Організаційно-економічний механізм формування капіталу промислових підприємств

Процеси розвитку економічних систем та фундаментальних економічних законів. Моделювання кількісного впливу найістотніших чинників прибутковості підприємств машинобудування. Адаптивні зміни організаційно-економічного механізму управління капіталом.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.08.2013
Размер файла 48,4 K

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Zvershkhovskyy Vsevolod Igorevich “Economic-organizing mechanism of forming of capital of plant facilities”. - Manuscript.

Dissertation is on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences for the speciality 06.08.01 - economics, organization and management of enterprises. - European University, 2006.

Dissertation is devoted to investigation of theoretical, methodical, organizational foundations of forming of capital of plant facilities. This work describes transformation of scientific ideas of determination “capital” in compliance with objective process of evolution of economical system and basic economical laws.

Manuscript examines the factors of efficiency of forming and utilization of capital of the enterprise with consideration of specificity of engineering branch. As consequent of modelling of quantitative influence of considerable factors of enterprise revenue performance bearers of interests of enterprises revenue performance as generators of adaptive changes of economic-organizing mechanism of capital management was determined. Substitution - logistics conception of capital management, related with consideration of minimization up to complete rejection of changes of passives structure for advantage formation of additional resources was offered.

Key words: capital, three-vector approach, method of capital management, reimbursement of capital, substitution - logistics conception.

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03179, Україна, Київ 179, вул. М. Ушакова, 8а.

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