Формування ринкового устрою в економічно нерозвинених країнах (на прикладі еволюційного розвитку Гонконгу)
Економічний устрій суспільства: сутність та практичне оформлення. Особливості формування ринкового економічного устрою при провідній ролі зовнішніх факторів трансформації економічної системи. Особливості гонконгської моделі економічної трансформації.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 23.11.2013 |
Размер файла | 43,7 K |
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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук за спеціальністю 08.01.01 - економічна теорія. - Київський університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, 1999.
У дисертації розглядаються проблеми формування та розвитку ринкового устрою в перебігу економічної трансформації суспільної системи. На прикладі Гонконгу розкриваються особливості еволюції економічного устрою, в якій домінувала цілеспрямована дія зовнішніх факторів, представлених політикою колоніального уряду Великої Британії. Дається аналіз сутності гонконгської моделі економічної трансформації і робиться висновок щодо можливостей використання її певних елементів у практиці розбудови ринкових відносин в Україні.
Ключові слова: економічна трансформація, ринковий устрій, колоніальна політика, економічна політика.
Мороз Д.А. Формирование рыночного порядка в экономически неразвитых странах (на примере эволюционного развития Гонконга) - Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук по специальности 08.01.01 - экономическая теория. - Киевский университет имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев, 1999.
В диссертации рассматриваются проблемы формирования и развития рыночного порядка в ходе экономической трансформации общественной системы. На примере Гонконга раскрываются особенности системной трансформации, в которой доминировало целенаправленное влияние внешних факторов, представленных политикой колониального правительства Великобритании. Дается анализ сущности гонконгской модели экономической трансформации и делается вывод о возможностях использования ее определенных элементов в практике формирования рыночных отношений в Украине.
Ключевые слова: экономическая трансформация, рыночный порядок, колониальная политика, экономическая политика.
Moroz D.A. Market order formation in economically undeveloped countries (using the example of Hong Kong's evolutionary development). Manuscript.
Thesis for a Candidate's Degree in Economic Sciences in specialty 08.01.01 - Economic Theory - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, 1999.
The problems of formation and development of market order in the course of economic transformation of social system are studied in the thesis.
The evolutionary - institutional theory of social systems' development is chosen as a basis for research of market transformation problems. The use of its fundamental tenets determined the structure of the work: general and special issues in evolutionary development, models and types of specific transformation, Hong Kong as a successful implementations of the model of “artificial” selection with dominance of external factors, significance of experience of Hong Kong's economic transformation for Ukraine.
The concept of existence of two opposite types of evolutionary development of economic systems is formulated in the theoretical part of the thesis. They are: evolution under the conditions of natural selection and evolution under the conditions of artificial selection. The main features of them are revealed, and the conclusion to the advantage of the economic transformation under the conditions of artificial selection is drawn.
The peculiarities of external and internal factors of evolution under the conditions of artificial selection are revealed. The peculiarities of market transformation in the model of evolutionary development under the conditions of artificial selection are defined. The author came to a conclusion about positive influence of external factors of economic transformation on formation of market environment in the country and on dynamics of its economic development.
The idea concerning the necessity of moving to open economy is defined, that is shown a result of effect of internal factors of economic development and is connected with a high degree of liberalization of economy. It is defined that high degree of economic freedom depends on degree of liberalization of economy, that has positive impact on competitiveness of national economy.
The analytical part of the thesis using the example of Hong Kong reveals peculiarities of system transformation with prevalence of purposeful influence of external factors presented by the colonial policy of British government. The analysis of essence of Hong Kong's model of economic transformation is done. The specific features of the model of Hong Kong's economic transformation are the following: strong political power, passive state macroeconomic policy, export - orientated economy. These features determined its economic system as self-developing.
The conclusion is drawn, that market transformation occurs as the process of implementation of policy of economic order at all levels of national economy. On macro-level it is implemented in economic activity of the state in creation of general conditions of functioning of market environment. On mezo-level it is realized through elaboration and implementation of rules of behaviour of mezo-economic units, that is spheres of social use and those, that cannot function according to the market rules due to their economic nature. On micro-level it is implemented in the rules of behaviour of companies and individuals.
The specific nature of Hong Kong's economic evolution is shown on the basis of analysis of its economic and political factors of market transformation. The main features of Hong Kong's transformation are revealed and are recommended for use in market transformation of Ukraine.
The author formulated principles of strategic alternative of market transformations in Ukraine, which are based on experience of countries, market transformation of which took place under conditions of artificial selection. Formation and functioning of specific historic mechanism of effective settlement of socially painful problems which accompany transformation processes is displayed on Hong Kong's example. Grounds were given to the statement concerning the positive effect of open national economy in solving economical and social problems of transition period. The examples show the change of correlation between legislative and executive power during different stages of market formation in one country and the necessity of dynamics of such correlation is proven.
In the practical part of the work the positive experience of Hong Kong in creation of market economic order is worth attention of Ukrainian scientists and politicians in the following areas:
elaboration and gradual implementation of the concept of liberal market economy; transition of the state's policy from economic to political spheres, which is connected with setting up and supporting framework conditions of economic order;
presence of strong state power, top-priority goal of which is achievement of required efficiency of national economy, the subordination of political purposes to interests of economic reforms;
necessity for qualitative changes in political elite; achievement of solidarity in the implementation of market policy, refusal from private interest for the sake of national, eradication of corruption in state bodies;
reforming of foreign economic strategy of Ukraine in the direction of strengthening of export orientation of foreign trade and encouragement of development of import - substitution policy on the grounds of existing and potential advantages in certain branches of economy;
gradual transition of Ukrainian economy to export - orientated;
necessity for wide adoption of western experience in business organization and methods of business activity as a structural tool in optimization of speed of market reconstruction.
Key words: economic transformation, market order, colonial policy, economic policy.
Moroz D. A. Formation of market arrangement in economically undeveloped countries (case study based on the example of evolutionary development of Hong-Kong). Manuscript.
Thesis for a Candidate`s of Economic Sciences Degree in specialty 08.01.01- economic theory - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, 1999.
The issues of formation and development of market arrangements in the course of economic transformation of the public system are studied in the thesis.
The key stone of the study of the problems of market transformation is the evolutionary and institutional theory of development of public systems. The usage of its postulates determined the structure of the work: general and special issues in the evolutionary development, models and types of specific transformation, Hong-Kong as successful example of realization of the artificial selection model with the dominance of external factors, the importance of the Hong-Kong's experience of economic transformation for Ukraine.
In the theoretical part of the work, the concept of existing of two opposite types of evolution of economic systems is formulated: evolution of natural selection and evolution of artificial selection. Their main features were disclosed. A conclusion is drawn to the advantage of the economic transformation under artificial selection.
The peculiarity of the impact of the features of internal and external factors of evolution in terms of artificial selection is defined. The characteristics of market transformation of the model of evolution development in terms of artificial selection are determined. The author comes to the conclusion about the positive influence of external factors of economic transformation on the formation of market environment in a country and the dynamism of its economic development.
The idea of necessity of spreading to the open economy that occurs as a result of action of internal factors of economic development is reasoned. It is connected with a high degree of liberalization of economy. It is defined that a high degree of economic freedom depends on the level of liberalization of economy. It has positive effect on the competitive advantages of national economy.
In the analytical part of the work, the features of system transformation dominated by the influence of external factors provided by the colonial policy of government of Great Britain are disclosed by the model of Hong-Kong. The analysis of essence of Hong-Kong's model of economic transformation is carried out. Such specific features of Hong-Kong's model of economic transformation as strong political power, passive state macroeconomic policy, export-oriented economy defined its economic system as self-developing.
A conclusion is made that market transformation occurs in form of the process of implementing a policy of economic arrangement at all levels of the economy. On the macro-level it is implemented in the economic efforts of the state for creation of general conditions of functioning of market environment; on the mezo-level - in elaboration and implementation of rules of conduct of the mezo-economic agents - public branches and those that due to their economic nature can't function under the rules of market; on the micro-level - in the rules of conduct of different agents of economic activity.
Based on the analysis of economic and political factors of market transformation of Hong-Kong the peculiarity and the model of economic evolution of this country is disclosed. The elements of Hong-Kong transformation that can be rational for use in the market transformation of Ukraine have been specified.
The author has stated the conditions of strategic alternatives of market transformation in Ukraine. These conditions are based on the experience of countries which went through market transformation under artificial selection. The formation and work of specified historic mechanism of effective settlements of public and private issues that accompanied transformation process have been disclosed by the model of Hong-Kong. Grounds were given for the statement concerning the positive effect of open national economy for solving economical and social problems of transition period.
The examples show the invertion of legislative to executive power on the different stages of formation of market in the country. The author gives reasons for the necessity of such dynamic of relation.
In the practical part of the work, the positive experience of Hong-Kong in the creation of market is worth attention on behalf of Ukrainian scientists and politicians in the following areas:
elaboration and gradual implementation of the concept of liberal market economy; transition of the country's policy from economical to political sphere that connected to becoming and supporting framework terms of economic arrangement;
presence of strong state power. Its top-priority goal is an achievement of required efficiency of national economy, the subordination of political purposes to interests of economic reforms;
necessity of qualitative changes among political elite: achievement of solidarity in the implementation of the market policy to reverse private interest to public, political housecleaning;
reforming of foreign economic strategy of Ukraine to export-oriented foreign trade and stimulating implementation of import substitution policy on the ground of existing and potential advantages in certain branches of economy;
the gradual transition of economy of Ukraine to export-oriented economy;
necessity of wide implementation of western experience of organization of entrepreneurship and methods of business activity as structural instrument of optimization of the speed of market transition.
Key words: economic transformation, market order, native policy, economic policy.
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