Influence of innovative structures on the economy of the region
Research of problem of applying innovative mechanisms to stimulate the economic situation and regional development. Provides recommendations on the effectiveness of regarding the creation of innovative structures and their impact on the state economy.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.11.2018 |
Размер файла | 28,2 K |
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Influence of innovative structures on the economy of the region
Вплив інноваційних структур на економіку регіону
Khim M.K. Assistant of the Administrative and Financial Management Department
Veselov O.O. Student
Today, one of the main problems in Ukraine is the problem of applying innovative mechanisms to stimulate the socio-economic situation and regional development, in particular, the formation and optimization of the use of the potential of each region. This article outlines the main problems of innovation development of the regions of Ukraine, provides recommendations on the effectiveness of the use of innovative potential, in particular, regarding the creation of innovative structures and their impact on the state economy. The authors pay special attention to the assessment of the existing innovative potential, the solution of the problem of increasing the role of research and development in the processes of socio-economic development in the context of strengthening international cooperation in this field and the main methods of forming and creating a modern national innovation system.
Keywords: innovation system, innovative structures, industrial parks, regional development, regional economy.
Сьогодні однією з основних проблем в Україні є проблема застосування інноваційних механізмів стимулювання соціально-економічної ситуації та регіонального розвитку, зокрема формування та оптимізація використання потенціалу кожного регіону. У статті визначено основні проблеми інноваційного розвитку регіонів України, надано рекомендації щодо ефективності використання інноваційного потенціалу, зокрема щодо створення інноваційних структур і впливу їх на економіку держави. Автори приділяють особливу увагу оцінці наявного інноваційного потенціалу, вирішенню проблеми підвищення ролі наукових досліджень та розробок у процесах соціально-економічного розвитку в контексті посилення міжнародного співробітництва у цій галузі та основним методам формування та створення сучасної національної інноваційної системи.
Ключові слова: інноваційна система, інноваційні структури, індустріальні парки, регіональний розвиток, регіональна економіка.
Сегодня одной из основных проблем в Украине является проблема применения инновационных механизмов стимулирования социально-экономической ситуации и регионального развития, в частности формирование и оптимизация использования потенциала каждого региона. В статье определены основные проблемы инновационного развития регионов Украины, даны рекомендации по эффективности использования инновационного потенциала, в частности по созданию инновационных структур и влияния их на экономику государства. Авторы уделяют особое внимание оценке существующего инновационного потенциала, решению проблемы повышения роли научных исследований и разработок в процессах социально-экономического развития в контексте усиления международного сотрудничества в этой области и основным методам формирования и создания современной национальной инновационной системы.
Ключевые слова: инновационная система, инновационные структуры, индустриальные парки, региональное развитие, региональная экономика.
Problem statement. The fate of Ukraine depends on the acquisition of innovative mechanisms of development: will it move in the direction of entering into the number of developed countries, or will remain a stagnant country on the sidelines of scientific and technological and social progress. This is due to the general laws of social development, according to which the transition from a predominantly reproductive to an innovative type of development takes place in the world. Innovation is not only the key to dynamic development, well-being, personal success, but also a means to ensure the country's sovereignty, its competitiveness in a modern, supra-complex world.
It is possible to solve such difficult tasks only by mobilizing the entire scientific and technical, socio-economic, humanitarian and personnel potential, the awareness of the society of the urgency and importance of these tasks, the high level of communication between the authorities and society, trust and activity. This approach should be implemented at each step in a given direction. He was also involved in the preparation of the report, which was attended by a fairly wide range of scientists from various fields of knowledge, representatives of academic and university science, institutes of natural and socio-scientific profile.
The overall purpose of the presented report is, first of all, to substantiate the strategic directions of the state's innovation development in the conditions of further integration of Ukraine into the world economic and scientific-technological space.
The main strategic goal of Ukraine's socio-economic development is to establish it as a hightech state, which means satisfying the domestic competitive high-tech products of the demand of the domestic market and integrating Ukraine into the world economy Today, according to the new realities of economic life and international economic relations, when the quality and speed of the introduction of new information technology systems and management approaches become the main criteria for effective development, the analysis of Ukraine's innovation potential is extremely important, as the need to change the approaches to innovation policy itself has risen, and even to the understanding of innovation as a category. There is a need to find out the principle of the need for innovation in Ukraine, and why the idea that is important and understandable is not realized, and that it is from the international experience of conducting an innovation policy to be taken as a model for regulation. Any country that has entered the post-industrial society phase must take care to create all the necessary material, organizational, legal, personnel, psychological, etc. conditions for the development of innovative potential.
The main solution engine of Ukraine's innovation development is the globalization of scientific and technological progress, which poses threats to the country's innovative security and, at the same time, creates conditions for international scientific and technical cooperation. Under these conditions, Ukraine should ensure the effective use of scientific and technological potential, which includes: science-intensive machine building; microelectronics; nanotechnology; information and telecommunication technologies; biotechnology, chemical technologies of new generations, production of new materials, etc.
It is necessary to develop innovative enterprises that will make radical decisions based on innovative methods. The aim of our research will be the Information and Communication Technology sector.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The research of theoretical and practical aspects of innovative development of the economy takes the leading place in the work of both foreign and domestic scientists. Comprehensive study the institutional provision of the innovative economy is partly set out in the works D. Bell, J. Schumpeter, J. Galbraith, W. Rostow, Ya. Fagerberg, M. Feldman and M. Shroletsch. They include: developed infrastructure public educational institutions, a balanced system of income distribution in society; The most significant studies the problems of the institutional structure and the provisions of the institutional evolutionary theory are the scientific works of such prominent scholars as F. Andreev, V. Deliy, G. Gamidov.
The problem of forming the responsibility of future specialists, including those who should create and especially use high innovative technologies, was considered in detail in our works in detail. In the latter, in particular, it is emphasized that responsibility as a norm of life can be formed only if certain harmonization of relations between man and society. We consider it necessary to add that today the extraordinary urgency and the problem of harmonizing their relations with nature and the technosphere, which was formed as a result of scientific, technical and industrial activity of a person, is becoming extremely acute. Ways and means of this harmonization depend essentially on the fundamental training of specialists, which forms not only the basis of professional knowledge, but also outlooks and their valuable perception of the environment, their responsible attitude to nature conservation. At the same time, the necessity of transition to an innovative type of world development definitely becomes a non-alternative strategy. This, as rightly so, notes A. Dolgariev, S. Pazinich and A. Ponomariov, “puts a number of fundamentally new tasks in front of the system of higher education” [2, pp. 11-24]. Scientists at the same time specifically emphasize that “the novelty, complexity and extremely high responsibility of these tasks require the construction and implementation of a new educational paradigm that would envisage a change in the goals, content and nature of education. This should be a true paradigm of education for the innovation age” [2, pp. 11-24]. Its important feature should be recognition of the formation of the responsibility of a specialist one of the main tasks of the higher education system. This primarily concerns the professional training of specialists in those specialties, the development of which determines scientific and technological progress.
The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems of innovation development, to give recommendations on the effectiveness of the use of innovative potential, in particular, regarding the creation of innovative structures and their impact on the state economy.
The main material
Ukraine today belongs to countries that declare the importance of innovations to address the urgent socio-economic problems of the country. At the same time, the structural and technological changes that took place during the years of independence have been largely spontaneous, and the main growth mechanisms continue to be concentrated in a group of industries whose competitiveness mainly depends on the use of extensive production factors and needs relatively low level of innovation activity, based on the export of raw materials goods and products of lower production reparations, which causes low competitiveness of the economy, unequal exchange and significant lag countries in socio-economic development. economic regional innovative
The problem of building an effective system of regional governance in Ukraine should be considered in the context of its Euro-integration course, drawing on the experience of the European Union in carrying out regional policy and addressing regional development problems. The study of the experience of developing European regionalism and the formation of an intermediate (regional) level of governance in European states is undoubtedly relevant and useful for Ukraine, which is undergoing the stage of the formation of a fundamentally new scheme of relations between the center and the regions [8, p. 166-170].
The approximation of the Ukrainian system of public authority and management to the standards of the EU states means implementing qualitative and quantitative changes in public administration in accordance with the principles of the rule of law; democratic development; support of fundamental administrative values (openness and transparency, reliability and predictability, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, adaptability).
At the current stage of development, the global trend is to increase the cost of research activities in order to create and further commercialization of scientific knowledge. Rising as absolute costs for scientific activity, and relative -- their share in GDP Thus, over the period 2006-2017, the GDP of the OECD countries increased from 2.17% to 2.40%, in the EU countries (28) -- from 1.74% to 1.98%, including EU-15 -- from 1.85 to 2.13%, in China -- more than doubled, rising from 0.90 to 1.98% (table 1)
Due to the riskiness of scientific and technical activities, its internal financing is used mainly by domestic sources -- the own funds of enterprises and the attracted capital, which is only possible by powerful MNCs that are capable of taking on investment risks. The main source of financing for scientific and technical activities in the OECD countries is the own funds of enterprises, which account for 42 to 78% of its total volumes. Private savings can be used to finance scientific and technical activities, which are engaging in informal relationships [2].
Despite this, some of the promising innovative projects in the absence of financing may remain unfulfilled. We share the point that scientific and technical activities require financial support from the state, especially in the sphere of priority directions of science and technology development. The state financial support for scientific and technical activities is the second largest source of funding from 16 to 51% of total research and development costs in OECD countries. It should be noted that in some countries of the world there is a tendency to reduce the relative share of the state in funding scientific and technical activities, in particular, in Italy -- from 50.8% in 2006 to 41% in 2017, France -- from 41.5 to 35.4% and China -- from 33.4 to 21.7%. However, against the backdrop of an increase in total funding for scientific and technical activities, this indicates an increase in business innovation activity.
The conceptual basis of the financial support of innovation activity in Ukraine should be the principle of concentration (concentration) of state support on the financing of innovation activity of enterprises at the initial stages of the innovation process. To the potential range of possible recipients of state financial support in the early stages of innovation it is advisable to include financially vulnerable innovative startups that assume the highest financial risks. At the final stages of innovation activity State support is advisable to provide large enterprises that have potential for the expansion of innovative products in the markets.
It is also necessary to take into account the objective complexity of Ukraine's transition to an innovative model of economic development, due to a lack of investment resources and high macroeconomic investment risks. In the medium-term (2018-2022), market-based financing of innovation activities in Ukraine will remain in its infancy through objective factors and knowingly created by rivals (governments of foreign competitors) an obstacle that makes sense for the use of proactive state innovation policy. Ukraine needs to make significant political and economic efforts to create a favorable institutional, regulatory, economic and motivational environment that would accelerate innovation processes and develop new technologies.
But there is the other way to develop Ukrainian potential. In the modern world, ICT forms the new technological basis of society. Therefore, economic growth, improvement of competitive- nessnational economy, the quality of life of citizens in Ukraine is impossible without wider use of ICT in social production, life of the population as their positive external effects on, economic, technological, intellectual, infrastructural potential at the expense of self-sustaining synergy effect. The ICT sector in Ukraine is a powerful branch of the national economic developing. According to State Statistics, in 2016 the share of the ICT counting in GDP was 1.42%. The main indicators of development indicate dynamics of the number of enterprises, the number of employees, by volume realized products of sub-sectors of ICT.
Table 1 Costs of scientific and technical activities in the leading countries in 2006-2017,% of GDP
Years |
Country |
EU |
France |
Deutsch |
Great Britain |
China |
Japany |
South Korea |
2006 |
2,71 |
1,74 |
2,15 |
2,47 |
1,82 |
0,90 |
3,00 |
2,30 |
2007 |
2,72 |
1,76 |
2,20 |
2,47 |
1,79 |
0,95 |
3,07 |
2,47 |
2008 |
2,63 |
1,77 |
2,24 |
2,50 |
1,80 |
1,07 |
3,12 |
2,40 |
2009 |
2,64 |
1,75 |
2,18 |
2,54 |
1,75 |
1,13 |
3,14 |
2,49 |
2010 |
2,58 |
1,73 |
2,16 |
2,50 |
1,69 |
1,23 |
3,13 |
2,68 |
2011 |
2,60 |
1,73 |
2,11 |
2,51 |
1,72 |
1,32 |
3,31 |
2,79 |
2012 |
2,64 |
1,76 |
2,11 |
2,54 |
1,74 |
1,39 |
3,41 |
3,01 |
2013 |
2,71 |
1,76 |
2,08 |
2,53 |
1,77 |
1,40 |
3,46 |
3,21 |
2014 |
2,85 |
1,83 |
2,12 |
2,69 |
1,78 |
1,47 |
3,47 |
3,36 |
2015 |
2,91 |
1,91 |
2,27 |
2,82 |
1,84 |
1,70 |
3,36 |
3,56 |
2016 |
2,83 |
1,91 |
2,24 |
2,80 |
1,80 |
1,76 |
3,25 |
3,74 |
2017 |
2,85 |
1,94 |
2,24 |
2,88 |
1,77 |
1,84 |
3,39 |
4,03 |
Source : calculated by the author
At the same time, the dynamics of sub-ICT branches in the “Industrial production of computers, electro-optical products “is mostly negative. Futhermore telecommunication-ICT sub-sectors have good financial performance (net profit,the profitability of the operating and all activities), which makes them attractive investment perspectives for domestic and foreign investment. This is a sub-asserts the purchase of the largest telecommunication operators in theso 2015, three licenses for the introduction of third generation in Ukraine, UMTS (3G) communications, for which Kyivstar, MTS Ukraine, which have payed together 9 billion UAH.
The ICT sector is highly competitive in the foreign market, it forms an essential part of foreign exchange earnings , actively using outsourcing and outstaffing tools. At the beginning of 2017, in 25 most-The largest outsourcing companies of the country employed 21 thousand people, 60% -Market leaders: EPAM Systems (2.8 thousand), Luxoft (2.6 thousand), SoftServe (2.4thou- sand), GlobalLogic (2,3 thousand) and Ciklum (1,9 thousand), what indicates trends of consolidation outsourcing market [9, pp. 142-199].
The identification of priorities, the implementation of which focuses on the maximum possible resources and efforts, is one of the most effective mechanisms of any state policy, including scientific, technical and innovation. Therefore, it is logical that such a way of defining the leading directions of state influence was foreseen in the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Science and Scientific and Technical Activities” adopted in 1991, 51 and reproduced in the Law of Ukraine “On Scientific, Scientific and Technical Activity” 52 in 1998, and in a number of other laws, which will be discussed further. According to the Ukrainian legislation, the main mechanism of implementation of the priority directions of science and technology approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine should be state scientific and scientific and technical programs, for financing of which it was not enough to allocate up to 30% of the funds provided for in the state budget for financing science [3, p. 65-66].
At the same time, for one of the numerous governments of our state neither science as a whole nor the legislator's priority directions of scientific and technological development actually did not become priorities. In the best case, they were positioned as some internal affair of the Ministry of Science and Technology, then -- as one of the not very important directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This was manifested, in particular, in the fact that instead of the statutory 30% of state programs on priority areas for the development of science and technology in 1995 7.3% of the budget allocations for science were allocated -- and this was the largest share in the history of such programs -- then it gradually diminished, and after 2006 and till now, funds for the formation of such programs in the budget has not been foreseen.
Despite scarce funding (for example, V. Aleksandrov demonstrated that the average funding allocated for the implementation of the “priority” project was significantly lower than for other “non-priority” work [1, p. 77-88]), in many cases, even those very insufficient funds played quite positive role: they became “centers of crystallization”, around which were grouped resources and capabilities of researchers, which they managed to attract from a variety of sources. This allowed us to achieve quite significant results. Thus, for example, original battery batteries for armored vehicles, high-tech welding technology for high-precision thin-walled bearing structures for a modern airplane-airbus were developed, domestic introscopes for customs control of cargoes, and a number of other indispensable and necessary for the country's affairs things were created.
There are many other examples of successful implementation of projects carried out within the framework of state scientific and technical programs. However, from the point of view of solving problems of further development of scientific potential and finding ways to make the most efficient use of its opportunities for the transition of the economy to the innovative way of development, this mechanism of implementation of the state scientific and technological policy has not been used properly [4, p. 71].
If our state ultimately intends to change something and really use the mechanism for identifying and implementing the priority directions of science and technology development and priority directions of innovation activity in order to accelerate the transition of the economy to the innovative way of development, then it is necessary to do the following:
1. Restore prognostic analytical studies. For this purpose, a new State Program for forecasting scientific and technological development and innovation development should be launched in order to find directions for an innovative breakthrough and to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic economy. To implement such a program, Ukraine has sufficient expertise potential, exhausted methodology and experience in organizing forsite research.
2. To improve the structure of the priority directions of the development of science and technology, making it hierarchical (similar to the structure of priority directions of innovation activity), identifying: -- strategic national priorities (for the period of 20 years); -- medium-term priorities of the national level; -- medium-term industry-level priorities; -- medium-term priorities at the regional level. The meaning of such a hierarchy is that for each of its levels should be provided for its specific mechanism of implementation. Unfortunately, this is not reflected in the law “On Priority Areas of Innovation Activity in Ukraine”.
3. Each level requires an appropriate justification for it, which is inherent in the wording itself and an adequate mechanism of implementation. For the first level quite comprehensible enough broad generalizing wording. Actually, in the present world, it is possible to hear from many political leaders that science as a whole is for them and their governments in the first place, and there is nothing wrong with such statements or, moreover, we do not see concrete actions in their affirmation. The rate for science as a characteristic feature of the state's policy is a sign of the foresight of its political leaders. It is only bad if the declaration of such a priority is no more than a political declaration. In many countries, priority areas are acknowledged, for example, environmental protection, energy and energy conservation, biotechnology, the creation of new materials, the development of new drugs -- that is, quite broad sectors of the research, design and technological front.
4. To implement both scientific and technological, and innovative medium-term priorities of national importance, it is necessary to make full use of the possibilities of the program-target approach -- a method whose unique effectiveness is confirmed by world experience, that is, state scientific and scientific and technical programs must be formed. However, such programs should not be created automatically for each of the priorities, but through the program competition. After identifying medium-term priority areas for the development of science and technology (or innovation), program initiators submit their rationale, concepts, and projects of the programs themselves to the competition, and only those that prove their potential effectiveness and compliance with the established criteria may qualify for budget funding. Innovative programs should be funded on a parity basis: the state provides no more than half of the required funds, the rest is an interested industrial enterprise.
5. It is necessary to provide an effective and flexible mechanism for program management (until now, the leaders of scientific and technical programs could not effectively influence the course of their implementation), the possibility of maneuvering funds and involving them in the implementation of organizations of any form of ownership and some highly skilled professionals.
6. We have to develop investment climate building comfortable conditions for the amplification of industrial parks in our country
In today's socio-economic realities that take place in Ukraine, in particular, in the context of a progressive economic crisis and a military conflict in the eastern regions of the country, the issue of updating deserves special attention and industry development. One of the most effective tools industrial development on an innovative basis in recent decades. The creation of industrial parks (IP). Today in more than 90 countries of the world there are more than 20 thousand industry- parks. So, in particular, in the US there are more than 400 industrial ones parks, in Turkey -- 262, in Germany -- 200, in Vietnam -- 200, Poland -- more than 60, Russia -- 45 such formations . Analyzing data on the activities of foreign industry Parks, we can draw the following conclusions:
1) the goals of creating industrial parks in different countries are determined priority tasks facing a particular state or region;
2) characteristic features in the formation and development of industrial parks. There are: location near the settlement; the presence of large trans-tailor's knots; development of a single concept of development of the complex; on Providing modern communication services; availability of production, warehouse office premises within the territory of the industrial park, etc .;
3) depending on the type of services provided to the residents of the industrial of these parks, distinguish three types of industrial parks: “green field” (building a park from scratch), “brown field” (building a park on the spot superfluous industrial enterprises), and the “complex park” (unites the first two types);
4) the industrial park offers favorable conditions for conducting business residents, has clear sectoral priorities related to historical development the turn of the region, and is guided by its investment attractiveness;
5) in most industrial parks there is a separate own vocational sub-management company is being trained to search and engage in the leading international and domestic corporations, independent their specialized companies;
6) in developing countries, there is a practice of forming special ones bodies responsible for interactions with industrial parks and the investing in industrial parks. In Ukraine, within the framework of the National Project “New Infrastructure”, section “Industrial parks” -- creation of industrial Infrastructure. the Register of industrial parks includes 12 parks. Popular views of the industrial in the framework of existing industrial parks are woodworking (production of building materials), machine building and chemical pro-humanity. Usually, domestic industrial parks are oriented towards The acquisition of enterprises belonging to 3-4 types of economic activity, among which there are necessarily the most developed in the region [5].
The current situation in the field of the creation and operation of industrial is characterized by a number of problems that need to be addressed, in particular:
- imperfection of contractual relations in the part of regular issues of use of land plots of state and communal the places on which industrial parks can be created (in terms of taking out exclusively land lease agreements);
- lack of a clearly defined list of activities that to integrate into industrial parks. This situation can lead to the fact that already operating companies (outside the industrial parks) in order to obtain preferential they will be interested in transferring their production to industrial parks without the introduction of new types of production;
- imperfection of the norms of the current legislation, in particular -- in part determination of optimal forms of stimulation of investment attraction, non- bypassing for industrial parks by freeing up from payment of import duty on equipment, equipment and components to them, materials.
So, in economic practice, the idea of creating industrial parks is not new. Many countries of the world, through their help, have intensified the investment and innovation sectors of the economy [6, p. 92-111]. Parks created the conditions for the emergence of new enterprises, the reorganization of existing ones, the emergence of new business spheres. The introduction of high technology in production has increased the volume and range of output, increased the competitiveness of the economy and, which is very important, created new jobs.
The operation of industrial parks in world practice has, of course, a positive impact not only on business development in the country, but also macroeconomic developments such as: increasing the country's innovative and economic potential; intensification of the process of reconstruction and modernization of industry; cover the trade balance deficit; creation of conditions for the development of small and medium enterprises; strengthening international cooperation, etc.
Industrial parks in the present conditions become an integral part of the world economic space. They have become a tool for the steady development of industry; investment attraction; increase in the level of employment of the population; increasing the competitiveness of a particular region; development of social infrastructure; receipts to local budgets, as well as the formation of a positive image of the region by producing high-quality and competitive products. In addition, the functioning of the IP in Ukraine will be able to lead the national producer to the world market, as well as increase investor confidence through simplicity and transparency in business, which will be achieved if all areas of reform are implemented.
Consequently, the idea of industrial parks is quite promising and cost-effective for both enterprises and for the state. A confirmation of this is the world's leading practice in the functioning of such industrial sites. Therefore, the legal registration of industrial parks, a pre-established rule-making base, as well as the adoption of a bill relating to their taxation, are the first steps towards further attracting investors, which will provide high technological capacity for production and social projects for the population, as well as improving research capacities. Of Ukraine [7]. However, the creation of industrial parks should take into account a number of features and characteristics of the object, which in the future minimizes the possibility of emergence of situations (business interests) and the amount of illegal evasion of taxes.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research
Despite the higher investment risks, implementation of an innovation activity is only appropriate if the expected return on such activities exceeds the profitability of traditional types of economic activity. The sales volumes in companies belonging to the top 10 world leaders in innovation activity grow annually by 45-54%, and the profitability of sales is at the level of 70%. In order to form the concept of financial support for innovation activities, it is necessary to clearly identify the financing object, identify the stages of the innovation process and substantiate the relevant forms and instruments of financing, or combinations thereof for each of them. It is proposed to observe a broad understanding of the content of innovation as a set of measures (scientific, technological, industrial, organizational, financial and commercial), which in aggregate lead to innovations in the form of new or improved product (service) or technology of doing business. We distinguish the following three stages of innovation activity:
1) initial stage (scientific and scientific-technical activity;
2) the main stage -- implementation (preparation and start of serial production of innovative products);
3) the final stage (achievement of the planned output volumes and expansion of the innovative product).
The choice of the form and mechanisms of financing of innovation activity should be made taking into account the level of financial risk inherent in each of its stages and the organizational and legal form of the subject of innovation activity. At the first stage of innovation activities are carried out research and development, or (in Ukrainian terminology), which are characterized by super-investment risks in connection with the high probability of unsuccessful completion of scientific research. This stage in the scientific literature was called the embryonic stage or the seed stage, when the risks of failure and loss of funding are maximal, but its volume is relatively small.
Thus, the innovation process, defined as the cyclical process of gradual replacement of some innovations by others, embracing the stages of creation, development and use of innovative products in modern conditions, underlies the growth of the competitiveness of the regions and Ukraine as a whole. Simultaneously with the obtaining of positive effects by the subjects of the real production sector from the introduction of innovations, new horizons will be opened up to scientific and educational institutions that will receive additional sources of funding for the modernization of the material and technical base, the promotion of scientific workers, the growth of the scientific level of developments through the creation of opportunities for their testing and more accurate consideration of requirements of modern market. The use of the indicators of the innovation scoreboard will make it possible to outline the most promising directions of increasing the innovation activity of Ukraine and obtain high indicators in the EU ranking. This will uniquely position Ukraine as an innovative country and will encourage the attraction of additional financial resources to increase innovation. Further research will be aimed at finding the most rational ways to ensure the formation of an innovative model of Ukraine in the context of the identified innovation benefits. In particular, the priorities of increasing the innovation potential at both micro and macro level in Ukraine, which are set out in the article, allow to find such an instrument of economic policy of the government of the country and local authorities, the complex use of which will ensure the sustainable development of both the national economy and the region's economy.
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