Social and cultural bases of educational services provision and supply of labor market

Purpose is to analyze the labor market and the market of educational services interaction in conditions of society transformation and country transition to the European integration way of development. Studying the peculiarities of their regulation.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 21.07.2018
Размер файла 61,1 K

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Shynkaruk Lidiia

Doctor of Economics, Professor,

Corresponding Member of the

National Academy of Sciences

ORCID. org / 0000-0002-7434-1495

Shynkaruk Oleksandra

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Department of Civil and Commercial Law

National University of Biological Resources

and Environmental Management of Ukraine

ORCID. org / 0000-0002-5494-1370

Purpose of the article is to analyze the labor market and the market of educational services interaction in conditions of society transformation and country transition to the European integration way of development, studying the peculiarities of their regulation and substantiation of the problem of structural imbalances in this area and suggest ways of their solving. Research methodology is a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge, which makes it possible to study the problems of the labor market and educational services. Due to logical and semantic methods and techniques, which were used in the study of particular scientists' views, research on analytical materials and definition of the conceptual apparatus have been carried out. Using system-structural and comparative methods, the normative acts that make up the content of the research has been analyzed. Scientific novelty lies in determining the peculiarities of labor and educational services markets functioning. The issue has been studied for the first time from the perspective of recent Law of Ukraine "On Education" and by the example of its practical application. It has been noted that the main determinants of structural imbalances in the labor market today are the instability of the political situation, lack of coherence of the public administration subjects' actions, and structural, macroeconomic and institutional crises. Conclusions. The educational services market and the labor market requires urgent measures by the state and local authorities to regulate these two markets, to develop a concept of interaction and to unite the efforts of the relevant ministries, employers and educational institutions on the principles of priorities policy development for giving employers the opportunity to carry out their part in the system of economic relations more efficiently. Solving problem on the educational services and the labor markets will ensure their coordination, balance and harmonization.

Keywords: labor market, educational services, state educational policy, higher education, labor market segment, employment, unemployment, social and labor sphere.

Шинкарук Лідія Василівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, член-кореспондент НАН України; Шинкарук Олександра Василівна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафедри цивільного та господарського права Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України

Соціокультурні засади надання освітніх послуг та забезпечення ринку праці

Мета роботи полягає у проведенні аналізу взаємодії ринку праці та ринку освітніх послуг в умовах трансформації суспільства та переходу країни на євроінтеграційний шлях розвитку, дослідженні особливостей їх регулювання та обґрунтування проблеми структурних диспропорцій у цій сфері та запропонувати способи їх вирішення. Методологією дослідження є сукупність методів і прийомів наукового пізнання, що дає можливість досліджувати проблеми ринку праці та освітніх послуг. За допомогою логіко-семантичного методу, який було використано під час дослідження точок зору окремих вчених, здійснено дослідження аналітичних матеріалів, визначення понятійного апарату. За допомогою системно-структурного методу та порівняльного здійснено аналіз нормативних актів, що складають зміст дослідження. Наукова новизна полягає у визначенні особливостей функціонування ринку праці та ринку освітніх послуг. Проблема досліджується вперше з позицій нового Закону України "Про освіту" та на прикладі його практичного застосування. Зазначено, що основними детермінантами структурних диспропорцій ринку праці на сьогодні є нестабільність політичної ситуації, відсутність узгодженості дій суб'єктів державного управління, структурна, макроекономічна та інституційна кризи. Висновки. Ринок освітніх послуг і ринок праці потребує вжиття невідкладних заходів з боку держави та місцевих органів влади щодо регулювання цих двох ринків, розробити концепцію взаємодії й об'єднати зусилля відповідних міністерств, роботодавців і навчальних закладів на принципах розробки політики пріоритетів надання роботодавцям можливості ефективніше виконувати свою роль у системі економічних відносин. Вирішення проблемних питань на ринку освітніх послуг і ринку праці забезпечить їх узгодження, збалансованість та гармонізацію.

Ключові слова: ринок праці, освітні послуги, державна освітня політика, вища освіта, сегмент ринку праці, зайнятість, безробіття, соціально-трудова сфера.

Шинкарук Лидия Васильевна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент НАН Украины; Шинкарук Александра Васильевна, кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры гражданского и хозяйственного права Национального университета биоресурсов и природопользования Украины

Социокультурные основы предоставления образовательных услуг и обеспечения рынка труда

Цель работы заключается в проведении анализа взаимодействия рынка труда и рынка образовательных услуг в условиях трансформации общества и перехода страны на евроинтеграционный путь развития, исследовании особенностей их регулирования и обоснования проблемы структурных диспропорций в этой сфере и предложить способы их решения. Методологией исследования является совокупность методов и приемов научного познания, которое дает возможность исследовать проблемы рынка труда и образовательных услуг. С помощью логико-семантичного метода, который был использован во время исследования точек зрения отдельных ученых, осуществлено исследование аналитических материалов, определения понятийного аппарата. С помощью системно-структурного метода и сравнительного осуществлен анализ нормативных актов, которые складывают содержание исследования. Научная новизна заключается в определении особенностей функционирования рынка труда и рынка образовательных услуг. Проблема исследуется впервые с позиций нового Закона Украины "Об образовании" и на примере его практического приложения. Отмечено, что основными детерминантами структурных диспропорций рынка труда на сегодня являются нестабильность политической ситуации, отсутствие согласованности действий субъектов государственного управления, структурный, макроэкономический и институционный кризисы. Выводы. Рынок образовательных услуг и рынок труда нуждается в принятии неотложных мер со стороны государства и местных органов власти относительно регулирования этих двух рынков, разработать концепцию взаимодействия и объединить усилие соответствующих министерств, работодателей и учебных заведений на принципах разработки политики приоритетов предоставления работодателям возможности эффективнее исполнять свою роль в системе экономических отношений. Решение проблемных вопросов на рынке образовательных услуг и рынка труда обеспечит их согласование, сбалансированность и гармонизацию.

Ключевые слова: рынок труда, образовательные услуги, государственная образовательная политика, высшее образование, сегмент рынка труда, занятость, безработица, социально трудовая сфера.

Relevance (Introduction). Considering the demands of society, the research of domestic labor market and educational services state is of great interest. The educational system responds to environmental signals and challenges with obvious delay. In the conditions of Ukrainian economy transformation, the interaction of the labor market and the educational services market is an important factor in human resources formation as the basis for effective economic and social development of the country. Their impact on the professional orientation of the younger generation is an important and relevant issue of state national security. By providing successful solution to the following issue, it is possible to create new skilled workforce, to ensure country's economy with qualified personnel, and to reduce unemployment.

The economic development of any country involves constant changes in the structure between the main institutional sectors, types of economic activity, enterprises of different forms of ownership, etc. Differences and imbalances in the labor sphere, on the one hand, give signs of dynamism in the process of economic sector formation of the labor market subjects functioning; on the other hand, they increase the gap and the depth of stratification between them.

Analysis of Recent Researches and Publications. The subject of the researchers' study are the issues of the processes, taking place in the educational sphere and its interaction with the labor market, the study of the imbalances nature of their development, the substantiation of the main determinants that cause them, identifying the ways to mitigate them. Theoretical and applied aspects of the problems of personnel professional training and its interaction with the labor market are researched by O. Amoshi, V. Antoniuk, S. Bandura, V. Brych, V. Blyzniuk, I. Hnybidenko, O. Hryshnova, A. Kolota, L. Lavrynenko, E. Libanova, L. Lisogor, V. Mandybura, A. Makarova, A. Novikova, I. Petrova, and others.

Among the scholars, who reveal the current problems of educational services, it is appropriate to mention the following: V. Andrushchenko, L. Hrynevych, O. Zhabenko, O. Zaichenko, I. Kaleniuk, V. Kozubniak, V. Kremen, V. Lunachek, V. Lugovii, O. Liashenko, V. Maiboroda, O. Minaiev, S. Nikolaenko, O. Ovcharuk, V. Ohneviuk, N. Ostroverkhova, N. Protasova, O. Padalka, S. Silina, N. Podolchak, V. Shynkaruk and others.

In their work, researchers focus on the link between the labor market and the educational services market, which is an integral part of the interaction system between employment and training, as well as on the educational system reforming by means of monitoring technologies use at the national, regional and local levels.

Many of the research carried out on the problems of interaction between the labor market and the system of vocational staff training has contradictory results, which complicate the economic content disclosure of social and labor sphere categories and concepts.

Proper problem solving requires scientific understanding of the nature of tasks facing education, and the analysis of the development peculiarities during the years of independence. The content of higher education in new conditions foresees their consideration from the standpoint of psychological, pedagogical and organizational aspects and is represented in the combination and sequence of managerial actions.

Purpose of the article is to investigate the interaction of the labor market and the market of educational services, the peculiarities of their regulation, and to substantiate the problems of structural imbalances in this area and to suggest the ways of their solution.

Results. Structural transformations of the Ukrainian economy cause a reorientation of economic demands of economic entities and change the structure of demand for labor. Our state seeks to take a proper place in the European educational area and tries to change approaches to the organization of higher education after signing the Bologna Declaration. Over the last years, the national system of education has been reforming, and this process has not been completed yet.

After global economic crisis, politicians from different countries of the world have defined a priority task to overcome the problems of skilled personnel deficit so long as human capital is one of the key resources for economic growth. The process of skilled employees' selection at the employers' request is central. Recently, the analysis of scientific research has proved the existence of scientific and practical direction in assessing the impact of structural changes on the labor market efficiency [3,10], as well as devoted to the analysis of the impact of economic changes on the amount and structure of job offers and on the adaptability of the education and training system to dynamic changes in the supply and demand situation in world labor markets [11,3].

Nowadays education plays a decisive role in economic growth, personal and social development stimulation, as well as in reducing inequalities among peoples. Each state seeks to have good knowledge and skills for their effective participation in social and economic processes. I. Skavronska [7] in this context pays special attention to the actions of various economies in solving this problem (Table 1).

Table 1

International experience in compliance of specialists training with the needs of national economy


Ways to solve the problem


The state aims to bring the number of students in vocational education to an average level in other European countries, to reduce the number of young people leaving school and to prepare workers for new jobs in promising sectors. Measures are being taken to increase the demand for vocational training through the provision of educational grants to young people, the improvement of the education system by attracting enterprises and strengthening the interconnection of vocational training with their needs. These and other measures are included in the State Action Plan to accelerate the reform and increase the number of educational institutions graduates. The Law "On the Sustainability of the Economy" contains a section on vocational training, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of skills imbalance to the needs of the labor market.


Labor Statistics Agency of the USA has spent more than fifty years studying the needs of the economy in skilled personnel. The needs of the personnel on the professions are determined both through modeling, and through negotiations and surveys of employers: representatives of industry, private organizations, professional and trade associations, experts in personnel training and education employees. For some professions such as doctors and lawyers, the number of specialists is defined and regulated legally. For other professions, such as programmers, operators or mechanics, the demand can be dynamically changed.


The Expert Group for the Study of Advanced Demand for professional skills analyzes the demand for profession and develops proposals to meet this demand attracting a wide range of participants, including representatives of business, education, labor unions, as well as the state. It allows detecting changes in the structure of professions in branches, as well as the dynamics of demand. The Group defines the main elements that should be included in the future portfolio of typical professional skills: main and basic skills; communication skills and conceptual / analytical skills (gathering and organizing information, problem solving, planning and organizing, innovative and creative skills). The Group provides recommendations for raising the awareness of job seekers about industries where there is a demand for relevant professional skills.


The Canadian Human Resources and Skills Development Service provide learners, employees and employers with information on advanced skills needs. Canada has an online resource for secondary education, which provides information on education and training opportunities, methods for assessing compliance with these capabilities by staff expectations, and information on the forms of financial support for those who wish to receive education or improve their qualifications in the form of ongoing training. In order to assist employers in retaining highly skilled workers during the period of economic crises, Work Distribution Program is implemented in conditions of reduced workload, which provides additional salary payments for part-time employees.

In Ukraine, 2014 - 2015 were characterized by a complex social and political situation, which also affected the labor market: employers optimized the state of enterprises, reduced costs, sometimes suspended projects, which, in turn, led to a rapid demand for some professions and loss of popularity for others.

Structural changes in the economy, first of all, increase the requirements for the educational level of employees, which in its turn increases the amount of people with higher education, and promotes economic activity and mobility. In particular, E .Vankevych in his studies determines the forms of adaptation of the labor market to structural changes in the economy, which contribute to increasing its efficiency without growth of unemployment rate [1]. Many researchers substantiate a package of motivating measures aimed at employment, since they are the most effective and categorize them as anti-crisis and structural, being the most effective those which contribute to the formation of a diversified employment structure taking into account the prospects of an innovative economy.

A. Kolot noted the asymmetry of social and labor sphere development, generated by external and internal determinants, namely: globalization of the world economy; the deterioration of the population demographic structure as a whole and the economic active in particular; liberalization of social and economic policy; slowdown in economic growth; the transformation of the Institute of Employment and the diverse pattern of changes in the labor market; reducing the role of social dialogue in optimizing the relations between leading social forces; reducing the role of the state in ensuring sustainable development of the social and labor sphere [2].

Prior to Ukraine's independence, the education system was in accordance with the administrative and command model of social life organization, planned centralized economy. From the Soviet education, it was necessary to move to a fundamentally new self-sufficient educational system that would contribute to the comprehensive disclosure of human resources and capacities, to meet personal abilities and interests and to meet high modern international standards [6].

Education is one of the most promising and rapidly growing areas of the economy. Worldwide, according to experts, amount of demand and supply for educational services are growing substantially, especially in higher and postgraduate education, and in countries oriented on high technologies, innovations in all spheres of public life, annual growth rates of demand and supply of educational services reach 10 - 15% [9].

The current development of the labor market in Ukraine as a sphere of work provision requires from the educational sphere the necessary adaptation to the economic situation, the dynamism of measures for higher education reforming. Due to the lack of an adequate mechanism for the demand and supply regulating of specialists according to professional segments both at the regional level and in the country as a whole, the labor market is over-graduated with persons having higher education.

The educational activity on the territory of Ukraine is carried out by higher educational institutions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 01.07.2014 № 1556 - VII. Some of them, which have achieved the highest indicators in their activities regarding the use of nation intellectual potential, have implemented the idea of national revival and the status of national, but the demand of their graduates in the labor market is low. There is an imbalance in the labor and educational services markets; as a result, there were distortions in quantitative and qualitative structure of the labor market and inconsistency of the qualification level with the needs of employers. The increase in the share of unemployment structural component, on the one hand, stimulates labor migration, on the other - employment not on specialty. The source of skilled labor supply in the market is the education system, but the lack of effective system for adapting the staff training structure to the market need deepens the structural imbalances in this area.

Sociological researches show that only 36 % of graduates work in their specialty, 20 % - work in related specialization received, and 44 % of graduates changed their profession totally. Graduates with a pedagogical education must adapt to the needs of the labor market: 83% of them work not in obtained specialty [8]. There is a large imbalance between the number of jobs on the Ukrainian labor market, on the one hand, and the number of workers with a certain specialization - on the other.

The structure of employment created in the Ukrainian economy during the transformation period is not optimal (Figure 1) and does not meet the requirements of the post-industrial society.

Fig. 1. Employment structure according to the types of economic activity in 2012-2016 Source: 12.

In the beginning of market transformations, growth of employment in services was expected, but for the Ukrainian labor market, services are primarily trade, hotel and restaurant business. Reducing employment in the industry could be seen as a positive moment if only both employment and information and communication were growing. But, unfortunately, such trends in the country are absent. Therefore, we can conclude that the structure is both non-optimal and not innovative.

There is a tendency towards a decrease in the share of employed in industry - during the last five years by 1.5 percentage points, due to a significant decline in industrial production.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the share of employed in the financial sector, in the area of real estate operations. The dynamics of increasing the share of employed in the transport sector, warehousing, postal and courier activities are traced. The growth of the share of employed in the public administration in the last year was due to the strengthening of the defense sector, which is likely to continue.

Excessive informal employment, its close interweaving with the formal employment causes deregulation and uncontrollability of many processes in the social and labor sphere and promotes the development of the shadow sector, which is caused by high taxes (profitable, on profits, etc.), high unemployment (pushing people to earn revenues in any way possible), and imperfection of the legislation (constant changes in the requirements for documentation, which leads to additional costs for entrepreneurs).

The main determinants of non-standard employment, according to experts, include the level of incomes, labor market tensions, demographic characteristics of the population, the prevalence of information technologies, which allows using the remote work, etc. [5].

Due to demographic challenges, Ukraine is forced to attract labor migrants, but active migration policy towards integration of immigrants into Ukrainian society can lead to significant losses of domestic human potential and its deformation; therefore, in shaping this policy, it is expedient to use the well-established mechanism of public-private partnership that has been successfully proven in different countries.

Regulation of the labor market becomes especially relevant in the conditions of the instability of the economic system functioning and the effect of destabilizing factors, which are essential features of modern economic conditions. In connection with this, there is an urgent need to change the approaches to forecasting and planning of personnel needs both at the regional and national levels, which will overcome the existing imbalance between demand and supply in the market of skilled labor. This requires the introduction of strategic training planning for the needs of the economy [12].

With the development of a democratic society, there is a strong demand for educational institutions, open and accountable to civil society in terms of the results of their activities. In the processes of globalization, increasing of students' and teachers' mobility has great significance, therefore, it is necessary to compare the results of the Ukrainian educational system functioning with the national educational systems of other countries, and to make such comparison without the effective system functioning of education quality monitoring is impossible.

Sharp reducing of budget funding hampers the development of higher education institutions in the educational services market. The need for funding from educational institutions is provided by budget sources for less than a quarter, and there is a tendency for reduction in the real amount of appropriations for educational needs.

The high level of youth unemployment is due to the fact that significant part of young people does not have the appropriate professional skills and experience. There is a gap between the theoretical knowledge that students receive at universities and practical skills that do not meet the requirements of employers.

The main reason for the problem is the awareness that significant strategic miscalculations have occurred in the country in determining the content and main directions of educational policy at different levels of educational system management. In particular, the problem of students' industrial practice is not solved. Many businesses do not agree to take students on practice, and a large percentage of them treat student practice formally. Licensed training volumes in educational institutions are formed without taking into account the real situation on the labor market, since the issues of forecasting the need for personnel and determining the amount of training of specialists on this basis remain unresolved nowadays.

Conclusions. The tendency of inconsistency of demand and supply in the labor market is deepening in Ukraine. The current mechanism of interaction between the educational services market and the labor market is ineffective.

The educational services and the labor markets require urgent measures by the state and local authorities to regulate them, to develop a concept of their interaction and to unite the efforts of the relevant ministries, employers and educational institutions on the principles of priority policy development, giving employers the opportunity to carry out their part in the system of economic relations more efficiently.

In order to improve the market functioning for educational services and the labor market, it is necessary to identify unified conceptual approaches to assessing their functioning, to develop the directions of their comprehensive study and the system of statistical indicators, according to which concrete measures will be determined to improve the employment policy in the country.

market educational service


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