Modern activity of management apparatus in the labor market

The mechanism of interaction of regional, regional, local, and also branch management bodies. Ensuring the reliable functioning of district and city systems, inter-district accounting and employment regulation. Mental special qualities of managers.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 04.07.2020
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PhD in technical sciences, Deputy Director on scientific work Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova Ave., 1, Building 8, office 014

Modern activity of management apparatus in the labor market

Kovach Valeriia Omelianivna

The problem statement. Reform of the state and region service system in Ukraine sharpened problem of morality in the activities of managers and employees. There are aspects of such activity: values (beliefs, opinions; attitudes of individuals and society to freedom, justice, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, etc.), standards and norms (principles of action; control by law, codes, rules), “external environment” (cultural and sociopolitical conditions). They need to ensure that accountability, professionalism, subordinated to the public will not dissolve in endless conflicts of personal interests, corruption, authoritarianism and lawlessness. Ethical decision-making process must take place under a just incentive (punishment) scheme; choice of moral values and actions; self-control; legality of actions; understanding of cultural and philosophical principles; professional relations.

Analysis of recent researches and publications where solution of the given problem was started. Significant contribution to the issues of activity of the management apparatus in the labor market was made by L. Batchenko, M. Delini [1], L. Beztelesna, G. Yurchyk [2], O. Brazhko [3], V. Vasilchenko, P. Vasilenko [4], V. Minenko [5] and others. However, in a context where Ukraine's modern labor market is characterized by an imbalance between labor supply and demand, which is reflected in a vocational qualification mismatch, the issues of forming a market mechanism for regulating the employment of the managerial link are relevant and require additional research.

The article aim. To identify the problems and main tasks of modern activity of the management apparatus in the labor market.

Main material of the article with full grounding of obtained scientific results. It is possible to avoid negative effect if we know forecast of its negative effects. Prediction of parallel conceptualization of labor market management (Fig.

is basis for work organizing to ensure balance of employment of working population and cash jobs.

Fig. 1. Levels of practical implementation of management activities

Transition to efficient management technologies requires managers of different levels and layers of new theoretical knowledge and practical skills with ability to collaborate in flexible “teams”, to integrate financial and statistical information, and take into account public response.

Current activity of the management apparatus in the emerging labor market is not open enough and therefore ineffective.

Autonomous status of the manager (Fig. 2) protects the economic decisionmaking process from unprofessional and irresponsible interventions by the shareholders of enterprises, trade unions, and political figures.

Manager is the owner of specific and most expensive capital in the present conditions - a unique knowledge and ability that enables him to make a profit by combining capital with the means of production. Now the manager's job is not traditionally measured by the length of his working time because it is impossible to measure length of working time by the work of a scientist and creative worker [11].

Fig. 2. Attributes of the system-cybernetic approach

Manager job partially ceases to be a hired job: manager as a tenant works in the market for himself. Partial overcoming of hired nature of the work of managers extends to the part of engineering and technical workers, whose work directly depends on the implementation of the most important management decisions for benefit of the market and society. Openness of management forces managers to become socially honest. Under conditions of their monopoly position in the market and production, managers could freely manipulate level of earnings determined by the pressure of the employed.

It is referred to “human resources” during talking about labor management in economically developed countries. They are considered systematically: invested capital, material resources and technologies. Effective management today is possible due to highly advanced information technologies. Time factor rationalized the management of the labor market process more than money. Only highly organized and motivated work can produce positive results.

Classic management based on haphazardly staffing structures can only partially meet the needs of the employer, human resource management requests in today's context with hourly, multifaceted multifactorial changes.

In the personnel management process the employer must develop a strategy and methodology based on the management of the information flow of case management, implementation of software in specific conditions. Aim of planning analysis should be balancing of labor market needs (as well as markets for goods, services, finance, and so on) and available resources. Appropriate programs will allow synchronizing execution of planned work and actual activities at the operational level of management and balancing of each resource power and especially personnel.

Each employee is very important for enterprise. So, the modern employer give an important role to professional recruitment, organization of work accounting, promotion of work, methods and standards of remuneration, formal and informal communications together with plays an important role in labor relations in the development of personnel management strategy. Such system should flexibly promote structuring without compromising integrity, be reliable, capable of recovering from organizational and technological failures, and provide effective protection against unauthorized access to data (at the expense of salary, personnel accounting, staffing).

Share of personnel unit, which is not mentioned in practically any advertising brochure of a trade or industrial enterprise remains in shadows with its internal concerns (including work with coordination and personnel monitoring).

Participating in nationwide advertising campaigns, opportunities for local press, radio and television should be done in addition to targeting advertising. Regional labor markets should be constantly monitored. Personnel policy is same as construction of a house: “stronger foundation lead to longer life-time of a house”.

Reasons for sharpening of regional management problems are: first of all in unilateral improvement of economic base of vulnerable industrial enterprises, created as links of large technological complexes with one consumer of their products - the state; second - in deformations of socio-demographic structure (former planning of the deployment of productive forces led to economic base with low-elastic resource - staff of high-tech industries in high-industrial areas); third - low level of urban infrastructure (mismatch in the location (quantity) and needs (quality) of social and living environment.

In order to enhance social status of pro-employment problems it is advisable to bring the Constitution of Ukraine into line with international perceptions of socio-economic human rights and to take into account many ILO documents, in particular, Convention No. 122 (1966). It is necessary to substantially update and supplement the by-law regulatory framework with extension and specification of measures of responsibility of the state and district governments, state budget and relevant official agencies.

Organizational and governance mechanism should consist of the following elements:

management structure and coordination system of formation of economic agents and their implementation in the labor market;

legal regulation of interaction of labor market actors;

forms of their activity in process of interaction at each stage of extracorporeal communication;

forms and methods of action (indirect or direct) of state, sectoral (economic), territorial bodies of management for the activity of enterprises, organizations, institutions;

system of information support, study and forecasting of demand for economic agents. employment manager accounting

Different elements of each control subsystem are interconnected. They represent a single reproduction process. Deviations in this or that direction reflect inconsistencies caused by developments in managing development mechanism of the region and labor resources in system of relations arising from interests of individual, concerning the formation, distribution and use of economic agents of the labor market. Absence of proper planning for economic agents formation, hopeful and insufficiently focused economic levers and incentives lead to inflexibility of the organizational structure of government, bureaucratization of the institutional layer of the labor market.

Economic and organizational methods of market management should be flexible taking into account constantly changing conditions and economic experiments according to scientific recommendations. They depend on forecasted reality and objective trends of development taking into account current situation in the market space.

The basic (hardly to realize in Ukraine) requirements for exit from the labor crisis [44, 95, 100, 107, 110, 142]:

formation of an efficient system of lifelong learning in accordance with technological developments and market economy; i.e. presence of economic agents of powerful and constantly qualitatively increasing level of qualification in the labor market;

possibility to form “middle class”;

establishment of inter-regional relations on employment issues, gradual establishment of unified information systems and distribution of labor resources;

removal of restrictions on registration and departure abroad; promotion of geographic mobility through creation of job market and housing market, promotion of professional mobility through facilitating retraining;

expanding of workers freedom to choose their place of residence, profession, nature of work and so on;

e) development of a long-term national policy of Ukraine in the field of migration of specialists and scientists, protection of priority spheres of national science, creation of adequate conditions in Ukrainian labor market to minimize loss of production from expatriation of specialists abroad, promotion of export of low-skilled labor;

strict compliance with applicable legislation and creation of comprehensive legal framework for normal functioning of the labor market; enhancing role of employment contracts in regulating working conditions and pay;

promotion of “love for work”, increasing of professionalism and effective career;

formation of social protection system for people leaving for work abroad, a mechanism for managing of departure processes.

Experience of Ukrainians working in industrialized countries contributes to improving their skills, enhancing their well-being and their families living in Ukraine, introducing advanced technologies at home, creating joint ventures, developing business and entrepreneurship.

Conclusions. It is proved that an important factor in the formation of market mechanism for regulating employment is problem of management link. First of all, it concerns mechanism of cooperation between regional, local and sectoral governing bodies. Priority task of regional link of management system of labor resources and employment of population is to ensure reliable functioning of district and city systems, inter-district accounting and regulation of employment and to provide economic conditions the redistribution of labor in order to increase its efficiency and prevent it.

District, city level are more effective in solving of the following tasks: planning of labor resources and forecasting labor reproduction dynamics; personal accounting of unemployed able-bodied population and movement of labor resources, creation of automated information banks for unemployed, vacant and created jobs; vocational guidance of population, vocational training of young people in educational establishments of different types, retraining of dismissed workers; accounting, certification and rationalization of jobs; organization of consultations and informing of population on employment in the area, city and with departure to work in another place; creation of organizational and economic conditions for development of small business, individual labor activity, improvement and expansion of use of flexible and new types of employment.


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2. Beztelesna, L. I., Yurchyk, H. M. (2012). Rynok pratsi [Labor Market]. Rivne: NUVHP [in Ukrainian].

3. Brazhko, O.V. (2008). Suchasnyi stan rozvytku rynku pratsi na rehionalnomu rivni [The current state of development of the labor market at the regional level]. Derzhava ta rehiony - States and Regions, 4, 47-53 [in Ukrainian].

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It is proved that an important element in the formation of a market mechanism for employment regulation is the problem of the management link. First of all, this concerns the mechanism of cooperation between regional, regional, local and sectoral governing bodies. The priority task of the regional link of the system of management of labor resources and employment of the population is to ensure the reliable functioning of district and city systems, inter-district accounting and regulation of employment, as well as to provide economic conditions for the redistribution of labor in order to increase its efficiency and prevent it. It is determined that forecasting with parallel conceptualization of labor market management serves as a basis for organizing work to ensure the balance of employment of the working population. The levels of practical realization of management activity are analyzed. It is noted that the modern activity of the management apparatus in the labor market is not open enough and therefore ineffective. It is proposed to introduce and disseminate mental special qualities of managers and areas of competence of heads of state institutions. Attributes of the system-cybernetic approach in labor market management in Ukraine have been developed. It is stated that only highly organized and motivated work can produce positive results. It is determined that in the personnel management process the employer should develop a strategy and methodology based on managing the information flow of case management, implementation of the software product in specific conditions. The causes of aggravation of problems of regional management in the labor market are analyzed. It is proposed to bring the Constitution of Ukraine in line with international perceptions of socio-economic human rights in order to increase the social status of pro-empirical problems. The basic elements of the organizational and governance mechanism of labor market management are identified. The main requirements for exit from the workplace tax are analyzed. It is noted that the experience of working of Ukrainian citizens in industrialized countries helps to improve their skills, to strengthen their well-being and their families living in Ukraine, to introduce advanced technologies at home, to establish joint ventures, to develop business activity and entrepreneurship.

Keywords: labor market, management apparatus, scientific management, managerial activity, regional management.

Дoведено, що важливим моментом у формуванні ринкового механізму регулювання зайнятості є проблема керуючої ланки. Hасамперед це стосується механізму взаємодії обласних, регіональних, місцевих, а також галузевих органів управління. Пeршочерговою задачею обласної ланки системи упpавління трудовими ресурсами і зайнятістю населення є забезпечення надійного функціонування pайонних і міських систем, міжрайонного обліку і pегулювання зайнятості, а також забезпечення економічних умов перерозподілу робочої сили у цілях підвищення ефективності її використання і запобігання безробіттю. Визначено, що пpогнозування за паралельної концептуальності управління ринком праці служить основою для організації роботи із забезпечення балансу зайнятості працездатного населення. Проаналізовано рівні практичної реалізації управлінської діяльності. Зазначено, що сучасна діяльність aпарату управління на ринку праці недостатньо відкрита, тому малоефективна. Запропоновано впроваджувати і поширювати ментальні особливі якості управлінців і сфери компетентності керівників державних установ. Розроблено атрибути систeмно-кібернетичного підходу в управлінні ринком праці в Україні. Зазначено, що тільки висoкоорганізована і мoтивована праця може дати позитивні результати. Визначено, що у пpоцесі кaдрового управління працедавець повинен розвивати стратегію і методологію, засновану на управлінні інформаційним потоком ведення справ, впровадженням програмного продукту в конкретні умови. Проаналізовано пpичини зaгострення проблем регіонального управління на ринку праці. Запропоновано, з метою підвищення грoмадського статусу працеринкових проблем привести Конституцію України у відповідність з міжнародними уявленнями про соціально-економічні права людини. Визначено основні елементи організаційно-упpавлінськиого механізму управління ринком праці. Проаналізовано основні вимоги виходу з кpизи в трудовій сфері. Зазначено, що досвід роботи громадян України в індустріально розвинених країнах сприяє підвищенню їх кваліфікації, зміцненню їхнього добробуту та їх сімей, що живуть в Україні, впровадженню на батьківщині передових технологій, створенню спільних підприємств, розвитку ділової активності і підприємництва.

Ключові слова: ринок праці, апарат управління, наукове управління, управлінська діяльність, регіональне управління.

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