Ways to overcome the screenwriting crisis in Ukrainian cinematography of the second half of the 1920s

Consideration of restructuring the cinematographic industry of Soviet Ukraine after the end of the "civil" war in 1922. Organization of the All-Ukrainian Photo and Cinema Administration. Reasons for the development and approval of film scripts in Moscow.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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It is necessary to attract the best literary forces to script workshops, closely and organically combining their work with production. It is necessary to distribute script workshops at the Kyiv and Odesa factories and at the same time quickly organize a script workshop in Kharkiv. Literary and artistic forces must help this cause, take on a firm order through the selection of the best forces for script workshops, through the production of an appropriate number of scripts by individual members of these organizations” (Kosiachnyi, 1930, p. 11).

But the problems related to the “screenwriting crisis” were obviously better seen “from the outside”: “We want to say a few words about the script business of our cinematography. It must be stated that this case is in a catastrophic state. Despite the thematic plan, the VUFKU lacks scripts with working themes. But even all those films that were released or that were supposed to be released, from the thematic point of view, cannot satisfy the requirements of the modern audience to any extent, not to mention their formal quality. The script workshop of the Kyiv Film Factory and the editorial board organized the script work in such a way that this organization only worsens the case. No systematic work on the processing of raw script material is carried out at the factory. The whole thing consists in non-periodic meetings of the art department, which accepts script material or rejects it. When amendments are proposed, they are so chaotic and often deny that the corrected script does not become better.

Thus, the Robmys Union about the activity of “collective creativity” only repels from the factory those forces that could work in a different setting of this case. Then, of course, you won't persuade people and save the situation with any contests. When a writer writes a novel or a story at his own risk, he is nevertheless sure that his work will not be lost; when he writes a script for the factory, he will necessarily meet a “dry” official approach and indifference and no help or advice, although each script requires the work of the entire artistic staff of the factory” (Vlasenko, 1930, p. 66).

The question of the fruitful interaction of cinema and literature appeared for the first time in the pages of the magazine “Kino” during the discussion “Ukrainian classics on the screen” (1927-1928). In particular, the participants of the discussion emphasized the difference between the literary image, which appears with the help of words, and the film image, which is created mainly with the help of plastic, visual means of expression. There were different points of view on the script and its nature. According to a certain group of contemporaries, the nature of the script is purely cinematic, and therefore the connection of the script with literature was categorically denied. Oleksii Poltoratskyi, Solomon Orelovych and others considered that the script was not a “literary product”. The idea of a “numerical” or “technical” script is born, to some extent, as a reaction to the method of creating a film on the editing table, in which the script was considered only “raw material”, a “semi-finished product” in the hands of an all-powerful director. But in the “technical” script, the protocol-like, unmoved presentation of events, saturated with cinematic terms, destroyed the vivid imagery, reduced both its literary and cinematic qualities.


At that time, the Ukrainian desire for independence from the Bolshevik center in the national and cultural context help ed Ukrainian artistic and literary circles to unite in order to use their creative potential to the fullest extent. This is how the Ukrainian cultural revival of the 1920s became possible, which for completely objective reasons received the infamous name “executed”. From the turn of the 1920s-1930s, feeling the danger posed by the original Ukrainian literature and drama, the Communist Party became more and more persistent in asserting its claims to full control of Soviet culture (including Ukrainian one) and set the goal of creating a new model of culture and arts that would fully serve its ideological postulates. And in order to achieve this goal, leading Ukrainian writers and playwrights, who, as our research shows, could lead Ukrainian film dramaturgy in their own way, in the 1930s, such as Ostap Vyshnia, experienced political repression, or, like Oles Dosvitnyi (1891-1934), Mark Johansen (18951937), Valerian Pidmohylnyi (1901-1937), Valerian Polishchuk (1897-1937), Oleksii Slisarenko (18911937) -- physical destruction.

At the beginning of the 1930s, the controversy surrounding the “screenwriting crisis” in Ukraine stopped. During the 1930s it was then that the management system of the film industry in the USSR was finally transformed. A clear vertical of soviet management with the film center in Moscow is being formed the Soviet capital. Ukrainian cinema finally loses its autonomy and Ukrainian film factories start working with scripts approved by the central authorities, ideologically verified.

Список посилань

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