Управление повышением конкурентоспособности предприятия в меняющейся рыночной среде

Экономическая сущность конкурентоспособности предприятий. Факторы, определяющие конкурентоспособность предприятий. Классификация методов оценки конкурентоспособности предприятий, система управления конкурентоспособностью в меняющейся рыночной среде.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 26.06.2018
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Управление повышением конкурентоспособности предприятия в меняющейся рыночной среде

Щепакин М.Б.1, Кривошеева Е.В.2


конкурентоспособность предприятие экономический управление

В статье рассмотрено - экономическая сущность конкурентоспособности предприятий; факторы, определяющие конкурентоспособность предприятий; классификация методов оценки конкурентоспособности предприятий, система управления конкурентоспособностью в меняющейся рыночной среде.

Ключевые слова: экономическая сущность, конкурентоспособность предприятия, факторы, классификация, методы оценки, система управления конкурентоспособностью

Shchepakin M.B.1, Krivosheyevа E.V.2

1Doctor of Economical Sciences, 2Sr. instructor, Kuban State Technological University



The article consideres economic essence of enterprise competitiveness; factors, which define competitiveness of enterprises; classification methods to estimating the competitiveness of enterprise; system of competitiveness management in the changing market environment

Keywords: economic essence, enterprise competitiveness, factors, classification, methods to estimating, system of competitiveness management

Formation of the market relations in Russia was changed today by nature of activities of the majority of production enterprises. In the changing market environment any accounting entity needs long-term and stable development. To build the effective action plan of the entity are forced to consider plurality of factors which influence them and differently have impact on prospects of development of their business. As a result, dynamically changing factors demand from subjects of the market of fixed adaptation to them and search of approaches and methods of use of opportunities of increase of business competitiveness.

In economic literature descriptions of various approaches to increase of competitiveness of the entities meet. Researches of professor Porter of Harvard business school [1] were the most considerable. He developed the theory of competitive advantage which essence consists that for ensuring business competitiveness shall care of the most complete and effective use of the available and acquired resources determining prerequisites of a strong growth and a gain of competitive line items constantly. In this case resources represent a set of the factors determining a condition of competitiveness of the entities [2,3]. In the context of real industrial production factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises volatile. Some factors affect significantly under certain market conditions, and other weakly manifest themselves in action under varying circumstances of the external environment. Given the variety of factors changes the understanding of the economic substance of competitiveness and the nature of the processes that ensure its growth.

So, on the essence, competitiveness of the entities acts as the tool of an accounting entity marketing and adapted for changes of environment due to complete and effective use by the person of the available and acquired resources determining prerequisites of a strong growth and a gain of competitive line items in the industry market.

Within above the provided determination it is possible to allocate internal and external factors on extent of influence on activities of the entity [4]. In turn internal and external factors can be subdivided on «tough» and «soft». «Tough» factors represent factors which keep the fixed action for a long time. And understand factors which floatingly prove under the influence of the changing external conditions as «soft». «Soft» factors consider influence «tough» and create prerequisites to increase of competitiveness of the entities.

Internal factors represent set of the parameters making the regulating impact on activities of the subject functioning in economic, labor, organizational and communication relations. Carry to the internal factors determining a condition of competitiveness of the entities:

1) «tough» factors:

· managerial factor (enterprise management system, labor potential, condition of a manpower);

· technical and economic factor;

· financial and economic factor;

2) «soft» factors:

· investment factor;

· scientific and technical factor;

· communication factor (communication interaction between employees, degree of motivation of employees, organization culture of the entity and behavior of employees);

· marketing factor (sales activities, condition of system of logistics, promotion);

· factor of competitive advantage products (competitive product).

External factors - a set of the conditions and forces requiring the systematic adaptation and communication adaptation to them all participants of market space which aren't coming under influence. To external factors, the entities determining a condition of competitiveness, belong:

1) «tough» factors:

· risk factor;

· macroeconomic factor (inflation, taxation, monetary policy and political country situation, devaluation of national currency);

· investment factor;

2) «soft» factors:

· climatic factor;

· urbanization factor (population growth, migration condition);

· market factor (competition, solvent demand, quality of life, pricing, product commitment);

· communication factor (image of the entity, loss of reputation, brand recognition, market agents).

The set of the factors determining competitiveness gives the chance to the highest management to consider resources which weren't considered in case of increase of competitiveness of the entities earlier.

Availability of information about the factors of competitiveness of enterprises, enables us to determine the method of assessing the level of competitiveness. There are various methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises. Competitiveness of the entities can be estimated by means of a complex (integrated) indicator, and also - on the basis of single (private) indicators. There is an opinion that it is necessary to carry out a competitiveness assessment by means of matrix and expert methods (table 1) [5].

Table 1- evaluation methods of competitiveness of the entities

Predetermined separation of scientific approaches to an assessment of competitiveness of the entities to carry out the analysis of the most known methods, to reveal interrelation between them and shortcomings.

First, the considered methods narrow area of an assessment of the factors determining the level of competitiveness of the entities and without being guided by other participants of market space.

Secondly, the considered methods consider generally internal capacity of the entities and its internal factors, or consider competitiveness of the entities only depending on structure of the market and the competition on it (external factors).

In the third matrix and expert methods can be applied with sufficient degree of reliability to the integrated assessment of competitiveness of the entities. Matrix and expert methods fully don't yield objective results and are generally used as the additional.

Fourthly, the considered methods don't place emphasis on key regional or industry factors of competitiveness of the entities.

Thus, having idea of «business competitiveness», to a set of the factors determining competitiveness accounting entities have an opportunity to create a management system competitiveness. This system is founded on a competitiveness level assessment by means of calculation of an integrated indicator which will consider changeable factors internal and environment. Finding of competitive advantage will allow the entities to build the activities in interests of their sustainable development and to raise their competitiveness on the basis of development of the rational management decisions directed on the effective and developed functioning. As a consequence, it is possible to develop a methodological approach to assess the level of competitiveness of enterprises in order to ensure the sustainable development of an economic entity in a changing market environment.


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