Ефективність організації систем ремонтно-технічного обслуговування обладнання на машинобудівних підприємствах

Аналіз форм організації систем ремонтно-технічного обслуговування обладнання і ефективність їх застосування на вітчизняних машинобудівних підприємствах. Моделювання динаміки ефектоутворюючих чинників системи ремонтно-технічного обслуговування обладнання.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.08.2015
Размер файла 121,4 K

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Ключевые слова: основные фонды, износ, амортизация, ремонт, техническое обслуживание, ресурсное обеспечение, резервы.


Kuchinskiy V.A. Efficiency of organization of the systems of repair-technical maintenance of equipment on machine-building enterprises. Manuscript.

Thesis for a scientific degree of candidate in economic sciences majoring in 08.00.04 economy and management enterprises (on different kinds of economic activity). National Technical University the „Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”. Kharkov, 2009.

Dissertation work is devoted the decision of questions of management of repair-technical maintenance of equipment the system on machine-building enterprises. In-process investigational теоретико-методичні and applied aspects of development of the systems of repair-technical maintenance of equipment are on machine-building enterprises. Basic directions of perfection of organization of repair-technical service are selected in the modern terms of development and functioning of economy of Ukraine. The methodical going is offered near the economic ground of specific charges on repair-technical maintenance of equipment, which by the theory of mass service allows to take into account the technological features of the production system on the whole and to define the necessary amount of labour resource for maintenance of equipment in the capable of working state. Found out the modern tendencies of forming of organizational structures of management of industrial enterprises repair services. Methodical principles of determination of economic efficiency of distributing of functions are offered between the levels of management in the repair-technological structures of machine-building enterprises which allow to take into account firmness of production process and economic efficiency of the system of repair-technical maintenance of equipment. This approach enables to ground the optimum level of distributing of functions between the levels of management in the repair-technological structures of machine-building enterprises. The methodical going is developed near the leadthrough of economic evaluation of the systems of repair-technical service on the basis of integral criterion of specific general charges on maintenance of equipment on-condition.

Keywords: capital assets, tearing down, depreciation, repair, technical service, resource providing, backlogs.

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