The essence and peculiarities formation of personnel potential at the enterprise

The process of formation of personnel potential in the enterprise. Study of the anti-crisis policy, its goals, objectives, principles and its significance. the main mistakes made by the entrepreneur during the crisis period and their consequences.

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Дата добавления 11.10.2018
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Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

The essence and peculiarities formation of personnel potential at the enterprise

Biliavska Y.V.


The article deals with the process of formation of personnel potential at the enterprise. The following concepts are investigated: personnel potential, staffing anti-crisis policy, its purpose, tasks, principles and its significance. Also presented are the main mistakes an entrepreneur admits in the crisis period and their consequences.

Keywords: human potential, method, accusation, management of the percance, human resources management, technology, crisis situation.

Білявська Ю.В. Сутність та особливості формування кадрового потенціалу на підприємстві

Анотація. У статті розглянуто процес формування кадрового потенціалу на підприємстві. Досліджено наступні поняття: кадровий потенціал, кадрова антикризова політика, її мета, завдання, принципи та її значення. Також представленні основні помилки, які підприємець допускає в кризовий період та їх наслідки.

Ключові слова: кадровий потенціал, методика, дослідження, управління персоналом, управління людськими ресурсами, технологія, кризова ситуація.

Белявская Ю.В. Сущность и особенности формирования кадрового потенциала на предприятии

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрен процесс формирования кадрового потенциала на предприятии. Исследована следующие понятия: кадровый потенциал, кадровая антикризисная политика, ее цели, задачи, принципы и ее значение. Также представлении основные ошибки, которые предприниматель допускает в кризисный период и их последствия.

Ключевые слова: кадровый потенциал, методика, исследования, управления персоналом, управления человеческими ресурсами, технология, кризисная ситуация.

Problem formation

Human component is vital, because the staff has a great influence on the production, trading and other activities of the enterprise. Personnel potential of the enterprise is an integral part of the total activity of the enterprise. The special importance of this question is felt during the worsening economic condition of the country during the crisis period. The role of human resource management at the present stage due to several trends: public productivity can grow more rapidly at the expense of the human component only when the greatest number citizens are employed in those positions that are the most appropriate to their abilities and qualifications; with the development and division of labour activity.

The complexity of its content, increasing the number of professional activities, the process of integrating human rights in the sphere of professional work is becoming more systemic in nature; the human participation in professional activities related to permanent growth capital intensity of professional experience, his knowledge, skills, without which no society, no business can expect high growth rates and competitiveness. The ability of a person, and especially, his professional skills, and gain professional experience character of the national patrimony and require close relationships at all levels of social control. Constantly growing needs for effective activities aimed at human resource management, at the state level and at the level of specific organizations.

Analysis of recent publications. The literature analyse of sources testifies that researches which was carried out are very scalene. Yes, V. Biliavskyi [1] probed and in detail described the theoretical and methods aspects of professional studies of personnel, while І. Nosireva studied modern forms and methods of studies of personnel. Successful are works of P. Caras, K. Terentieva in which they defined conception of development in quarry growth of personal as key element of efficiency of activity in trade enterprise [7, p. 684]. But near the evaluation efficiency of personal management in trade enterprise a career so far it is spared the question of systematization in the methodical going not enough attention.

Therefore aim of this article -- to systematize methodical approaches of different authors in relation to the evaluation in efficiency of personal management in trade enterprise a career and define the basic whole creation and drawings on skilled reserve, and also probe the tool of evaluation of efficiency in realization of professionally qualifying advancement of workers of trade enterprise [7, p. 684].

Unresolved parts of the general problem

Today, special attention should be paid to problems of strategic human resources management in enterprises as the main element in achieving long-term competitive position. The lack of coverage of this issue based research: identify causes, trends and development of scientific basis for effective strategic management decisions on the development of human potential of the company. For achieving the objective we focuse on the following tasks: to determine the nature and role of personnel potential in the enterprise; to describe internal and external factors of influence on the formation of personnel potential; to analyze the types of personnel crisis management strategies; to define the basic principles of crisis staffing strategies.

Setting tasks. Personnel potential of the enterprise is an integral part of the total activity of the enterprise. The potential of the enterprise aims to support its long-term competitive position and as the staff is the main element of this social system, therefore, the human component has a particulary importance in the development of the enterprise. Human potential is the employment opportunities of the enterprise, the ability of staff to generate ideas, to create new products, his educational level, physiological characteristics and motivational potential [3, p. 244]. The formation of human resources is an important strategic direction for the development of each enterprise and the means of achieving stable competitive advantage in conditions of strict competition. To ensure that the activities of the individual enterprise was successful and profitable, the company had a stable position in the market among competitors, need to constantly develop and to improve, it is necessary to plan permanently and to maintain the highest human capacity development; you should also pay attention to the development of human resources in enterprises-competitors was not higher and faster than yours, especially this aspect is important in times of crisis. That is why І drew attention to the direction of personnel management, as the formation of personnel potential of the company in a crisis situation.

Human anti-crisis policy is part of the strategy of the business enterprise crisis. И defines the relations between the enterprise and its staff. The purpose of the anti-crisis personnel policy is to keep the personnel potential of the enterprise to ensure the functioning of enterprises in crisis and out of the crisis.

Foreign experts identify the following main types of personnel policy in the crisis, Fig. 1.

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Fig. 1. Basic following main types of personnel policy

Effective personnel policy is as follows [3, p. 21-22]: reduce all levels of management in the organizational structure of the enterprise, not individual jobs; strengthening the workforce in higher level management; take account of the interdependence of the elements of the organizational structure during the reduction and stimulation of new organizational structure; identify, support and promote the employees who manifests leadership qualities and seeks to management; realization of the policy of training and retraining of personnel in crisis conditions; decentralization of the management system, empower managers at all levels; the centralization of financial management, which should ensure the accumulation of the required capital for innovation and investment; preserve the human core of the enterprise; the set of prospective employees from the side.

There are two principles that implement effectively in the crisis period relative to the control and formation of personnel potential:

The principle of formation of the unique human potential. The policy of formation of the unique human capacity through recruitment of capable staff allows the company to prepare non-standard pre-crisis activities and in the overall crisis to gain advantages over competitors. The intellectual leadership of the company in these conditions even more attracts talented people that allows you to create highly qualify products. personnel potential anticrisis policy

The principle of orientation to professional core staff. The core of personnel potential of the enterprise is formed as a total capacity of employees, providing a strategic advantage in the market or in its segment. These advantages are based on the fact that competitors cannot produce the same quality of goods (services) or significantly delayed with their production and access to markets.

When mass redundancies and dismissals people need to tell the truth about the real condition of the company and existing problems. И is recommended to find workers who are exempt, other work. АП dismissals and reductions should begin with the upper echelon of management.

The next stage of reducing costs is to cut salaries and bonuses. However, based on the experience developed rules below.

1. Cut salaries and bonuses should start with the first head and the Directors of the company.

2. Cut salaries of all staff to make a proportional (for example, to reduce the salaries of all categories of employees by 25%).

3. With the reduction of salaries should be aware of the minimum wage established by the legislation.

Іn the next step, reduce costs decreases the length of the working week and working day. First of all you should reduce the length of the working day, not to stop production. Then it is recommended to make shorter work week, adding a free day to rest days (for example, to stop work on Friday, so the duration of the shortened days and rest days amounted to three days in a row). Experience in crisis management made this mandatory rule: in all cases, try to keep the dealer network. In the process of implementation of activities precrisis management it is necessary to form a system of operational crisis group that, when the crisis starts to work, crossing the boundaries of existing organizational units, filtering information and quickly passing it through to all parts of the enterprise. At the time of crisis situation, it is recommended to distribute the functions as follows:

• one operational group organizes control and a healthy psychological climate, preventing panic among the staff;

• other lead a normal operational mode in the control system, trying to prevent failures or to reduce their consequences to the minimum losses;

• the third group deals with issues of crisis management in accordance with the strategic plans and taking into account the situation.

The relationship between crisis operational groups based on the type of «star», directly, and training for them should be done in advance in the process of crisis management. Crisis operational groups are created for the following purposes: identification of new technologies, innovation (collection offers workers to improve the technology of production and so on); organization of financial management in crisis situations; study and solution of social problems.

The content of the substantive activities of the crisis management proposes the following requirements for the selection of managers: sufficient knowledge in all areas of activity of the enterprise and interdisciplinary approach in the choice of solutions; extensive professional experience as a Manager; understanding of crisis situations, the complexity of the tasks in the conditions of an acute deficit of time, the ability to choose an adequate management strategy; admission to all sources of information about the company, including strategic plans. The nature of the functional tasks of crisis management requires the managers of these skills [6]: to take a risky and innovative solutions in case of deviations in the development of the situation from the expected or planned state when additional reserves or resources is not; effectively organize the work of individual professionals and teams to complete tasks within tight deadlines; to ensure communication and coordination of all participants; to organize a permanent control over the implementation of anti-crisis measures.

Training managers need to plan on two areas: professional and psychological. Training managers and teams crises involves the improvement of the skills of the group members not only in their immediate area of expertise. И is important to pay attention to the development of collaborative skills of all group members with specific stages of diagnosis of a crisis, develop measures to overcome it, the organization of work on the implementation of anti-crisis measures and permanent systematic monitoring of progress [4, p. 167].

Should be special classes for the development of organizational and technical skills to apply modern methods for improving the quality of decisions.

Psychological preparation groups crises should be aimed at achieving the following objectives: psychological information about the specifics of the emotional side of the perception of crisis situations and the behaviour of employees at different stages of development these situations; psychological counseling on specific aspects of perception and response managers in terms of informational and emotional overload; development of communicative skills in the context of high emotional involvement and the conflict parties; socio-psy- chological training compatibility, creative-bridges and cohesion; development of methods and techniques for removing and preventing stress. Among the forms and methods of training groups crises is useful to note: organizational learning (training); group training; business games;case studies; using computer simulators [6, p. 98].

The creation of new organizational forms of management. Ty pical examples are the formation of matrix management structures, organization, subsidiaries, selection of the composition of large enterprises small and medium enterprises, the merger. The accuracy of assessing the risk of crisis situations. Managers often ambiguous assess the situation, which has arisen: some people feel inauthentic receive weak signals, and therefore do not perceive the probability of a crisis. At the same time, other managers may believe that the new situation will not face significant losses. The more astute of them consider the probability of occurrence of the crisis is real. іп practice, this means that even at high readiness of the enterprise to overcome the crisis, it may encounter difficulties because of the differences in the assessment of the level of threat and potential losses [5, p. 33-35].

Features of motivation of the personnel in crisis situations. In the process of crisis management, it is recommended to develop and allocate system of employee participation in profit distribution enterprises in the privatization of the profits of the company. You should also create an environment that stimulates creative research and development of innovations, and in the process of overcoming the crisis is to introduce a system of mandatory bonus for a specific proposal and innovations. Should encourage the staff for systematic work in the field of economic intelligence by giving them a lot of single premiums, as well as by increasing their share in future profits [5, p. 169].

In the process of crisis management in the training of personnel, there may be some negative consequences. In terms of staff -- lack of confidence in the sustainability of the enterprise; this, in turn, may cause employee turnover. From the experience of foreign companies -- the problem of resistance staff changes and reorganization related to the implementation of measures to stabilize the financial situation. The inertia of the staff that they do not require changes to existing provisions. The risk of worsening socio-psychological climate in the team.

When carrying out anti-crisis measures among employees is manifested dissatisfaction due to the decrease in salaries and bonuses. Especially sensitive employees who are dismissed during a reduction of the personnel. To neutralize the negative consequences the Head of the enterprise should talk to a worker who is fired [4, p. 169].

The conclusions

Human potential is the employment opportunities of the enterprise, the ability of staff to generate ideas, create new products, his educational level, physiological characteristics and motivational potential. The main objective of the formation of personnel potential is the provision of qualified personnel of various fields of activities and support in everyday work and personnel taking into account the interests of all categories of workers and social groups of the workforce.

Human anti-crisis policy is part of the strategy of the business enterprise crisis. It defines the relations between the enterprise and its staff. The purpose of the anti-crisis personnel policy is to keep the personnel potential of the enterprise to ensure the functioning of enterprises in crisis and out of the crisis. Timely, scientific substantiation human resource management capacity will allow companies with the financial and economic crisis to retain existing staff capacity, improve efficiency and motivation. Prospects for further research should be directed at improving the evaluation system managers using a combination of expert and mathematical-economic methods.


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