Стратегія ринкової трансформації кормовиробництва у сільськогосподарських підприємствах

Сутність стратегії, життєвого циклу та особливостей роботи підприємств на ринку кормів. Шляхи визначення на рівні підприємств економічного стану кормовиробництва в контексті розвитку тваринництва. Економічна оцінка виробництва кормових культур в АР Крим.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 06.09.2013
Размер файла 61,0 K

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In the thesis the conception of forages production as commodity industry is developed. The principles of the market transformation in forages production are grounded. For the recent years the state has introduced a number of measures on strengthening of the new forms in management: the rates are decreased on got credits, grants are selected on the partial coverage for payable accounts and tax pressure went down. All of these measures influenced favorably the efficiency growth and at first agricultural enterprises left off to be unprofitable. All these create the conditions for introduction of forages production as commodity industry.

The development of the enterprises with forages production must be based on their own lands where they can dispose the pasture and pre-farming crop rotation. Only highly-commodity enterprises with the rational level of concentration can provide the competitiveness in forages production. The price-forming system which is favorable for forages producers and sellers is substantantiated. The method of economic efficiency in forages production is specified at the market and the estimation of the land under forages crops is proved. The peculiarity of this method is crop calculation in the metric centners of forages from the area of forages rotation. Land estimation gives the possibility to include them into economic relationship and give the payment. The tendencies of modern forages production stock-raising are shown. There is given the estimation of new forages crops and technologies of their keeping and storing that can increase economic efficiency of forages production.

Key words: strategy, market, forages production, forages producing enterprise, monetary estimation of forages areas, economic efficiency of forages production.

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