Innovation Diffusion Theory. Evidence from Wearable Devices in Banking

Innovation diffusion theory: theoretical framework and application to banking. The main description and justification of innovation diffusion theory. Alternative point of view on approaches to theory. Wearable devices: from definition to evolution.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид дипломная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 02.09.2016
Размер файла 597,1 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Specialist degree




Incomplete degree



Student (unemployed)


Student (employed)










Place of Residence (last year)









Table 2 included socio-demographic profile of respondents who used types of banking products, wearable gadgets used by remote services, activity, frequency of use, make transactions, evaluation of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of use. Approximately 83% could spent less than 425$ for new WD; 92% used WD; 51% used MB app and 21% don't use, but want to do it in the nearest future.

Table 2. Use of WD characteristics and questionnaire of the survey `WD use in Banking' (%, number of person)


Sample segments

Results of this study

What WD do you use







Fitness tracker


All above




How often do you buy new WD

Once a year


Every 3 years


Every 5 years


By perforce


How much could you spent for new WD

Less than 140$






More than 710$


What are the advantages of WD use


143 person

Access to Internet

169 person

Small size of device

26 person

Less concern for family

41 person

Time saving

76 person


82 person

Help with the work

49 person

All above

26 person


2 person

What are the disadvantages of WD use

Harmful to health

65 person

Dependence of WD

110 person

Impact on health

14 person

Loss of time

102 person

High cost

67 person

Quick battery discharge

105 person

Poor quality of communication

19 person

Decrease in live communication

94 person

No negative sides

2 person

All above

17 person

Is there any WD, without which you are not feeling comfortable


182 person


5 person


113 person

Fitness tracker

94 person

All above

38 person

No one

9 person

How much WD you have with you for a day

No one

5 person


5 person


134 person

More than 3

47 person

Do you use MB app with the help of WD

I don't know what MB app is


Use and paid for some services

51 %

I did not do anything (yet), but I want to use the app


I did not do anything and do not want to use the app


Hard to answer


What operations do you do with the help of WD

Mobile payments

106 person

View bank account

154 person

Transfer money

32 person

Payment dormitory, housing

58 person

Payment of taxes, bills, fines

22 person

All above

43 person


37 person

Result of questioning the following information is obtained: the analysis of model of consumption of banking services, activity of use of mobile banking which are most often used and the most demanded functions of mobile banking, satisfaction of users, social and demographic indicators and others. For example, more than a third of respondents have noted that in general they accept MB app, at the same time the popular functions are: different mobile payments with visualization and authorization simplification.

Results of survey confirm a hypothesis of importance of visual representation and usability of a WD. Most people use only 2 types of WD - smartphones and tablets (50% of respondents), but good news for smartwatches and fitness trackers - trend of usage them is higher than previous years and we can predict that it will be higher after several years past. Devices - are rather expensive type of wearable innovations and neither people from Russia nor Ukraine can allow to buy it each year. Most of the respondents of these countries answer that they prefer to buy new gadget by perforce - either WD will be broken or person will have enough money to buy new one. Nevertheless, most of the respondents could spent no more than 425$ for new WD. Likewise the survey showed to us pros and cons of WD. As advantages of using such gadgets people distinguish internet access, communication and time saving. Dependence of WD, loss of free time and quick battery discharge - these criteria's respondents choose mostly as disadvantages of WD usage. Smartwatches - also an interesting WD.25% respondents are already use smartwatches. If we see results previous year, we could see that this number slightly can get to the point 10%. Adoption of smartwatches is better, than other digital WD - Goggle Glass, but predicts, that in future we will see Goggle Glass.

The third part was intended to catch data on builds influencing the MB adoption, specifically relative advantage, compatibility, observability, complexity, trialability, and perceived risk.

Table 3. IDT characteristics and questionnaire of the survey `WD use in Banking' (Density ( person))

IDT index


Factor Loadings







Relative advantage

MB is a convenient way to manage finances













Mb allows to manage finances efficiently














I like to try new technology













MB fits into my life and working style














MB can be assessed anytime in country where you live













MB can be assessed abroad













MB have no queue














MB requires a lot mental effort













MB requires technical skills













Perceived risk

Information about my transactions may be stolen by others or seen by others (bank workers)













I have a fear that my PIN code will be stolen













I have a fear that I will forget my PIN code














I want to try MB app for free













MB app has a trial period













Relative advantage point of interest positively affects MB app adoption reception in a Likert scale. This outcome is reliable with and earlier research identified with MB [39, 60]. Relative advantage point of preference is verging on observability in the IDT model. This suggests those clients who discover portable keeping money helpful and advantageous route in dealing with their funds proficiently will have a tendency to receive it.

Compatibility is observed to be less huge determinant than relative advantage point of preference to anticipate MB adoption. The backing is like discoveries of past studies [36]. These studies have demonstrated that apparent compatibility of a development affects the selection of MB. This suggests MB administration fits well in the way clients deal with their accounts, is reasonable to their working and way of life, and in this manner, they get a kick out of the chance to receive new developments. Whenever clients or planned clients see that utilizing versatile managing an account is totally perfect with their present methods for saving money and it fits well with the way they get a kick out of the chance to do keeping money, they have a tendency to embrace it.

Observability is observed to be the most huge determinant on MB adoption. Observability in the MB connection, is the capacity to see the valuable results like quick access to exchanges at whatever time and anyplace. From the clients' point of view, MB offers an exceptionally advantageous and successful approach to deal with one's monetary exchanges as it is effectively available day and night. Generally here the same number of individuals don't think about this administration. Bank producers concurred that these days not all MB app can be surveyed abroad, that is the reason all banks need to consider giving this kind of administration to customers.

Complexity is found to insignificantly affect portable managing a MB app. This outcome is sudden and opposing to discoveries of some earlier studies [31,49]. In any case, it is steady with Wang et al's [97] discoveries, which proposed that there was no noteworthy effect of usability on behavioral aim to utilize the MB. It can be deduced that since majority, 72.7%, of respondents of this study are youthful (between ages of 18 and 25), it is conceivable that they can learn MB effortlessly; and in this way the complexity has no effect on their choice whether they receive MB app or not. Since youth are more mindful of new development, they may have encountered different advances and consequently have a decent establishment of information on the best way to utilize and connect with MB.

Trialability is likewise found insignificantly affect portable managing an account selection. This backings other exploration finding with regards to PC and MB [38]. Be that as it may, the explanations behind not supporting are not clear. Typically, in the trial time frame, clients are relied upon to have full backing and mindfulness about the MB administrations. Maybe, banks don't give much regard for the potential clients why should willing use MB on trial bases. Consequently, such clients are not persuaded with MB as they don't see its advantages in the trial time frame. Another differentiating clarification is that customers may have trust in MB, think that its valuable, and think of it as sheltered and less unsafe. Henceforth; they believe that there is no compelling reason to give it a shot.

Perceived risk is found to have a negative impact on MB app adoption. This is in accordance with the greater part of the past exploration discoveries [13, 93], which implies that bank clients see hazard as a noteworthy obstacle to the appropriation of MB. They expect that their PIN codes may get lost and wind up in wrong hands and the data about their exchanges could be known and altered by others. This current clients' worry must be tended to by banks have by giving information that their saving money exchanges are protected; and the entire portable managing an account framework is reliable.

Because most of the respondents were from the Russia and Ukraine it was expedient to collect IDT results especially for these countries. Results presented below (see Fig.12):

Figure 12.russia and Ukraine IDT Results

Results of both countries Russia and Ukraine showed that mostly people satisfied with fact that MB can be assessed anytime and anywhere in country where they live. Another situation that abroad people couldn't use all MB apps. This thing force banks quickly provide clients with more services, because it can cause that client will choose another bank.

MB app users are not satisfied with both trialability and perceived risk factors. About trialability factor most of the respondents don't even heard, because most of MB apps are free. In Russia and Ukraine rather small amount banks that are oriented to business have paid app.

Perceived risk is a factor that fears customers. Most of modern smartphones that have touch-id/finger scanning can propose people service of using MB app on WD without PIN-code. This problem spreads in the midst of senior people (elder than 35). Banks need to find another secure mechanism that will refund people's trust on MB app.

While still a survey, the making of a compelling, particular MB app, upheld by a full grown capacity, will help an association to both reuse IT resources and Incorporate new innovations and segments e. g. Trusted Execution Environment, and Mobile Platform Security as an administration;

¦ Reduce the obstruction to the Test and Learn exercises of new security components e. g. biometrics, and wearables;

¦ Allow client self-choice of security components, to fit needs and concerns e. g. geo-area protection;

¦ Respond to the expanding danger of intricate, divided and prohibitive enactment and control, covering particular sorts of information, wards and nationalities, e. g., the embroidered artwork of complex additional regional laws overseeing the protection of individual information independent of the nation in which it is handled. The excursion to an experienced engineering and ability in portable security can be extremely mind boggling and extensive, and ought not be thought little of. Associations ought to be interested in the need to roll out a stage improvement in their security structures, and to contribute to give the fundamentally measured quality to future-evidence their interest in portable and advanced channels.

Figure 13. Global MB Factor Analysis [58, p.43]

As demonstrated above (Fig.13), there took after then a genuinely standard reception bend that impersonated the example seen in online (web) managing an account administrations somewhere in the range of 10 or 12 years already. The level of selection was come to at c38% for versatile managing an account and c44% for online (web) administrations (Source: KPMG Analysis). Further development is currently to some degree hindered by the high existing entrance of cell phone gadgets and the wide accessibility (in any event in thickly populated urban territories) of 3G and as often as possible 4G network which makes the remote keeping money experience on a par with or superior to anything utilizing a wired PC.

Practically, early versatile managing an account administrations were only administration - as unmistakable from deals - recommendations. This spoke to something of a test for the banks, since cross-deals through the online (web) channel had been becoming quickly and the way of these administrations - the simplicity of planning pages with particular "administration" and "deals" zones in the bigger computerized 'land' of the web, for instance - was helpful for a reasonable and delayed center by Digital groups inside banks on driving deals through their channel. From a monetary point of view, this appeared well and good, since once a client has verified themselves into the advanced bank a decent deals experience can be offered - for instance moment advances to clients with an adequate FICO assessment and the capacity to demonstratively cite an advance to a client while they are doing a related administration action, for example, paying a charge card bill. These sort of relevant offers as of now indicate the route as how offers of budgetary items will be driven through rising innovations, for example, smartwatches.

A minority of banks made mistakes in the base usefulness they offered when dispatching their portable keeping money administrations. In one illustration, a bank that was behind the opposition in dispatching a local managing an account application, chose to address this shortcoming by propelling an application through which basically all the client could do was check their equalization - there were no exchange administrations. Apple App Store commentators were to a great degree brutal in their reaction. The basic reason for this stumble - an uncompetitive, moderate application advancement cycle at the bank - gives a helpful lesson to the individuals who think they can escape with keeping on utilizing multi-year, "waterfall" improvement techniques and hope to beat or even match the opposition. Moreover, once a bank has fallen behind, it is inconceivably hard to make up for lost time - some sort of amusement changing jump or the spearheading dispatch of an astounding administration in another gadget, (for example, a smartwatch application) would seem to offer conceivable, however unsafe, courses back to intensity.

Analysis all sides: both bank users and producers, I choose indicators that bank producers should mostly focus on:

Most customers would prefer not to pay much for their gadgets.

Most study respondents-particularly those considering acquiring a bit of wearable tech in the following year-over and over demonstrated cost was a top concern, however a little number will pay a premium, as prove by late organizations between tech organizations and creator brands [52]. Given a rundown of potential to obtaining wearable gadgets, from wellness groups to brilliant garments, more than half of shoppers picked cost. Worry that the gadget won't be utilized and security came as a part of second and third. Couple of buyers demonstrated enthusiasm for gadgets that cost $140 or $425. Less than $140, somewhere around 34% and 6% of shoppers said they want to be in "trend" and buy expensive gadgets only.


Banks could utilize information from wearables to create profitable bits of knowledge for individuals to oversee populaces, that utilizations keeping money administrations. Customers may require a human touch to help them pick a gadget and its related applications. An "applications model" could help purchasers wade through the a huge number of applications and gadgets TV settle on a decision of particularly this managing an account application.

MB users stay worried about security.

Requested that who they trust hold their wearable information, shoppers positioned their essential consideration specialist most exceptionally (54%). Information protection is a "major thing" in wearables since organizations don't need the obligation of sharing data without customer's assent. The customer claims this information; they get the opportunity to pick who they need to share the information with.


Organizations ought to guarantee protection arrangements are completely clear. Associations as of now have the trust of customers, and bank associations have skill in ensuring individual data. Those models ought to be connected to managing an account wearables information, particularly as they get to be incorporated into WD applications.

As stages increase and coordinate with each other, security concerns turn out to be more mind boggling. Shoppers may end up picking a few gadgets and numerous applications. In any case, as shoppers direct information to more applications, they will need to comprehend the protection suggestions.

Customers do not fully use MB app services

The research covers more people from Russia and Ukraine. And both they are non-technologically developed countries. In this research we see that there are also 35% people that don't know about MB app and even if they know they do not want to use it.

Other situation in technological developed countries. There less than 7% do not want to use MB app on WD. This implies with the MB item are easier in exchange, the client will consequently feel the new innovation, in this way picking up the advantages offered by MB items [27].


Bank with a specific end goal to dependably keep the nature of the most recent items dispatched by either offering ascend to the regale to the clients so as to make a decent relationship amongst clients and workers. Additionally Bank need to enhance and improve the execution of client administration (client administration) is to be receptive to protests and could resolve the issue in a brief timeframe.

Bank officials expect just the biggest worldwide and national banks to ace this ability - in accordance with their ability to contribute. Anticipating that those players will increase critical upper hand, until these abilities are accessible to all. Different banks should manufacture organizations with outsiders to match this point of preference. We anticipate that imaginative administration suppliers will rise and help littler banks in contending with bigger organizations. Among others, it is expected today's innovation administrations suppliers to build up these offerings - it won't be sufficient later on to give innovation and handling stages, without data and investigation. This will empower whatever remains of the keeping money industry to get the main players and decrease their initial favorable position. To face these capabilites, banks should figure out how to make an open, nimble and creative association. They should pull in and hold another kind of ability (seen by administrators as the greatest hindrance to achievement). They should give careful consideration to foundational information administration and information administration. Building these abilities will make huge point of preference in the close/medium term, and be basic to fruitful rivalry in 2020 [22].

Advancement will be the absolute most imperative element driving feasible top-and bottom line development in managing an account throughout the following five years. Development is doing things another way. Not simply new items or another client experience, however doing things any other way over the whole plan of action including changing the plan of action itself. World officials need to take a greater amount of a developing markets perspective of the significance of advancement, especially once the new administrative system balances out. Banks are not today known as hotbeds of development. While the segment has had what's coming to its of development throughout the years, today, banks have a tendency to be careful, bureaucratic, and subject to numerous layers of procedure and smothering levels of oversight [29].

Significant growth in number of operations in mobile banking is predicted soon. It will be both the main way of carrying out payments, and one of important sales channels of banking products and customer acquisition. Today, of course, the financial market of Russia as, however, and the majority of the countries of the world, takes only the first steps in the mobile sphere. It should be noted that already now one of factors at the choice of bank is existence of the mobile channel of access. The driver of increase in number of users of mobile bank is not only growth of the market, but also active investments of credit institutions into development of innovative products and services, and also into creation of new mobile applications.

That mobile banking could develop successfully, it has to be simple in use and functional. Mobile communication quite often doesn't provide necessary speeds of data transmission, in this regard the user can have difficulties if he needs to make a set of manipulations.

However, in the course of improvement of technologies of mobile banking it is necessary to remember safety of the made operations. Safety and legislative regulation - those factors of control which slow down dynamic development of mobile channels of interaction of bank and the client.


All work, that is done, concentrates on the adoption of mobile banking by Russian consumers. Here utilized IDT adoption theory and changed form of it for the most significant variables. We additionally built up a list of items for measuring these factors and adapted it for Russian-language speakers. We tested 6 hypotheses. In this paper, we extended our model by analyzing situation on both sides - MB app users and bank producers. It was done to find customer's needs in order to use mobile banking with the help of WD. Social impact gives a connection between social weight and inspiration and can likewise be introduced as an advantage social behaviour.

First part of work dedicated to Rogers IDT. Since there are more than four thousand articles crosswise over numerous orders distributed on Diffusion of Innovations, with a larger part composed after Rogers made a deliberate hypothesis, there have been few generally received changes to the hypothesis. Each author applies the hypothesis in marginally diverse ways, this attachment come to fact that it is hard to apply with consistency to new issues.

Diffusion is hard to evaluate on the grounds that people and human systems are hard to undestand. It is amazingly troublesome, if not unthinkable, to count what precisely causes reception of an advancement. This is essential, especially in human services. Those empowering reception of wellbeing practices or new advances should know about the numerous powers following up on an individual and his or her choice to embrace another conduct or innovation. Diffusion speculations can never represent all variables, and subsequently may miss basic indicators of adoption. Social conventions and convictions can be devoured by another society's through dissemination, which can force critical expenses on a gathering of people. In complex situations where the adopter is accepting data from numerous sources and is returning criticism to the sender, a restricted model is inadequate and various correspondence streams should be analyzed.

Second part presents WD evolution, especially in Banking sector.

In third part methodology was presented and done analytical work on customer's attitude to MB app through WD.

The study found, innovation attributes i. e. relative advantage and observability has positively effect on the attitude whereas the perceived risk and trialability negatively affect on customers.

To make trialability and perceived risk factors positively affect on customers banks ought to make workshop or virtual placement for clients in various open places or shopping centers or instructive establishments or commercial centers to collect what services clients want to use in a practice in MB app through WD to assemble a mentality arrangement towards this option channel for conveying saving money administrations. Clients are now doing their money exchanges either through web or going to the bank office so the managing an account administrations what they need to perform is not new, just they need to embrace the inventive idea in enhancing their proficiency regarding time and cost. There will be information with existing MB benefits, the potential adopters have experience of web or branch saving money, now with the smartphones in their hands and perfect with leaving values and encounters they shape mentality towards exploiting this development in a profitable way. Clients' are slanted to embrace WD innovation as they are as of now utilizing the most recent WD innovation as a part of their smartphones and are as a rule knowledgeable with the most recent WD techno-advancement, so these clients will be the early adopter for the MB which will put trialability and perceived risk factor in the positive way.

Overall suggestion for banks - to develop MB apps more, to put more services in it, to listen for customer's priorities and strength on using banking app. MB could develop successfully, it has to be simple in use and functional. Mobile communication quite often doesn't provide necessary speeds of data transmission, in this regard the user can have difficulties if he needs to make a set of manipulations.

However, in the course of improvement of technologies of mobile banking it is necessary to remember safety of the made operations. Safety and legislative regulation - those factors of control which slow down dynamic development of mobile channels of interaction of bank and the client.

I recommend that banks ought to offer MB benefits that are good with different current client prerequisites, past encounters, way of life and convictions keeping in mind the end goal to satisfy client desires. With better portable MB app and procurement of assortment of administrations, the more valuable clients see MB manage their account and expand their level of selection. Consequently, bank's consideration ought to concentrate on comprehension client conduct and outlining dependable MB frameworks that will address their issues and give helpful and quality administrations. Also, banks ought to concentrate on conveying data that stresses the relative point of interest and handiness of MB app contrasted with other keeping money channels like physical nearness to the bank or utilizing ATM machines. Banks must try to decrease hazard saw by their clients by offering particular assurances securing them and considering their grievances important and earnestly.

Limitation is that my research do not have focus on the most advanced countries that are actively using MB service. Nevertheless most results unites USSR countries that actively use MB services like Internet banking, but only start to use MB app on WD.

This study utilized comfort examining system for information gathering. Accordingly the discoveries can't be summed up on the grounds that most of the specimen size is youthful respondents, somewhere around 18 and 25 years of age. The portable keeping money administrations are still moderately new in Russia and Ukraine, and most likely juvenile, subsequently, advance examination is expected to recognize extra elements that encourage selection of versatile saving money. Hunting down extra variables that will enhance our capacity to comprehend real utilize and foresee use expectation all the more precisely is fundamental. Since the exploration model clarified not as much as half of the fluctuation of the needy variable, it is sensible to include social impact and encouraging conditions, for example, self-viability and specialized backing, to the examination model. Directing variables like age, instruction, and experience may likewise add more knowledge to the discoveries of future studies.

That is, customers should be demonstrated how MB fits in with their way of life and necessities and how helpful the channel can be inside that way of life. Case in point, the versatile quality (Anckar and D'Incau, 2002) of M-saving money, including accommodation, omnipresence, and adaptability (Lee and Benbasat, 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2003), can be underscored inside the portable worth settings recognized by Anckar and D'Incau (2002):

basic needs and courses of action (e. g. overlooked bill installment);

unconstrained necessities and choices (e. g. drive buy of a thing that requires the exchange of assets);

proficiency needs and aspirations (e. g. expand efficiency amid "dead times"

like driving); and

Mobility-related necessities (e. g. no entrance to PC/portable PC).

The example taken for the study may not be the representative of the entire populace of bank clients. Logical result has restricted reasonableness or its sue may emerge with respect to the generalizability of the discoveries. Further the study has not take into account the real utilization of MB by clients. The social classes can be separated into various gathering and these gatherings may look at in light of the fact that distinctive social classes will have diverse state of mind towards the reception of MB. Future work ought to investigate the variables like security, danger, social impact in the acknowledgment of MB. State of mind assumes an intervening part between MB diffusion and banking institutes adoption. Further the result of the exploration can go for cross - social study and could clear up the degree to which the impact of proceeded with utilization of MB may contrast.

As far as future research, a bigger scale study with a more illustrative example could be led to approve the model of this study and to improve the generalisability of the examination conclusions. What's more, this concentrate just inspected the impact of the helpers and inhibitors on behavioral goals, and in that capacity, interrelationships between variables could be examined. Besides, the model is cross-sectional, in that it quantifies discernments and goals at a solitary point in time. In any case, observations change after some time as people addition experience. This change has suggestions for scientists and specialists intrigued by foreseeing M-managing an account utilization after some time and may warrant a longitudinal study.

In synopsis, this examination has served to upgrade the comprehension of the components affecting new innovation reception inside an administration worldview and from a purchaser point of view. It has exhibited that there are different elements at work all through the dispersion procedure and that some are more compelling than others under given circumstances. The information picked up by this exploration into the helpers and inhibitors of M-Banking is valuable for experts who mean to amplify customer appropriation of this self-administration keeping money innovation.

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