Економічне стимулювання розвитку природно-заповідного фонду (на прикладі Північного регіону України)

Аналіз фінансування витрат на утримання природно-заповідних установ. Розробка методики проведення економічної оцінки функціонування фонду та доведення її необхідності. Необхідність урахування природного капіталу у валовому внутрішньому продукті держави.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.01.2016
Размер файла 71,7 K

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The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of the process of economical stimulation development of the natural-protected fund (NPF) on the example of the North region of Ukraine (NRU) in the transferred economy. In the work the social-economic end ecological essence of NPF have been investigated, the main directions and meatheres of economic stimulation of the NPF have been offered.

The necessity of increasing of square of the NPF has been grounded by the dissertant. The new methodic of economic estimation of evaluation of the NPF functioning, as a basic of economic stimulation has been developed. The economical estimation of natural preserves and national natural parks of the NRU has been done. The existent methodic of ecological estimation of the NPF has been improved. The system of efficiency management estimation of the NPF has been improved. The management structure for regional lanscape parks has been developed. The natural capital index (NCI) of natural preserves and national natural parks of the NRU has been carried out. The optimization economic model of financing calculation of nature protections objects' activity has been developed. The main results of the dissertation have been introduced into practice.

Keywords: ecological-economic development, financial-economic activity, management system, economic evaluation, stimulation, effectiveness, natural capital index, biodiversity, ecological estimation, ecological stability.

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