Удосконалення методологічного підходу до оцінки економічної ефективності профілів залізничних коліс

Обґрунтувати мінімальної кількості показників для врахування основних експлуатаційних витрат. Аналіз способів їх оцінки для коліс із профілем-еталоном. Вивчення ефективності інвестицій у заміну профілю поверхні кочення. Проведення випробувань вагонів.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 5,3 M

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Thesis for Candidate's degree in Economics on specialization 08.00.04 - Economics and operation of business. Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Dnepropetrovsk, 2010.

During the last decades the deterioration of wheels flanges of locomotives, railcars in flanks of railheads became dominant and this led to significant economic losses in the branch. Only the cost of the installed rails overcrowd 30 bln. grivnya. Among the measures to overcome this effect there were developed offers foreseeing the replacement of standard profiles of wheels roll surface with “reparable”. A number of such wheels profiles types both for locomotives and railcars were accepted for operation without substantiation of their economic expedience for the whole lifetime of the rolling stock. In view of this erise high necessity to develop the method of cost effectiveness analysis such kind of proposition.

The thesis deals with the development of scientifically substantiated method of cost effectiveness analysis of the proposed profile for the whole lifetime of the rolling stock, for which it is used, at the very stage preceding the manufacturing of the pilot samples, as well as with choosing of the criteria which, without complicating the calculation, would allow to consider the main expenses of the branch and to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the proposed project.

This way of methodology are theoretical and comparative based on searching of the data which aloud take in to account main economic expenses of the plant without losses of he precisions of calculation and give opportunity evaluate economic attractive of the investment project.

Service life of the wheels, rails and power inputs to train thrust were found out to be such criteria. The calculations done in the work illustrate the application of this method and have proved its simplicity by means of comparison the results of calculation with the data of rail depot and the international association of heavy weight traffic.

The list of data will be naturally other one.

Main words: way of methodology, economic effectiveness of the project, wheel tread, roll surface of rolling stock

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