International migration of future graduates in Slovak Republic

Examination of international migration. The main reasons for the relocation of young people. Analyzing the motives affecting future migration of a sample of Slovak students studying at differentfaculties according to their professional orientation.

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International migration of future graduates in Slovak Republic

Daniela Petrikova, Tatiana Sorokova


Migration of youth is a major phenomenon of our time. Examination of international migration is interdisciplinary, so it can be examinedfrom different perspectives. The aim of this article is to analyze the motives affecting possible future migration of a sample of Slovak students studying at differentfaculties according to their professional orientation. The research results show the aspects of motivation for future migration, as well as the preference of interest in the target countries of migration. The empirical research was conducted through a questionnaire survey.

Keywords: international migration; university students; motivation; future profession. JEL classification: F20, F22.



У статті показано, що міграція молоді стає типовим явищем нашого часу. Дослідження міжнародної міграції має міждисциплінарний та багатоаспектний характер. Проаналізовано мотиви, які визначають можливу майбутню міграцію словацьких студентів різних факультетів з акцентом на професійну орієнтацію та майбутню кар'єру. Результати досліджень виявили різні аспекти мотивації до майбутньої міграції, а також переваги щодо цільових країн міграції. Емпіричне дослідження проводилось шляхом анкетування.

Ключові слова: міжнародна міграція; студенти університетів; мотивація; майбутня професія.



В статье показано, что миграция молодежи становится типичным явлением нашего времени. Исследование международной миграции носит междисциплинарный и многоаспектный характер. Проведен анализ мотивации возможной будущей миграции словацких студентов, обучающихся на различных факультетах, c акцентом на профессиональную ориентацию и будущую карьеру. Результаты исследований выявили различные аспекты мотивации будущей миграции, а также предпочтения относительно целевых стран миграции. Эмпирическое исследование проводилoсь посредством анкетирования. Ключевые слова: международная миграция; студенты университетов; мотивация; будущая профессия.

international migration slovak student

Introduction. Research activity within numerous social sciences in the second half of the 19th century had created the basis for scientific research focused on international migration (Han, 2005). Migration was defined by German geography and cartography scientist E.G. Ravenstein (Stefancik, 2010). According to Ravenstein, during migration groups of citizens usually live under certain economic and political conditions and therefore the main reason behind leaving a place of residence is the desire to improve the economic status.

Problem statement and assumptions. Currently, many researches focused on migration have interdisciplinary character and are being conducted with broad coverage from national to international perspective. One of the most detailed and complex approaches focused on migration has been presented in (Brettell and Holifield, 2000) and in (Castles and Miller, 1993). The most notable Slovak authors focused on research coverage of migration and migration policy are Balaz (2010), Bahna (2011), Divinsky (2005), Lid'ak (2008), Vasecka (2009). However, despite plenty of research on migration there haven't been created a consistent and sufficient theoretical concept which would cover all aspects connected to the phenomenon of migration (Massey, 1993; Krohnert, 2007; Stefancik, 2010). According to these authors, causes of existence of various theoretical approaches of migration has its roots in internal variety of causes of international migration and its resulting multidisciplinary character. Individual causes for international migration are mostly economical and social ones, although other factors are as well represented, such as political, psychological and environmental factors.

Salaries and realisation of individuals at the labour market are very important factors from the perspective of economical theories, although not just those factors are important (Stefancik, 2010). From the economic perspective, international migration is represented mainly by the classical theories of migration which are based on the assumption that migration is caused by asymmetrical relationship between regions and labour force within regions, and by the neoclassical theories which are based on the assumption that an individual acts rationally and is therefore a main factor of migration movement (Massey, 1993). From the economic perspective, international migration is covered by works of many authors, such as Duvell (2006).

The basic models which define international migration are two concepts -- pull factors and push factors focused on "pushing migrants out" (Lee, 1972). In many cases it is very difficult to define the exact line between pull and push factors (Stefancik, 2008).

Wider coverage of economic factors have been presented by classical theories, neoclassical theories and by the new economics of migration, where numerous economic factors of international migration have been presented, such as economy strength, levels of salaries, labour demand, level and quality of life of target countries, weak labour demand, low salary levels, high levels of unemployment or inflation spiral in home countries (Haug, 2000). The other classical economic concept is the concept of cross-border movements of citizens and this is covered by the theory of world systems. The basis for this theory is the assumption that international migration is a result of continues expansion of the global market (Sassen, 1991).

The macroeconomic view on inflation has been later on adjusted by microeco- nomical aspects focused on rationally behaving individual as presented in the neoclassical theories and in labour force theories, where individual also considers during a decision process possible gains from migration (working opportunities, qualification improvements, gaining new specific experience) and possible losses linked to migration (relocation costs, distance and separation from family and friends) (Lebhart, 2002). According to Bauer (1995), migration shouldn't be just a sum of gains and losses and therefore migration shouldn't be quantified only by money, but it should be also measured by individual status in a society, by changes of social environment.

Based on above the theories and statements, we can conclude that migrants's behaviour is based on economical reasoning. Behaviour is a sum of various social factors therefore the neoclassical theories of migration have been added together with additional new concepts focused on non-economic factors (represented by new economics of labour migration) (Stark, 1991). According to Massey (1993) the main interest of those theories is focused on production and consumption and not on the individual and different salary levels are necessary aspects while changing the environment (relocation). The main within social-cultural pull factors for international migration are mainly social and health security, conditions for education, foreign languages similarities (close languages), religions, or other cultural aspects. The social aspect is as well focused on another fact that international migration is not just a goal but is also a vehicle which drives social and cultural stereotypes of a particular individual (Stefancik, 2010). Evaluation of own life situation and its comparison with life situation of peers, same aged group of citizens, with relatives which have already decided for migration are also the reasons for migration which has its roots in noneconomic factors. Pries (2001) places the importance on the concept of social networks during the process of migration which creates the group with strong social connections in a target country (Boyd, 1989; Massey, 1993).

The basic prerequisite for such social networks is the emergence of migration even in particular cases when salary differences within individual countries are not so significant and therefore this is not the major motivation behind migration. Haug (2000) grounded that major driving forces behind migration are economic and political factors, although only a small number of individuals who have migrated stated the main driving force behind migration as social relations. Variety of views focused on migration show that it is necessary to view migration from the systemic approach base on interdisciplinary aspects, which would allow understanding all reasons which lead to international migration.

Migration of university students, graduates and other individuals with university education are measured and researched not that often considering the importance of this issue (Balaz, 2010). In case of students' migration within developed countries the main reason for these movements are less economic and it has more of circulation character known as "brain drain". Many authors focused on migration of students (Vincent-Lancrin, 2008; Hazen and Alberts, 2006) have pointed out that comparisons of financial and non-financial costs and profits occurred due to university studies abroad. One of the reasons of migration pointed out by individuals with university education is the lack of adequate working opportunities at a domestic labour market (Cali, 2008). Other researchers have presented findings where many students even prior commencing university studies or during studies are choosing their specialisation based on chances of finding adequate job at a selected labour market (Suarez, 2008; Velde, 2005). One of the most complex works focused on research of international migration of young people in Slovakia has been conducted by Hlincikovej and Sekulovej (2012).

Research methods and approaches. The main goal of this survey was to indentify and analyse the motives effecting possible future migration of the selected sample of Slovak university students currently studying at various faculties based on career focus and target country chosen by students in respect to their potential career. The selected sample has been comprised from the students currently studying at the following faculties: Faculty of Economics at Technical University in Kosice (EKF TUKE), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at Technical University in Kosice (FEI TUKE), Law Faculty of the University of Pavla Jozefa Safarika in Kosice (PF UPJS), Medical Faculty of the University of Pavla Jozefa Safarika in Kosice (LF UPJS). Data collection had been conducted during the academic year 2010/2011 via survey. The research survey has been using the quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 250 students from each faculty and the attention was focused on the students willing or planning to migrate after finishing theirs university studies (EKF TUKE - 67.1% students, FEI TUKE - 70.0%, PF UPJS - 16.8%, LF UPJS - 75.4%).

Results and discussion. In general, young people create their specific strategies for career and personal development which over time become their long-term life strategies. Previous experience has shown that young people and university graduates leaving for abroad have various motives and the overall migration level from year to year have a rising trend. Many graduates have decided to migrate in order to see the world and life in other countries which is often accompanied with the desire to study and work and fuelled by the lack of opportunities at a local labour market.

Data on the quantity of young people or graduates who have migrated is very difficult to get mostly due to short-term stays abroad and at the same time all those individuals who migrate are still being registered at their home residencies. Due to this fact, it is very complicated to get precise data on the university graduates who have decided to work abroad. If we consider the data presented by the Statistical office of Slovak Republic, we can easily see that these data are underestimated and do not really reflect the real quantity of migrating graduates. One attribute of those data provides us with information on mobility and we can conclude that young people have the highest mobility of all age groups. This is mostly due to willingness to stay abroad short-term or long-term or even to stay permanently. In case of Slovak graduates, this group of young people is very mixed and with wide variety of specialisations. The most recent financial crisis and further economic slowdown have fuelled migration mostly in the areas with problematic job market and therefore this macroeconomic development had altered personal life strategies of young people. Besides traditional migration, there are also the so-called "other types of migration" such as seasonal or gap year migration, which are visible amongst students during summer holidays or between university years (in case of a gap year). Migration experience or strategy are influenced by a number of variables such as education, economic status in current time or in location where individual isn't able to find place within his/her specialisation. The picture of objective and subjective poverty represents imperative and fears from possible downgrade into the net of poverty and inability to fulfil personal and professional ambitions. This can be avoided by applying psychological methods to find a solution for potentially adverse situations in development (Zelinsky, 2014). Today any foreign studies or gained experience is considered valuable with positive effects on skills and targeted experience from the intellectual, psychological and social perspective.

During the observation of motives of intended international migration the order of motives has been established based on the provided answers from students. Based on the survey we can conclude that motives of international migration of future university graduates are significantly variable. This variety comes mostly from the career focus and its potential social and economic status with strong dependence on a target country chosen for migration. Since each country has own educational parameters for evaluation therefore every professional career specialisation at different university faculties has certain space at the markets. The most important motive for migration within the whole sample of the university students was financial compensation and this motive differs in each target country from the perspective of international migration. The second most important motive for the students was better working conditions with close score from motives focused on experience and language improvements. An interesting finding was that law students hadn't put this motive as a priority in comparison to other professions. The main motive for future law professionals is foreign language improvements. Due to the fact, that legislation in countries is different and financial appreciation of lawyers in a home country is significantly above the average the motives for permanent migration are less attractive in comparison to other professions. Working conditions as the most important motive had been significantly presented within students of Medical faculty UPJS and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics TUKE. This is mostly due to better equipment and material conditions and updates which puts abroad location into a very attractive spot for migration. In comparison with economics students this motive differs, since the latter value working condition as a migration motive the least. The most significant score for a particular motive of medical students was gaining specialisation experience.

Figure 1

During the survey there was only one option in terms of target country which the students could select. Overall, there weren't significant differences between the countries. The chosen results differed much more in examination of the responses on the career and study focus. The main driving force behind the selection of a particular country and careers in those target countries had been possible future career realisation options and chances. Students of Economics selected mostly Czech Republic as the target country which is very reasonable due to language similarities and economic legislation. Another attractive country for economics students was the USA. Other countries which gained at traction from the students were Austria, Germany and Great Britain. Students studying Computer Science and IT were choos the USA as the prime location.

Figure 2 Preferences of future university graduates in terms of target country, based on the survey data

Figure 3 Students who would accept work only in a sector which is linked to their university program, based on the survey data

The data shows that the most significant motive for migration to a foreign country and therefore to opportunities to use gained knowledge and experience had been presented by the students with computer and IT specialisations (FEI TUKE) and also medical students (LF UPJS). Law and economics students responded that they would accept a different profession than those of their specialisation.

According to the information gained from the survey, we can conclude that future university graduates who are considering migration abroad are actually different from general labour migrants. The survey conducted by Bahna (2011) which had been realised on a sample of Slovak labour migrant in 2006, resulted in 89.3% of positive responses to willingness to travel and work abroad. This survey had been conducted on the sample covering the group age from 18 to 24 years and 36% of the respondents stated they would migrate permanently and 53.3% temporarily. This survey had been conducted dominantly on students which resulted in 92.9% of them stating they would go abroad to work (47.7% permanently and 45.5% temporarily). Lower numbers from the university students were considering migration, this can be linked to low unemployment rate of professionals with university education, however this had been lately altered due to the global financial crisis.


International migration has been viewed as a dynamic process which is constantly changing in time based on changes in underlying condition where empirical inputs show that economic variables will remain to be the major factors for migration within individual countries. These major factors are obviously being pressured and influenced by socially structural factors which in real terms means that a decision to migrate will be based on age and family status circle, education, career realisation, social networks and family relations. International migration of young people in Slovakia is much more frequent than it was in the past. Conditions for migration are very favourable supported by free movement within the European Union and by vast opportunities for education and employment for young people within target countries. The overall level of migration is an evidence of globalisation processes and constantly changing societies, economic, psychological and political conditions.


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