by the sphere of creative business relations in which they are used and which stimulates this process by new, creative ideas. E. Syzonov calls business communications «a new kind of interpersonal communication, the specifics of the structure and functions of which are caused by business relations» [10, p. 47].
The signs of business communications are replicability and equivalent potency, system, predictability, repetition. The business communication strategy of the creative activity subject is a systematic set of consecutive and regular communications, which includes tactical steps and operational tasks, which are subordinated to the communication goals of the subject and are developed taking into account the general business goals of the subject.
Thus, business communication is a form of bilateral or multilateral communication in the field of business relations of subjects with the purpose of more effective realization of their strategic and tactical goals. Business communication efficiency is enhanced when it is used, enabling you to realize marketing opportunities and improve performance. To increase the efficiency of business communications it is necessary to recruit creative staff with a high level of knowledge of it-technologies, to conduct webinars and seminars, to pay more attention to the part of marketing.
The main indicators of business communication in the creative team are productive and long-term cooperation of participants of the creative process, aspiration to achievement of the set goal, achievement of interaction and mutual understanding in partnership relations, creation of positive image and reputation of creative collective of the same-thought people.
In the sphere of culture, business communication is the driving force of the successful activity process and contains certain stages of the evolutionary movement in the direction of the set goal. The first is the origin of the idea of creative object and substantiation of expediency of use offorms and methods for achievement of positive result, the second is the selection of information, which stimulates creation of concept of creative object based on national and universal values, the third - choice of means of presentation of conceptual provisions of creative object aimed at achievement of success, Fourth - presentation of information by means of mass communication media, Internet resources and audiovisual media, fifth - expectation of positive result and positive reaction of co-creators and further actions of competitors in presentation of creative object.
The purpose of business communication activity in the sphere of culture is regulation of business relations in the creative and object sphere through the solution of professionally significant tasks. In order to effectively organize business communication activities and achieve the set goal, participants of business communication process in the sphere of culture must possess communicative professionaloriented competence. It is advisable to distinguish between the components of business-communicative competence the following components: Knowledge of norms and rules of communication (business, creative, festive); high level of communication development, which allows the person to freely transmit and receive information in the process of communication; understanding of professional rhetoric during communication; ability to enter into contact with people taking into account their sexual, age and socio-cultural characteristics; ability to behave tolerant in creative situations and to express their emotions tactfully; ability to influence the interlocutor constructively (skills of argumentation and conviction); the ability to correctly identify the interlocutor as a personality, as a potential competitor or partner, and then, depending on this, choose the further business communication strategy; ability to call a partner a positive perception of his own personality and set it up for a constructive dialog.
The main tasks of business communication in the sphere of culture: Creation and maintenance of image of creative collective of like-minded people; study of external influence on the activity of the subject of cultural and educational activity; establishment of relations between the subject and target audiences in realization of the joint creative object; creation of favorable socio-cultural climate and favorable environment for cultural and educational activity; assistance to the subject of cultural and educational activities in obtaining accurate and timely information about the main directions and spheres of activity; search, study and identify new opportunities for establishing and conducting business in the field of culture.
Business communication in realization of creative object in the sphere of culture is shown in the ability to express their thoughts and wishes clearly and convincingly with the help of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. The criteria of formation of business-communication component of specialists in the field of culture are:
• correct speech - knowledge and ability to follow accepted in modern public-language practice of language norms (orthopetical, lexical, grammar, stylistic, etc.), through which partners come to constructive decisions and find points of touch, which allows achievement of the highest indicators in joint activity with the use of creative potential of both sides;
• accuracy of speech - clarity of statements for business communication partners, adequacy of words or syntactic constructions of objective reality, specificity and expediency in expression of proposals, selection of means and methods for settlement of conflict situations with minimal expenses and final positive result;
• logical speech is the possession of the technology of the semantic connection, i.e. the logic of the statement, which does not create any contradictions between the participants of the creative object, as well as the knowledge of language means, which can be drawn up and expressed opinions, to offer a creative approach to success in achieving the set goal. In addition, the logic of speech in presentation of those objects is built on a proven scientific basis with proven facts and methods of interpretation of certain events and historical evidence;
• the expediency of speech is the ability to choose the most accurate, appropriate language means in this situation, taking into account the purpose, conditions, sphere of communication and mental condition of the partner in business communication, convincing colleagues in expediency of choice of concept and filling of business object with modern and actual ideas, that positively influence the formation of business style of business communication and motivate further creative interaction;
• speech expression - the ability to tolerance, original, motivated and bright, based on scientific evidence and facts to express their thoughts and position, to propose possible solutions to the set tasks, to motivate colleagues and partners to choose effective means in solving the set tasks. It is appropriate to note that the speech expression motivates the performers of the creative object to be responsible for the joint business, to find effective means and interactive technologies in the joint activity;
• knowledge and ability to observe ethical norms and rules of business speech in the environment of partners and associates, to expand their personal boundaries of business speech, creative intellectual courage, to stimulate the development of personality in the context of the transgression of culture. Adherence to ethical norms and business language rules makes it possible to create an atmosphere of harmonious and universal picture of partnership interaction, live and productive activity of business partners, harmonious and spiritual perception of the present in creative subjects and substantiation of the possibility of their realization.
It should be noted that in addition to the above, the criterion of business communication formation is the culture of communication, which is considered an integral part of human culture in general. The culture of communication is characterized by the presence of such traits of character, which are brought up during life, namely: Patience, kindness, respect for people, tactfulness and suitcase. Moral qualities include a certain amount of acquired knowledge, skills and communication skills. On the culture of communication can be judged on the basis of the ability to own emotions, to restrain them. In the process of communication, we regulate our behavior and relate it to the behavior of other people. The ability to correlate its behavior with specific conditions, the presence of feelings of measure in relationships, tactfulness is what is an indicator of human education and plays a major role in business communication.
The culture of communication includes knowledge about psychology and ethics of communication, the ability of people to apply communicative settings in practice. Therefore, it is natural that for the culture of communication the education of the person, its delicacy, tact, ability to take into account feelings and moods of others, the devotion and kindness are of great importance. Communication will develop effectively if the first impression is a feeling of sympathy. In the opposite case, psychological barriers to communication may arise. Therefore, it is quite natural that communication should be based on individual peculiarities and personal characteristics of those who communicate. The main thing at that, that participants of the creative object did not harm each other in solving common cases, took part in constructive solution of business problems and realization of creative objects.
Business communication involves the establishment of partnership relations, as well as creative cooperation within the framework of cultural and artistic relations. In general, founders of the creative object carry out wide communication activity in various spheres, including providing creative interaction, for example, participants of the creative object with certain audience of listeners or visitors of the art exhibitions. This can be recorded by a special business-communication function of cultural and artistic establishments. Business communications of members of cultural and artistic events in the external environment should also be considered within creative clusters, which include the system of peer-to-peer business communications, which provide functional communication. Internationalization of creative clusters creates international communication. In this case, business communication becomes the basis for the formation of primary chains. Thus, in the external environment, cultural institutions need the most effective system of business communications of all mentioned types, which can be achieved by increasing the quality standards of business communication itself.
Conclusions and prospects of further investigation
Given the said and the lack of development of the problem of forming business communication relations between participants of creative objects in the sphere of culture respect the definition of the essence of the investigated phenomenon. To this end, we clarified the importance of the basic concepts of the research, namely: «Communication», «communicative competence», «business communication», the purpose and tasks of business communication activity in the sphere of culture are defined. In addition, the criteria offormation of business-communication component of specialists in the field of culture are proposed, in particular: Correctness of speech, accuracy of speech, logical of speech, expediency of speech, speech expression, knowledge and ability to comply with ethical norms and rules of business speech. It is proved that the criterion of business communication formation is the culture of communication, which is considered an integral part of human culture in general.
The prospects of further scientific research are aimed at defining and substantiating the professional competence of future specialists in the field of culture characteristic for business-communication relations.
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