Глобальна парадигма конкурентоспроможності: імперативи становлення та розвитку

Об'єктивні чинники і рушійні сили глобального економічного розвитку. Потенціал забезпечення конкурентоспроможності економіки України в контексті сучасних закономірностей світогосподарського розвитку. Природа трансформаційних процесів міжнародного ринку.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.08.2013
Размер файла 76,5 K

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Shvydanenko O.A. Global Paradigm of Competitiveness: Imperatives of Formation and Development, Manuscript

Thesis for the Doctor of Economic Science academic degree with majior in 08.00.02 - World economy and international economic relations". - Vadim Getman Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv, 2007.

Doctoral thesis is dedicated to the research of conceptual basis of preparadigmal stage development. This stage determines the search of new reference points and alternative models of world community with the consideration of new paradigm of globalization. The analysis of driving forces of new transformational processes has been done.

New term "combined integration development" has been put into scientific use. The term is interpreted as the unbiased process of retraction of national economies into the global economic system on the base of global market laws implementation. It is well founded that the global competitiveness influences the development of humanity through the specific model, which is oriented not on the income ratio, as commerce, but on the size of saved liquid assets (organizational, intellectual, and communicative) and mainly deals with self-reproduction and expansion in pure form.

Conceptual approaches in the research of competitiveness have been estimated. Scientific elaborations of the research of competitiveness factors have been generalized. These factors are mainly represented in the world principles of competitiveness rate estimation.. It has been proved that, despite of the fact of scientific amount of rating systems, they have certain grade of imperfection.

Author's system (pyramidal- conic) model of competitiveness, the base of which lies in the field of material and social factors separation has been suggested. These factors form synergic fields in the process of interaction.

Thesis suggests author's approach in estimation of global competitiveness rate according to competitiveness kinds: industrial competitiveness for the groups of indexes: target orientation, level of business undertakings, consolidation of economic field and consumer competitiveness according to the territorial attraction for economical activity, inhabitation and indexes of vital functions environment quality.

Inner character and modern configuration of global market has been analyzed. Global strategies of multinational corporations have been estimated, main aspects of competitive development of different countries have been researched.

It has been proved that the process of economy globalization, expansion of external economic links first of all become apparent in the increase of role and expansion of multinational corporations, which appear to be the world regulator of production and distribution of products, main structure element of economy of most countries, driving force of their development.

Conceptual reference points of the development of competitiveness in the globally integrated environment have been studied. Main imperatives of competitiveness (information strengthening, intellectual strengthening, economic democratization and ecological strengthening) from the standpoint of modern globalization tendencies have been estimated. Thesis suggests the estimated directions for perfection of paradigm global competitiveness construction, which author sees in the change of paradigm factors, schemes of cooperation of different components and achievement of competitive advantages by the economic subjects of world market economy in the light of global competitiveness through adequate rating of economic processes influence on the direction of the global competitiveness vector. Processes of system-defined cooperation of countries from the standpoint of global competitiveness have been analyzed.

Factor analysis of competitiveness status of Ukraine economy according to the indexes of levels of economic security, humane development, scientific-technological and innovative potential, ecological safety, globalization, integration and investment attraction has been done. Directions of optimization of macroeconomic and macro regulation integration processes have been established. Regional and national aspects of factor modeling of competitiveness have been established. Author's principles of cluster analysis of competitiveness for the establishment of priority directions of development for the Ukraine regions have been suggested.

It has been founded, that objective need and economic expediency of mobilization of resource and innovative factors for Ukraine's high competitiveness status are of great need and value.

Key words: competitiveness, competitive status, globalization, global demand, global supply, imperatives, globalization driving forces, intellectual strengthening, innovations, development, factors, paradigm, preparadigmal stage, multinational corporations, information strengthening, cluster, model.

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