Економічний механізм функціонування торговельного підприємства

Економічний механізм: елементи, специфічні особливості в торгівлі. Методичний інструментарій діагностики дієвості механізму. Вплив факторів зовнішнього середовища на функціонування торговельних підприємств. Радар інтегрального показника механізму.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.07.2015
Размер файла 217,4 K

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It is worked out : methods of diagnostics of effectiveness of economic mechanism of trade enterprise on the basis of the offered balanced system of indexes, structurally-logical chart of diagnostic process and determination of integral index of effectiveness of economic mechanism of trade enterprise and establishment of him standard value, that allows to give the estimation of effectiveness on the basis of the worked out scale of evaluation of value of integral index of effectiveness of economic mechanism of trade enterprise; the state and problems of functioning of trade enterprises is certain in modern terms; advantages and defects are investigational, positive and negative influence of factors of external environment on the economic mechanism of trade enterprises; diagnostics of economic mechanism is conducted 68 trade enterprises of the Lviv area, which by means of hierarchical algorithm of cluster analysis are grouped in 4 clusters; strategic principles of increase of effectiveness of economic mechanism of trade enterprise are certain; directions of external stimulation of effectiveness of economic mechanism are systematized; priorities and facilities of improvement of economic mechanism of functioning of trade enterprises are offered.

Keywords: economic mechanism, trade enterprise, effectiveness, diagnostics, external influence, clusters, priorities.

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