Chinese overseas investment
Chinese outbound direct investment and the State: the Paradigm Perspective. General description of Foreign direct investment. Rise of Chinese outbound direct investment since the 2000-s. The share of investments in created assets in the total number.
05.07.2016 | |
1,8 M |
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CCPIT - China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
GERD - Gross Expenditure on Research and Development
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
CSRC - China Securities Regulatory Commission
IDP - investment development path
Koe/$05p - kilogram of oil equivalent / the 2005 oil price (in USD)
MNC - multinational company
MNE - multinational enterprise
M&A - merges and acquisitions
MOFCOM - Ministry of Commerce of the People Republic of China
Mtoe - million tons of oil equivalent
NRDC - National Development and Reform Commission
SASAC - State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission
SAFE - State Administration of Foreign Exchange
SMEs - small and medium enterprises
SOE - State-owned enterprise
S&T - Science and Technology
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Charts, graphs, histograms, diagrams
Figure 1: Vertical and Horizontal FDI in the KC-model 9
Figure 2: Frequency of Applying Different Theoretical Approaches to the
Chinese ODI 14
Figure 3: ODI Flow 28
Figure 4: ODI Stock 29
Figure 5: General Distribution of ODI by Sector 30
Figure 6: Distribution of ODI by Sector 31
Figure 7: Distribution of ODI by Region 32
Figure 8: Distribution of ODI by Sector 34
Figure 9: Percentage of Different Motivations for the Year 2010 35
Figure 10: Drivers and Facilitators of Internationalization 36
Figure 11: Entry Modes of Existing ODI Based on the Survey Results 38
Figure 12: Level of Satisfaction with Existing ODI of SMEs 39
Figure 13: Share of SOEs in the Total Number of Companies Invested Abroad 40
Figure 14: Proportion of SOEs and non-SOEs in ODI 42
Figure 15: ODI Stock of the USA, Japan and China 46
Figure 16: State Agencies' Level of Participation in ODI-related Policies 48
Figure 17: Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D 59
Figure 18: R&D Expenditure by Source of Funds 59
Figure 19: R&D Expenditure by Sector of Performance 60
Figure 20: R&D Personnel Increase 61
Figure 21: R&D Personnel Sector of Performance 61
Figure 22: R&D Personnel Type of Activity 62
Figure 23: Number of Granted Patents 62
Figure 24: Total Energy Consumption in China 64
Figure 25: Energy Intensity of GDP in China 65
Figure 26: Shares of Private- and State-owned Enterprises in
Technological ODI 70
Figure 27: Distribution of ODI Related to Technology by Country 71
Figure 28: Distribution of R&D Units by Region 71
Figure 29: Distribution of SMEs' ODI in Manufacturing by Amount 73
Figure 30: Distribution of SMEs' ODI in Manufacturing by Region 74
Figure 31: Ownership Structure of SMEs Invested in Manufacturing 74
Figure 32: Amount of ODI in Strategic Assets 76
Figure 33: Percentage of Strategic Assets-seeking ODI in the General
Pattern 76
Figure 34: Percentage of Different Motivations of Manufacturing Enterprises
for the Year 2009 78-79
Figure 35: MNEs' Entry Modes 81
Figure 36: Model of State-company Interaction in the Process of ODI 89
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...Theoretical aspects of investment climate in Ukraine. The essence of investment climate. Factors that forming investment climate. Dynamics of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ukraine. Ways of improving the mechanism of attracting foreign investment.
[155,2 K], 19.05.2016Investments as an economic category, and their role in the development of macro- and microeconomics. Classification of investments and their structure. Investment activity and policy in Kazakhstan: trends and priorities. Foreign investment by industry.
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[644,0 K], 24.08.2005Establishing a favorable environment for investments, removing administrative barriers. Establishing high-technology parks. Formation of financial mechanisms to attract and support investments, tax stimulation measures. Brand promotion of Russian regions.
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