Механізм інвестиційного забезпечення технічного переозброєння вугільної промисловості

Розробка методологічних положень і методичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення ключових елементів механізму інвестиційного забезпечення оновлення технічної бази вугільної промисловості. Потенційні джерела фінансування переозброєння виробництва галузі.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 143,7 K

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Ключевые слова: инвестиционное обеспечение, угольная отрасль, техническое перевооружение, потенциал, лизинг, нетрадиционные источники, амортизация, политика, реструктуризация.


Lesyck L.S. Mechanism for Investment Support of Technical Reequipment of the Coal Industry. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate's degree in economic sciences in specialty 08.07.01 - Industrial Economics. - Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk, 2004.

The thesis is devoted to development of theoretical fundamentals, elaboration of methodological provisions and methodical recommendations for improving the key elements of the mechanism for investment support of technical base modernization in the coal industry.

The essence and specific features of recovery and renovation of production assets in the coal industry are defined, as well as the potential sources for financing the technical reequipment of this industry and their potential under present conditions are estimated. The analysis of technical base of the industry is made, and the degree of cover with investment resources needed for its development is determined. The recommendations are proposed for widespread using of leasing in the coal industry in order to make technical reequipment of production. The approaches to mobilization of nontraditional sources, including optimization of the structure for using primary energy sources are determined. The role, state and potential of amortization as the most important source for financing the technical reequipment of the coal industry are analyzed and the directions for improving the amortization policy are well grounded. The recommendations are worked out to set up boundaries for amortization life and capital repair of mining equipment. Scientific and methodical recommendations are also worked out for creating the amortization fund on collieries under conditions of restructuring this industry.

Key words: investment support, coal industry, technical reequipment, potential, leasing, nontraditional sources, amortization policy, restructuring.

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