Relationship between perceived ethnic diversity of organization and employee’s performance
Theoretical approaches to ethnic diversity in the workplace. A characterization of perceived ethnic diversity affecting job performance and job satisfaction. Analyze performance gains from many completely new ideas. Research of HR-managers activity.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 96,0 K |
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We conduct the current study to investigate if there is the relationship between perceived ethnic diversity of organization and employee's job satisfaction and job performance. We found out that the more diverse an employee perceives the organization they work for the more their colleagues ethnic, language and religious background differs from their own. However, there is a probability of error when speaking of cultural background as there might be a misunderstanding in understanding cultural concept and its measurements.
Many researchers studied ethnic diversity in the context of the work unit's performance. They evaluated the fulfillment of team tasks, self-assessment of team effectiveness and measurable performance indicators such as sales revenue, customer satisfaction, and sales productivity (for example, Joshi & Erhardt, 2003).
For example, the study of Cox, McLeod and Lobel (1991) confirmed that the best ideas were produced in ethnically diverse groups, their quality was higher than in ethnically homogeneous teams. And also, Watson, Kumar, and Michaelsen (1993) in the course of a longitudinal laboratory study obtained the results of the teamwork of both types of working groups. In the study, students and graduate students performed several cognitive tasks. The study confirmed that ethnically diverse teams have performed several cognitive tasks better in the last period of time (identifying problem points and developing alternative solutions). Nonetheless the first 13 weeks excellence was on the side of ethnically homogenous team. The same conclusions were made by Watson, Johnson, and Zgourides (2002). Furthermore, Earley and Mosakowski (2000) proved the influence between both time and quantity of ethnically diverse team members and effective team-performance.
This means that ethnically diverse work groups performed worse at the start of the study, but the situation changed at later intervals. A curvilinear relationship was found: over time teams with high degree of ethnic diversity and ethnically homogeneous teams got better results than moderately diverse teams.
Regarding the relationship between perceived ethnic diversity and employee's performance there is no significant relationship between these two variables. Alesina and Ferrara (2005) suggest that positive relationship only exists in countries with high level of economic growth, while developing countries do not benefit from ethnically diverse teams.
However, we may state that in terms of task performance there is positive relationship between ethnic diversity of organization and what employees think of their boss evaluation. This might be explained by one of the advantages of cross-cultural diverse teams - brand new ideas based on unique experiences of the group members. On the other hand, diversity in terms of language background is negatively related to task performance. Language diversity often leads to misunderstanding and miscommunication, thus causing lack of productivity.
The current research suggests that there is positive relationship between diverse cultural background and contextual performance. The personal contribution of the individual to the socio-psychological atmosphere at work is just assessed by contextual performance. Thus, the more diverse the organization is in terms of culture the more likely an employee will put much effort into their work.
According to the research the research the more diverse organization is in terms of culture the more satisfied is an employee. Although, the relationship is not significant we may state that employee's hob satisfaction can be predicted by the ways they see diversity of their organization, by the colleague's cultural background. For other diversity components we did not find any significant relationship which might be the result of ethnic majority mostly taking part in the current study.
A number of researches marked that ethnic diversity affect negatively to outcomes. Firstly, Greenhaus (1990) discovered that managers related to ethnic minority groups felt less accepted and were dissatisfied with working comparison with managers of the ethnic majority (in this case, Anglo-American).
Secondly, Verkuyten, de Jong & Masson, 1993 found that ethnic minority civil service workers employees experienced lower levels of job satisfaction than ethnic majority (Dutch) employees, but the difference was not significant. Thirdly, the study of Verkuyten et al. showed that people perceive more job satisfaction if they work in ethnically homogeneous teams. The same results had Riordan and Shore (1997)
found that working in ethnically homogenous team make employees more committed towards the team compared to working in ethnically heterogenous team. Additionally, research of Van der Zee, Atsma & Brodbeck (2004) states that `ethnical diversity' in work its influences negatively to commitment, only in case of members' strong identification with their cultural background. Furthermore, Van der Zee, Atsma & Brodbeck (2004) noted a negative influence of ethnical diversity in teams on members' personal well-being.
The summarized findings of the research are in the table.
Table 8. The summarized results of the research
Hypotheses |
Results |
H1. Higher perceived ethnic diversity is positively related to job performance. |
Partly supported. In terms of task performance there is positive relationship between ethnic diversity of organization and what employees think of their boss evaluation. On the other hand, diversity in terms of language background is negatively related to task performance. there is positive relationship between diverse cultural background and contextual performance. |
H2. Higher perceived ethnic diversity is negatively related to job satisfaction. |
Rejected: There is the positive relationship between employee's job satisfaction and their colleague's cultural background. The relationship is not significant. |
To improve employee performance, it is necessary to apply various methods, strategies, and policies. During our study issues were found, which should be considered in the investigations of ethnic diversity dynamics and intragroup performance. The results can be applied in the strategy and HR-policy of the company, in case of its interest in obtaining advantages based on the presence of cultural and ethnic diversity in the company. Our sample is not representative of any company on a number of potentially important dimensions.
Most of the respondents taking part in the survey represented the majority group which could have its impact on the results. Some fundamental studies confirm that members of ethnic minorities pay more attention to maintaining culture in private areas rather than in public and conversely for culture adaptation (Phale & Swyngedouw, 2003).
Further study should determine whether the aspects of diversity that we have identified contribute to increased productivity and with what consequences. First, companies that are profit-oriented, those that are not affiliated with ethnic minorities, and companies that have succeeded in their diversification efforts should be studied.
Second, the way of measuring perceived ethnic diversity of organization may include a wider range of questions. Research should not only measure values and beliefs outside the group, but also internal ones. It is also important to consider assumptions that remain hidden and unconscious (Schein, 1984; Barley, 1991; Martin, 1992). Our method of studying intragroup behavior allows us to detect normative beliefs and content during the analysis of answers to open questions of the survey.
Third, we would suggest for the future research that the more objective measurement for job performance is used. The current research only measures employee's job performance based on their perception, which is the limitation of the current study. For more accurate evaluation of this variably both: employees and their supervisors should take part in the survey.
Finally, it is necessary to find out what influences the formation of views on diversity within the work team. This process is needed to be understand fully, because more theoretical and empirical studies could lead to theories, which would help companies to benefit from the ethnic diversity.
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3 Возможностью обеспечить достойное положение. |
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5 Компетентностьюрешениймоегоруководителя. |
6 Возможностями поступать так, что это не расходится с моей совестью. |
7 Тем, насколько моя работа обеспечивает мне уверенность в завтрашнем дне. |
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9 Возможностями спрашивать с людей за то, что они должны были сделать. |
10 Возможностямиреализовыватьсвоиспособности. |
11 Тем, как реализуется внутренняя политика компании. |
12 Уровнем оплаты и объемом работы, которую я выполняю. |
13 Возможностямиповышенияпослужбе. |
14 Возможностями самому принимать решения на собственный страх и риск. |
15 Возможностями пробовать свои собственные методы работы. |
16 Условиямитруда |
17 Тем, как мои коллеги относятся друг к другу |
18 Признанием, которое я получаю за хорошо сделанную работу |
19 Своимидостижениями в работе |
20 Возможностямипостояннозаниматьсяделом |
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1. Качество Вашей работы |
2.Вашу способность к сотрудничеству с коллегами |
3. Уровень Ваших знаний относительно выполняемой работы |
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6. Производительность Вашего труда в целом |
3. С какой вероятностью вы станете
Мало вероятно |
В редких случаях |
Скорее всего |
Всегда |
Оставаться сверхурочно для того, чтобы Ваша работа была выполнена вовремя |
Уделять пристальное внимание важным деталям |
работать более усердно, чем это необходимо |
просить дать Вам сложное поручение |
тренировать свою дисциплину и самоконтроль |
проявлять инициативу в решении рабочих проблем |
упорствовать в преодолении препятствий при выполнении задания |
с энтузиазмом браться за сложное задание |
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Характеристикиразнообразия |
Вопрос 1.Какова степень разнообразия в организации по данной характеристике? |
Вопрос 2.Чем это разнообразие является для вашей организации? |
Нулевая |
Низкая |
Средняя |
Высокая |
Проблема |
Вызов |
Актив |
Непроблема |
1.иНациональность сотрудников |
2.иКультурные ценностисотрудников |
3.иЯзыки, на которых общаются сотрудники организации |
4. Вероисповеданиесотрудников |
5. Укажите, представители каких национальностей работают с вами.
6. Пожалуйста, укажите ваш пол
· мужской
· женский
· предпочитаю не указывать
7. Укажите ваш возраст
· 18-24
· 25-34
· 25-44
· 45-54
· 55-64
8. Ваша национальность (впишите)
9. Город, в котором вы проживаете (впишите)
10. Укажите уровень вашего образования
· Основное общее образование (8 классов школы по старой системе, 9 - по новой)
· Законченное среднее образование (10 классов по старой системе, 11 - по новой)
· Начальное профессиональное образование с неполным средним
· Начальное профессиональное образование с полным средним образованием
· Среднее профессиональное образование (техникум, училище, колледж)
· Незаконченное высшее образование
· Высшее образование - диплом бакалавра
· Высшее образование - диплом специалиста
· Высшее образование - диплом магистра
· Учебная степень I ступени - кандидат наук
· Учебная степень II ступени - доктор наук
11. Каков размер компании, в которой вы работаете?
· до 10 человек
· 11-50 человек
· 51-100 человек
· более 100 человек
12. Укажите сферу деятельности компании, в которой вы работаете
· IT и коммуникации
· Бухгалтерия, финансы и право
· HR
· Маркетинг, реклама, PR
· Производство, инженерия
· Красота, туризм, спорт
· Торговля
· Медицина и образование
· Транспорт
· Государственные структуры
· Другое (указать)
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Questionnaire in English
This survey will help us to investigate the relationship between perceived ethnic diversity and employee's perception of performance. Please, fill in all required fields. Participation in the survey is anonymous and voluntary. It will take you about 10 minutes to fill the survey. If you have any questions about the research, please contact AsiiaErzhanova via
1. Below you will find statements about your present job. Decide how satisfied you feel about the aspect of your iob described by the statement.
Very satisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Cannot decide |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
1. Being able to keep busy all the time |
2. The chance to work alone on the job |
3. The chance to do different things from time to time. |
4. The chance to be "somebody" in the community |
5. The way my boss handles his/her workers. |
6. The competence of my supervisor in making decisions. |
7. Being able to do things that don't go against my conscience. |
8. The way my job provides for steady employment. |
9. The chance to do things for other people. |
10. The chance to tell people what to do. |
11. The chance to do something that makes use of my abilities. |
12. The way company policies are put into practice'. |
13. My pay and the amount of work I do. |
14. The chances for advancement on this job. |
15. The freedom to use my own judgment. |
16. The chance to try my own methods of doing the job |
17. The working conditions |
18. The way my co-workers get along with each other |
19. The praise I get for doing a good job |
20. Being able to keep busy all the time |
2. Considering all your duties and responsibilities, evaluate, how during the final 12 months could YOUR BOSS evaluate your:
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Very good |
Excellent |
1. Quality of work |
2. Cooperation |
3. Knowledge of the job |
4. Dependability |
5. Accuracy |
6. Overall job performance |
3. How likely you will:
Not at all likely |
Somewhat likely |
Moderately likely |
Extremely likely |
Put in extra hours to get work done on time |
Pay close attention to important details |
Workharderthannecessary |
Ask for a challenging work assignment |
Exercise personal discipline and self-control |
Take the initiative to solve a work problem |
Persist in overcoming obstacles to complete a task |
Tackle a difficult work assignment enthusiastically |
4. Please, take a look at the table below. There are 4 different features of your colleagues. Answer the two questions given.
Types of diversity |
Question 1.How diverse is the organization you work for it terms of |
Вопрос 2.Describe the diversity in your organization in terms of |
Zero |
Low |
Medium |
High |
A problem |
A challenge |
A resource |
Not a problem |
1.Ethnic background |
2.иCultural background |
Language background |
4. Religious background |
5. Please, list your colleagues' ethnicities.
6. With which gender do you identify?
· Male
· Female
· Prefer not to answer
7. How old are you?
· 18-24
· 25-34
· 35-44
· 45-54
· 55-64
8. Please indicate your ethnicity (put nationality if unsure)
9. What is the name of the city where you live in?
10. What is your level of education
· High school
· Non-University higher education
· Bachelors
· Masters
· Doctorate
11. How many people are there in the organization you work for?
· Less than 10
· 11-50
· 51-100
· More than 100
12. What type of a company do you work for?
· IT and communication
· Accounting, finance, law
· HR
· Marketing and PR
· Engineering
· Beauty industry, tourism and sport
· Retail
· Medicine and education
· Logistics and purchasing
· Governmental organizations
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey! Your contribution will help us find important data on the relationship between perceived ethnic diversity and employee's performance.
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